Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 13 Chapter 156: Heart exchange (5/6)

In the past few days, Xue Nu also thought about looking for Chu Tian.

Some of Chu Tian's instructions on the temperament have benefited Xue Nu, and these days she has almost never wanted to discuss with Chu Tian. Moreover, Chu Tian was also very funny, handsome and almost perfect. If it weren't for her own eyes, Xue Nu didn't even believe that there was such a person in the world.

Xue Nu rarely meets what she can talk to herself, and Chu Tian is undoubtedly the one who can talk to her.

Always thinking about chatting with Chu Tian for a while and staying for a while, I said sloppy farewell that day, and the Snow Girl still regretted how much she wanted to come.

Fortunately, Chu Tian appeared again, although it was a little late.

Xue Nu came over with a smile and said softly:

"Brother Chu, I have heard your music, and the Snow Maiden admires it. Today I can let you see my Zhao Wu. I don't know if Brother Chu has any research on Zhao Wu?"

The light tone is very beautiful, as if the notes are beating. Jingying stared at Chu Tian with a rare joy and expectation.

"Well, you will know by then." Chu Tian smiled and sold a pass.

"Then I'll wait and see!" Xue Nu nodded and turned around, "Brother Chu, come with me, these days there are several phonological problems have always wanted to ask you, who knows you have never come ..."

"I really can't get away ..." Chu Tian said, in fact, to make the crown prince.

"Okay, forgive you ..."


With the sound moving away, Chu Tian led by Xue Nu to the third floor. That's where Snow Maiden and her maid can enter ...

Xue Nu is dressed in a pale blue dress with long hair and a shawl of long hair; Chu Tian is dressed in a cool outfit, revealing a little chivalrous style. The beauty of a woman and the handsomeness of a man.

The figures of the two walked together, seemingly well-matched ...

A large group of musicians below are stunned!

what happened! ?

Who is that man? Actually make Xue Nu so respected?

Everyone is incredible! Treating the snow girl who is light and light to anyone, at this time it was like an ordinary woman, smiling sweetly. Even the title "Big Brother Chu" shouted!

Suddenly, the goddess in my heart had any intimate contact with a man, and no one would feel better.

Of course, in the field, the most difficult to say, the most depressed, is that Gao Jianli left ...

"He understands the temperament?"

"A brutal man actually understands temperament?"

"Snow Maiden actually favors Chu Tian so much, what is going on?"

"Chu Tian ... who is it !?"

"I'm Gao Jianli, I actually lost to such a person!"

Gao Jian's men snapped and broke a string!

He had even made plans to pretend to be forced, and he was about to have a sound of nature, who knew there was no chance. Chu Tian, ​​actually met Snow Maiden ...

Even the chance to perform on stage is gone. Of course Gao Jianli doesn't care about being famous, or that kind of reward. He just wants to prove himself and find someone who understands his piano ...

Gao Jian centrifuge is a little unwilling ...

In the eyes of Gao Jianli, Chu Tian is still just a vulgar person and a brutal person. Gao Jianli is always so confident. How can someone like Chu Tian understand real music.

In this world, only absenteeism can understand him ...

Gao Jianli once again fell into his own superb piano skills, narcissistic, deeply unable to extricate himself ...

"I'd like to see how he will perform at that time!"



Chu Tian and Xue Nu were chatting on the third floor, not knowing how many people died below.

Even at lunchtime, Chu Tian and Xue Nu were eating together again ...

The two had a great time together, almost forgot to have a performance later, if not the maid on the side reminded, this performance is almost outdated!

After a while at noon, Xue Nu's show is finally starting ...

In the Feixue Pavilion, there is silence ...

Even those big men who are stomping their feet upside down in the capital of the country, they are holding their breath at this time, being cautious, fearing that they will destroy this sense of beauty.

Snow Maiden's dance can only be described by beauty, which makes people unbearable to destroy, and unwilling to destroy ...

Everyone is quiet.

Until, on the Feixue jade flower stage, a ray of light fell from the sky, illuminating the entire field, the flowers and petals fell from the sky, the whole Feixue jade flower station was like a fairyland, a woman with silver hair like a waterfall and a graceful figure, standing full of ...

The entire Feixue Pavilion was completely silent at this moment.

Everyone held their breath and looked ahead ...


A sound of Qingyue suddenly broke this tranquility.

There are no words to describe, and no words to describe.

Everyone has never been attracted to anything other than dancing since watching Xue Nu's dance. But today, there was an accident. This voice actually made everyone forget to appreciate Xue Nu's dancing posture!

The music curls with a light fragrance, a strange feeling, obviously music, but it can convey that elegant fragrance.

Smart notes seem to jump in the mind of a person, and a moving song comes from a distance.

As if directly hitting the human soul, people can't help shaking. Shaking!

"What music is this !?"

Someone suddenly asked.

Everyone's eyes turned involuntarily and looked at the destination. On the edge of the Feixue jade flower stand, Chu Tianzheng was playing with a long jasper flute, all the musicians went down, and only Chu Tian accompanied him ...

Although one person, it is better than ten people and one hundred people!

Undoubtedly, Chu Tian's attainments in musical rhythm also reached the peak! Of course, Chu Tian has only revealed one hundred millionth of the level now, but it is shocking enough!

The Snow Maiden on the stage also followed the rhythm of the song and began to dance.

The flying ribbons are wandering, dancing, and beautiful.

The flowers and petals are dancing in the air, spinning and flying in the air.

The kindness of the light around the Feixue Jade Terrace is beautiful and beautiful. There is no better beauty in the whole world ...

"Is that what you want?"

Xue Nuo danced lightly, like a swallow, secretly in her heart.

Be happy. The meaning in Chu Tian's music is clearly conveyed, joy, love, appreciation, pity ... All emotions are conveyed through the song.

The tune is sometimes high, sometimes low, sometimes anxious. It is like a rainstorm, sometimes gentle like a drizzle.

Xue Nu also followed this song and danced quickly. The slender jade arm dances, the skirt swings lightly and trembles, the ribbons are flying all over the sky, and the flowers and petals are scattered. The graceful movements and light dance poses perfectly match the music, regardless of each other ...

The two did not have any verbal communication, but at this moment, dance and temperament are already the most sincere voices ...

Xue Nu suddenly felt a little sweet and a little joy. She finally found a person who knew her dance, a person worthy of her life dance.

Although the audience was countless.

But Snow Girl danced for Chu Tian alone.

"Only you can understand me."

Xue Nu smiled lightly.

Her request is not high, just ask an intimate person, as long as the other party can understand her. It's a pity that there have always been too few people who understand her dance ...

No one noticed in the light dance, in fact, standing in the direction of Chu Tian is the best place to appreciate the snow girl's dance ...

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