Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 12 Chapter 42: Echizen Ryoma's fiasco (1/7)

[At the start of the game, Echizen Ryoma serves, and the game will determine the outcome! 】

The referee's voice fell, and the surrounding audience also quieted down.

The first two games are at 6: 0. Whether this game will change, everyone is speculating. Everyone in the Youth Department of Tennis Studies held their breath and watched the game carefully.

Although Echizen Ryoma is only in the first grade, his strength has surpassed most people. I am afraid that only Tezuka and Fuji are able to defeat him.

If Ryoma loses too, everyone can't imagine it!


The Echizen Ryoma on the court worked hard and finally served!

A very fast ball has arrived at Longkui's field in the blink of an eye, but Longkui's actions are much simpler than Longma's imagination. The jade hand is lightly raised, waved, and hit back!


The speed of tennis suddenly increased tenfold!

After a swift flight, he smashed somewhere behind Echizen Ryoma, and Echizen Ryoma did not recover. Just now I was thinking that this is a gentle big sister, where did you expect it to be so simple!



A clean and extremely accurate goal!

[15: 0! 】

The referee's voice fell, and Echizen Ryoma was stunned for a while, then he recovered.

Just a little carelessness, the ball passed quickly. This powerful sense of oppression and tension, except for his unscrupulous dad and Chu Tian, ​​has never felt in anyone.

In the eyes of Echizen Ryoma, the fighting spirit becomes stronger.

Holding the racket tightly, Ryoma grinned with a happy smile: "It's worthy of being the girlfriend of the senior, isn't it?"

Picking up the tennis again, Echizen Ryoma will not be careless this time. Just now because the other party is a gentle big sister, Ryoma did not go all out. This time Ryoma, Echizen Ryoma used his usual tricks!



The tennis ball was thrown high by Echizen Ryoma after landing several times.

At the same time, Echizen Ryoma took off, vigorously exerted his strength, and swung hard!


A strong ball, with a strong spin, and the speed is very different from the previous one! In a short moment, he has come to the foot of Longkui!

After the ball collided with the ground, it bounced quickly, facing the face of Solanum nigrum!

It's faster, like lightning! The power of rotation is also great, making a loud noise! Compared with Ryoma's previous external rotation service, Ryoma's power of this ball is unknown how many grades it has risen. Since losing to Chu Tian, ​​Ryoma has taken it to the next level, getting more and more powerful!

"Good thing! Ryoma!" Long Hecun shouted enthusiastically while holding the racket.

"Ryoma has to serve externally, which is more powerful than before!"

"Although I don't know how Ryoma has become so powerful, but this time we may have the chance to win! Without Tezuka, three singles, we may not necessarily lose!"

"Come on, Ryoma!"


However, the newly-studied Qingxue people, who had just been happy, saw the reaction of Longkui in the next second, and they fell back to the bottom again.

I saw that Longkui was not in a hurry. After the ball bounced, the body slightly turned sideways, and the jade arm was raised, swinging it in the form of a high hanging ball!

Don't panic or rush, write lightly.

Boom! ! !

A rushing yellow light.

Tennis is like a sharp arrow, straight at the feet of Ryoma, and slammed past Ryoma! The seemingly weak nightshade actually gave such a quick shot!

Echizen Ryoma, failed to react at all!

The enhanced version of the external rotation service was actually easily beaten back and scored!

[30: 0! 】

Ryoma stood blankly.

After a moment's stun, he recovered. However, Ryoma didn't feel discouraged, but his fighting spirit was even higher. Looking at the opposite nightshade, Longma said nothing and served again!


Boom! !

[40: 0! 】


[In this scene, Miss Longkui won, 1: 0! 】

[2: 0! 】

[3: 0! 】

The game was running fast, Echizen Ryoma was sweating, running around, panting; looking at the nightshade, a pale blue dress without a trace of fireworks, and even the slightest blush on the crystal face did not appear. Red, breathless-in fact, with the current strength of the nightshade, even if the finger extinguishes the sun, there is no need to breathe!

