Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 11 Chapter 46: Desperately (5/7)

In this way, Comrade Jin Lei started fighting with the following scolding voice.

The opponent is a gang leader called the Flying Tiger Gang. From Jin Lei's point of view, the martial arts are almost stale, and can be cleaned up in two or three hits.

To say that the real pressure comes from the curse of the masses.

The public opinion of Da Chu is controlled by Chu Tian firmly in his hands, and it is not easy to ruin a person's reputation. While Jin Lei was fighting, he endured all kinds of unpleasant insults, and his resentment grew deeper ...

Some unpleasant words even scolded the 18th generation of Jin Lei's ancestors ...

Jin Lei's forehead was exposed, even if he was nourished, he was angry now!

"Captive of my sister!"

"Control my master!"

"Still beat me!"

"Destroy my reputation!"




Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang!

Punched out punch after punch.

Jin Lei imagined all the enemies as Chutian. It was Chu Tian who pushed him to this point. Without revenge, Jin Lei vowed not to be human!

After three consecutive punches, Jin Lei vented his anger on his opponent. The huge aura exploded, and the people on the opposite side had no chance of even struggling, and immediately went out.

With a bang, it fell to the ground.

Seriously injured!

"The winner, Jin Lei--"

The referee's voice was layered.

Jin Lei squeezed his fist, Jin Lei felt full of strength. Lei Xiaotian's pills, the effect is too strong. Jin Lei didn't care about the side effects.

As long as you can get revenge!

Jin Lei's eyes were burning, and he looked at the crowd below in a victorious posture. One, two, three ... Everyone looks down on him, but Jin Lei swears it won't take long, he will turn over again, shameful before the snow!

"I will definitely win."

Jin Lei took a deep breath and said to himself.

Jin Lei even saw the scene where Shimei wanted to thank him.

His heroic courage defeated Chu Tian and rescued Master. Then Master also told him: I am proud of you.

Shimei is grateful and looks at herself with admiration——

Do not!

Jin Lei violently excited, Shimei really came!

Jin Lei suddenly discovered that the shadow, as if, indeed, really ... was a sister?

"Really, is it ... Shimei? But, Shimei, how is she ... Isn't she forced?"

Jin Lei looked at the crowd below. His sister, He Wenjun, was like a bird, snuggling against the chest of a man with a sweet face. Although he couldn't see the man's face, it was definitely Chu Tian.

Ruby stood beside Chu Tian, ​​and a little loli was laughing and laughing with Ruby.

He Wenjun, whose skin wins the snow and has a graceful appearance, is still the kind of weak and unbearable posture. Looking at Chu Tian's eyes, full of love ...

Jin Lei muttered to himself: "Impossible, impossible, the teacher and sister were forced at first, yes, forced, forced, how could this happen, like this ..."

In an instant, Jin Lei seemed to hit the cotton with a punch.

Isn't everything you do yourself to understand how to save the teacher and sister? But the sister is so happy now, do you need help? Turn him off!

He has been busy working for so many days, what is it for!

What is the significance of his efforts?

"No, no, I still have to save Master, yes, I have to avenge myself, revenge ... revenge !!"

"I still have to give my gratitude to Lei Tan ..."

"I want ..."


"You still have to die! Stop the ink, start playing!"

When Jin Lei recovered, Chu Tian was already standing on the ring.

Holding a little loli in her arms, it was Xun Fang who was taken from Penglai. Xun Fang was noisy, listening to Chu Tian's jokes, as if he hadn't put Jin Lei in his eyes ...

Jin Lei stepped back subconsciously.

When did you come up?

A kind of inexplicable fear enveloped Jin Lei. Looking staring at Chu Tian, ​​Jin Lei thought of something again, Shen said: "You ... can you see through my mind?"

"Guess what." Chu Tian hugged Xunfang, and you had a tone of beating me.


Jin Lei stared at Chu Tian and took another step back.

Fear deepens again.

Seeing through people's hearts, this is no longer understandable.

After glancing into the crowd and seeing Lei Xiaotian's encouragement, Jin Lei finally found a little courage again. That's right, now he is not the same as he used to be!

Reaching out, pretending to wipe his mouth, Jin Lei put a sapphire altar pill in his hand into his mouth, and a violent force was violently surging in the body. It seems that the whole person is about to explode!

Side effects, no matter!

As long as you can beat Chu Tian!

"You, are you sure to hold this girl and fight with me?" Jin Lei watched Chu Tiandao vigilantly.

"Oh, fight? You are too much to praise yourself, can you and I also be called fight?"

"Don't regret if you lose!"

"Of course not, I forgot to tell you that this is encouraged by your teacher-"

"Asshole !!!"

Can't bear the anger in his heart anymore, Jin Lei stepped out, the sword in his hand shone brightly, and spurred towards Chu Tian. A ray of light was blooming, and the strongest tricks of Bishan School were made by Jin Lei!

With the help of the violent medicine, Jin Lei can only determine the victory and defeat in one hit, the longer the delay, the more disadvantageous to himself!

After killing Chu Tian, ​​Jin Lei only had anger in his heart, only kill!


Under the ring, next to Lei Xiaotian, the master of the sapphire altar, a disciple suddenly said:

"Master Altar, this kid, actually ate Leopard King Dan in advance! What to do, Leopard King Dan is violent, and after ten days of taking it, he will die! How will he become the son-in-law of the Ye family!

"Huh! At the beginning, I didn't expect him! Yu Heng was here, and it was confirmed no doubt. Within ten days, as long as this kid got Yu Heng, from Xian Shanzhuang? This seat simply doesn't look down on!"

Lei Xiaotian touched his beard and smiled.

"The altar wise!"

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