Demon Change the Earth

Chapter 41: [Breeder] Way?



   A stream of heat suddenly emerged in Ma Liang's body, a desire to make him stare at a "shooting star" falling from the sky, his body trembling uncontrollably, and he moved forward involuntarily.

   The strong desire to chase made him go forward a full ten meters.

   "Oh my God!!"

   "What happened? Is the world going to be destroyed?"

   "Meteor shower!!!"

   "Come on!! Come here, ah!!!"


  Ma Liang restrained himself, breathing heavily, supporting his knees with his hands, like running a marathon, sweating profusely all over his body.

   Even if it all comes from his handwriting.

   Even so far, everything is going well!

   It came, it appeared, everything was almost as described in the "script", he was still excited, feeling incredible, feeling the joy and trembling deep into the soul.

   The experience of the old time and space is completely incomparable.

   It was just confrontation again and again, helplessness again and again, failure and frustration again and again.

   That is passive, it is "small operations" and "small patches" time and time again.

now what?

   I don't know, I don't know, but the "script" written by himself, and the drama of the director personally, kicked off as scheduled. This satisfaction, this achievement, is enough to give him emotions that he has never experienced before.

   This is what I want, yes, this is the right thing!

   Ma Liang told himself.

   Countless meteors flashed across the sky, like exploding fireworks, scattered in all directions.

   They were swooping toward the ground, but the scene was silent and soundless, extremely shocking, and it really felt so strange.

   Many meteors exhausted their body during the process of subduction, but there were also many meteors that had fallen close enough!

   People can do nothing except suffocation, chaos, and fear.

   It came too fast.

   One, two, and three meteors are getting bigger and bigger in the line of sight. At first it was just a fire spot, but now it has expanded to the size of a car.

   Ma Liang just noticed something wrong, and the three meteors exploded silently!

   So, like a flower stamen in full bloom, like the surface of a grand firework, countless tiny flames are like celestial flowers scattered, and then split again at low altitude.

   This is the development of the "script", Ma Liang didn't care, only joy.

   Is this spirituality?

   Where is the fragment?

   "Ma Liang, come back, it's dangerous!!"

   "Ma Liang!!!"

   "Woo, come back, come back soon!"

Ma Liang can't worry about other things anymore. The sky full of sparks did not disappear, but collapsed into even more tiny spots of light, and then the "rain" appeared, one after another, drifting away, everything in sight was distorted and dreamy. .

   Before the "light rain" was all over the sky, a basketball-sized fireball dragged its tail flame and hit the woods not far in front of him!


   The strange silence is broken!

   The ground shook!


   At the location of the impact, many trees were hit and shattered, and the shock wave rolled up a large amount of dust and dispersed.

   Ma Liang's whole body shook, and the inexplicable feeling became stronger.

   He is no longer restraining himself, leaving a sentence to the companion behind him: "Stay here, wait for me to come back!"

   The voice just fell!

   Boom, boom, boom...

   More impact aftermath came.

   Big scene, really big scene!

  Ma Liang ran toward the fallen woods, wishing to yell a few times to vent the turbulent and complicated emotions in his heart.

   went into the woods, and a crater about ten meters in diameter appeared, and a little mysterious cold halo shone on the bottom of the crater.

   He can't wait to run to the side of the pit, panting and looking down.


   My fate tablet!

   just lay quietly in a pile of broken "shells", like crystals cracked from it.

   Ma Liang jumped down without hesitation, leaned over, and grabbed two luminous "stones" the size of a palm.

   The moment the palm touches!

   The "details" other than the content of the "script" are revealed to him.

Ma Liang felt that he was being pulled away from the world by a force, and his eyes flashed black and light, and he found himself standing in the sky, with a continuous mountain range under his feet. The mountain range was densely covered with tall primitive jungles, countless vaguely similar but magnified many times and strange. Stupid trees stand tall.

   Then, countless strange "beasts" jumped up to the treetops, and countless huge shadows walked out of the forest!


  A monster paradise!

   Seeing them, Ma Liang suddenly understood the message he was seeing now.

This is the [breeder] route. It is a kind of production sequence. The middle level is [Monster Owner], the higher level is [Dragon Creator], and the legend is [Ying Long]. The apex is the [God of Cultivation and Change of Different Beasts].

   The picture he saw next confirmed his guess.

   Ma Liang saw a lot of "monsters", appearing in turn like actors, and finally, a giant dragon that is only in a fantasy story flew out of the forest, its huge wings spread out and hit him straight.

  Ma Liang certainly won't panic, this is just the message foreshadowed in the fragments, the development outside the "script", and the creator's (pseudo) supplement.

   This is to show the future "career planning" and development prospects to the new employees who are about to join!



   As expected.

   When the dragon hit, the picture shattered and Ma Liang's eyes went black.

   Just when he thought he was about to break away from the prophetic message...

   Unexpected development appeared.

   He found himself standing in front of the steps.

   At the apex of the steps, stands a majestic temple.

   In front of the temple, there are countless statues of alien a pair of huge eyes spread out in the void above the temple.

   What kind of eyes are these!

   indifferent, cold, sacred...

   Exhaustive language and vocabulary can't be described.

  The huge and irresistible impact and pressure are coming!

   "Ding Dong!" Shout!

   The picture was shattered, and after a while of dizziness, Ma Liang returned to reality, and the fragment that had just been picked up also fell off his hand, making a crisp sound.

what is this?

   Temple, God Eye?

   is completely out of the category of "scripts".

  [Raider] sequence 0 should be empty.

   What does the creator (pseudo) want to do?

   Ma Liang was surprised, and looking at the piece that had been released from his hand, he had lost its halo and turned into an earthy-yellow, plain-looking clay tablet.

   Ma Liang touched it carefully again, and there was no sense or information.

   look at another slice.

   also faded the halo, exactly the same as the one in his hand.

   Ma Liang shook his head, unexpectedly.

   He didn't panic.

   Besides, now is not the time to hesitate.

   Two fragments, one piece short, can complete the sequence 9 combination.


  [Breeder] Way?

   Production sequence?

   Ma Liang hesitated.

   Although there is a balance between each approach, on the one hand, "weak", on the other hand, it will inevitably be strengthened, but this sequence is not suitable for his current conditions.

   "Forget it, it's serious to find another fragment."

   Ma Liang climbed out of the pothole, looked at a certain position on the spot, and started to run.


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