Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 15 Chapter 15: Xu Fu died, won the Dan! (2)

The strong smell of medicine is coming!

Almost all of the world's most expensive medicinal herbs are here. The main formula of elixir is phoenix blood, but phoenix blood is too domineering, how can ordinary people take it? It must be supplemented with rare herbs and refined into a panacea before it can be safely taken.

In the alchemy room, Xu Fu was almost responsive.

There are almost any precious medicinal herbs here.

Now Xu Fu is a great man in front of Emperor Qin Shihuang. Once the immortality medicine is made, it will not be a problem to crack the ground and seal it! In the palace, Xu Fu's position is very high ...

In the distance, a figure with disheveled hair is busy. It was Xu Fu.

Xu Fu is still immersed in the refining of Elixir, and he has never noticed the arrival of Chu Tian and others. All kinds of strange medicinal materials, Xu Fu is seriously studying ...

Chu Tian sniffed, and immediately understood the progress of the elixir.

He Yushu nodded, Chu Tian said:

"Xu Fu is really cautious, and it's clear that the panacea is about to be made, but Li Zhengzheng has said that he hasn't yet. I don't know if he is worried about making a mistake in the end, or is it another intention ... How many people can resist the temptation of immortality? It's a pity that Phoenix Blood is refined like this, and it loses 30% of its effectiveness, not to mention improving its effectiveness ... It's hard for him, after all, it's just a mere mortal, this is already good. Seven successful effects of Phoenix Blood are enough for longevity ... "

Chu Tian commented, walking slowly.

With a faint tone, it seems that he doesn't take the elixir in his eyes at all.

A group of eunuchs were waiting outside the door. The alchemy room was a forbidden place in the palace. Ordinary people were not allowed to enter. They still think that Chu Tian is the "good man" invited by Yingzheng.

Otherwise, who is doing such a fair walk in the palace!

Xu Fu, at last, noticed that someone came in.

Those who came in without his permission were not ordinary people, and although Chu Tian had just said something, although Xu Fu couldn't hear clearly, "the loss of three successes", Xu Fu caught it!

This is where he is distressed!

How precious is the blood of Phoenix, and it is needless to say how complicated the refining is! Xu Fu wanted to do countless methods, even if he had rich alchemy experience and countless precious medicinal materials, he could only control the loss to 30%!

This is already his limit!

But now, the person who came here actually saw it at a glance! ?

Xu Fu bricks, staring at Chu Tian, ​​his hair is messy, and now Xu Fu does not have the spirit of a king afterwards, it is completely a drunken face ...

After looking at Chu Tian, ​​Xu Fu paused and asked suspiciously:

"You just said that Fengxue has lost three successful effects? How do you see it? Isn't the medicine released yet, do you smell it? How do you tell? Who are you and how do you know Phoenix Blood so much? Human? Why can you do this, have you ever made similar medicines? ... "

Xu Fu had countless doubts and asked many questions in one mouth.

Now Xu Fu, just like a crazy scientist, a heart has been immersed in alchemy ...

Chu Tian is a magnificent person, not an ordinary person at first glance.

Yushu is also as beautiful as a fairy.

Their accomplishments in immortality medicine may be higher than their own. Refining the blood of phoenix, if they have the help of two people, maybe they will be more successful, Xu Fu said ...

"It's nothing, it's simple. This low-level elixir, I know what it is when I smell it. The elixir I've eaten, even the worst, is much stronger than it."

Chu Tian said with a smile, not thinking about it.

Before slowly approaching the Dan furnace, Chu Tian reached out and lifted up, and a fragrant fragrance came to his face!

The smell of Phoenix Blood!

The strong sense of power, the ancient sense of vicissitudes, this power is unique to the gods and beasts. Even if you smell it, you are refreshed and energetic! This is the reason why the blood is mixed!

Ordinary herbs, Jueji cannot exude such a strong smell! Not so exaggerated and so on!

