Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 15 Chapter 44: Fortune-telling lunatic? (1/2)

In the dim sunset, Yan Ying's eyelashes tremble slightly, shaking, her voice as delicate as a flower.

Peerless elegance, Yan Ying, the most beautiful world, for the first time showed this helpless look in front of outsiders. Leaning weakly on Chu Tian's side, Yan Ying clutched the facial tissue in her hand, as if her pupils had no focal length.

It seems to think of the past years.

It seems that I thought about the reason for setting my original intention when I was very small.

Who doesn't want to be a carefree girl?

It's just that with the passage of time, those original original intentions have been forgotten in the changes of personnel, and people have also changed bit by bit ...

After all, she was just a girl.

She will eventually learn to protect herself ...

"No one teaches you, that was before. Now, let me teach you."

Suddenly Chu Tian felt a little inexplicable sadness. She was too poor to love the rich and greedy for the vanity of Yan Ying. She was just a sad and lonely girl, a 14-year-old girl. From small to large, Yan Ying has never really had a relationship with people.

The more outstanding, the more isolated.

The more arrogant, the colder.

The nose was close to Yan Ying's hair, and she sniffed gently. Chu Tian lifted Yan Ying's hair and continued jokingly: "After all, I don't like the hot bed girl who is greedy for fame.

Yan Ying pursed her lips. Her heart was warm.

How long has this feeling of concern been encountered?

How many people saw her not because of her beauty?

Although Chu Tian was poor and indifferent, he didn't want to make progress, he didn't even have a loud reputation, and felt very frustrated, but at least, at this time, Yan Ying didn't seem so disgusted with Chu Tian.

Maybe, it ’s not bad to go on indifferently ...


Nodding gently, Yan Ying did not know what she had promised.

The two were sitting shoulder to shoulder, without a word. The evening wind was blowing, cool and refreshing, the afterglow of the setting sun enveloped the two, and in the warm yellow color, the two figures became more and more blurred and dim ...

Gradually, melting together ...



The next day.

Clear sky, catkins fragrance.

Yan Ying, like nothing happened, went to Chu Tian again.

A handsome and handsome man, a fascinating woman who fell in love with the country, the two walked on the road, naturally attracted many people to stop and watch. Yan Ying pretends to be a charming drip. He follows Chu Tian gently, and he can't help but have a graceful body. I don't know how many people drool ...

Chu Tian also had an addiction!

Envy you guys! This is Lao Tzu's hotbed!

In this way, he walked wildly and swaggered across the market.

Along the way, Yan Ying did not give up her previous plans. Still slamming sideways, exploring Chu Tian ’s identity, asking about Chu Tian ’s background, and how much money Chu Chu ’s family has, how many subordinates Chu Chu has, and so on ...

"Are you really just an axe helper?"

"I don't believe you are so powerful, there is no big force behind you."

"You tell me."

"How much money do you have, how much money? Without telling me, I suspect you are lying to me!"

"It's too late to work hard now. Men don't have a career, they will be looked down on, don't be famous, at least build a gang ..."

"If I want to marry, I will marry a big hero ..."


With words like this, Chu Tian has heard countless times.

Yan Ying is still the girl who loves status and loves wealth.

When it comes to expensive money, he shines his eyes.

When talking about poor scholars, Yan Ying scoffed and dismissed.

Time and time again to encourage Chu Tian, ​​not to waste a lot of good years, one should not spend time on one's own skills, and lay down a good foundation ...

She still loves status as much as she likes big heroes and admires the master of the storm ...

It's just that when Yan Ying is in a daze occasionally, she always seems a little inexplicably sad. When she looks at Chu Tian's face, she sometimes falls into deep contemplation, revealing a little disproportionate mature thinking. Suddenly, she will also feel Chutian's handsome, and found that she had not paid attention to these before ...

Yan Ying will not think of running away, even if Chu Tian said that he is a person with no background and no power, Yan Ying never thought of running away, and was forced into captivity by Chu Tian. Yan Ying seemed to admit his fate ...

Just follow Chu Tian in this way, constantly exploring Chu Tian's background, persuading Chu Tian to "work hard" ...

