Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 107 Poverty Alleviation Jobs

Bend the index finger of the right hand, and as the magic power flows, the heat surges from the heart and sprays out through the right hand.

Igni Seal.


The hot sparks ignite the fire

Ailin lit the torches in front of the altar one by one in the order of water, earth, air, and fire.

After opening the Demon Hunter's Notes with his mind, he waited for the changes to happen.

The story of how the swamp witch traveled from another world is certainly curious.

But under the fate of the school's destruction and death, how to make oneself and the school's strength further is the most important.


The Demon Hunter's Notes can't speak, and the traces of the swamp witch or the intersection of the celestial sphere alone can't bring too much useful information.

In the end, it will only be trapped in the mystery of guessing, delaying the main business.

"So, let's put it aside for now. There are so many mysteries about the Demon Hunter's Notes, and this one is not bad." Ailin comforted himself, and then opened the magic perspective of the wolf emblem.

The free magic in the air was obviously several times more than the previous two days.

Stars dotted around the ring of elements.

It was like the Milky Way in the sky.

Seeing this, Ailin felt more confident.

Unfortunately, ten minutes had passed.

In the Demon Hunter's Notes, the cooling time of the celestial sphere intersection was reduced by ten minutes.

"Are there really not so many loopholes to exploit?"

Ailin sighed regretfully, disconnected the magic perspective, and turned to the rock troll camp.

When he left, he looked back at the big pit frequently.


Ailin was not as relieved as he said about the story of the swamp witch's crossing.


When he arrived at the troll camp, the big stone, the broken stone and the small stone had eaten the rotten meat and stood side by side on the road.

"... Demon Hunter... Friend... Troll... Moving things..."

Seeing Ailin coming over, several rock trolls hurriedly came up.


When the broken stone came over, he paused and couldn't help burping.

The unique stench of rotten meat instantly rushed to Aylin.


Before Aylin said anything, the big stone immediately took action and hit the broken stone.

"... Broken stone... deserves a beating..."

Then, regardless of Broken Stone's reaction, he smiled at Aylin and said:

"... Demon Hunter... Friend... Troll... Moving things..."

Aylin nodded gently and led the three rock trolls to the cave of Old Spearhead.

The rock trolls were originally cave creatures with certain night vision abilities. When they saw Aylin leading them to the cave, they had no objection.

"Bang~ Bang~ Bang~"

The slight tremor of the trolls stepping on the ground reminded Aylin of the trace of the suspected intersection of the celestial sphere, so he asked:

"Has anything strange happened near your camp in the past two days?"

The broken stone and the small stone looked confused.

Big Stone paused, tilted his head and thought for a while, then said:

"...The ground was shaking...The noise was loud...Little Stone...couldn't sleep..."

When Little Stone heard his name, he looked at him blankly with his small eyes as big as green beans, and when he found that no one paid attention to him, he followed the broken stone step by step.

The ground was shaking, and the noise was loud...

So there was indeed an "earthquake" near the Ring of Elements... Ailin touched his chin, pondered for a moment, and asked again.

"Big Stone, do you remember when the ground was shaking?"

Big Stone stopped again, tilted his head and thought for a long time, then said:

"...It was dark...It was bright...It was dark...Little Stone couldn't sleep..."

One dark, one bright, one dark...

So it happened to be the night after the trial ended.

No, it shouldn't be a coincidence.

My previous guess should be correct, it was because of the changes caused by the Demon Hunting Notes absorbing energy.

The Ring of Elements is the connection point where the celestial spheres meet. It is reasonable that the magic power is instantly emptied, causing the space at the connection point to be unstable.

According to this reasoning, the swamp witch may come from the world at the other end of the connection point?

So "Ritual: Flesh Giant" also comes from another world?

Is it really such a coincidence?

Ailin lowered his head and pondered. After a moment, he found that three eyes were lingering on him, so he looked up.

The big stone was still looking at him, as if waiting for his next question.

After Ailin thought for a while, he had nothing to ask, so he nodded and said gently:

"Thank you, big stone, let's continue."

The big stone touched his head and seemed a little shy:

"... Demon Hunter... Friends... Friends... Help each other..."


There were no twists and turns on the way back.

Except for the water ghost Jingguan, where a few ghouls appeared from nowhere, there was nothing unusual.

As for those ghouls.

As soon as they rushed over, they were pressed to the ground by the big stone and the broken stone, one by one, and smashed to death directly.

The sharp claws scratched sparks but did not cause any harm to the big stone and the others.

Before Aylin even had time to draw his sword, he had a few more spoils.

None of the three rock trolls wanted these ghouls.

According to Broken Stone, it was:

“…Monster meat…is not tasty…Monster hunters…meat is tasty…”

If Aylin had not been with several rock trolls for a while and had some translation skills in the troll common language.

Just hearing this, I would have thought Broken Stone wanted to eat his meat.

Of course,

Although Ailin didn't care, the big stone still caught its speech error and punched it hard.

During the fights along the way, Ailin knew that these three trolls were actually a family.

Little Stone was an underage troll, his father was Broken Stone, and his mother was Big Stone.


The biggest Big Stone was a "female", and it was said that he was much older than Broken Stone.

As for her past, the big stone, who had been unreserved, hesitated and seemed unwilling to talk about it.

There must be some stories here, and it should include the reasons for the peculiar personality of this rock troll. Ailin was of course very curious.

However, out of respect, and in order not to destroy the fragile relationship between a man and a demon.

Ailin did not ask in detail.

After all.

In his heart, these three rock trolls will be his demons sooner or later.

These stories will be known sooner or later, so there is no need to be so anxious.


The gate of Kaer Morhen.

Guarding the castle is actually paid, three orens a day.

This level of remuneration is already very high among all the gate guards in the Northern Kingdom.

Even the free city of Novigrad, which is famous for its wealth, will only pay one Oren every seven days, let alone other cities.

But for the demon hunters, this is obviously not a good job.

At least it is not enough for them to leave the feast and revelry in the main castle hall in winter and run outside to stand guard in the cold.

This position is only used to "help the poor".


The demon hunters Magu and Sally are in charge of the guard.

"Damn it! Kaer Morhen is getting colder and colder!" Sally huddled in the doorway and rubbed his hands vigorously.

He is not a talented demon hunter, and his physique is only slightly better than that of ordinary people.

So the cold weather made him just want to finish this job quickly and return to the main castle hall to drink a pot of warm wine.

Magu stood guard in the cold wind seriously. He glanced at Sally and said nothing.

The contempt in his eyes flashed.

"If it weren't for the injuries and equipment repairs, I would never have associated with such people."

Just as Magu was sighing in his heart.

At the end of the line of sight, down the steep slope.

Suddenly, two dark blue "stones" carrying several headless "human" corpses appeared.

He rubbed his eyes, and after seeing the hideous and bloody head of the rock troll under the stone, his expression changed suddenly.

The rock troll is a large monster, not something they can deal with.

Without time to think carefully, Magu's mind turned, and he immediately ran back to pull the alarm, shouting loudly:

"The rock troll is coming!"

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