Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 11 Chapter 51: Abducted Han Xiuning (3/7)

【Photo of Han Xiuning】

"Girl Han, don't be surprised. Nu Wa has long been married to me, but she hasn't notified the world. There is no need to be surprised."

Chu Tian was dressed well, several beautiful women accompanied him around Chu Tian, ​​Nu Wa was sitting next to Chu Tian, ​​a bright smile on the bright face.

"Yes, yes, yes. Xiuning panicked, making Chu Huang smile ..."

Han Xiuning's crisp xiong undulated and promised. For Chu Tian, ​​he looked up again.

Although I have always been in awe of Chu Tian, ​​the people who unified the mainland of Shenzhou are absolutely very strong! Even, from the ancient times to the present, the strength can be imagined.

However, in Han Xiuning's mind, there is still an insurmountable distance between gods and people. Three emperors, that is the strongest **** in the legend.

But now, the goddess Nu Wa actually married to Chu Tian.

In other words, the strength of the Chu Emperor reached at least the level of God, and even higher. Everyone may have great restrictions on the emperor Chu Chu ...

Chu Tian grabbed the melon seeds and delivered it to the table next to Han Xiuning. He signaled that Han Xiuning should not be nervous. He continued: "Actually, this time you came to Wumeng Linggu to do something. Listen. Say, the seal of burning silence, to be untied?-Do n’t panic, this melon seed can be different from what you usually eat. Try it. "

Where did Han Xiuning think of melon seeds, nodded quickly and respectfully: "The Emperor Qixun Chu, exactly! It will be another ten years at most, and the seal of the Burning Sword will be released."

"How are you going to solve it?"

"Qi Yun, Emperor Chu, Xiu Ning is ready to contact the people of Youdu, and he will seal the silence again." Xiu Ning replied.

"Are you married yet?" Chu Tian asked again.


Han Xiuning's big, bright eyes looked at Chu Tian, ​​revealing deep doubts. Chu Tian's thinking jumped so fast that she couldn't keep up.

Moreover, why did you suddenly ask this question, shouldn't it be related to the emperor Chu?

Han Xiuning still answered truthfully: "Your Majesty, Xiuning is a big witch wish of the Wumeng Linggu clan. You can't marry alone. This has been the case for thousands of years in the clan. The emperor Chu really laughed."

"Oh, that's how it is."

Chu Tian muttered.

It seems to be the little butterfly effect of the plot. In all these years, I have been calculating the time, and it seems to be purely superfluous.

"Okay, then, I made a decision! Han Xiuning, take the decision."

Chu Tian said aloud, his face serious.

Nu Wa next to him stared at Chu Tian without knowing what Chu Tian thought.

Han Xiuning quickly fell to his knees and said, "Long live my emperor, long live long live."

"Um, this, Han Xiuning, one of the most beautiful women in the world is really rare. After I saw it, I could n’t think about it, could n’t sleep at night, and had trouble sleeping and sleeping. Even dealing with North Korea ’s politics was inefficient. With Chu's future in mind, I decided to include you in the harem. From today, Han Xiuning will unload the Wumeng Linggu Dawuzhu post and concentrate on serving me ... "

Diao Erdang said such a decree in his tone. Han Xiuning would not believe it when he changed to peace. Actually also said that for the grand Chu!

It's just like rogue! Where is the royal style!

But now, Emperor Chu is in front of him and can't do anything fake!

Even Nuwa is here.

Han Xiuning's brain is ignorant, and I don't know how to do it. With so many beautiful women in the palace of the Emperor Chu, he would still like himself? Moreover, and how can I marry someone, but I want to protect the Umongling Valley ...

Biting Zhu Zhu, Han Xiuning said softly:

"Huang Chu ... Chu Huang, please, please take back your life!"

Chu Tian smiled and said, "Do you look down on me?"

"No, no, Chu Emperor's grace, Xiuning panic! Xiuning is not unwilling, but, Xiuning has a heavy responsibility, can't leave here! Umong Linggu family, guarding the burning sword for generations. At that time, Nuwa Niangniang entrusted us with the important task, we, we can not ignore it! "

Han Xiuning's pair of exquisite jade hands clasped the skirt tightly, being extremely careful and panicking.

