Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 12 Chapter 23: Beauty Tennis Department, the strength is beginning to show (1)

"The next singles will be played by the second tennis club of Youth Academy, Miss Longkui, against Yulin Middle School, Kato Kasuke!"

The referee's voice fell, and Long Kui also nodded with Chu Tian, ​​and played again.

The light blue clothes are gentle and pleasant. Compared with the elegant and quiet of Xun'er, the nightshade has a more gentle lady's breath, so soft that people don't want to fight her.

Of course, this is what everyone thought at first ...

Longkui itself doesn't really like fighting, so it didn't take long for him to switch his personality.

From the gentle and calm blue sunflower to the bold and cheerful red sunflower!

Over the years, Longkui has been able to freely switch between two personalities. At the time of conversion, except for a flash of fiery red light passing by in the eyes, the whole person could not see any abnormality, still the pale blue shirt. Only the temperament has changed a little bit ...



The ball is fast, and it's too late to catch it. The player was still standing staring, his arms kept in their original state, and the referee's voice had been heard: [Score, 15: 0! 】


It was an extremely fast goal, and the opponent was too late to bother!

[Score, 30: 0! 】


[Score, 40: 0! 】

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

[Score, 6: 0! Miss Longkui wins! In the next game, Chu Tian, ​​the second tennis club of Youth Academy, will play against ...] ...

The game has just started, and the game is over.

I am afraid the most collapsed thing in the world is this.

I originally thought that nightshade should be much more "gentle" than Xun'er. That's right, the opponent and the audience thought so.

However, the personality transformed into Red Sunflower's Solanum is completely opposite in character and has no mercy! Every time you reach your own round, you serve quickly to score, the average time is 3 seconds; the opponent's round is also an instant return to score. In the end, it only took three minutes to win the game ...

That opponent really lost his face, and even regretted participating in this game. I already knew that it would be good to abstain. 6-0 defeat to the girl in 3 minutes, I am afraid it will always be his laughing stock ...

"The referee, this, this game, I, our Yulin Middle School admit defeat! ... Hey, losing to you is not wrong. This year's youth school, I am afraid it is the strongest ever. Hey!

After repeatedly sighing, the minister of the tennis department of Yulin Middle School finally abstained.

Facing Chu Tian, ​​who commanded such a powerful player, he was afraid to continue the game. He feels that if he compares with Chu Tian, ​​he may lose confidence in tennis in the future.

In this way, Chu Tian's beauty tennis club won a victory for a total of 8 minutes ...

The entire tennis court, a murmur of discussion ...

"Maybe, the second tennis department of the Youth Academy is more powerful than the tennis department led by Tezuka!" A spectator suddenly said after the game.

"Maybe I can enter the national competition this time!" Said another spectator.

"I'm not wrong about 8 minutes."

"I didn't expect women to play tennis so well. And the two girls didn't even sweat a bit, it was a bit exaggerated ..."

Everyone, you said one word to me and kept talking about the three Chutians.

Although this tennis team has just been established for a short time, but no doubt, the strength shown in this game is far beyond other teams! Even, it has the potential to enter the national competition!


"Ah! Brother Tian, ​​will I just ... get a little harder?" Back to Chu Tian, ​​Long Kui uttered a small tongue and said a little embarrassedly.

Realizing that his other personality seemed to be overbearing, hitting 6: 0 in three minutes, Longkui felt a bit sorry for others. After all, like Chu Tian, ​​they are all gods who have surpassed the reincarnation of immortality and have lived for some time. It ’s more shameful to bully a few mortals into this way than to bully a small person, “This, it does n’t matter. The fire is real money. If you ca n’t bear the blow, it ’s a good thing to give up early. — But this Yulin Middle School The minister is really not a thing, actually abstained! Damn! "Chu Tian said indignantly.

Chu Tian is also ready to force it back in front of everyone!

"But Dad, didn't you cheerleader come? No one will see you even if you pretend to be forced." Xun'er smiled beautifully, and the beautiful smile bloomed, holding Chu Tian's hand very sticky.

This time, Chu Tian's trouble again.

Cheerleaders ...

The day before yesterday, Chu Tian was careless, a little bit happy, and came to the battle with the girls. Then the beauty was asleep, and I felt this morning. Even the date of the game, I forgot to notify the team members!

"Okay, brother, don't worry. Let's go to the playground. Brother, do you say we are going to the United States or France? Remember that there is a good playground in London, England ..." Chu Tian had arms and listened to the gentle words gently.

"Yes, dad, the other worlds are almost the same, this world has to be fun ..."

"Well, I think, shall we ... go to the hotel first? Look at the hotel conditions in this world--"

"Brother Tian, ​​how do you think about it!"

"Dad, your morale is gone, hee hee."


The three of them talked warmly, and from time to time came the laughs of the two women's light souls.

The big beauties on the left and right are still of the same level as the world. The people of the entire tennis court now can't wait to treat Chu Tian as an idol!

Such a beautiful girl, it's hard to catch one, it's hard to find two, and still get along well! What a god! Some male compatriots are even ready to ask Chu Tian about the problem of picking up girls. Especially the trick of pedaling two boats and still keeping it steady is so important ...

"This classmate! Please stay! Please stay!"

At this moment, Inoue at the back suddenly came up, facing Chu Tiandao, "I am the editor of" Professional Tennis Monthly ". I want to interview you about tennis this time. I do n’t know if Chu Tian has any students. idle--"

Chu Tian smiled politely and interrupted: "Sorry, as you can see, I'm going to date my girlfriend. The interview is important, but it's more important to ask your wife. Mr. Inoue, as a man, you know." At the end, Chu Tian also gave a gesture of expression.

"Eh--" Inoue was stunned for a moment, and he never thought it would be the result.

A junior high school student, so frankly rejected his interview, but also behaved so calmly, it is not like a person of this age. Moreover, Chu Tian ’s answer is so ridiculous that Inoue is not good to refute. Nodded his head, Inoue said: "Okay, then Chu Tian will be busy first!"

"Well, I will go first. If you have time, I will accept your interview.-And this lady, your figure is really good." Chu Tian passed the head and said to Zhisha Zhi behind.

"Little. My brother is quite discerning!"

"For beauty, I never skimp on my own compliments. Goodbye beauty, I will talk when I have time!"

After talking, Chu Tian took the hands of two beautiful women and walked away ...

"Is he really a junior high school student?" Inoue could not help asking.

Zhisha Zhidao said: "I don't know if I am a junior high school student, but I am a super handsome guy. I have never seen such a handsome guy. He is so handsome and stylish. Handsome guy, scientist, tennis player. Humor is humorous, and still very clever ... Hey, it ’s a pity that it ’s a little smaller and more affectionate, and two such beauties have been soaked. Fortunately, I did n’t like him, eh!

Zhishazhi's eyes shone with small stars, looking at Chu Tian's back, and kept talking to herself ...

Senior Inoue slapped it on his head.

God, who will take away his nympho!

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