Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 6 Chapter 21: Zhu Xian Jian (6/7)


The bleak square was already covered with corpses.

The wailing crowds are everywhere. The battle of the Demon Church in Qingyunmen is not so much a disadvantage, it is better to say that both defeats hurt.

For a long time, even the most powerful first-class seats are still a little bit weak. The two sides are now in a period of stalemate, and the number of deaths is increasing, but at a slow rate. The attack after attack seems fierce, but in fact it has already stagnated.

All in all, both sides are tired.

Qingyun Gate finally finally supported the fierce attack of the Demon Church!

Ghost Emperor Ghost Emperor of the Ghost King Sect wiped the sweat on his forehead and said, "Unexpectedly! Qingyunmen actually has such strength! These first seats and elders are of great strength! In this way, even if we win, we will still Not much cheaper. "

Master Wandumen also nodded, then said: "This is the end of our surprise attack. If it is a head-to-head confrontation, I am afraid the outcome will be unpredictable. Hey! Qingyunmen, the well-deserved orthodox world!"

There was a little contemplation on everyone's face.

Is it worth the effort to attack Qingyunmen?

Hard to say.

However, what is certain is that even if it wins, the magic church will lose its vitality! Looking at the disciples who are at war, the leaders of each school fall into thought ...


A loud noise suddenly interrupted everyone's thoughts!

Even the fighting people stopped.

Along with the loud noise, there is a powerful vibration that shakes the whole square. The sand and stone beat gently, and the tremor is transmitted to everyone's body through everyone's footsteps.

"what happened?"

"Is it an earthquake?"

"Look! There is Houshan!"

A disciple of Qingyun Gate pointed to the rear.

I saw a beam of light that was so majestic, the bright colors even compared the sunlight. There was something coming out of the huge sky beam.

Just about to move!

Everyone's hearts are tense.

The light gradually dissipated.

A man wearing a robe, holding a long sword with shining light, came slowly from a distance. The sword has no front, simple and turbid, as if it had existed since ancient times, and a breath of oppression came from above.


Two steps.

Three steps.

Every step of the way, the uneasiness in the hearts of the people strengthens one point!

The master of Wandumen stared at Tianchengzi in the air for a long time, and said: "The legend is that Qingyunmen has a treasure called Zhuxian. Is it true that this is it?"

The rest of the people were silent.

Zhu Xian ancient sword, only heard, never heard.

No one knows how powerful it is. Moreover, even if this is not a Zhuxianjian, such a powerful movement, I am afraid it is not so simple to deal with.

The Ghost Emperor suddenly thought of something, saying: "In the rumor, the ancient sword Zhuxian can only be displayed when it reaches the state of Taiqing! Everyone!"

Several people looked towards Tian Chengzi in the distance.

The ghost emperor continued: "Although Tian Chengzi stands in the sky, his footwork flickers and flickers, as if he is about to fall at any time! Only when he reaches Taiqing Realm can he step on the void. Tian Chengzi's situation is probably worse! Can be considered ... half a step too clear! "

The ghost emperor's eyes were shining, and he said with certainty.

Several people looked at Tian Chengzi's footsteps, and sure enough, some floated!

And Tian Chengzi's face is not good-looking, a pale, I am afraid to control the ancient sword of Zhuxian, exhausted his strength!

"In this case, what else are you afraid of? The power of Zhu Xianjian is the first to ignore, the nose of the cow is no longer good! Everyone goes together, take him first!"



The four figures are moving fast!

The owner of Wandumen took out a smart little snake, quickly rolled in the air, and swept towards the distant Tianchengzi. At the same time, there was a dark green strange substance in his hand, which seemed terrifying!

The head of the Hehuan School is a fluttering ribbon, with a charming atmosphere, rushing towards the distant Tian Chengzi.

The longevity hall host, the ghost king sect master, the same solo show, attacked towards Tian Chengzi!

These are the four people in the world who are at the peak of their strength!

The disciples of Qingyunmen on the ground all raised their hearts to their throats!

However, Tian Chengzi remained calm and shouted loudly: "Demon! Don't hurry up yet !!"

Reiki surged!

