Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 130 Fate will favor the true demon hunter



Aelin looked at the girl in front of him in surprise.

Of course he knew who Margarita Laux Antille was.

In the original work, the sorceress most admired by Tishaia de Veris, the dean of Arethusa College, was the future dean of Arethusa College and one of the founders of the sorceress assembly.

Even among the sorceresses, she is the one with the highest magical attainments.

He is also gentle and decent.

In the book The Lady of the Lake, the sorceresses gather to achieve the political goal of controlling the Northern Kingdom.

He once wanted to sacrifice Ciri to marry the prince, and discussed whether Ciri should be allowed to meet Geralt, who had come all the way to pursue his daughter.

Margarita voted for Geralt's meeting with Ciri on the grounds that the choice to reach a gathering place should not be at the expense of personal choices.

Potential, character and outstanding looks.

All in all, this is a top-notch SSR.

"What's wrong, is there something wrong with my name?"

Mary checked her signature strangely and found no mistakes.

"No problem, no problem." Aylin said repeatedly.

When Mary was chatting before, she also mentioned her origin in Arethusa.

Isn't it just that Margarita is not supposed to be Tisaya's apprentice?

How did you become Ms. Vera's apprentice?

Aylin tilted his head and asked curiously: "Ms. Vera, do you know Disaya?"

"Huh? Have you heard Tisha's name too?"

The sorceress was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and then said warmly:

"She was my best friend and she was the one who recommended Mary to me."

Best friend?

Ailin immediately stood in awe after hearing this.

Although he has heard many rumors about Ms. Vera, from her social circle, Aylin once again refreshed his understanding of Ms. Vera's power.

Tisaya, like Hen Gedimidis of Ben Ad Academy, is one of the five members of the Society of Talents and Skills, standing at the pinnacle of warlock power.

His eyes returned to Mary.

She was seriously reciting the training plan Aylin had just written, and seemed to regard herself as a member of the demon-hunting corps.

He thought that Mary, who was confused at the moment, would be such a big shot in the future, and would work for him in the Demon Hunting Corps in the future.

A strong sense of unreality arises spontaneously.

After reporting the matter of the Legion Warlocks to the Chief for approval, Aylin continued to lead his Legion and the Water Ghost Sentries to find trouble for the Water Ghosts near Kaer Morhen.

After the weather gets warmer, monsters like water ghosts are like weeds, and they will pop up by streams and rivers from time to time.

A small group, a small group, although the number is not large, but it is just suitable for the apprentices of the Corps to fight.

Within a few days, the legion reached the third level and unlocked five more membership quotas.

While the two-handed swords of all members of the Wolf School have been upgraded to LV2, their strength and physical attributes have also risen to the upper limit of the Water Ghost Heart Essence, which is 9 points of strength and 13 points of constitution.

This kind of strength is not much different from that of ordinary demon hunters who have followed their mentor for "travel trials" for five years.

There is more collective cooperation and discipline than them.

At least one on one, maybe a demon hunter and a member of the Legion who have been traveling for five years can kill an ordinary full-armored knight head-on.

But when the number of enemies increases, the same number of non-corps members will only be slaughtered in front of the groups of knights, while the corps members can still maintain a certain advantage.

In this way, time flies by in training and actual combat.

The mountain trial is here again!

Killer Lakeside.

Looking at the majestic Blue Mountains, the sparkling lake, and the eleven figures heading towards the Ring of Elements from the right bank, Danti couldn't help but sigh:

"Witnessing two mountain trials in one winter is truly an experience I have never had before."

"Have you ever seen a school of demon hunters with their own regiments?" Vesemir said angrily.

"That's true. Cats, bears, griffins, vipers, and even flying lion monsters on the other side of the Blue Mountains. I have never heard of any of them forming a corps."

Danti nodded in approval, and then sighed with some worry: "The demon hunter has always been alone, and I don't know whether this is good or bad."

"We are just self-defense, in order to deal with the precognitive dream brought by the chief."

"As long as we adhere to the principle of neutrality..."

White's tone suddenly stopped, and he stroked his gray beard with some uncertainty.

The principle of neutrality of the Wolf School originally came from the lessons learned from the Demon Hunter Order.

Due to the disunity of ideas among the religious orders at that time, and under the multiple influences of ordinary people, rulers, mages and churches, a civil war broke out, resulting in heavy casualties.

That's why the Wolf School adopted neutrality as its principle after its establishment.

It focuses on hunting monsters and protecting the continent, and does not get involved in the struggle between various forces, thinking that this way the tragedy of the Demon Hunter Order will not be repeated.


If the chief's precognitive dream is true, the Wolf School is about to be destroyed. What's the use of adhering to the principle of neutrality?

Thinking of this, White sighed inwardly, turned his head and glanced at Aristo, and then comforted:

"With Aristo checking things out, there shouldn't be any problems."

Aristo crossed his arms, felt White's gaze, nodded, and said:

"I will pay attention, don't worry."

Seeing that the atmosphere became heavy due to the premonition dream, Danti sighed inwardly and changed the subject:

"Vesemir, Aristor, this mountain trial is different from the past. You won't let it go, right?"

Vesemir and Aristo looked at each other, and finally Vesemir spoke:

"The two sides of the Killer Bank are so dangerous to the apprentices that there is no way to let them go."

"Aristo and I have been cleaning up monsters beyond the apprentice's capabilities these past few days."

Aristo also nodded, acknowledging Vesemir's words.

He has been really busy cleaning the east bank of Killer Lake these days. As the deputy commander, he doesn't even have time to interfere with the Demon Hunter Corps.

I don’t know what’s going on with those apprentice training places?

"No way?" Danti was a little surprised, "Isn't there also Aylin?"

Vesemir shook his head.

Others might be confused by Aylin's record of killing three large monsters, but he was not.

Just over a month ago, Vesemir and Arryn hunted an Ice King side by side.

"Aelin's strength lies in swordsmanship, potions, quick wits and the special talent of Demon Hunter's Eyes."

"Although the seals can be learned very quickly, due to the speed of the growth of mutated organs, it is difficult for the proficiency and power of the seals to be greatly improved in such a short period of several days."

"And the seal is the key to dealing with group battles, not to mention..."

After a pause, Vesemir continued helplessly:

"What's more, he has to take nine people through the trial together."

"The strength of Hughes, Bunt and Fred is only slightly stronger than the apprentices who have just passed the trial, and they cannot provide much help."

"Some of those seven apprentices are not good at even the most basic sword skills."

Aristo nodded slightly and added worriedly:

"It's already difficult to deal with swarms of water ghosts. But when we were clearing the route, we even encountered small mist monsters and rotten demons."

"You all know how difficult these monsters are. Even though we cleaned them up twice yesterday, I'm still not sure what monsters Aylin and the others will encounter today."

"Maybe, we should..."

"This is the mountain trial, Aristo." White patted Aristo's shoulder, "Destiny will favor the true demon hunter!"

Aristo sighed after hearing this, thinking of Sally who was driven down the mountain, and felt a little unmotivated.

"I hope so."

"I'm not worried about Aelin's safety."

"I just hope that he won't be devastated by this mountain trial."

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