Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 12 Chapter 14: At first sight Ryugasaki Sakurano, I am a senior (1)

April, the cherry blossom season.

Schools in Tokyo, Japan, ushered in another busy season. A young boy and girl full of youth and vitality entered a new school and a new world.

The streets, schools, and supermarkets are full of joy. On the day of school, no matter in which country, it is so lively ...

In front of a subway in Tokyo.

Chu Tian, ​​dressed in the iconic school uniform of the Youth Academy, dressed handsomely and sunny, walked briskly in front of the subway station. The return rate of beautiful women along the way is 100%. There are even many bold girls who take the initiative to talk to Chu Tian and even ask for phone numbers! There is nothing strange about these Chutians, which have been commonplace for a long time. If you are a beautiful woman, just take a few remarks.

It has been half a year since I came to Japan.

Chu Tian asked the Japanese government to forge an identity, and then entered the Youth Academy, waiting for the plot to begin.

It is worth mentioning that Chu Tian took into consideration the height problem and went directly to the second day of the junior year. The guy at the same table is Chu Tian ...

When Taocheng Wu and Haitang Kaoru met Chu Tian, ​​they also had to respectfully call out "Seniors"!

In this way, although the plot of "Prince of Tennis" has not begun, Chu Tian has become familiar with several protagonists.

Not long after walking, Chu Tian's cell phone suddenly rang "didididi".

At first glance, Chu Tian was his math teacher, as well as the coach of the Youth Department of Tennis Studies, teacher Ryugasaki. After pressing the answer button, Chu Tian walked and said, "Hello? Teacher Ryugasaki? Yes, yes, uh, I'm already on the subway ... Um, rest assured, Sakurano, I'll take care of you, teacher you Busy, let me enroll for the registration ... Okay, well, that's it! ... No need to thank you! Teacher, your math class, you have taught it well, and it's deserved to do some help ... "

Chu Tian put down his phone and exhaled.

Today is the day of registration. Coach Ryugas has something to do at home, so he asked Chu Tian to take care of his granddaughter, Ryugasaki. I still feel uneasy now, so I call and confirm again.

Ryugasaki's care for Sakura is very good. The little girl's so pure and innocent personality has a lot to do with her living environment ...

"Ryuzaki Sakura, well, well, those who met here, what about people ..."

Chu Tian is also very familiar with the local customs and geographical environment. Walking vigorously at the subway station, Chu Tian looked around and looked for it.

After a turn, Chu Tian finally caught the target in the crowd!

It was a girl wearing a pale cyan costume and a dark green short skirt. The girl was wearing a pair of cute ponytails, and turned her back to Chu Tian.

The girl is about 1.5089 meters and weighs 38.423 kg. Chu Tian glanced roughly, and immediately got such data in his mind.

It's her.

"--Hey! Here, here, Sakurano, look here, I am here !!!"

Chu Tian suddenly raised his hands and shouted towards the girl in the distance.

When the girl heard Chu Tian's cry, she hurriedly turned her head back and swept her double ponytails in the air. A lovely face moved into Chu Tian's eyes.

The skin is fair and tender. There are a few blushes. A pair of big eyes are clear like a wave of water, under the exquisite pretty nose, is a small cute mouth. With her cyan costume, the girl gives the impression of being cute, lively, and innocent.

Through the hustle and bustle of the crowd, the girl rushed to Chu Tian quickly, carrying a small bag, gasping slightly, with a little apology on her face: "--ah, that, sorry! I'm sorry to keep you waiting! I am sorry! I forgot where the appointed place was! —Ah! That, may I ask, are you ... Senior Chu Chu? ”

"Yes! My name is Chu Tian and I will meet for the first time." Chu Tian showed a gentle smile.

Ryugasaki Sakuno's face was suddenly red!

Obviously this was the first time I saw each other, but Chu Tian ’s charming face, outstanding charm, and human temperament suddenly made Ryugasaki a little nervous. Ryugasaki Sakuno, who was not so good at communication, was even more at a loss at this time.

A pair of small hands clasped the skirt tightly, Ryugasaki Yoshino's brain was a little messy, and said: "That, I'm Ryugasaki Yoshino! Senior, I really trouble you! Actually, I told my grandma not to pick up, I I was born in junior high school, but my grandma ... "

"Okay, don't be nervous, I all know." Chu Tian interrupted and comforted the nervous girl. Ryugasaki Sakura was even more cute than expected, "Teacher Ryugasaki has something to do, so that I ’ll pick you up. When registering, there are a lot of people and trouble. It ’s really inconvenient for your little girl to go alone. I happen to have something to do. I ’ll take you to sign up. ”


"Don't be it anymore. As a senior, you should take care of your school girl. Don't go out, let's go." Chu Tian and Ryugasaki Noi nodded.

"Thank you seniors!"

Ryugasaki Sakura bowed and said politely. Afterwards, the trot closely followed Chu Tian's pace and entered the carriage.

The subway door closed.

Chu Tian and Ryugasaki Sakurano embarked on a journey to Qingxue ...

"Good seniors!" Inside the car, a man and Chu Tiandao who were also wearing Qing Xue costumes.

"Well, Ishida, it's been a long time." Chu Tian replied.

"Senior, I heard that you took the exam last school year ... all got full marks !?"

"It's just luck. The liberal arts needs luck to get full marks."

"Senior, I heard that you handed down criminals with guns a week ago, really?"


Looking at the unseen seniors talking to Chu Tian in worship, Long Qi Ying Nao couldn't help raising his head and quietly looked at Chu Tian.

The seniors are not only handsome, they seem to be very popular ...


Ryugasaki, the coach of Ryugasaki, is not only a coach, but also a math teacher ~~ really ~ I was taken aback ~


Japanese junior high school is divided into three semesters. Starts in April ~

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