It seems that it really has changed a little bit ...

"Okay, there is a small shop in front of us. Let's stop to eat something. You have been talking so hard for so long, you should drink some tea."

Came to a stall, Chu Tian smiled.

The two were seated and greeted Xiao Er with two bowls of wonton.

Yan Ying tuo Xiao. Mouth, very dissatisfied, such a wonton, never used to eat. In Yanjiazhuang, which day is not the taste of Shanzhen seafood? The gold and silver sent by those who admired it would be too much to spend ...

Where is it now ...

"Hum hum!!"

Wonton came up and Yan Ying didn't eat it. He choked the wonton in the bowl with chopsticks and vented vigorously. A large bowl of ravioli was soon sloppy.

Chu Tian actually did not bird her!

Obviously so powerful, so high martial arts, actually no reputation on the rivers and lakes, Yan Ying really does not understand. Yan Ying even moved out the name of Chu Tian, ​​who had the same name and name as Chu Tian, ​​to satirize Chu Tian.

Chu Tian still smiled! Don't bird her!

Why is this man so unmotivated!

"--You broke the ravioli, then eat it. I'm very poor, and I don't have the money to buy another bowl for the maid." Chu Tian smiled and teased Yan Ying.

"Little stupid!" Yan Ying said arrogantly, poking a few wontons, and Yan Ying continued, "Well, where are you going? Shouldn't you go home?"

"Is this the question the maid should ask?"


"Okay, tease you. Eat first, and after the meal, you will have a hard time. The next place to go will definitely surprise you, and it is definitely a very exciting place ... In short, sell a pass."

Chu Tian said, swallowing a wonton.

Yan Ying looked at Chu Tian suspiciously.

Chu Tian has a wife, called Lu Su, which Yan Ying knows.

Lu Su also mentioned "sisters" that day, which means that Chu Tian's family is large.

I went there myself. Will a little warm bed maid be bullied ... This is what Yan Ying has been worried about for several days. But Chu Tian didn't seem to mean going home right now, and Yan Ying was finally relieved.

It's just that Yan Ying still knows nothing about Chu Tian's identity.

Looking at the ravioli in the bowl again, the rotten pool oozes a delicious fragrance. Yan Ying suddenly regretted it. She ruined these ravioli, how to eat ...

Yan Ying is thinking.

A surprise came from the door of the shop in the distance!

It was like seeing a ghost, even more terrifying than seeing a ghost. Excited, joyful, and unbelievable. A young man stood staring at the door, staring inside the store, attracting all eyes.

"Expensive! Expensive! Expensive !!"

"Big wealth! Expensive red! Great luck! Go straight to Niu Dou! Good looks !!"

"I have made my first debut in more than ten years. It is the first time I have encountered such a face. It is so expensive! I am rich and expensive, I am rich and rich !!! Haha, hahahaha !!!"

The sloppy young rushed into the shop like crazy.

Staring at Yan Ying, his eyes lit up, his clothes ragged, and he was holding a rice bowl in his hand, which was completely a beggar.

The people in the shop instantly thought they were crazy!

The clothes are ragged, the speech is crazy, what is not a lunatic? But this young man still didn't realize it, just stared at Yan Ying, the man looked at it again and again, and kept talking: "Expensive is inexplicable ... Expensive inexplicable ... Expensive inexplicable ... The current emperor has no such appearance ... Da Gui ... Da Fu Da Gui ... God, this, this is not a fake ... "

"How come there is such a face, so wonderful, so wonderful ... girl, who the **** are you, you ... your face ... no! Who is your husband? You are such a face, caused by your husband's luck It ’s ... who the **** is, it ’s so lucky, it ’s impossible, I ’m absolutely right, I ’m right ... "

"Wealth and wealth, wealthy and wealthy ... Seeing this kind of face in my lifetime, I will die three times without regret ..."

"Who the **** is this luck! I ... I ... oh, it's not good, my face has sores again, the lying trough just looked at the face, how could it be condemned ... God is not fair!"


The people in the shop shattered the ground one after another.

Will lunatics also look at each other? Still condemned? Real Nima joke! It ’s really strange that every year, there are so many this year ...

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