Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 6 Chapter 99: Death is the beginning

Just after Xiao Lang's soul was completely shattered, a figure suddenly appeared in the sky of void space, a woman in green clothes holding an umbrella. If Xiao Lang was awake, she would definitely know her, the Great Emperor!

There was a hint of appreciation in the eyes of the Great Emperor Tianma, and he smiled quietly: "Sure enough, he is a good aptitude, and his heart is firm! Under the threat of death, there is also the influence of illusion, and the negative emotions in his heart are attacked and he is still so determined to die? It seems that he is either There is an unyielding heart in my heart, or I have understood the real beginning!"

After the words fell, the remnant soul of the Emperor Tianma faded away, and the shadow of the Hallmaster of the Soul Extinguishing Spirit transformed by the resentful spirit also slowly disappeared, and an extremely strange thing happened in the void space——

A ray of light was shining above the space, shining on Xiao Lang's broken remnant soul, and then his remnant soul actually slowly condensed, condensing a soul shadow again! This soul shadow is taller than before, and more substantial, just like a real person.

Xiao Lang's eyes were closed, and before he opened, a beam of light enveloped him. Send him out of the void.

At the same time, Xiao Lang's eyes in the side hall of the Star Pavilion were also opened. He showed an expression like that as expected. The corners of his mouth curled up with an awe-inspiring arc, the arc gradually expanded, and he laughed wildly.

He is not so determined to be impeccable, he understands a little!

As the Great Emperor said, death is the new beginning!

At the last moment, he remembered what Heavenly Demon Great Emperor once said. The reason why the martial artist who cultivates the combat skills of the heavenly demon has a heart demon is because the way of heaven is testing the cultivator and sharpening the mind of the martial artist. Because without a strong heart, without a strong soul, it is impossible to control a strong body.

The strength of the soul does not mean the strength of the soul inside, but the strength of the heart. Since the heart demon is to make the heart stronger and the soul to get the sublimation of the essence, then if he chooses to kneel down and choose to yield, how strong is his heart?

As long as a person succumbs once, he will continue to succumb the next time. This is the same as when a brothel woman takes off once and then takes off again. When a person loses dignity, arrogance, faith, and courage to die. Then there is a loophole in this person's heart. Even if he gets through this demons, he will definitely die next time.

So he chose to die, so... he survived.

After moving his body, his bones and muscles crackled, and he felt full of strength, which made Xiao Lang stunned. I tried it quickly, and found that the ** had been sublimated in essence, at least twice as powerful.

"Right! Soul!"

Xiao Lang slapped his head, and quickly looked inside his soul, and he realized that the soul was also much stronger. The original very small vortex was only one-twentieth of the soul body, but at this moment it covered one-tenth of the soul. The power of the soul inside was surging, making him feel very comfortable and full.

"Split God's Hand!"

Xiao Lang let out a deep cry, his right hand suddenly gleamed with a dark golden light, turning into a dragon's claw, and he danced casually a few times, feeling that the powerful force inside could tear everything.

"I finally reached the strength of the Emperor of Heaven!"

He stood up, his heart was so happy, he couldn't wait to scream up to the sky. Although his comprehensive strength reached the Emperor of Heaven very early, but the combat skills of the Heaven Demon did not break through the seventh stage, he was not the Emperor of Heaven in the true sense, and Xiao Dicheng was not worthy of its name.

"Foster father, waiting for me, I will definitely go to the ancient gods forbidden place to get the Life Orb to revive you!"

Xiao Lang murmured, and strode outside. He hadn't seen Hongdou and the others for a long time. He wanted to see them very much for the rest of his life.

"See Palace Master, congratulations Palace Master!"

The door in the Piandian's room was actually gone. Xiao Lang walked out in doubt. A group of guards were taken aback, and then all ecstatically bowed on one knee and saluted.

"What happened?"

This is the Star Pavilion, who dares to smash the door in the room? He faintly felt that something big had happened. A guard commander quickly reported it respectfully, and quickly said the matter.

"Exterior demon?"

Xiao Lang's complexion fell, and then he walked towards Hongdou and his yard with a flash, and burst into a burst of gas at the same time: "Let Chamu come to see me immediately!"

Walking into Hongdou's yard, I found that the three of them were all present, as well as Naive and Mu Xiaoyao Xiao Qingyi. The atmosphere in the room was very solemn. When several people saw Xiao Lang walking in, the Hongdou trio immediately rushed over with joy, naive and excited, screaming and rushing over, holding Xiao Lang in the same way.

"Okay, okay! Don't cry, the aunt and the little demon are still there, don't let them laugh!"

Xiao Lang hugged the three of them with tenderness and affection. The gentle corners of his mouth made Mu Xiaoyao sad and turned away.

"Woo, Xiao Lang, my father and the others have all gone to the battlefield of the demon, and I don't know what's going on now, He'er is very worried about them!" He'er kept wiping his tears, but they kept flowing...

Childish also kept screaming, "Big brother, hurry up and help. You are so powerful and you can kill all the demon. My grandfather can't die!"

Mu Xiaoyao also cast his eyes, she and Hongdou had only reached the fourth level of Human Sovereign and were not qualified, but they were even more worried about Mushan Gui Mu Xinghe and the others.

"Okay, okay! I'll lead the team out tomorrow!"

Xiao Lang said relievedly, looking at the worry in Hongdou's eyes, and laughed: "Don't worry, I have made a small breakthrough this time. I don't know if I can kill many extraterritorial demons. There is still no problem with self-protection!"

After talking, Xiao Lang looked at Xiao Qingyi and said, "Auntie, if everything goes well after this incident, the foster father will be resurrected! I promise!"

Xiao Qingyi's beautiful eyes lit up, with a petting smile at the corner of her mouth, and said lightly: "Lang'er, don't do everything within your power, you are still young, aunt can wait."

There was a rush of footsteps outside, and Chamu came. Xiao Lang relieved everyone again, and went out and took Chamu to the small hall next to him to inquire about the situation.

Cha Mu saw that Xiao Lang had spent the sixth time with his heart demon, and he was immediately ecstatic. However, the situation on the Tianma battlefield was not reported back at all, and he knew nothing. Xiao Dicheng once again gathered the powerhouses from the Northern Ming and Eastern Regions and the Southern Wilderness, and Xiao Lang will set out to lead the team tomorrow.

"Okay, tomorrow I will lead the team to the Western Wilderness, and I will not take the Master of the Stars. You can let everyone sit in Xiaodi City. If there is any accident, let everyone go into the back mountain! And crush this jade symbol, I will Hurry back right away!"

After Xiao Lang confessed, he asked Cha Mu to make arrangements and accompany Hongdou Xiao Qingyi and the others. Several people chatted in the room for an afternoon. Xiao Lang was out of the barrier, and everyone suddenly felt that their day was bright again, and Xiao Lang could solve anything.

At night, Xiao Qingyi and Mu Xiaoyao went back childishly, and Xiao Lang accompanied the three of them to sleep, staying lingering until dawn. Looking at the exhausted three who fell asleep, Xiao Lang kissed the three foreheads, put on his clothes and walked out gently.

Hundreds of thousands of powerful people on the Xiaodicheng Square were already ready to go. Xiao Lang took out the Supreme Chariot and flew forward. He waved his hand and burst into a shout: "Go, let's go and see the outside world that can destroy Tianzhou. What is the power of the demon?"

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