Ryoma tried his best.

In a trance, I entered a familiar state!

Two swords!

Serve the outer ring!

B word slam!

Whirling luxury!


And the super volleyball I learned a few days ago from the game with Fujio!

Various dazzling tricks have been tried out, and Ryoma seems to have entered a strange realm, and everyone's style can be used! How many times stronger than before!

However, in front of the nightshade, it seems worth mentioning. No matter how clever the tricks are, they are easily cracked, hit back, and scored. Without any stunts, Longkui just cracked every ball and went home to score.

Simple movements that are outrageously strong!

"Hoohoo ... huhoo ... so strong ... and, as when facing Chu Tian ... huhoo ... no, I want to win ... I want to win ..."

Ryoma gasped heavily.

The score has reached the time of 4: 0, and Ryoma did not win a goal!

Under strong pressure, a certain potential in the body seemed to wake up. A light flashed in the eyes of Ryoma, and his body accelerated in an instant!

Boom! ! !

High hanging ball! Slam! Hang the short ball! smash! The alternating play of topspin and bottomspin, slalom snake, etc ...

The tennis of Echizen Ryoma has become untraceable and unpredictable. The stunts of all the opponents who have been fighting for a long time have all been used one by one. The light on Ryoma's body is getting brighter and more eye-catching!

Finally, it reached the point where it was free to control!

This is-[No Self Realm]!

After a battle with Chu Tian, ​​this time, Echizen Ryoma has initially used this stunt. Although the mind is muddled, it can already be used.

One by one perfect skills, unfold in the hands of Echizen Ryoma!

No realm, pure instinct!




Ryoma hit the ball again and again, attacking again and again, almost tirelessly! Sweaty clothes, but Ryoma's face is still full of excitement! Such a master, such a showdown, is what Ryoma has longed for!

[40: 0! 】

[This night the nightshade won, the score, 5: 0! 】


Ryoma tried his best to play the swinging ball of the fixed peak!

Boom! ! !

The nightshade counterattacked easily! The seemingly delicate arm seems to contain an unimaginable huge power!

[Miss Longkui scores, 40: 0! 】


Ryoma almost ran out of energy, swinging hard, and the tennis speed doubled in an instant! Flying quickly towards the opposite nightshade--

this is! The last goal! !

"Boom !!!"

[Solanum score! The score, 6: 0! In this game, Longkui won! 】

With a bang!

In the realm of selflessness, Echizen Ryoma, who has exhausted all his physical strength, fell to the ground and fell asleep. The second time in Echizen Ryoma's history, it was a fiasco ...

The whole square was silent.

Everyone in Qingxue is even dull.

Such a dragon horse is unprecedented. In the realm of selflessness, all kinds of tricks are tried out one after another, which is simply unassailable and unpredictable!

The gyro snake ball that Lian Haitang Kaoru has been unable to grasp 100% so far has been easily used by Ryoma!

However, such a dragon horse is still suppressed by death, and even won no points. Even more terrifying is that the opposite nightshade, from beginning to end, has not left a drop of sweat ...

"——It is said that Long Kui is the deputy minister of Chutian Tennis Department and the most authentic of Chutian ... girlfriend. It seems that her strength is second only to Chutian. Let Longma play against her is a Mistakes, this failure is a big setback for Ryoma ... "

Gan Zhenzhi took a small book to record and swallowed. His eyes are still aloof, and he seems to be immersed in the horrific game just now.

Everyone was silent and nodded.

Longkui's strength is too strong. Without self, you can be so crushed!

"The next game, that's ... the senior student."

Taocheng Wu swallowed and said a bit cautiously.

Only a few people turned their gazes and looked at the help for two weeks. Thinking of the previous three games six to zero, at this time, an extremely ominous and terrifying hunch rose in the hearts of everyone ...

No matter whether it will be defeated by 6: 0! ?

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