Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 13 Chapter 167: Anecdote of Duan Murong (4/6)

Gao Jianli was not surprised, and woke up after N days.

Like Jing Ke, Gao Jianli thought he lived on his own. He hated Chu Tian and vowed to take revenge.

Gao Jianli did not forget his mission. He propagated the ugly deeds of the Mo School everywhere, and proclaimed that the Mo School had turned to the Qin State. The leader!

Gao Jianli even said that the Feixue Pavilion was actually a stronghold for the Mo family to hide criminals, which immediately aroused the disgust of countless people. If you want to die, we don't want to die yet! Feixue Pavilion is the least of all the capitals of Yan Guoguo! Who dares to investigate! ?

Few people believe Gao Jianli's words! Many people even mocked him and abused him!

However, Gao Jian persevered, so he worked hard and propaganda. After experiencing the battle in person, Gao Jianli has matured a lot. Others misunderstood him, insulted him, even beat him, scolded him, Gao Jianli did not care, he wanted to give the people a fair deal! He wants to debunk the truth!

Gao Jianli continues to struggle ...

Gao Jianli used his one arm to continue striving for the truth ...

At the end of the street, you can see Gao Jianli playing the piano with one arm ...

Gao Jianli even wrote N music scores for this, named: "The Despicable and Shameless Past of the Mohist Giants", "The Dark History of the Mohists", "Dirty Deals", "Wake Up, the People" ...

These tunes have been circulating in the streets and alleys of Yan Kingdom for a long time, and have become popular music. Although they are unremarkable, but slowly, many people's views on the Mo family have really changed ... even until the modern age of thousands of years The masterpieces of Gao Jianli, still handed down, are still collected in a note in a corner of the first four masterpieces "The Life of the Patriarch", and become a joke to set off the great glorious image of the Patriarch ...



Okay, far away.

All in all, Gao Jianli was stupid for a while, and then he was hunted down by the Mo family and lived a tragic and displaced life ...

However, Chu Tian still hovered between the Prince's Mansion and Feixue Pavilion every day.

And, in a certain morning, while the princess was feeding, Chu Tian suddenly "woke up"! The princess who was feeding Chu Tian mouth to mouth was really ashamed ...

The original plan was to wake up a few days later, but the crown prince's daily affectionate version contains emotional reports that Chu Tian could not bear it, so he woke up at the risk of being pierced. Fortunately, Duan Murong's two daughters thought that the real emotion of the crown prince moved the gods. This made Chu Tian wake up in advance and was very happy. There was no doubt at all ...

So, Chu Tian changed a new identity: the housekeeper of the Prince's House.

Take charge of everything big and small in the Prince's House.

Chu Tian, ​​the housekeeper of the Prince's Mansion, continued to live in the Prince's Mansion, and he was in touch with the Princess of the Prince, doing something unknown ...

One day.


The weather was a little sultry, and Duan Murong, carrying a bowl of refreshing tea, walked to the crown prince's room.

This is Duanmurong's newly-dispensed tea, which has heat-clearing and detoxifying properties, delicious fragrance, and many medicinal values. It is most suitable for drinking in summer. Duan Murong has just developed it, and the first thing she thought of was the princess, who planned to bring it to the princess to try it.

Go around the promenade and walk through the rows of greenery.

Duan Murong found that this place was quietly unusual, why did his followers disappear? Although Chu Tian took away all the male servants after serving as a housekeeper, the number of maids was also quite large, so it would not be so quiet.

But Duan Murong didn't think about it, so she went straight to the crown prince's room.

Maybe it was the concubine who ordered them to do something ...

"Just don't know, Brother Chu is here, I hope not ... I always think Brother Chu looks at my eyes, it's a bit ... a bit weird, but I can't say to the Crown Princess ..."

"But the crown prince is really a blessing. Although he married Yan Dan, the mean eunuch, there is Brother Chu ... I don't know if I can meet someone like Brother Chu ..."

"Maybe there are no such men, too few ..."


Duan Murong was talking in his heart.

That girl doesn't contemplate spring? The crown prince and Chu Tian kissed me from time to time, flirting with each other, and accompanied Duan Murong all day long, and had some thoughts in mind.

Duan Murong is 14 years old this year. He looks slim and tall. Although he is not very young, the tall style and femininity are already full.

Duan Murong often thinks about what kind of man he will meet in the future.

Sometimes, Chu Tian's shadow suddenly pops up in his mind ... No! Although Brother Chu is a good man, he is a crown prince. How can he think so?

The girl's mind is very complicated, and she always likes to think about it.

In this way, all the way fast, Duan Murong has come to the door of the concubine's room ...

Just preparing to push the door in, Duan Murong suddenly heard something strange ...

Is that ... a slap in the face?

Slap. Slap--

Slap. Slap--

"It's not a slap in the face, it's impossible, and there's still water in it ... Hey, there is the voice of the crown prince.

Duan Murong thought suddenly.

Duan Murong's heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

Quietly pushed a small gap, Duan Murong saw two figures in the door ... God, they! !

Duan Murong was blushing!

How can they do this kind of thing during the day!

That's too much!

But Duan Murong did not leave curiously, enduring shame, looking at the two of them in the door with blushing ears. This young girl is always curious ...

After hesitating for a while, he looked around for a while, and Duan Murong slowly put down the herbal tea in his hand, so he watched it quietly ...

The peeping of the pure girl starts from today, and it is out of control ...

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