Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 12 Chapter 89: Echizen Nanako (for leave)

The two of them continued in close contact with Yingying for a while, and half an hour later, Chu Tian stopped at the entrance of the University of Tokyo.

The University of Tokyo, a well-known institution in Japan. Even, looking at the whole world, it is a famous university. I don't know how many people can't get in if they want to enter. The students who go out from here are all arrogants of heaven and have outstanding contributions in various fields ...

Of course, the University of Tokyo, which is beyond the reach of many people, is nothing to Chu Tian's eyes. If you did n’t know that Echizen Nanako was going to school here and just happened to play, Chu Tian estimated that he would never enter this school in his life ...

"Come, Sakurano, come with me, haven't you come to college yet? The University of Tokyo is quite big, and the equipment is not bad. Let's go and visit it. Especially today is the 130th anniversary celebration. What about ... "

After Chu Tian parked his car, he took Yong Qi's little hand and walked inside.

Ying Nao's face was red and red.

Thinking of the kind of things Chu Tian did to her just now, although there was no final step, there was no difference. Glancing at Chu Tian secretly, Ying Nai cleverly "huh" and followed Chu Tian inside.

After entering the school gate, the scenery in front of me was refreshed.

"Warmly welcome Mr. Chu Tian."

"Welcome the Nobel Prize winner, Mr. Chu Tian came to visit our school."

"All members of Business School and School of Economics, welcome Mr. Chu Tian."


Inside the University of Tokyo, it is very lively.

Banners spread out in the air. Various welcome speeches about Chu Tian, ​​as well as the deeds of Chu Tian ’s life, were also posted in the window on the side.

The college students clapped enthusiastically, watching the legendary genius. The whole school was informed of Chu Tian's arrival in advance, and various welcoming ceremonies were already prepared.

All the leaders and professors of the school came out to welcome Chu Tian.

Perhaps a Nobel Prize winner is not worth the excitement. There are also many Nobel Prize winners who gave lectures at the University of Tokyo. However, the senior officials of those schools know that Chu Tian is not an ordinary researcher, and the forces behind him are very big ...

The president of the University of Tokyo, upon seeing Chu Tian ’s figure, immediately greeted him personally, eagerly like seeing his mother ’s child: “Mr. Chu Tian! Mr. Chu Tian, ​​you are finally here! Finally looking forward to it! "

Chu Tian nodded and said, "You're welcome."

Obviously, he is much younger than the principal. But when Chu Tian used this faint, elder-like tone, the president of the University of Tokyo didn't feel any discomfort on his face. Even, faintly excited.

Quickly gave way to the side, the principal patted the fart:

"No, no, this is my sincere expectation! Mr. Chu Tian, ​​thank you for visiting, otherwise, you can say a few words with the students, they are all your admirers! Such a young age , Have such outstanding achievements, admire it! Admire! You are the pride and pride of the Chinese, you are also the pride and pride of the world! "

Chu Tian continued to nod.

Pulling Ryuzaki Sakura nodded, and Sakura nodded, and walked over to the high platform in front. A row of microphones stood upright, and a staff member had been waiting for Chu Tian long ago.

"Then say a few words, really annoying."


"This is Mr. Chu Tian?"

"I heard that I only went to junior high school this year!"

"Are all Chinese men as handsome as Mr. Chu Tian? God, I really want to go to China!"


As soon as Chu Tian walked up, countless girls with red hearts in their eyes fell into a **** state.

Celebrities are easy to arouse people's admiration, not to mention a super handsome guy with genius, girls from the University of Tokyo, a lot of school girls who have come here for the goal of the University of Tokyo, and some who have already started to work The positions, the school sisters who are back to school, are dull at this time ...

"Sister Yumiko! Haven't you always found the right person? Look, how is this handsome guy!"

In the crowd, a little girl said to another sex.

It's not too much to say that it's sex.

The tall figure is full of the taste of mature Yujie. Red Yanyan's lips are slightly thick, but more sexual. The plump figure, the buttocks, and the hips are simply a stunner!

The former school flower of the University of Tokyo is not unlike Yumiko.

Today is the 130th anniversary of the school, and Yumiko visited the alma mater specially, but unexpectedly, he saw the speech of Nobel Prize winner Chu Tian. Staring at the stage, Chu Tian looked at it, and the heart of Yumiko could n’t help but tremble ...

Face, talent, character, all aspects, Fujiko is perfect. The parents were gone early, and Yumiko supported the family easily. The two younger brothers, both Erhu Yufu and Erfu Yutai, have a very comfortable life. Fujimiko's young age has already started a business and has a large company.

However, officially because he is too outstanding, his vision is too high, and very few men have been able to enter her vision. Yumiko, who has reached the age of marriage leave, is still single. But this time, when you saw Chu Tian, ​​Fujiko suddenly moved her heart ...

"It's just, how can I deserve this kind of person, people's eyes are higher than mine ..." Fujiko smiled generously, but his eyes could not stop glancing at the stage again and again.

"Giggle, Yumiko learns from sister, that means you have a heartbeat?"

"No, Xianger, don't think about it!"

"Sister Xue, you lie, giggling!"



"What! This person, this person is not! Damn! When did he win the Nobel Prize!"

An old man suddenly pointed at Chu Tiandao on the stage, and immediately caused angry accusations from the students around him.

His eyes widened, and he seemed to see something unbelievable. Echizen Minjiro had never been so distraught! Like, too much! Too much too much!

It's almost the same as Chu Tian in those days.

That man who defeated him easily!

"Fortunately, fortunately, I came to see the niece's celebration, otherwise I missed the opportunity this time! Last time I let him slip away at the playground, I must catch him this time! your--"

Echizen Minjiro was about to rush up.

Suddenly a man grabbed his clothes, and Echizen Ryoma in the back said, "Idiot. He is the senior of our school, Chu Tian, ​​now in junior high school, how can I know you, are you wrong Yes. Also, rushing up at this time, do n’t you feel ashamed ... "

Ryoma has a speechless tone.

Echizen Naoko also nodded and said softly: "Yeah Uncle, it may look more like it. But this Chutian is so young, how could it be that person who beat his uncle? Uncle really confused.

Echizen Nanako's eyes also glanced at Chu Tian. Wasn't this the kindhearted person I met at the playground last time? She was in trouble if it wasn't for Chu Tian last time. She didn't look closely. She didn't expect to be a handsome guy.

Was it a coincidence this time?

After reading many girls' romance novels, Nanako, I don't know what I thought of, and a faint blush floated on my cheek ...

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