Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 6 Chapter 18: Holy Church Alliance

The autumn wind blew and the weather turned cold.

Pieces of dark clouds attached to the sky of Qingyun Gate, and there was a depressive breath in the air.

Around Qingyun Mountain, a flying shadow suddenly appeared, or the sword flying, or stepping on a strange skull, or standing on a large sword ...

Strange magic weapon, weirdly dressed people, flying to Qingyun Mountain in all directions!

The number of people is not a lot, but it is everywhere in almost every direction of Qingyunmen. Especially the seven main peaks, which are densely populated, have become the direction of attention of the disciples!

A total of about one hundred demon disciples!

Every demon disciple was surrounded by this big bag, which was stuffed with bulging bags, and round, black things that were not slipping out of the bag.


As the strange thing burst, a fist-sized thing exploded on the ground, disturbing a large group of disciples around! A thick smoke spread on the ground, and the poisonous gas in the smoke can make the whole body sour. Qingyun disciple who didn't cultivate enough, immediately smelled and became soft all over!

"Quick! Yun Gong resists poison gas!" Shouted a disciple of Qingshoumen Dragon Head Peak.

Several disciples quickly exercised their skills and their spirits were rushing, calming their minds and preventing themselves from being disturbed by poison gas.





Continuous explosions sounded.

The poison gas is getting thicker and thicker, and the entire densely populated area of ​​Qingyun Mountain is covered with poison gas! The disciples below the 4th floor of the Yuqing Realm of Taiji Xuanqing Dao have lost their combat power one after another!

However, this is just the beginning.

The smashing of smoke to remove the low-end forces of the Qingyun is just the beginning.

The interference effect of smoke can affect the overall situation and affect the strategy of Qingyunmen, which is even more important! The panicked disciples bumped around, only to make the situation worse. And even those disciples who are calm in nature and do not rush to run, can only think slowly and move forward slowly.

The speed of movement is limited, which is also a big point!

"Everyone! This is the attack of the demon demon, don't panic!" An elder yelled loudly, and his voice was loud, spreading all over the world.

"Quiet! Let's use Taoism together to clear the smoke and sweep away to the south!"

"Yuqing disciples above six floors, follow me to the Yuqing Hall!"


Qingyun Gate deserves to be the head of the right way, and in the face of the raid of the Demon Religion, he soon took countermeasures!

The first seat of each vein has already learned a little about the magic religion before. Although the method of this raid was unexpected, it is not impossible to deal with.

Under the appeasement of the elders, the crowd at Qingyun Gate gradually calmed down and began to move in an orderly and orderly manner.

A small group of people flew into the air to **** the demons.

Then send some disciples with high strength to stay on the spot for investigation.

The rest, they all drove and flew, and hurriedly rushed to Tongtianfeng. Streams of light were shining, converging from all parts of Qingyun Mountain to the main peak. The best strategy is to gather forces as soon as possible and discuss countermeasures!

In addition, the square in front of the Yuqing Hall has a strong forbidden legacy. The smoke bomb was there, and it had no effect at all. Everyone, join the Yuqing Hall quickly ...

Under the Qingyun Mountain.

In a hidden forest.

The leaders of the demons talked and laughed, and looked at this magnificent battle.

Since the old Blackheart died seven hundred years ago, the Holy Church has been torn apart and has been crushed by the right path. But today, all the sacred people united together and besieged Qingyun! Everyone has 100% confidence. This attack will definitely be a victory! This is a big plan that the Holy Church has not seen for hundreds of years!

The owner of Wandumen pulled his beard, looked at the sky in the distance, and said with a smile: "My Wandumen's craftsmanship can still get the eyes of the ghost emperor."

After talking, a smile appeared on his face.

Ghost Emperor Ghost Emperor smiled and said: "It's more than just getting in! With such technology, can't you worry about Qingyunmen!"

The two laughed at each other, and haha's voice spread throughout the mountains.

The Changsheng Hall and the Hehuan faction, as well as some other martial leaders, are also watching this bombing game.

"It is estimated that it won't take long for everyone to concentrate on the Yuqing Hall. I am very clear about the tricks of the bull nose!"

"Yes, at that time, it is a good time to smash them all! In a hurry, they will lose! No matter how many people there are, what is the use of no strategy? The battle of martial arts depends on strength!

"Haha, even if it depends on strength, what are we afraid of?"



Everyone has regarded Qingyun Gate as something in the bag.

The unity of the sacred religion, their strength makes their self-confidence expand rapidly! Coupled with the masters of all the talents, all are talents in the sky, and there is nothing in the way of Daoxing and strategy, which makes the demons rejoice even more!

This time, it will win!

This is the belief of everyone!


As the smoke on Qingyun Mountain gradually faded, the chatter and laughter of several patriarchs and gatekeepers also gradually decreased.

Under the interference of the Qingyunmen disciples, the raid troops who attacked volleys had little effect, and they were about to become pure warfare. The leaders looked at each other and nodded secretly.

It's time to act!

With the signal flares in the hands of the four big bosses rushing into the air, seven or eight small troops hidden near Qingyun Mountain rushed to the top of the mountain quickly!

In all directions, rushed to Qingyun Mountain!

"So, Mr. Ghost Emperor, please!" The master of Changshengtang laughed.

"No, it's still the old poisoned old man." Ghost Emperor smiled.

"Otherwise, let's go together?" Said Wandumenmen.


Several people laughed again, without hiding, from the path under the Qingyunmen Mountain, step by step, to the Qingyun Mountain. Walk briskly, and look calm.

The four people walking ahead are invincible in the eyes of all disciples!

The five generals of Wandumen, the four holy envoys of the ghost king Zong, the eight elders of the Changsheng Hall, and several palace lords of the Huanhuai group followed closely.

After that, it was the elite disciples among the factions, closely following.

A total of nearly a hundred people, vast, embarked on the Qingyun Mountain!


At the end of the crowd, two grinning figures are slowly moving forward.

"Tiange, I didn't expect you to be able to make up!"

"That's natural, but I have three hundred and sixty lines, and I take the top spot!"

"Brother, your beard is attached, don't let it go."

"... cough, it's okay, it's okay! No one can see in the chaos."


Chu Tian and Xiaochi followed at the end and walked up.

In the grass in the distance, two disciples of the Holy Church were knocked out of their coats after being stunned by Chu Tian ...


Note: The Nine Heavens Soldiers can make it, and the monks want to make smoke bombs or something. Taoism can also promote technological progress ...

In addition, the scale of this attack is definitely not worse than the one hundred years after the original. According to the later King of Ghosts, this was the heyday of the right way. The old immortals in the Holy Church came out of the mountain and could not restore the defeat.

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