Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 139: The Caravan of the Cat School

After hearing Vesemir's words, the long table of five people suddenly became quiet for a moment.

Before today, the few people who had just become official demon hunters did not take this fighting competition seriously.

For Hughes, Bonte and Fred, their strength has improved by leaps and bounds in the past two months, and they don't believe that they will lose to the apprentices of the cat school who have also just become demon hunters.

As for Aylin...

How could Aylin, who has become a demon hunter master and is almost omnipotent, lose?

They think that the main danger of this journey is still the king and wizard that Aylin mentioned before.

But Vesemir's words revealed another possibility.

In the apprentice fighting competition, even Aylin may lose, or even die.

This made them a little difficult to accept for a while.

"Master Vesemir, the dishes you ordered are all here."

The fat maid in the tavern came over with a plate and broke the silence.

After Vesemir looked up and thanked him, he looked at the solemn expressions on the faces of several apprentices and breathed a sigh of relief.

He knew that his goal had been achieved.

Of course, not a single word of what he said just now was false, but Vesemir obviously exaggerated some crises.

No matter how unscrupulous and unstable the scum of the Cat School are, they dare not break the rules set by the king.

After all.

Not only does the work of the Cat School mostly come from the king and the nobles, but the various troubles caused by the emotionally unstable members of the school also need the king as a big backer to settle.

So compared with the Wolf School, they care more about the king's gift money and the school's status in the king's mind.

Ordinary demon hunters of the Cat School may be reckless because of their unstable emotions, but the leaders of the school will definitely not.

They are unlikely to disobey and deceive the king for a sum of money and hinder the school's other business in Kaedwen.

But there is no way, Ailin's performance before and after the mountain trial is too dazzling.

Vesemir can see that Hughes, Bont and Fred are confident in Ailin and even have a somewhat arrogant mentality.

Such a mentality is very dangerous, especially when facing the cunning and insidious cat demon hunters.

The dinner prepared by the tavern was naturally not as sumptuous as the feast in Kaer Morhen.

However, the hot vegetable soup, accompanied by fried eggs, butter bread and beer, still whetted the appetite of everyone who had walked on the mountain road for a day.

Fred wiped the plate with bread, and suddenly remembered that there were only two categories of items in the fighting competition, so he asked:

"By the way, Master Vesemir, there is another item, what does melee mean?"

Vesemir swallowed the last bite of bread and said slowly:

"Melee may not be in every competition, and no two have been the same..."

"Well... I remember that the last time, it was the same number of knights as the battle... The last time before that, it was to cooperate with the cat school to hunt water ghosts..."

Vesemir paused, and then said:

"This project is generally an entertainment project and will not be included in the final results."

Seeing that everyone still had some worries on their faces, he comforted them again:

"Although the king is a little dissatisfied with the wolf school, he is a big man after all, and he will not specifically target you."

"So you only need to pay attention to the demon hunters of the cat school."


Each demon hunter school has its own school.

The Wolf School has Kaer Morhen in Kaedwen, the Griffin School has Kaer Siren in Povis, and the Viper School has built Gusvid in Nilfgaard...

Including the Bear School and the Winged Lion School far away in the Koraz Desert, all the Demon Hunter Schools have their own castles.

Except the Cat School.

They live a mobile life, wandering around with a caravan called Dyn Marv as their base.

As for the mutation sites of apprentices, they are placed in hiding places in various places, and many camps are also gathered to provide training places for apprentices.

A clearing in the woods somewhere in Kaedwen is such a place.

Many figures carrying double swords are surrounded by a small circle.

A strangely shaped caravan is parked next to this circle.

"Ping! Ping!"

The friction and interlacing sound of steel kept ringing.

Two children who looked only thirteen or fourteen years old were fighting with a steel sword that was completely inconsistent with their physique.

Looking closely, the two steel swords were flashing with a cold light, and they were both sharpened.

"That's it, you little bastards..."

"Damn it! How many times have I said it! Speed! Speed! Speed!"

"Gulu... Stare into the other person's eyes, and thrust your sword accurately and quickly, no matter who the other person is... Kill him! Kill him! Kill him!"

It was unclear whether it was a curse or a command, and the crazy words came from the shadow of the caravan, and at the same time there was a strong smell of oil residue from the inferior beer.

Perhaps because he was talking excitedly, the man suddenly jumped off the caravan.

Although the man's figure looked a little unstable due to the inferior alcohol, he landed silently, and like a wild cat, he jumped nimbly to the middle of the two children in three or two steps.

"Come on! Little bastards! Kill me with your swords!"

Faced with this crazy behavior, the two children were not afraid. After looking at each other, they showed hatred and frenzy, and slashed at the man in the middle without hesitation.

The crowd watching did not show any surprise, and watched with interest.

Some even raised their right hands unconsciously, as if they wanted to draw the steel swords from their backs and join in this unfair fight.

A hooded man leaned against the caravan and asked sideways:

"Treis, are you sure you want to accept the reward from the 'Big Stomach King' and hunt those wolf cubs?"

The bald man next to him crossed his arms and said casually without looking back:

"Why not?"

"Killing a group of bandits is only 50 orens, and a noble must issue a reward."

"And a wolf cub is worth 500 orens."

"Unless I rob a caravan, this price will keep me busy for half a year, why refuse?"

The hooded man showed the rare calmness and restraint of a demon hunter from the Cat School:

"Treis, don't tell me you don't understand what the Big Stomach King wants to do?"

"He wants to provoke a civil war among demon hunters!"

The bald man tilted his head and glanced at the amber cat pupils flashing under the hood.

The owner of the beautiful eyes is one of the few demon hunters in the school who can maintain normal rationality.

He did not answer directly, but after a moment of silence, he suddenly asked inexplicably:

"Guksat, have you seen a wild cat?"

Wild cat?

The hooded man was stunned, not knowing what the school leader wanted to say, and could only say: "Of course I have, any questions?"

The bald cat school leader Treis looked at the bloody battle in the training ground and said:

"There is not enough food in this world."

"If wild cats want to avoid starvation, they must not only beg for food from wild dogs, curses and sticks..."

He turned his head and looked deeply at the hooded Guksat, and said meaningfully:

"When necessary, the enemy can even be the same kind."

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