Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 11 Chapter 15: Chu Emperor travels, Fu Xi ascends to the sky (1/4)

The unification of China.

The collision between Chi You and Chu Tian ended in Chu Tian's complete victory. All the tribes surrendered to Chu Tian one after another, joined Chu, and became Chu Tian's people.

All tribes united to form the Great Chu Empire!

The establishment of the country was pushed ahead by Chu Tian for thousands of years!

Maybe productivity, social economy, etc., are not enough to enter this system, but Chu Tian ’s absolute power makes all the impossible possible!

All officials tampered with their thoughts and faithfully surrendered, and all the people also benefited from Chu Tian ’s invention, benefiting greatly from Chu Tian as a saint; even the rebellious people, Anyi ’s oral disobedient people, knowledge After Chu Tian's power to destroy the world, he didn't have the guts to make any indignant actions, he could only anesthetize himself, and he had to pass by ...

As the people want, Chutian's prestige and power have reached the highest peak in the world!

Later, Chutian built a luxurious and atmospheric city with the supreme divine power in the seat of Beijing in later generations, and was designated as the capital of the country. Chu Tian once again ascended the throne, known as the first emperor of Dachu, and the only emperor.

Emperor Chu!

"--Okay, I have something important to do, I will leave it to you here, have you heard it!" Above the main hall, Chu Tian tilted Erlang's legs with a casual expression.

The following are a group of people whose minds are controlled by Chu Tian. Even when he saw Chu Tian tilting Erlang's legs in such a dignified occasion, he didn't feel any discomfort. He also thought to himself: It is worthy of Master Chu Tian, ​​this posture, how handsome. what!

A number of officials said with sincerity, fear and loyalty: "Chen, wait, swear to serve your majesty!"

"Well, yes, that's the momentum. If you do things well, do it well. I can give you a life span of more than ten years. You can also consider it!"

"Chen wait! Pledge allegiance to death !!!" Everyone has roared excitedly!

"Well, okay, this will do."

Chu Tian smiled, leaving everyone with a reason to work hard. A ray of light shone around the body, Chu Tian left here.

Once again, I started the shopkeeper ...

"Where are you going to play this time? I think about it, think about it, or else, go back to Lushan Mountain and see ..."

Chu Tian said to himself in the air.

The body flickered quickly and hurried towards the distant mountain. Over the past few years, Chu Tian has found more than a dozen strongholds in the world, which are used as a place to stay in the world. Each stronghold has a huge prohibition, unless it reaches the level of the Three Emperors, otherwise, do not want to enter your own mansion!

Among them, the scenery of Lushan has always been Chu Tian ’s most satisfying.

Plus, Lushan is the only place equipped with modern equipment. Where not to go?

Chu Tian quickly flew towards Lushan ...



And at this time.

In another fairyland far away.

In Hongya Realm, Fu Xi and the gods have already noticed the changes in the human world, millions of souls, terrifying, they felt it.

Where Chu Tian and Chi You fought, the wild of Zhuolu lost a million troops. If the gods can't feel such a horrible killing, it will be alive!

So, Fu Xi, accompanied by several great gods, went to the world to investigate ...

"What is this?"

Fu Xi looked at a weapon and asked the people around him.

The weapon is long and narrow, with sharp blades on both sides, shining brightly. After the promotion of ironmaking technology, it is already possible to mass produce various weapons. However, the sword also quickly entered people's vision ...

"This ... me, I never heard it."

A fairy beside me explained.

The changes in the world are too big, he didn't even know that there will be this stuff. I remember when I came to the world a hundred years ago, I didn't have these things yet. Even, even this iron smelting technology did not have ...

"You, do you know what this is?"

Fu Xi shouted at a passerby and asked.

The passer-by stopped and looked strangely at Fu Xi's face for a while, and said: "You don't even know this, it's too old. This, called 'Sword', is a member of the Anyi tribe The swordsmith created it, it seems to be called Xiangyuan. As for the sword, it is extremely sharp and beautiful in appearance. Some masters have forged it, and it is even said that it can blow hair and cut hair ... "

Fu Xi listened to the lengthy introduction and interrupted, "Then, what is the sword for?"

The pedestrian was stunned and said with a smile: "What else can it be used for, of course, to kill the enemy! You are so funny, can this thing be used to kill pigs?"

Fu Xi's complexion instantly dimmed.

Looking at the sharp sword, he reached out and wiped it to the edge of the sword, and tried its power. In his eyes, a sense of disgust came out ...

"How long does it take to cast this thing."

"A good weapon takes more than ten days. Like this handle, it only takes a day or two."

"What is this flag you painted?"

"This is Da Chu's mark."


After the negotiation, the pedestrian left.

Fu Xi, however, stood on the spot, staring at the sword in his hand in silence. Several of the great gods on the Hongya Realm around him also did not speak out one by one.

Obviously, Fu Xi's mood is extremely bad!

After a long time, Fu Xi raised his head, looked at this small street, and said: "Mortal ... really foolish! Actually, he has made his way out of the road and made such a fighting weapon! Foolish, foolless !!"

The following great gods were silent.

For the sword, several people were also very surprised.

Fu Xi paused, and continued: "The one called Chu Tian is even more absurd, and is also a human being. He actually proclaimed himself the Emperor of Chu and above others! Humans who are greedy for power are really ... dirty. Dirty!"

The gods behind remained silent.

Fu Xi took a deep breath and walked towards the distance with his sleeves, while walking, said: "Everyone in the world, I have been completely disappointed. Fei Lian, Ju Mang, herald the gods, gather a hundred days later, Hong Ya Situation, discuss the matter of the ladder. There is no need to postpone this matter. "

"Then, Lord Fuxi, Nuwa her ..."

Ju Mang's words stopped for a while.

Nu Wa and Fu Xi have always been at odds. Among the gods, it is no longer a secret. Everyone knows the last time he assisted Prince Changqin, it was just an excuse for Nu Wa to leave Hong Yajing.

However, no one dared mention it.

"she was--"

The essence of Fu Xi's eyes flashed.

Although the power is superior to the gods, if you really do it with Nu Wa, you must also worry about Shennong. Shennong has always been easy-going and walked closer to humans. If Shennong Station reaches Nu Wa, you may not have a chance to win ...

Looking at the sword in his hand, Fu Xi's eyes shone with a strange light of thinking ...

"Nuwa ... just inform her. If she is attached to the world, let her stay. Let Zhu Rong and Prince Changqin return quickly. Let go of everything and go to the sky, it is urgent!

"Yes, Lord Fuxi."


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