Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 251: alien end

In the misty world, at the end of the horizon, a giant tree runs through the clouds, with a streamer of light.

The petals fell one after another.

Alive or dead? After Wang Xuan came in, looking at the figure sitting cross-legged under the tree, that

It's a little old man with a small physique, like an ant compared to a giant tree.

There is no mental fluctuation, this is like a flesh shell that has lost its primordial spirit.

Wang Xuan observed, and finally focused on some parts of his body, such as the right palm,

Although the flesh and blood are silent, there is nothing special, but the bones inside are abnormal, and it is clean at first glance.

Bai, if you look closely, it is very profound.

Odd bone! This is an alien, with more than one strange bone in his body, there are many places.

But Wang Xuan only looked at his right palm, carefully and carefully observed, tested, and

Without saying a word, I just wanted to pick wool. Today I was really addicted.

He has obtained the strange bones and practiced special scriptures, but the main purpose of Yu Dao Hua is the parietal bones.

Mainly, the spine and eyeball have only recently come into contact with the corresponding texture.

In battle, staring and iron-headed skills are all too weird.

Come on, it's also an unorthodox style of play.

He really wanted to transform his palm into Taoism.

Otherwise, every time, the texture from the parietal bone will cover the hand.

Palm, in terms of power, it is far stronger than hitting it directly with the head.

However, at this level of extraordinary people, I have never seen anyone using iron head skills.

"Huh?!" Wang Xuan stunned, stepped back, didn't watch any more, and tried to clear things up.

I feel that there is a vast and unpredictable spiritual consciousness emerging.

He glanced at the sea of ​​​​candles in the distance.

Looking at the world, watching the old man under the tree, and then being on high alert.

Wang Xuan erhu didn't say anything, he rushed over with a mace, ready to hit him.

Explosion, wants to clear the scene, because he doesn't know what will happen next.

This place is connected to the Bronze Arena, and both sides that are still suppressed are in the realm of immortals.


Outside the sky, a boundless light appeared, like a vast galaxy, booming.

With a bang, it fell and fell into the old man's head.

A person's spiritual awareness is so powerful that he is actively smashing the sea of ​​candles.

The Wang Xuan of , couldn't help feeling that his heart was throbbing, such a powerful creature.

The old man opened his eyes suddenly, a consciousness like a river and sea bursting in this world.

Ups and downs.

"Stop first," he said.

Wang Xuan understands that this is definitely a top-notch alien, unfathomable.

He dragged his mace to the side, but did not sway.

"I've seen senior." Zhuhai opened his mouth and bowed.

"The boy of the candle dragon family, it's not bad, it's good to be young." The thin old man

The person nods.

Wang Xuan was taken aback, shouldn't these two be acquaintances, what's their relationship? At the same time he also

In the slander, Zhuhai is not eight thousand years old, but seven thousand years old, so old, it is also worthy of

To be a boy?

"Baby, you are very fierce." The old man turned his head and glanced at the second university of the Five Elements Mountains.


Hearing this title, Wang Xuan grinned, no matter what, he was born at the age of two hundred.

He was the leader, and he was directly demoted to a level lower than that of a teenager.

"Senior summoned the junior to come, what advice do you have?" Wang Xuan cupped his hands, and greeted him in a low-key manner.

Li, facing an old monster who had lived for more than a century, he was a little clueless.

He suspected that the other party had prohibited items in his hands, and even, it was very likely that the

The bronze giant palace itself.

"I was told that there was a duel on the True Immortal-level battlefield, and the combat power was amazing, breaking the ninth

The record of the Bronze Arena. "The old man smiled.

Wang Xuan also laughed, and said, "What reward?" The old man was surprised, then dumbfounded.

He laughed, shook his head, and said, "No, I just want to see the two of you.

indivual. "

Wang Xuan stopped talking, looking forward to it.

Now Candle Sea doesn't have the deepness that surpasses the peerless daily life. In front of Yiren, he doesn't have his aloofness. He handed over again and said:

"Senior is too famous,

Yiren nodded and said, "Well, for you, this battle requires

Reflect. This time it was mainly him, and the destructive power was astonishing in the final blow. "

Zhu Hai's slightly reserved face was a little stiff, and his peaceful words made his heart ache.

His head caught fire, and then his face felt a little feverish.

The two had a duel, and their combat power was abnormal, breaking the record of the ninth floor bronze arena.

Did the trouble for a long time have nothing to do with him?

In short, he was able to come here because of the light of his opponent? It was Kong Xuan who broke the record

Recording, Zhuhai suddenly wanted to turn his head and leave.

Although the Inhumans didn't target him, they just told the truth normally and peacefully, but

Candle Sea still felt extremely embarrassed and always felt humiliated.

