Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 13 Chapter 149: Crown Princess shot (4/6)

【Duan Murong Picture】

Yan Dan's sunflower swordsmanship at this moment is already a success!

Compared with Jing Ke, Yan Dan's accomplishment in "Sunflower Sword Technique" is not weak at all! If you want to say anything worse, Jing Ke has a sunflower sword, but Yan Dan, lacks a **** soldier.

But even so, the power of sunflower swordsmanship is shocking the world!

咻咻 咻咻 咻!

In a short moment, a sword had reached Duan Murong.

The gleaming sword light shone in the air, as fast as a meteor, so fast that it made people unresponsive. The "fast" word of sunflower swordsmanship was brought to the extreme by Yan Dan! There was no sound in the air at all, and this sword had surpassed the ordinary warrior's cognition. Without a habit, it is impossible to capture with the naked eye! Even masters of the same level!

The four rays of light exude a cold breath and take Duan Murong's throat straight!

Although Duan Murong also possesses martial arts skills, there is no way to deal with it in a flash!

This sword is too fast!

"Don't blame me, you are too much!"

Yan Dan was somber.

The **** is a matter of great importance, which is related to fame, dignity, status, and even career. Too much is involved! Although Yan Dan couldn't bear to start, but now it is definitely not a time for soft hands!

Under the full force, the cold breath on his body was exposed at the moment! Even the voice of the speech is a little sharp and harsh, like that of an eunuch!

A sword blinked through Duan Murong's throat!


Duan Murong sipped.

I had heard how Yan Yan was so wise. I saw Duan Murong today and I knew that it was just a villain!

Women are sentient creatures, wherever they care about the big picture and their careers, seeing that even their nominal wives can kill, Duan Murong instantly labeled Yan Dan as "unforgivable", and it's not too much to kill a hundred times!

In this case, I can't care about anything mean!

Duan Murong's jade is clear, and there is a hula in his sleeve. A smoke spreads in front of Duan Murong's body. The faint red and green breath looks frightening.

At the same time, several silver needles burst out of the sleeves!

throat! heart! eye! Head!

Every silver needle is aimed at the point! The precision of firing the silver needle at the lower end of Mu Rong at close range is no exaggeration to say that it is comparable to the sword technique of Gaini!

Healers, heal the sick and save the people, have great merit. But once the real fire started, it was also terrible.

Medicine can save people or poison them.

The silver needle can pierce a hole or kill someone!

Before Yan Dan's all-out sword was thrust, he quickly retreated. Seeing that strange cloud of smoke, Yan Dan's back was cold instantly! In case of any unsolvable poison, ten lives are not enough!

Whatever it is, Yan Dan quickly held her breath and stepped back quickly, daring not get a little bit!

He is not afraid of the martial arts of "Medical Immortal", but the medicine cannot be careless!

"Due to Duanmu Girl !!"

Yan Dan praised!

Today, not many people can force him back!

But that's all.

I just neglected the identity of Duan Murong's doctor, so I didn't succeed. Now, pay attention to it.

The sunflowers in Yandan's body are in full swing, and the whole person's breath changes dramatically! The silver sword in his hand is divided into eight swords, so fast that people can't react!

Dang Dang Dang!

Dang Dang Dang!

Several silver needles were shot down by Yan Dan in a blink of an eye. Sunflower swordsmanship is too fast and too fast, even the hidden weapon can be perfectly defended!

Yan Dan immediately backhanded to disperse the smoke. Stabbed Duan Murong again!

Among Duan Murong and the crown prince, it is the correct strategy to win Duan Murong who is capable of martial arts first. Yan Dan always thought so. Once again, the sword in his hand shone brightly.

The pace at the foot has also become a ghost—

Yan Dan's figure is so fast that he can hardly see clearly, and the sword in his hand can't distinguish the direction! too fast!

"go to hell!!!"

Yan Dan looked terrible.

Under the sunflower's vitality, Yan Dan's brain has been affected slightly, and even his personality is abnormal. Move faster and faster, more and more ruthless! A cold atmosphere spread throughout the room!

Duan Murong once again stabbed out several silver needles and some bluffing potions, but they were all useless!

By virtue of the strong internal force and quick swordsmanship, Yan Dan can be broken in an instant! In an instant, this sword had to pierce Duan Murong's throat!

This time it is really about to pierce!

Even Duan Murong suddenly disappeared at this time. This kind of swordsmanship that wins fast has never been seen before, and I do n’t know how to deal with it in a short time, even running away, Yan Dan is much faster than her.

"Princess, you go!"

Duan Murong shouted anxiously.

Unexpectedly, Yan Dan's killing intentions were so great!

However, with a glance at Duan Murong's eyes, he found an incredible scene.

The crown prince moved.

That's right, wearing a luxurious costume, exuding the noble lady-like princess, this moment, like a master of rivers and lakes, moved quickly! Above both hands, a strong internal force is rolling, and the thick internal force, in Duan Murong's view, is almost no less than Yan Dan!

The prince was actually a master! ?

Duan Murong never thought of it.

"Yan Dan, withdraw the sword!"

The crown prince sneered.

Boom! ! !

A muffled sound suddenly exploded behind Yan Dan!

On the princess's hands, the Yin and Yang powers reincarnate, and the majestic internal force is like the Yangtze River. The clothes on Yan Dan's back exploded in an instant, and the erupting power of the crown prince's weak jade hand was extremely disproportionate!

Even under the palm of your hand, even the close-knit gold treasure armor has cracked deep marks!

Poof! !

Yan Dan spit out blood!

I can't believe it, so it's unclear, so incredible!

Yan Dan was more surprised than anyone at the moment, but he couldn't allow him to think more. Yan Dan quickly withdrew his sword, turned around quickly, and opened a distance between the two women. His face was blue and white, and without any precautions, his palm was seriously injured!

A blood stain ran down the corner of Yan Dan's mouth. Yan Dan's eyes widened, staring at the crown prince: "You! Ju! Ran! Yes! Name! Gao! Hands !!!"

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