Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 12 Chapter 83: Immunity (Supplement 4)

Fortunately, Jingcun Jingshi deprived Chu Tian of his vision in an instant.

Of course, this is what Komura thinks.

Xingcun ’s tennis, in addition to seeing through everything and hitting all the hits, is even more terrifying, his stunt depriving his five senses!

No matter how powerful it is, once the five senses are deprived, let alone winning, I am afraid that the course of the ball cannot be seen clearly, and the game cannot go on at all. In the previous battle between Yukimura Seiki and Tezuka Kokuko, if Tezuka did not understand the ultimate in seamlessness, I am afraid it would only be the abused part.

The nickname of Komura ’s Son of God is well deserved ...

Concentrated, Xingcun Jingshi stared at Chu Tian, ​​waiting for Chu Tian's counterattack. Tianyi seamlessly can decipher his stunt of killing the five senses, fortunately, Jingshi Jingshi has been waiting.

"Quickly use the perfect seamless, this time, I want to defeat you head-on."

"My tennis is not allowed to fail."

"The perfect seamless, I will personally crack, Tezuka Guoguang, I will defeat later!"

Xingcun Jingshi looked at Chu Tian with full of fighting spirit, silent in his heart. The style of the king of Lihai University is largely influenced by the city of Yukimura.

Failure is not allowed, only success, defeat all enemies!

This is the faith of Xingcun!

The momentum of Komura's fine city continues to rise.

The cheerleading team of Lihai University was also fully revived at this moment, cheering for the city of Komura. This is the strongest person in Lihai University, the only one who can beat Chu Tian!

Huhuhu ----

Huhuhu ----

Tennis formed a strong sound of breaking the sky, and quickly flew towards Chu Tian opposite. Tennis passed by on Chu Tian's left side, and Komura's Seiichi deliberately hit the ball so close that it was a try for Chu Tian.

Can Chu Tian take the ball after losing his vision?

Or, will it directly open the ultimate seamless?

Chu Tian suddenly took a step when tennis was about to land. Racket raised--

Boom! ! !

Fortunately, Chu Tian's goal was attacked by Chu Tian with thunder. Fortunately, Xingcun clearly used the technique of depriving the five senses, but Chu Tian didn't seem to receive the slightest influence. The power of this ball is not worse than any previous ball!

The tennis ball was flying fast, gradually disappearing in the twisted space, and the trace of the ball could no longer be captured on the entire court.


The tennis ball emerged from behind Komura in a flash, hit the ground with a bang, and then bounced quickly ...

[Chu Tian score, 40: 0! 】

"How is it possible? I didn't even use the extremely seamless seamless pattern, so I directly cracked my moves? So easy to crack?"

"[Voidy] was really strong, and there were almost no flaws. It was really difficult to catch and strike back at the moment of landing ..."

"Did he say that he touched the ball back with touch and hearing? It should be like this ..."

Kotomura Seiki immediately reached this conclusion in his heart.

Chu Tian's strength is very strong, and blocking the vision alone will not affect his tennis. Only by completely depriving Chu Tian of his five senses can he play a role.

That being the case!

Fortunately, Komuramura threw up tennis!

Tennis is spinning fast in the air, and Komura Seiki hits a ball. The power of the spin is extremely powerful. At the same time, Komura Seiki uses the stunt deprived of five senses to the extreme!

Tactile, deprived!

Taste, deprive!

Hear, deprive!

Smell, deprive!

Xingcun opened his eyes wide and looked at Chu Tian opposite, ready to receive Chu Tian's counterattack. Chu Tian, ​​who has completely lost his five senses, is unlikely to catch the ball. Chu Tian, ​​will definitely use the "Tianzui seamless seamless" like Tezuka Guoguang!

At that time, it will be a really intense start.

The tennis ball twirled violently, and the whirlwind caused a whispering wind.

Huhuhu ----

Huhuhu ----

Fortunately, Jingcun Jingshi almost expected that Chu Tian would use the seamless perfection, and even prepared his new stunt! But at this moment!

Xingcun Jingshi clearly saw that Chu Tian, ​​who was opposite, took a step towards the place where the tennis ball landed.

At the moment of a step, the body has reached the front of the tennis ball, and it seems that the vision has not been affected in any way. Chu Tian raised his racket and said comfortably and leisurely as he usually hits the ball: "The five senses are deprived? It is a pity that I have already fulfilled my situation, and I will not invade the law, even if I have not deliberately avoided it. This is true no matter which world.

On Chu Tian's racket, the space twisted and shook.

The space was weakened under a ball, and then the compressed space wrapped the tennis ball. Chu Tian's tennis ball disappeared on the playing field in an instant.

Three ways-empty!

"Boom !!"

Tennis blew up again behind Komura's Seiichi, and Komura's Seiichi still had no time to react. Even if you turn around immediately when you hear the sound, you can't even touch the ball!

This kind of tennis without track can't predict its course at all, let alone hit back ...

[Chu Tian score, score, 3: 0! 】

The referee's voice fell again.

Fortunately, Jingcun Jingshi, this time can no longer be calm!

Broke his stunt!

No, not cracked, but directly immune!

In the face of Tezuka Guoguang, Yukimura Seiichi is still sure that if Tezuka Guoguang does not use the seamless perfection, he will win steadily; but against Chu Tian, ​​it is the opposite. Even if he uses stunts, Chu Tian does not Use the sky to seamlessly, still completely crush him!

Chu Tian's strength is much higher than Tezuka! Xingcun Jingshi came to this conclusion!

"It is worthy of Chu Tian!"

Xingcun Jingshi looked at each other with great warfare. Although it failed this time, Komura's fine city is still fighting again. Being able to prepare for the challenge of Chu Tian's seamless perfection, Komura has two brushes.

Fortunately, Jingcun Jingshi entered a mysterious state in an instant.

Chu Tian's repression was too strong. Inadvertently, the score had reached 3: 0. At this time, I had no time to think about the strategy, first come up with stunts, and then defeat Chu Tian!

Vision, hearing, touch, smell, taste.

Fortunately, the five senses of Xingcun, in an instant, strengthen and strengthen again!

Depriving the enemy of the five senses was the way before Xingcun, but after the first battle with Tezuka, Xingcun made another breakthrough. Now, the city of Xingcun Jing has already broken through itself and is even more powerful! The five senses of self can also increase!

The five senses continue to increase, and the whole person becomes extremely sensitive. The small fluctuations can't escape the perception of Xingcun Village. Even in the dark, there seems to be a sixth sense that transcends the five senses and emerges faintly.

Around Xingcun, a powerful aura has formed-

"This is my new trump card, Chu Tian, ​​come on."

"This is the field? It's really a genius to realize the world-class tricks."

Since the start of the match, Chu Tian has rarely shown his compliments.

The field is something that many professional players cannot understand, and individuals have their own fields. Tezuka's field is to control the rotation of the ball, while Nanjiro's field is more abundant. The field of Xingcun is different. The field after strengthening the five senses is more mysterious ...

Either way, now Xingcun has caught up with Tezuka again.

"Then, go on."

Chu Tian's serve.

Tossed a tennis ball high, swing it! The speed of the ball was amazingly fast, and I arrived at the Xingcun venue in an instant. The Xingcun Jingshi also moved at the same time, catching up with Chu Tian's batting, struggling to return ...

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