Chu Tian reached into Dan furnace and picked up the immortal Dan.

Xu Fu immediately roared in the distance:

"What are you doing !!! Let go !!"

Chu Tian shook the immortal Dan Lao Dan in his hand and smiled and said:

"What are you doing? Can't you see it? I'm going to take the pill. You are too, you are all done, and dare to deceive Yingzheng. This color, this fragrance ... Gee, I really want to swallow.


Xu Fu shouted, his heart raised his throat! If Chu Tian really eats it, then it's over! Everyone is finished! !

Xu Fu pulled out the sword from his waist angrily!


With a loud noise, Xu Fu's long sword came out of the sheath, filling the sword with energy, facing Chu Tian, ​​and stabbed past without hesitation!

No need to think about it!

No need to worry about it!

The elixir of life is something of a politician. If it is taken away by this person, I am afraid that he will be executed first! All the court eunuchs present will die! With the violent character of Yingzheng, it will be **** if you do it! Even if you ca n’t take the Elixir, you ca n’t be put to death because of this!

Xu Fu's sword did his utmost to stab Chu Tian's throat!

But Chu Tian is still indifferent.

After glancing at Xu Fu, Chu Tian said something that Xu Fu would never understand.

Even Chu Tian didn't even move, just let Xu Fu's sword stab over and speak slowly ...

"If you are thousands of years old, you may be qualified to give me a glance and learn a few tricks. But now you are too far apart. Martial arts, demeanor, mentality, everything is too far apart."


When the words fell, Chu Tian's momentum was slightly released!

Not any power, just pure momentum! Spiritual momentum! But this momentum was so strong that the air swelled with visible ripples!

Circle by circle, spreading around Chu Tian!

The opposite Xu Fu, his brain blank for a moment, as if he saw a ghost-like expression!

Under the immense power, all people actually had the idea of ​​worship! Chu Tian's power is as powerful as a god!

The floor is raised layer by layer, spreading around with Chutian as the center;

In the Elixir of Pharmacy, countless alchemy utensils exploded in succession, and the roaring sounds kept coming, and all of them were destroyed. Even after a moment, the entire alchemy room was turned into ashes in the booming sound; Xu Fu ’s long sword was like glass, shattered into pieces, and then into a small powder, even Chu Tian ’s clothing angle had not touched , The gap between the two is like a sky ... Xu Fu's whole person, also under the force of violent terror, was repulsed for thousands of kilometers, knocked over countless walls, covered with blood, and could not afford to fall ... The next generation of big boss In this way, he died in the hands of Chu Tian, ​​and died so foolish; and countless eunuchs, under this violent force, were all shaken apart, as if blown away by the typhoon ...

The entire palace was turbulent in a moment ...

"It's really boring, doesn't it mean that there is a master of Ouchi? It's just a bunch of garbage."

Chu Tian sighed and shook his head.

Looking at the rubble and gravel all over the place, Chu Tian had no interest and turned to grab Yu Shu's little hand and walked away. The guards and eunuchs watched the two continue to sway in the palace, but no one dared to step forward and obstruct ...

Xu Fu is dead ...

The first emperor's elixir was taken away ...

Everyone was so terrified that they could almost imagine their tragic ending. But Chu Tian was too powerful, and he entered the imperial palace to win the Dan, and the entire Dan room was bursting during the chat, and the power was incredible. The guards dare not step forward and fight with Chu Tian desperately, and can only quickly convey the message to their majesty ...

"Brother Tian, ​​where are you going?" Yu Shu asked, holding Chu Tian's arm. Yushu was not afraid of chaos in the palace.

With Chu Tian present, it worked better than any protection, and Yu Shu was not worried at all.

"Next, I want to find someone, called Xiaoyue, in the palace, Yushu, come, here ..."


There are 4 chapters ,,,, after a meal, I am so sleepy, I rested for a while, cough, and hold tight ~~~

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