Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 4 Chapter 34: Stowaways let us go (2/7)

The registration lasted ten days and nights, and it was finally over.

A total of more than 3,000 masters were qualified to enter the temple and participated in this gentleman sword martial arts meeting. Under the arrangement of a group of disciples, everyone entered their own rooms.

Tomorrow is the day when gentleman Jian Chutian teaches martial arts!

Everyone is excited!

Because all parties gathered, fish and insects mixed in the temple, monks in Lingji Temple, and Ouchi masters transferred by Chu Tian personally, they patrolled 24 hours a day to ensure the success of this martial arts meeting.


At this time, on the roof of Lingji Temple, two figures were galloping fast.

"Master, I can't think that the security outside is so strict, I can't come in at night!"

"This gentleman's sword, it seems not easy. Not only is the martial arts extraordinary, but also the mind is very meticulous!"

"Master, this grand event, I don't know if the East is undefeated. Will it come?"

"It's hard to say! The East is undefeated, the old traitor is so sly, the old man is in his hands, it's not wrong!"


The two talked quietly, stepping on the roof without making any noise.

These two people are just doing our job and Xiang Wentian!

Because they are the demon of the famous demon cult, the two appeared in front of the righteous man, so they were too easily hostile. So, I chose to sneak into the temple to see what is unusual about Budo.

Flying across the air quickly, the two were just about to fly to the opposite house. Suddenly, an invisible thin line in the air blocked the two!

This is a very thin and very thin line, and it is even more difficult to distinguish in the night. When the two just touched this line, they expected it to be bad, but it was too late!

The alarm bell connected at one end of the line has sounded!

"Bell Bell Bell!"

"Bell Bell Bell!"

"Bell Bell Bell!"

The alarm sounded, and suddenly the guards in the whole temple were dispatched! And a lot of people who have not slept in the rivers and lakes and martial arts also rushed out. After all, those who can sneak in the Lingji Temple are not ordinary people, and there must be some liveliness!

Songshan School, Hengshan School, Wudang School, Taogu Six Immortals, and so on, came out and looked at the two on the field!

The younger generation do n’t know Renxing, but those who are older, but know! Although Ren Xingxing was suddenly defeated by the East invincible, but after all, he once worked as a demon leader, Fangzheng, and Chongxu, all of whom are familiar.

Master Fangzheng stands out from the crowd. As the host, of course, these issues must be resolved. Fangzheng merged his hands and said, "Amitabha, I didn't expect it to be any donor. I don't know if any donor came to Lingji Temple, what's the matter?"

No matter how many people meet each other, they do n’t succeed any heroes, and said: "Huh! My Renmou will come as soon as he wants, and leave as long as he wants, whoever can control it! Left, retreat!"

Ren Woxing and Xiang Wentian ran towards the distance quickly.

Suddenly, a fierce sword gas came from the front, and Ren Xinghe Xiang Wentian turned over and hurriedly stopped!

"Beggars help the Lord to resolve the wind."

The two looked towards the other side, also a group of people. Headed by-

"Songshan School, Zuo Lengchan!"

They are adversaries in all directions. I can't think of any other way, I would plant it here. Although he is invincible, he can't beat four hands.

A glance at the crowd, Ren Xing turned his head, said to Fang Zheng said: "Why, Master Fang Zheng, will it not be your Lingji Temple, but also want to leave the old man!"

"I don't dare to stay, I only hope that any donor can read the chanting Buddha in the backyard of Lingji Temple, wash away the viciousness of the body, and benefit the people. Amitabha."

Fangzheng events read the Buddha again. Although the language is gentle, it seems that I am not going to let me go.

After all, letting me go to death is like crazy, as many people know. Immediately after coming out of Meizhuang, he made several big cases that shocked the rivers and lakes. How can such a person let go!

Ren Xing said angrily: "Fart! I acted in a certain life, why have you ever been pinned down! Monk, do you want to go together? Come on, when is Ren Xian afraid?"

Among the martial arts people, opposition also came:

"When dealing with evil demons, don't make sense!"

"Go on! Kill the devil!"

"Don't worry about Fangzheng, kill him!"

"Kill me, do what is right!"


A large group of people roared, and my face instantly froze.

With so many people going together, he must have died.

But, if you run, can you run away?

"Teacher! Let's go first, I will stop them for you!" Xiang Wentian said hurriedly, he had pulled out the sword behind him, and was ready to fight hard!

"Master! Hurry!" Xiang Wentian said again.

Let me meditate.

How can I run away? Looking at such a large group of angry righteous people, Ren Xing knew that he could never escape!

Rather than this, it would be better-

I was just about to say something, and suddenly a strange figure emerged from the crowd. However, although he is very strange, Ren Xingxing can see that this person is here to help himself!

"As the leader of the order, Hu Chong was ordered by the doctor to give him a big favor. Now, let me help Mr. Special!"

Linghu rushed out of the crowd. Under these disadvantages, he could still stand on the side of the head of Ren Woxing, which surprised everyone. Even Master Fangzheng frowned slightly.

In fact, Linghu Chong was killed by Chu Tiankeng, and he had n’t really liked the orthodox cult long ago. Ping Yizhi saved his life, once said, if you can see Ren Woxing, help each other.

Linghu Chong, who is serious and righteous, came naturally!

"Okay! Little brother! It is a great honor for me to meet someone like you! Come on. Today, the three of us will meet the righteous gentlemen!" Ren Renxing deliberately aggravated the last four words. Intonation, sarcastically looking at the dialect opposite.

Fang Zheng sighed.

Not only sighed that Linghu rushed to clean his self-love, but also sighed that he did so much.

As a righteous giant, Lingji Temple, how could he do more bullying than less? Fang Zheng folded his hands and continued: "Any donor, how can I and I at Lingjiu Temple take advantage of you? Well, you and we each have three people, three battles. If we lose, please do n’t hesitate. But, if Mr. Ren loses, please stay at Lingji Temple, chanting and chanting Buddha, Mr. Ren, what do you think? "

"Okay! Just what you say! I will play the first game!"

The internal force of Ren Xing's body rolled over, and the stone slabs on the ground were shattered! For more than ten years of madness and chaos, Ren's internal work has gone wrong several times, and in the end, he did not retreat and advanced, even better than that!

Fangzheng's big event closed his eyes slightly and said: "So, as the organizer of this conference, this first scene, there is Lao Qu--"

"The first scene, how about handing over to me?"

The sudden voice interrupted Fang Zheng's words. A handsome man-well, actually Chu Tian. Chu Tian shook his folding fan, his face was elegant, and he walked out of the crowd in the image of a gentleman.

"Mr. Gentleman Sword !!!"

"Gentleman Sword!"

"It's Mr. Chu!"


In a flash, the crowd boiled again!

PS: After the update, I fell asleep.

I owe 5 more ...

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