Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 7 Chapter 101: The woods meet again

【Golden Bottle】

There is no half figure in the empty sky. Chu Tian stretched his waist and was refreshed.

Enough opponents are too hard to find, Zhang Xiaofan, or Heavenly Emperor, is barely qualified. However, it's just activity.

"Really, the heights are cold, lonely and invincible!"

Chu Tian sighed and surveyed the great mountains and rivers.

Under the investigation of thought, everything is under Chu Tian's observation.

Xiaobai has returned to Huqi Mountain according to Chu Tian's instructions. Detained in the Incense Valley for a hundred years, it was also time to go back and take a look. Especially with the idiot, the two haven't seen each other for many years and have a lot to talk about.

Of course, Chu Tianke did not tell Xiaobai that Hu Qishan had been transformed into his debauched harem, but instead called it: protect the female disciples with low strength.

… This kind of unruly thing is not the first time anyway.

Chu Tian's eyes turned to the forest below.

The lush forest did not cause damage due to the fight between Chu Tian and Zhang Xiaofan. After all, both of them deliberately avoided spreading to the earth, which is why they fought in the sky. The lush forest spreads for dozens of miles at the foot of Qingyun Mountain, and there is a lush green in the eyes.

In the woods, a woman in a goose yellow dress is walking slowly. From time to time, he raised his head and looked at Qingyun Mountain in the distance.

Women's goose-shaped face, extremely beautiful. The figure is exquisite and exquisite, exuding a faint charm. Although he is not old, it seems that because of the practice, there is a temptation that the **** doesn't have.

Yingying's water eyes, people can't help but feel pity at a glance. The slender willow waist, the tall and straight Xuefeng, the woman's figure and temperament, it seems to be a replica of Mrs. Sanmiao. The only difference is that they are much younger.

Chu Tian flickered and disappeared into the sky ...

In the forest, Jin Ping'er walked full of thoughts.

Although the Daoxing is not low, Qingyun Gate can be reached in a blink of an eye, but Jin Ping'er does not use any Dao at the moment. Instead, it slowed down.

The closer to that place, the faster Jin Ping'er's heartbeat will be. The feeling of longing and heartbeat gradually became stronger.

At the same time, there is also an imperceptible worry ...

Does that person remember himself?

The little boy originally thought it was just an encounter, but as Jin Ping'er grew older and understood many things, he gradually found himself more and more unforgettable for the boy who had only one side.

Obviously took away his first kiss, but still couldn't help thinking of him.

I heard that the head of Qingyunmen has the same name as him. It ’s him who wants to come. That guy is so young, so evil, and certainly not wrong!

However, Jin Ping'er was a little worried.

What if the other party doesn't remember her?

What if she does n’t remember her?

The more hopeful, the more afraid of disappointment. Jin Ping'er's footsteps gradually slowed down, slowly walking forward under the Qingyun Mountain ...

"Hey! Beauty, how are you!"

A man's voice suddenly came from behind Jin Ping'er.

Jin Ping'er was shocked, but he didn't even notice the enemy's approach! Turning his head, Jin Ping'er pulled out the purple mango blade sent by the master before he left, and watched the person opposite with caution.

"The son is--"

Chu Tian laughed: "Oh, I think you and a person I know look alike, so I say hello."

Jin Ping'er smiled broadly, and his face was like a peach blossom: "So this is the case, the son scared me!"

Jin Pinger's language is gentle, like a harmless girl.

But Chu Tian knows that she and Mrs. Sanmiao are almost carved out of a mold. There are so many ghosts in her heart! This kind of woman will only be obedient after being completely conquered, otherwise it will always be the most headache!

Chu Tian stepped forward: "Is the girl going to Qingyun Gate? It's just the same way, let's go together."

Jin Ping'er's face stretched a lot. A person from Qingyun Gate led the way and entered Qingyun Gate in search of Chu Tian, ​​which should be much easier.

Jin Pinger put away the Zimang blade and whispered, "The little girl thanks the son."

"Don't dare to be! Do not dare to be! Lead the way for the beauty, has always been my favorite!"

"The son talks funny. But for people like you, the Qingyun Gate doesn't seem to accept it."

"How is it possible, I am a talented century-old wizard!"


The two chatted like this and walked towards Qingyun Mountain.

With Chu Tian's company, Jin Ping'er's nervous mood eased a lot. Along the way, the two talked to each other and slowly became familiar.

Jin Ping'er suddenly felt that the people in front of her gave her a familiar feeling. It is not a familiarity in appearance, but a kind of blurred, temperamental, and spiritual familiarity.

Although it is impossible to confirm, but this person, this feeling actually gave her a sense of intimacy ...

Soon, the two came under the Qingyun Mountain.

Chu Tian and Jin Ping'er entered the Qingyun Mountain after passing through a layer of barrier that was invisible to the naked eye and also undetectable.

Suddenly, the scene in front of me suddenly changed! Jin Ping'er sighed, widening his eyes.

"this is!"

Jinping'er looked at the gorgeous Qingyun Mountain, which was completely different from what he saw outside! The arrangement is exquisite, natural and warm, making people happy.

The gorgeous Caixia spread on the sky, gorgeous and colorful, completely different from the outside sky!

The buildings are of different styles and have never been seen before. They are novel and weird.

There are so many strange things, Jin Pinger dazzled, issued one after another.

"Qingyunmen, it would be like this!"

Jin Ping'er walked quickly.

Chu Tian also quickly followed.

Walking to the top of the mountain, there is a wide lawn in the eyes, a large group of Yingyingyanyan, playing on it, jumping rope, or a table for four people to gather in the daytime, and there are also swings, mirrors, etc ...

Seeing Chu Tian coming back, everyone stopped playing and ran towards Chu Tian.

"Brother! You are back!"

"Brother, you are finally back!"

"Brother Master, teach me the real secret of Excalibur!"


A group of beautiful women rushed towards Chu Tian.

The wind. The graceful Su Ru, the graceful manner of Wen Min, the Tong Yan Ju. The beautiful and nimble Linger, and the perfect, flawless, cool and fresh Lu Xueqi ...

Jin Pinger turned his head in surprise, looked at Chu Tian, ​​and said, "You, you are-Chu Tian?"

"Of course, who else would be besides me!" Chu Tian said stupidly.

Jin Ping'er wandered between the daughters and Chu Tian.

Thinking of this man, he was so small, and took away his first kiss. The scene in front of him was entirely possible. Actually the female disciples of Qingyunmen were all collected!

What a jerk! ! !

Jin Ping'er looked at these female disciples vigorously, and a sour taste spread in his heart.

Glancing at Chu Tian, ​​Jin Ping'er suddenly flashed his eyes, thinking of something.

"Ah, son, I, my head is so dizzy, so dizzy ..."

Jin Ping'er suddenly covered his forehead and fell into Chu Tian's arms, pretending to be in a coma. The soft and tender body is close to Chu Tian, ​​and a jade arm also pretends to be inadvertently put on Chu Tian ’s waist.

"Girl? Or, let me take you to rest."

"Okay ... many ... thank you son ..."

Jin Ping'er said delicately.

Pretending to be weak, Jin Ping'er thought that Chu Tian had fallen into her trap, but she didn't know that it was her who really fell into the trap!

Seeing that Chu Tian was busy with girls, all the women retreated. Playing cards, mahjong mahjong, for Chu Tian's wind, things have been strange. Chu Tian and Jin Ping'er went to the basement bedroom of Xiaozhufeng in the distance ...


The 7th is released around 10 o'clock,

Because the code is slower after breakfast, sorry,

In addition, a friendly reminder, the next world Inuyasha, open tomorrow ~

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