Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 6 Chapter 95: Demon Battlefield

The valley behind the Soul Extinguishing Hall was very large, and after flying for tens of thousands of miles, six bifurcations appeared in the front. The huge valley also began to divide into six small valleys, and Qingmuyu stopped at this bifurcation.

He swept all the warriors and the sea of ​​fierce beasts on behalf of them: "These passages lead to the battlefield of heavenly demon, and there is a teleportation array in front of them, which will continuously teleport you to the battlefield of heavenly demon. Please note... although the location of your teleportation is fixed Yes, but no one guarantees that there are no extraterritorial demon nearby. Maybe you will appear in a safe place, or you will be teleported to the extraterritorial demon group, no matter where you teleport to, you should actively seek out the extraterritorial demon to fight. I will explain to you now. Let’s take a look at the characteristic attack methods of the alien monsters and **** them!”

"The extraterritorial demon is not a demonic ghost, but a special race. The low-level extraterritorial demon crawls on all fours, the middle-level extraterritorial demon walks upright, and the high-level extraterritorial demon can fly in the air. They have two things in common. Special Xing, ** attack and defense are very powerful, the lowest level of extraterritorial demon comparable human emperor five-tier warrior, intermediate comparable emperor, high-level comparable supreme emperor. They also have the most terrifying place... Soul attack! Their number one The three eyes can use evil power to affect your soul, so when you fight, you must not only pay attention to the enemy, but also your companions. Once the companions affected by the evil aura will kill frantically, you must... hit your companions immediately killed…"

The explanation of Qingmuyu was very detailed, and everyone looked dignified. The lowest level of the extraterritorial demon can be compared to the fifth level of the human emperor, and the high level is comparable to the supreme emperor, and will soul attack? Everyone including Mushan Ghost Ouyang Cuicui felt a burst of unprecedented pressure, which made them breathless.

"Okay, one last point. If you encounter the king of the alien demon, the demon that looks indistinguishable from humans, don't try to kill and run away. Because none of you is an opponent of the demon king, we will send People keep going in and hunting the demon kings. After half a month, all of you will be teleported out. I hope you can kill more extraterritorial demon and save your lives by the way..."

After Qingmuyu gave an explanation, he signaled the fierce beast and the warrior to divide into three groups and enter the fork. Ouyang Cuicui and Mu Shangui looked at Devil Xiao with some concern. Unexpectedly, Devil Xiao holding the Phantom Sword took the lead in rushing towards a passage, murderous like a rainbow, without a trace of fear.


Killing the emperor screamed, and the Ghost Dance Killing Legion with more than 6,000 emperors and five levels followed. Wuhen madman reincarnation of the emperor, He'er's father, Heshu emperor and other western powerhouses gritted their teeth to keep up.

"Guys from the Ouyang family, let the extraterritorial celestial demon see how powerful we are at killing the heavens, kill!"

Ouyang Cuicui was stimulated by the Xiao Devil and shot towards another channel. It was also a terrible thing for the old lunatic to go crazy.

"Go!" Mushan Ghost also waved his hand, leading the powerhouse in southern Tianzhou to whizz out, to go on a journey of walking and death.

"Wow!" "Woohoo!" "Gurulu!"

The sea beasts and fierce beasts were divided into three groups and rushed towards the three forks under the leadership of the Beast Emperor.

Qingmuyu watched the departure of all the people and beasts, there was a sense of sadness in her eyes, and she turned and left with a long sigh, "After this catastrophe, how much is left of the strong Tianzhou?"

After flying for a short half an hour with more than 800,000 powerful people, Xiao Moshen saw a huge teleportation formation. Near the teleportation formation, there is a warrior wearing the black robe of Soul Destruction Hall who is responsible for teleportation.

After Xiao Moshen inquired that the soul-killing hall warriors could teleport 50,000 people at a time, he immediately ordered: "The Emperor will lead the Ghost Dance Killing Legion, and all the Heavenly Emperor and Human Emperor Peak will first teleport with me, and immediately prepare to fight on the spot as soon as he enters, and clear the surrounding area. The extraterritorial demon, whoever responds to us will send it over!"

With the Phantom Sword, Xiao Moshen was barely comparable to the Supreme Heavenly Emperor, and was similar to the Killing Emperor and the Ghost Dance Killing Corps. He was also Xiao Lang's brother, so everyone would naturally take him as the leader if Xiao Lang was not there. Soon the emperor and some of the peak warriors of the human emperor went out and followed into the teleportation formation, while the others waited in place, waiting for the next teleportation.


The light of the teleportation lights up, everyone is surrounded by spirit power, and weapons appear in their hands ready to fight. Soon everyone's field of vision was immediately shrouded in white light. After the white light flashed, everyone felt that the transmission had stopped, and immediately opened their eyes and scanned around.

"My mother, is so lucky?"

"This is an extraterritorial demon? It's terrifying!"

"Fight, kill, kill, kill!"

The luck of the crowd was very bad. They transmitted the top of a mountain. The surrounding space was gray and it felt like there was smog in the sky. The visibility was less than 10,000 meters, and countless monsters could be seen faintly around.

These monsters are not very huge, only a few hundred meters long and more than ten meters high. They are obviously low-level demons on all fours. These monsters have small brown scales on their bodies, a row of spikes on the spine behind them, and four gloomy fangs from their big mouths. The eyes are triangular, and there are no pupils? The strangest thing is that there is a dark eye on the forehead, which does not feel like an eye but a black hole...

"The fire lion burns the sky!"

"Finalize, attack!"



Xiao Devil God, Killer Emperor, Madman Heaven Emperor and all other Heavenly Emperors immediately released their strongest attacks. Although there were extraterritorial Heavenly Demons nearby, they dared not be careless. Because there will be a steady stream of warriors from the west after the meeting, they must clear out a large area and settle down in Slow Tuzhi first.

The low-level extraterritorial demon only has the strength of the human emperor's fifth layer, and there is still no suspense under the attack of a group of emperors. Especially the attacks of the Emperor Killing and the Xiao Demon God were even more devastating. The Heavenly Demons from outside the Territory were strangled to pieces by the sword light of the Killing Emperor. The fire lion was easily burned into nothingness after the Heavenly Demon outside the Territory...

The hundreds of extraterritorial celestial demons near the top of the mountain were easily killed in an instant, but the solemn color in the eyes of Xiao Moshen and others became more intense, while the faces of the warriors on the peak of the human emperor turned pale, and their bodies trembled slightly.

Because this is the lowest level extraterritorial demon, many people's peak martial artists can't kill in seconds? In addition, a few extraterritorial celestial demons shot out a gloomy light in their third eyes before they died, and when they hit the emperor, all those emperors stood still. Although they were not attacked by evil forces in the end, you can see how terrifying the faces of those heavenly emperors...


"Huh, huh!"

The teleportation formation outside sent a group of imperial warriors over, and the summit mountain was soon full of people. But there was a burst of weird calls from below the mountain. You can see in the dimness that countless extraterritorial celestial demons rushing towards the top of the mountain on all sides, and many standing extraterritorial celestial demons can also be seen...

"If you want to survive, do your best! Everyone pays attention. Once a partner is attacked by the evil force and can't be controlled, immediately kill it! Whether you can survive or not depends on your luck."

Demon Xiao Xiao showed a murderous aura, a few meters-long Phantom Swords burst into flames, and he took the lead to kill the alien celestial demon rushing in the distance...

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