Chu Tian's stern eyes moved around, and Han Xiuning's cheeks almost burned. I don't know why, I feel Chu Tian's eyes are like a fire, and it tickles all over the place ...

Han Xiuning also had to admit that Chu Tian's looks and temperament are unmatched by anyone he sees. Chu Tian's perfection, coupled with that dignity, made her have a fear, fear, even inferiority, feeling that she was not worthy of the person in front of her.

Even the goddess Nuwa was married to her. How could he qualify to marry Chu Emperor?

Of course, the most important thing is the responsibility of Wumeng Linggu, which makes Han Xiuning reject Chu Tian. If the Sword of Burning Silence is not guarded, the consequences are unimaginable ...

At this time, Nu Wa beside Chu Tian chuckled and whispered in Chu Tian's ear: Accompany me to go shopping tonight.

Nu Wa raised her head and smiled, and Yingying looked at Han Xiuning:

"Han Xiuning."

Han Xiuning respectfully said:

"Xiu Ning is here!"

Nu Wa played with Chu Tian ’s big hand while drawing circles on it, and said: "You only guarded the Umong Ling Valley because of my words then, then I will order again, burn the sword of silence, no need You have guarded, and from today on, you will no longer be the Great Witch of Wumeng Ling Valley. In this case, Tiange ’s suggestion, will you accept it? "

"Nuwa Niangniang, Xiuning, Xiuning, but Burning Sword--"

"Sword of Burning Silence, you don't have to worry. At that time, Longyuan's seven fierce swords came out together, and they were also taken by Tiange's escort. Everyone was burning, it was not a problem. If there is real chaos in the world, the first one to worry is This is the Emperor Chu. "

Nu Wa instantly understood Han Xiuning's thoughts and broke Han Xiuning's doubts.

"But Xiuning introduces mortals, how can he be with the Nuwa maiden ... and the Nuwa maiden ..."

Han Xiuning, who was in the upright age of Cardamom, had a messy brain, buzzing and buzzing, not knowing where he was thinking.

Han Xiuning even wondered if the shameful clothes of the ladies would have to wear them in the future. What a shame! Would n’t you be with Nuwa when I was in bed at night, my God, what can I do ...

Nu Wa smiled, and now Han Xiuning is just shy of her daughter's family. Zhao Chutian handed a "get it done" look, and Nu Wa gave a smug smile.

It has to be said that Nüwa's heart is kind and Xiong is very broad-minded. Although it can't be compared with Ruby's kind of abduction of Liangjia girls for the sake of their masters, Nu Wa is still very happy to solicit a few harem members for Chu Tian.

Chu Tiangan coughed twice, and had already thought of the scene of holding big bags and small bags tonight, and Nuwa eating a lot and eating her stomach full ...

"Xiu Ning agreed."

Chu Tian said, and then sent a voice to the guard outside:

"Departure, go to Palace No. 726."

"Follow the order! Master!"

"Emperor Chu, Xiuning, Xiuning has not bid farewell to everyone-" Han Xiuning quickly said.

"It's okay, I will send someone to notify."

So, get up again ...

In the Wumeng Ling Valley, a large group of villagers kneeling to the ground are still waiting for the order of the Chu Emperor.

However, after waiting for a long time, it was going to be dark. Not only did the Emperor Chu not give orders, but even Lord Xiuning did not show up. The guards turned around and carried the sedan to the distance ...

"Master Xiuning! Master Xiuning!"

"Master Xiuning, where are you going!"

"No, Master Xiuning won't offend the Emperor Chu. Get caught!"

"Our Lord Xiuning, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"


All the people in the Umong Linggu, grieved and grieved.

Chu Tianer forgot to send someone to inform this matter, everyone in Wumeng Linggu thought that their great Xiuning arbitrarily broke into Luanjia, and after offending Chu Emperor, Chu Tian was clicked ...

"Sir Xiuning! You died terribly—"

"The tomb of Lord Xiuning" was soon erected on a hill in Umeng Ling Valley. There is a small line next to it, telling future generations not to approach the emperor's Luan drive casually. The last great witch Zhu Hanxiun told the people with **** lessons ...

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