Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 6 Chapter 33: game

The practice of rejuvenating children is indeed terrifying and has never existed before.

However, in Cangsong's view, rejuvenation means that Xiuwei fell greatly. After all, how can the meridians of ordinary people withstand the flush of heaven and earth? No matter how high the savvy, no matter how good the qualifications are, the physical limitations are destined to be too strong in a short time!

Cangsong made a sword!

A fierce sword light blasted towards Chu Tian, ​​and there was an endless whistle. The skill in Cang Song's hands twisted, and the sword seemed to have spirituality.


The long sword trembled. Shaking.

Aura of spirits wrapped around, forming a transparent shield, blocking the sword tip. Chu Tian looked at Cangsong with a smile, as if to say that this attack was not enough.

"how come."

Cang Song said in a low voice, withdrew the long sword, the spirit condensed, and a cold spread on the sword. Cang Song waved his sword again, with a cold breath, freezing all the grass around them.

Ice system Taoism and swordsmanship, Cang Song attacked again-


There was another crisp sound.

When Chu Tian grabbed the air, Aura actually condensed into the shape of a long sword, and pulled away the long pine sword. The powerful force seems to shatter the wrist, and the looseness is incredible!

Reiki control reaches this point, only the legendary Taiqing realm will have. Ever-changing and invisible, this is the highest state of Taoism and nature! The Aoba Patriarch of the year was said to be this height, but Chu Tian in front of him!

"Impossible! How are you--"

"How is it impossible?"

Chu Tian interrupted, and did not even move. A channel of aura quickly turned around. Dozens of Taiji Xuanqing Dao suddenly appeared out of thin air, densely surrounding Cangsong. Each blue pattern exudes a vast atmosphere.

Cangsong saw that this was an authentic and true Taoist spell!

Chu Tiandao: "It's just the state of Taiqing, it has arrived long ago! In fact, the old man Dao Xuan has arrived, although it is only in the middle of Taiqing."

With a wave of Chu Tian's volley, dozens of Tai Chi figures merged one after another and became a hugely solid pattern. Two ceremonies, four elephants, gossip, various complicated changes are reflected in the above one by one. It is more complicated than the pattern of Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao known by Cang Song!

Chu Tian slowly rolled out and said, "Try my Taoism, which combines the strengths of the people!"

Palms pushed gently forward, suddenly Cang Song felt the whole world was eclipsed. Chu Tian's blow was so vast that it was simply irresistible. Even, Cangsong felt the kind of ... the shadow of the big Brahma when he just played against Zhipu!


A sound exploded in the dark!

The tai chi picture, which was very soft and soft, burst into a fierce momentum. Cang Song was blasted out a few kilometers away and hit the distant mountain. The pain was unbearable, and even the sword was aching.

The majestic Tai Chi picture is still in front of Cangsong, condensing and not falling apart. Cang Song knew that Chu Tian was merciful ...

Suddenly, Chu Tian appeared in front of Cang Song again. Condescending, looking at Cangsong.

Feet standing in the sky.

"Just this was the punishment for you. The person who knows the current affairs is Junjie, Cang Song, what is your answer?"

Chu Tian looked at Cangsong with a smile, a sharp wind blade was spinning above his fingers. Cang Song murmured the sentence "Wind Taoism".

It is Taoism that has never been seen before.

Cangsong suddenly couldn't see through Chu Tian's cultivation behavior anymore.

"You are so powerful, why do you still want me to cooperate?" Cang Song looked at Chu Tian and asked.

"Look for you to cooperate?" Chu Tian raised his voice and smiled, "No, this is not cooperation, but I just want you to participate in this game and have more fun. Otherwise, how come I came to you today?"

"Don't look too high on yourself, you are just pieces in the game."

Chu Tian said with a smile.

If Chu Tian is willing to directly tamper with his thinking, why bother?

Just to enjoy.

Enjoy the plot and enjoy the thrill of personally manipulating everything!

Cangsong looked at Chu Tianliang for a long time, and suddenly said, "You just said, Dao Xuan has reached Taiqing? That Zhuxian sword array--"

"This seat can be broken with one finger!"

Chu Tian said solemnly.

The thoughts stirred, Chu Tian became virtual, and behind him came waves, mountains, flames, thunder, and many other visions. Chu Tian, ​​like a god!

The best way to deal with a wise man is to use absolute strength to let him completely die for life!

Cangsong was pale and scared, and he no longer had a half-hearted rebellion, shouting loudly: "Cangsong, willing to join the ghost king sect! Listen to the ghost king dispatch!"

"That's right!" Chu Tiannian took it away, and all the spells disappeared. Instead, "Well, you are in charge of Qingyunmen's punishment, right? After seeing Xiaozhufeng, take care of it Did you hear me? "

Cang Song was stunned.

I thought that there would be any major tasks after surrendering. I didn't think that the first thing about this ghost king was to let myself do things for selfish ends.

Cang Song quickly nodded and said yes.

"Go, don't show your feet. If something happens, I'll go find you in person."

Chu Tian waved his hand, and Cang Song ran back to Qingyun Gate quickly ...

Turning around, a shadow suddenly jumped out in the darkness, it was Linger who was under the stealth technique of Chu Tian. Linger quickly flew into Chu Tian's arms and said, "Dad! You are so powerful! What was that trick just called?"

In Ling'er's eyes, shining and shining, the color of worship is exhaustive. Chu Tian flicked Xiao Ling'er's face and said, "Where's the name coming from? Dao Law is natural, so I will naturally go out of my way. Look at this old man to scare ..."

"Cough, dad, you are so good!"

"for sure!"


The two slowly chatted and walked towards Qingyun Mountain.

Chu Tian's mental power investigation found that Jeep had begun to teach Zhang Xiaofan most of the Prajna exercises. It will probably fall into the hands of Xiaofan.

However, Chu Tian did not care.

In a few years, Chu Tian has already embarked on his own path. The cultivation of this world has already gained a deep understanding. Even Tian Tian Temple ’s Heavenly Books, Chu Tian was too lazy to read it.

Gongfa is no longer a problem. Chu Tian, ​​a foreign object such as blood beads, is even more disregarded. To say that the only thing that makes Chu Tian move a bit is Fu Longding. The contents inside are barely enough to eat for yourself!

Next, just wait for the game to start!

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