Tian Chengzi forcibly urged Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao, and in an instant, lifted his momentum again!

The ancient sword of Zhuxian was slowly raised, and a sharp sword gas was generated in the air. Above the seven peaks of Qingyun Mountain, there seemed to be some terrifying breath, rushing towards Zhu Xianjian!

That is, the world is hostile!

Tian Chengzi knew that his strength could not completely control Zhuxian, and it was difficult to destroy the enemy, so he opened the Tianji lock! Inject the sword with the earth and earth to exert the most power!

Fight to defeat the enemy!

On Zhuxian sword, a dazzling light suddenly broke out, and the strong actually even made the four giants in front of it feel a pressure of death!

Zhu Xianjian raised high.

The huge momentum seems to crush people!

Dazzling light shining on the Zhuxian sword!


The following four people's faces changed dramatically! Unexpectedly, Zhu Xianjian has such a momentum!

The ghost emperor shouted:

"Let's go together! Don't hide!"

Where are these dangerous moments, how dare everyone keep it, one after another, violent and full of irresistible momentum, erupted from the four! Swords of light, smoke, and Dingding's deceptive sounds, the highest and deepest attack of the entire Demon Church, the offensive rushed to the opposite Tian Chengzi!

Tian Chengzi took a deep breath, and Zhuxian Sword suddenly fell down!

A bright huge beam of light descended from the sky and rushed to the four below! The huge beam seems to destroy everything! The attacks of both sides exploded in the center, and in the heat wave, the disciples of Qingyunmen were extremely difficult to stand!


The loud noise rang--

Everyone couldn't open their eyes, and quickly backed away ...


The four figures jumped out quickly, their faces pale.

Ghost Emperor first spit out congestion, his body trembled, and he was about to fall. He was the first to suffer the most injuries! The white tiger saint in the back quickly stepped forward to help him, so he didn't fall.

The ghost emperor stared at Tian Chengzi in the air, his face unwilling.

The leaders of the other three factions were also unhappy. They were hit hard by Zhuxian Jianqi, and the body was in pain.

And Tian Chengzi in the air, his body flicked and fell from the sky! Half-step is too clear, he can not control Zhu Xian, although repelled a few people, but he was also repulsed by Zhu Xianjian!

Both defeats hurt!

Although, Tian Chengzi lost to Zhu Xianjian!


Tightly holding the sword in his hand, Tian Chengzi paused. Finally, he issued the final command: "Kill!"

The morale of Qingyunmen's disciples was greatly boosted, and they launched counterattacks one after another! The four leaders of the Demon Church were hit hard. Although Tian Chengzi was also injured, in contrast, it still took a lot of money!


Just as the demons were preparing to look back, a noisy voice poured in from the periphery of the square, and the disciples of Qingyunmen killed them with their fairy swords!

The disciples with high strength above the remaining six peaks have arrived!

Some low-discipline disciples who have just been cleared of toxins follow behind! When everyone is exhausted, even if their strength is low, they can also play a great role in reinforcements! !

"Demon Demon Road !!!"

With a roar, the Qingyun Gate launched its final counterattack!

The demons who had been besieging the Qingyunmen suddenly turned their positions upside down and were surrounded by the Qingyunmen! The leader of the four factions, with a sullen face ...

Only Chu Tian, ​​who was chatting with the idiot in the distance, had a clear look. This result was known as early as the beginning of the war. Not to mention anything else, Chu Tian ’s view is that the Devil ’s strategy this time is really bad ...


Note: As stated in the original book, Daoxuan was the first to arrive at Taiqing after the Qingye Patriarch.

And if Tian Chengzi has achieved a great shock effect this time, there is no reason why the ghost king and others will be shocked by the power of Zhu Xianjian when they attack Qingyun Mountain a hundred years later.

According to the book, most of the failure of this attack of the Demon Church was attributed to the strength of Zhengdao, which had nothing to do with Zhuxianjian. (Actually, it would be hard to tell if it was n’t the result of a magical attack by the Demon Clan a hundred years later, without the immortal sword.)

Therefore, I set it up, Tian Chengzi failed to display Zhuxian sword array, but using Zhuxian sword, was backlashed.

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