Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 13 Chapter 171: Plot (1/5)

boom! ! !

The entire courtyard was covered with repressed and heavy power, and in the unbelievably thick terror force, the air was like a tide, and immediately burst with a loud noise! Obviously already in Liujia, but the princess's soft and gentle palm at this time, the power exerted by Yan Dan cannot be believed!

Yan Dan and the crown prince fought!

Yan Dan knows the strength of the Crown Princess!

When did it become so strong! I am obviously more powerful than before, but why is the gap widening? !

Yan Dan could not control his body in an instant, and even if the sunflower sword in his hand was fast, no matter how fierce, it could not stop the absolute suppression of this force! The crushing power swept over Yan Yan, who had sprayed blood N times, and once again puffed up the chest. The clothes in front of him were counted! Then the body began to retreat, quickly backwards!



Card wipe!

Huhuhu ----

Bang bang bang bang bang bang ——


Yan Dan roared loudly, his body was still going backwards!

One wall after another was broken, and Yan Dan couldn't control her body. She could only keep going back and back. The princess in her eyes kept shrinking and shrinking, and the distance between the two had become too large to touch length! Even if Yandan's swordsmanship is even stronger, it can't stop the offense of the crown prince!

The crown prince in the distance smiled softly, and his white jade hands gently stroked his lower abdomen. He was loving.

Never looked at Yan Dan again.

As if, just swept a fly ...

boom! ! !

The last bang!

Yan Dan spit out blood again. After hundreds of meters of retreat, the whole person knocked down 8 walls, 14 trees, and knocked over 7 big rocks ... finally landed!

Just fell in front of the gate of the Prince's Mansion!

Yandan was in ragged clothes and covered with scars.

Yan Dan gasped for a long time, and there was still blood flowing on his chest. The gentle princess of the crown prince had already seriously injured him! Just preparing to get up, Yan Dan suddenly found that the two maids at the door glanced at him, and then closed the door ...

They ... are all the princesses!

"Bitch! You bitch! My Yandan ... would I allow you to bully my Yandan !!!"

"Eat bitch! You ... you ..."

Yan Dan pointed at the Prince's House and scolded fiercely.

Obviously his own Prince's House! Now she was kicked out of the house by others, and she also let the concubines and Chu Tian build their nests and give birth to them. This is so annoying!


Mad! ! !

Yan Dan got up, just preparing to look back, and suddenly found something was wrong. I just forgot about this code on the head, but now, Yan Dan finally remembers ...

In front of the Prince's Mansion, sporadic pedestrians passed by.

Some people also know Prince Dan.

Seeing Yan Dan collapsed in front of the Prince's Mansion so embarrassedly, these pedestrians all showed incredible eyes. With the words just said by Prince Dan, the pedestrians ignited the gossip ...

"Huh? How was His Royal Highness expelled from his home?"

"He just said that **** ... can't ... can your royal prince be cuckold? Big news big news, Yan Dan was cuckold!"

"My God, Your Highness is so pitiful ..."

"I can't return to my mansion. The prince is so useless ..."

"How come the legendary handsome and handsome Yan Dan, like this kind of beggar, looks like a beggar ... Could someone else pretend to be?"


Yan Dan's face was somber. At this time, he wished to find a hole in the ground. His reputation was actually ruined, shame, shame ...

I'm not sure, even the eunuch's reputation will be revealed ...

Yan Dan's entourage in the distance saw the unusually embarrassed appearance under the crown prince, for a long time. Then Yan Yan, who was seriously injured, was connected to the carriage in a panic, and quickly escaped.

However, the mouth of the masses cannot be blocked.

More than 100 stories about Yan Dan being cuckolded, being kicked out of the house, getting rabies, etc., quickly spread throughout Guodu Avenue ...

"It's finally quiet."

In the courtyard, the prince whispered softly, and continued to bask in the sun, chatting with Duan Murong about her daughter's topic.

She doesn't actually know how powerful she is now, this is her first hands-on in half a year. However, the moment the princess shot, she had such a strong self-confidence, so strong that she had no worries at all: Mo said that a Yandan, even a thousand, she can easily deal with ...

Since becoming Chu Tian's woman, the body has changed more and more.

Not only is the skin getting watery and tender, the power in the body is also forming a qualitative change, and it is not the same as in the past ... Especially the children in the body are pregnant with a mysterious, holy, unimaginable huge power ...

This child will be different ...

Suddenly I remembered something important again. The princess looked at Duan Murong and asked with a little caution: "Sister Rong, Tiange said that women are easily emotionally unstable after pregnancy. You said, I just did not ... A little bit? ... Tiange said, angry women will have wrinkles ... will I ...

Duan Murong smiled and shook his head with a smile:

"... Concubine, you can rest assured, you are more beautiful every day now, why do you have wrinkles, you are really worried! ... Prince, the palm you just had is so powerful, Yan Dan was taken by you The palm is flying, what is the skill? "

"Brother Tian taught me, Sister Rong, I will teach you well, anyway, I am bored ..."



After a few days.

In a hidden woods.

Yan Danqiang endured the injury, put on a black robe and put on a cloak, as always the mysterious dress of the Mojia giant, waiting for someone here ...

He can't take revenge.

At least, you can't use the power of the court to avenge your revenge, otherwise, you will easily expose your secrets, such as eunuchs! For example being cuckold! In that case, it ’s harder than letting him die!

But this anger is really hard to swallow!

Without revenge, he has trouble sleeping and sleeping!

So, Yan Dan can only use the power in his own rivers and lakes. Yan Dan, who has always been fair and strict, used this force for the first time because of his own private affairs. Although he knew that it was wrong, the dignity of the man forced him to do so ...

"--Boss, what's the matter with us?"

Suddenly a voice suddenly sounded in the forest.

Without any warning, it suddenly appeared, with a whisper of wind. Immediately, a young man with orange hair and a little rogue temperament stood grinning, and obviously Qinggong had reached an extremely high level ...

As well as several other Mohists, they also arrived ...

After receiving Yandan's emergency contact signal, they arrived the first time ...

"Pirates, you are here." Yan Dan said slowly, lowering the cloak, as always calm and mysterious, "What about the alliance of a hundred schools now?"

"No problem, the progress is very smooth, everyone is very resistant to the Holy Church, and it is easy to unite. Oh, just the luthier named Gao Jianli, who proclaimed me about the Mo family and the giant, is really a headache ..."

"... He doesn't have to worry about it, the business matters. The robbery, let you come this time, there is an important thing for you to do. I think, let you help me kill a few people ..."


The summer sun is hot.

Yan Dan's anger finally got some venting at this time.

As a shame for a man, how can Yan Dan swallow so easily ...

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