Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 35: Rebels

Chu Tian was like this, traveling all the way in the mountains and rivers, wandering on the broad canal.

Officials along the road endlessly prepared various venues for Chutian amusement, as well as local famous products, famous play, and ... folk girls!

Chu Tian's life is called corruption!

In this way, Chu Tian had nothing to do all day long, eating and drinking with the girls on the dragon boat, enjoying singing and dancing, playing for nearly half a month, and almost forgot to go to the top.

On this day, after a few days with a few women Hu Tian, ​​Chu Tian rarely walked out of the dragon boat to deal with national events.

Beside the huge dragon boat, there is also a small boat with civil and military officials at all times to deal with various government affairs. Yang Su, the No. 1 running dog of Faint King, presided over everything. The equipment of the boat is naturally inferior to Chu Tian's dragon boat. The officials worked hard to wipe Chu Tian's stocks for Chu Tian, ​​deal with various mutinies, disasters, and so on.

When Chu Tian walked into the boat, the officials widened their eyes, as if the sun came out of the west.

This delicious lazy emperor came here?

Not to mention others, even Chu Tian sat down with his left arm and right arm Yang Su and Yu Wentuo, and they all felt incredible. They are loyal to Chu Tian, ​​and they also know that there is a strategy in Chu Tian's chest-but they cannot conceal the fact that Chu Tian is arrogant and extravagant.

"Why? Are you surprised to see me coming?"

Chu Tian walked into the ship with majestic steps.

Everyone was startled and quickly fell to their knees: "See Your Majesty! Long live my emperor! Long live long live!" One by one, lying on the ground respectfully, waiting for Chu Tian's following.

Everyone knows Chu Tian's moody character. Especially recently, the world is more chaotic. If you get caught in an angry handle and cut it directly, you will be wronged.

Chu Tian watched in the boat for a while, and said, "All Ai Qings have worked hard, this small boat, you are not going to have a hard time here!"

The ministers burst into tears!

This, this is not easy?

It ’s a **** on earth! Several ministers of seventy, eighty, eighty, while nausea and vomiting, while reviewing the performances, almost forced home.

Chu Tian found a chair to sit down and continued: "Why didn't you say it earlier? Such poor conditions. Although I was ... shy, I couldn't bear to spend money on you, but it's okay to make some changes. "

Chu Tian played a tactic.

Five percent of the power of the world is already overbearing. Suddenly, the entire ship changed rapidly, the shabby decoration was renewed, and the rickety hull stopped the turbulence. It's like driving on flat ground.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

What is this means!

An old seasick officer slammed his forehead to the ground and wailed and wailed: "Your Majesty's magical powers, the ministers admire it! Your Majesty waits for his ministers to be so intimate, and the ministers and the ministers swear to death !!!

Another seasick veteran kneeled: "Your Majesty Ren Yi!"

"Your Majesty is brilliant!"

"Long live Long live Long live!!"


Especially the seasickness, as well as the elderly minister, one by one wished to knock the floor. Howling, crying and running.

Other clever ministers noticed Chu Tian's Taoism. It was completed in a wave of hands, and it was so natural that it was incredible.

Engage in both ways.

Give sweetness and deterrence, this is the emperor's magic. Seeing a kind of courtier work harder, Chu Tian also determined his determination to continue to faint!

"Okay! Stop!"

Chu Tian's whole body changed, and a dignified emperor's breath was revealed. The courtiers murmured and did not dare to talk.

"What's the big deal recently? Let's hear it. I'm going to investigate the people's sentiment in a few days, and work hard before I leave." Chu Tian continued, as if it was a great benefit to come by himself ...

The ministers had a headache.

Actually, it is shameless enough to investigate the people's sentiment ...

Yang Su stood out from the crowd, walked to Chu Tian, ​​knelt down and said, "Your Majesty Qi! Although the natural disasters have continued recently, with the reasonable deployment of the court, the relief materials have arrived in the disaster areas. Although there are casualties, but Not big. "

"Well, I know this. The rule of doom of the Astragalus demon star, I also realized that it is not difficult to solve it. What else?"

Yang Su froze for a moment, daring not to ask more, and continued: "And, not long ago, the West King Lu Chengzhi, who had gathered thieves from all sides and had plots, had already moved. Daliang, Xiangzhou, Caozhou and other 18 places, The rebellious anti-thieves rise up one by one. The slogan ... "

Chu Tian looked at the hesitant Yang Su and smiled, "Continue!"

"The anti-thief slogan is to overthrow the faint monarch and save the people. At present, a total of about 200,000 anti-thief troops have assembled in all directions-Your Majesty! This matter does not allow you to bother. Although the anti-thief is powerful, it is not popular. Second , There is General Yuwen, not to mention 200,000, even one million, and there is no return! "

After finishing talking, Yang Su pursed his lips, a little embarrassed.

His eyes glanced at Chu Tian, ​​and he found that Chu Tian was not angry but smiled, wandering around with a teacup in his hand, and said, "Anti-thief? I like it the most. What are they, let's listen to it."

Yang Su hesitated for a while and said: "Your Majesty Qi Jun, of which, the most powerful are the demon kings of the Wagangzhai Great Demon Kingdom Cheng Jiajin, the Western King Lu Chengzhi, and the King of Jining. Among them, the Western King Lu Chengzhi is the most popular , The most powerful. The remaining ones are Jiangling Xiaoxian, Jizhou Wanggaoshida ... "

The 18th anti-king, came one by one from Yang Su's mouth.

"Don't deal with it!"

Chu Tian suddenly interrupted Yang Su's conversation.

Many ministers also looked up and looked at Chu Tian in shock.

"I said, anti-thieves don't need to deal with it. Don't send one soldier or one soldier, understand?"

Yang Su froze for a while, and finally he still didn't speak.

All Dacheng looked at Chu Tian's proud expression and did not speak. They all fell down: "Your Majesty is wise! The battle is invincible, the attack is invincible! The Great Sui Dynasty, a thousand years!"

Chu Tian waved his hand and walked out of the boat, saying: "Okay, don't pat on the bullshit. Since these anti-thieves want to fight back, let them fight back!-Ha ha, the nest back!"

After saying something inexplicable, Chu Tian walked out of the cabin. A faint, majestic voice came from afar: "Also, remember! I don't allow anyone to destroy my game, have you heard it?"

"Yes! Your Majesty!"

After stepping out of the minister's boat, Chu Tian returned to his own boat.

There was some strong breath of life on the ship, which was the fluctuation of Nuwashi. This happens only when saving people. Chu Tian flickered and appeared in Xiaoxue's room.

A shivering woman was lying on the bed. A cyan shirt clings to the skin, and the exquisite curves show up. Xuefeng is tall and slender. The woman's beautiful appearance is elegant, her skin is warm and crystal clear, and she is also a stunning beauty of the Alluring National University.

"Is this man?" Chu Tian looked at the woman and asked.

"Brother Chu. I found her in the river as if drowned."

"That's it. Just wake up and let her be a maid. It is estimated that the flood caused by the Red Star Demon Star rushed over ..."


Northern China.

West King's Mansion.

A soldier wore a battle armor, holding a token, and ran like a rocket. The guards in charge of guards saw the tokens retreat one after another. The soldiers galloped in, sweating so hard that they were breathless.

Before approaching the lobby, he shouted:

"Report ----"

"Qi Yun, King of Qi Yun!"

"Master Changsun's family all died in the flood! Miss Changsun, it's gone!"

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