Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 12 Chapter 38: Defeated (3/6)


Chu Tian smiled, hit a ball out!

The strong rotation makes the angle of the ball in the air change from moment to moment, and according to the breeze, it will suddenly make irregular movements!

A violently spinning ball rushed towards Akuzu's feet!


Akuzu changes his movements quickly!

The flexible muscles allow Akuzu to change all kinds of movements in an instant, hitting the ball from all corners, and the racket hit the Chu Tian's rotating ball swiftly and banged the ball foundation!

Huhuhu ----

The ball went around an arc and flew towards Chu Tian's stadium. However, it did not fall in the direction expected by Akuzu, but instead went out of bounds!

[Chu Tian score, 15: 0! 】

Akyuzu stayed blank, and didn't seem to expect that it would be the result.

The opposite Chu Tian smiled, picked up the ball, and continued to play the second ball.

Boom! !

This time, it was downspin!

After the ball passed the net, it quickly decreased, and the speed turned from the horizontal direction to the vertical direction! It seems that I just touched the railing when I crossed the net, and then fell sharply!

With the powerful explosive power, Akuzu accelerated rapidly!

In a short moment, quickly catching up and waving the racket, Akuzu is ready to hang a short ball!

"What, what's going on !!!"

Yajiu Jin suddenly discovered that Chu Tian's ball was close to his racket, even if he hadn't had time to work hard yet, the tennis ball bounced quickly by himself!

Just a light touch of the racket gave a great elasticity and jumped up quickly! Akuzu didn't even have time to swing, the ball had already jumped out! Hitting the middle block, tennis didn't pass.

-Another point was lost!

[Chu Tian score, 30: 0! 】


Chu Tian once again swung a ball quickly!

At the beginning of this time, Yakujin went all out, catching up quickly, vigorously exerting his strength and waving!

"Look at me!"

After the tennis ball was shot by Yakuzu, there was a change again!

A ball that was clearly flying forward suddenly stopped suddenly, falling straight and unreasonably ...

Chu Tian's three-style pit ball, the first pit ...

[Chu Tian score, 40: 0! 】

"Why, do you understand? The skills of the ball, you are still far away. Rotation, timing, resilience, and analytical ability, everything is closely related to tennis. Tennis, not just speed and strength. Yakujin, you are just a layman with physical strength, get it? "

Chu Tian waved his racket, picked up the ball, and looked at Yajiujin with disdain.

Such a bad boy, it is said that he went to the Youth Academy a few days ago and wounded several people in his school-Nima, although he often fights and bullies his students sometimes. But seeing people from other schools hit their own school, Chu Tian had a feeling of being shaved!

"Stop talking!"

Yajiujin glared at Chu Tian, ​​alert all over, and still did not give up.

"Oh, well, let me destroy you completely."


[Chu Tian wins, 1: 0! 】


[Chu Tian wins, 2: 0! 】


[Chu Tian wins, 5: 0! 】

Chu Tian is a skill-based tennis ball, and this type of tennis is precisely the biggest flaw of Yajiujin, which depends on the type of physical fitness!

Do not understand the principle of the ball.

I don't understand various complicated techniques.

With the aid of Akuzu, Superman's reaction, strength, and speed! Let him catch up with the ball and get the ball, but he can't get it back. This is the most disturbing thing for Ajiujin!

If you run into some complicated balls, Akujin will not be able to go back! Repeat one hundred times too!

"Hoohoo ... huhoo ... Damn, tennis, you can still play like this ..."

"This guy, play with me from beginning to end, shouting ... Just a ball, the rotating force almost numb my arm, **** ... shouting ..."

"No, I must score a point, tennis that I have always looked down on. How can I fail on this ... Hehe ... Although he is very skillful, but his strength is also ordinary ..."

Akujin was already sweating. Concentrate on Chu Tian's serve.

On the other hand, Chu Tian was calm and calm, not panicking. Holding the tennis ball in his hands, he smiled.

"This is the last goal."

Chu Tian threw the ball high!

Everyone in the whole square stared at Chu Tian. Just 23 balls, Chu Tian showed a variety of colorful skills, dazzled!

What will this ball be!

Boom! ! !

The violent shock exploded!

Everyone couldn't help closing his eyes.

Even the volatility of the air burst has caused some people nearby to stand unsteady. Chu Tian ’s tennis blasted all the way, rushing towards the opposite Ajiujin!

It's like a shell!

"Bang ——————!"

Yajiu Jin was just preparing to fight back. Suddenly a huge force came from the ball. The whole person with a racket was picked up by Chu Tian's ball and flew up in the air!

The onlookers suddenly exploded!

"Fuck! My eyes are not spent!"

"Actually flew, flew!"

"Tennis can be so naughty? So is the world-class Hercules!"

"In short, how do I feel like making a science fiction movie?"

"too exaggerated…"


Everyone was shocked by Chu Tian's last goal.

A tennis ball actually hit people more than thirty meters, at least in their perception, unheard of! But Yajiujin was shot by Chu Tian, ​​and it really happened in front of him!

The entire person has been backing for more than 30 meters, hitting the railing of the distant playing field before stopping. However, at this time, Ajiujin was already sore and exhausted all his physical strength.

No more strength ...

On the square, a piece of boiling!

[6: 0, Chu Tian wins! The second tennis department of Youth Academy, won three games and qualified for the finals! ] ...

Chu Tian twisted his neck and shook his arm, and didn't hide anything.

This level of power is still acceptable in the world of tennis princes. Pointing at the racket and pointing at Ajiujin, Chu Tian said: "You can't do skill, you can't do strength. Honestly, your tennis is really bad. Yuuki? Tell you, Yuji is now my Chu Tian woman Your objection is also invalid! Of course, if you respectfully call me Uncle, I ’m in a good mood, maybe I will give you candy ~ "

Chu Tian laughed and turned.

Several cheerleaders stepped forward to help Chu Tian replace the racket.

Ryugasaki Yoshino trotting, blushing, handed Chu Tian a towel to wipe sweat.

There is also a nightshade handing Chu Tian milk tea.

And just received the news from Chu Tian, ​​Yajiu Yuki who arrived. Instead of looking at his nephew, he kindly helped Chu Tian to organize his clothes ...

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