Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 13 Chapter 158: Block me from pretending to kill, without killing (1/6)

It's so dick!

This is Chu Tian, ​​one of the parties involved, the psychological activity at the moment.

No matter how Yan Yi said, it was also a great general. In the Yan Kingdom, he has high power and few people dare to mess with it. But Xue Nu didn't give her a little face, and even had a slightly unfriendly tone, so she refused.

And Xue Nu did so purely because Yan Yi interrupted her and Chu Tian's discussion of temperament ...

Sure enough, a woman is a woman, and becomes irrational once she gets angry ...

With a few coughs, Chu Tian smiled:

"It's sharp enough."

Xue Nu smiled, her tone was clear and beautiful, and she did not put Yan Yi in her eyes: "A thick man, don't care about Brother Chu. Brother Chu, let's talk ..."

Xue Nu continued to talk with Chu Tian in this way. She already had a favorite Xue Nu, and she didn't care much at this time. Even after leaving Feixue Pavilion, Xue Nu didn't have any attachments.

The silence in the Feixue Pavilion was terrible.

Yan Yi in the distance, his face is equally ugly ...

"Snow girl, don't toast or eat fine wine! Feixuege, do you want to open it again! I'm Yan Yi let you come to accompany the wine, is worth your respect! You are so bold!

Yan Yi's face turned black and his teeth grinned.

Because of drinking too much, Yan Yi's face was a little ruddy. He didn't see it at all. The dignitaries in the house looked at him like a foolish idiot.

A big general, compared with a dancing girl, others will only laugh at him ...

But Yan Yi doesn't care. He is a rough man, where do you understand this?

The soldiers around Yan Yi, no matter what!


Seeing that Yan Yi was angry, a soldier immediately scolded and pulled out his knife.

"Dare to be rude to the general!"

Another soldier shouted, stepping forward, the blade pointed directly at the Snow Maiden in the distance.

Wow, wow, wow!

There was a whistling sound, and around Yan Yi, a dozen soldiers had pulled out their weapons. The bright sword light shone, and Han Mang was compelling! Everyone is an elite in the army.

A group of soldiers are ready, and as soon as Yan Yi orders, he will fight. Yan Yi did a lot of things that he usually did to smash pubs and beat people. The soldiers around me are good at these things.

Yan Yi stood up, looking a little proud.

With his fingers tapping on the desktop, Yan Yi looked at the Snow Maiden in the distance and said again:

"Snow girl, Lao Tzu can afford your dancing skills, and this is how respectful you are. Don't be ignorant. In the past, I don't know how many dancers wanted to dance to this general. I didn't have that chance! You say, you think about it, do you really want to— "

Yan Yi stopped halfway through the speech.

The eyes are wide and the body is stiff.

A sharp sword was shot from a distance.

A man dressed in white, with a sharp look like a sword, has arrived in front of Yan Yi in an instant. There is more than ten meters away from Yan Yi, but Yan Yi was scared to speak by the momentum of his body!

This is killing intent!

Swordsman's fierce killing intention!

Although the swordsman's sword was still far away from him, he didn't even know how, but he pressed his hand on the hilt to reveal a little silver.

But Yan Yi has the illusion that as long as the other party is willing, he can take his life in the next second!

This is the real master! Real swordsman! Yan Yi felt it!

So strong!

Yan Yi left with cold sweat on his forehead, trembling and looking at the man opposite: "You, you, who are you !?"

The man glanced at Yan Yi and only said a cold word:


It was Gao Jianli who had forced the man off.

After listening to Chu Tian's tunes, Gao Jianli had to admit that Chu Tian's musical attainments were indeed higher than him. But even so, Gao Jianli is still somewhat unwilling.

He doesn't care if he wins or loses. What he can't stand is, why are there such talents like Chu Tian? Play the sound of nature? There is something wrong in his heart!

Moreover, he was the first woman who had some good feelings in his life, and also stood with Chu Tian, ​​chatting and laughing ... others ca n’t see it, Gao Jianli ’s eyesight is very good. The closeness of Xue Nu and Chu Tian is not ordinary. Closeness of friends. The relationship between the two is by no means simple.

Gao Jian was somewhat depressed.

There is still anger in Gao Jian's centrifugation!

This time it was not just to teach these guys to bully others, not only because Gao Jianli didn't know Yan Yi, but also Gao Jianli's anger!

As a swordsman, the heroes of the heroes, and the willingness to revenge, are the guidelines of Gao Jianli!

Slowly pulled out the long sword from the waist, the sword light was bright, Gao Jianli pointed to the opposite Yan Yi, and pretended to coldly again: "You still don't leave !? Do you want me to send you personally?"

Yan Yi held his breath.

Just trying to dismiss a few words, Yan Yi suddenly found that a figure stood behind Gao Jianli.

Is that the musician who plays?

When did you come?

too fast!

Yan Yi didn't expect that there is a Feixue Pavilion, lying in a tiger and hiding dragon, with two masters. It seems that this time I was really reckless and should not be so impulsive.

However, in the next scene, even Yan Yi could not understand ...

I saw that this later musician, Chu Tian, ​​kicked directly on Gao Jianli's body!


Gao Jianli was kicked directly, and Chu Tian's strength was so great. Gao Jianli tumbling over and over some unknown tables and chairs, all covered in purple and purple.

"What do you mean !?" Gao Jianli roared angrily.

Chu Tian pouted and said:

"What do you mean? Are you still not convinced? Come and beat me? If you don't, you don't look in the mirror. A little musician is also dancing here and dancing. What can you do? Kill Yan Yi? Wait Feixuege closed? "

"Reckless! Stupid! Impulsive!"


Chu Tian took another sip, and spittled directly on Gao Jianli's clothes, looking like Ling Ran. Of course, the real reason is that Gao Tianli was actually acting in front of Xue Nu, and Chu Tian couldn't bear it anymore.

Stop me from pretending to be a persecutor, and kill without amnesty!

Turning around, Chu Tian looked at Yan Yi, and then he started his formal pretense.

"Your kid is Yan Yi?"

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