However, Wang Xuan clasped his fists at him solemnly, and said, "Accept!"

Zhuhai ignored him, his eyes were cold, and then he gave him a side face, dismissing him as nothing.


"Let's continue to fight, the duel is not over yet!" Wang Xuan said solemnly, since the opponent

Hold it, then just blow it up. "To be honest, I was originally in the starry sky

Mind wandering, someone came to me through a relationship, let me be accommodating, make an exception, and end this situation.

A duel. "

The old man opened his mouth, sat cross-legged under the huge divine tree, and gave himself his name—Chen

Gu, the alien from the giant bronze palace, has recently been out of the body and has been traveling far and wide in deep space.

"It's the alien of your candle dragon clan, the ancestor of your clan, and asked someone to find him.

took me. "Chen Gu directly stated the specific situation.

"Why?" Zhuhai was surprised, and the strongest of the Zhulong clan was also paying attention to this.


"Obviously, he thinks you will be defeated." Chen Gu said directly, no

Any tact.

This kind of remark made Zhuhai feel tight in his chest, holding back his anger, and was very unwilling.

Summoned into this mysterious world and suffered a series of critical hits.

Even the ancestors of the clan came forward and intervened in the game in order to preserve his sexuality.

Destiny, you don't think so highly of him.

For a time, his chest rose and fell violently, the royal runes were intertwined in his eyes, and his eyes were incomparable.

Deep, extremely terrifying, but his clenched fist loosened again.

Because, he believed in the ancestor of the candle dragon, an alien who has lived for more than a century, with a natural vision.

Far beyond him, although he still has some trump cards, in the realm of real immortals, there is a high probability that

not as good as this demon


Zhu Hai whispered, "I will follow the orders of my ancestors." Wang Xuan quit the job.

What, have you asked him? If you can't beat it, stop the duel immediately, you can beat it

If so, shoot him directly.

"What's fair about this? I'm disappointed in the Bronze Giant Palace." He directly

Open, there is no need to endure it, the other party really wants to be partial, and he will attack him here.

Words, even bowing your head is useless.

Rather than that, he doesn't care anymore, expresses his heart directly, his eyes are cold and wild.

So, do you really think that the giant bronze palace can cover the sky with one hand? !

"Do you have an opinion?" Chen Gu turned to look at him.

"Yes!" Wang Xuan's eyes were bright, he raised his head, and looked at him, even if it was the top

Yiren, if he wants to control the situation of the bronze arena unscrupulously, let him not


"Have momentum." Chen Gu, a short-stature alien, nodded, and then looked towards

Zhuhai asked, "What do you think?" Zhuhai looked at Wang Xuan with a calm face

A few strands of chill appeared on Kong, and he said, "If he doesn't agree, then just kill him.

. "

Wang Xuan's killing intent was soaring, which was beyond his expectation, such a change would occur.

Therefore, there is such a shameful and dark activity in the arena of the bronze giant palace.

to make?

He has secretly communicated with the Imperial Dao Banner, and the first kill formation map will be displayed at any time.

It's so scary. It's a big deal. Everyone flips the table together. It doesn't matter who lives or dies.

Woolen cloth!

Chen Gu looked at Zhuhai, nodded and said, "Your heart is so dark, you were going to lose.

Death, but now he wants to kill his opponent. "The candle sea is expressionless, standing there,

Said: "Everything follows the orders of the ancestors."

Chen Gu said: "Well, the ancestor of your family, the old dragon means, you pay

Pay some price to compensate Kong Xuan and end the battle. "

"Huh?" Zhu Hai was stunned, deeply surprised that the ancestors had entrusted him with

The unfathomable aliens in the bronze giant palace met the conditions and intervened in this duel.

Why did you compromise like this in the end, wouldn't it be better to just kill Kong Xuan?

Wang Xuan was also stunned, and then he was still on guard.

His face was expressionless, it was originally a fair showdown, and he could evolve into this.

Step, what else could he believe? He couldn't relax,

Always be ready to fight to the end!

"Aren't you willing?" Chen Gu asked.

"This" Zhu Hai frowned, the situation was not completely reversed, he needed to pay for it

Price, he looked at the aliens in the bronze giant palace, he knew very well who was the master here, he only

Can bow his head, expressing his willingness to obey the words of the ancestor of the candle dragon.

"What price do you want him to pay?" Chen Gu asked Wang Xuan. Wang Xuan opened his mouth

Come on, without hesitation, he said, "I want to kill him!"

"No, change it." Chen Gu shook his head.

Wang Xuan's expression calmed down and said, "I want his imperial texture, and

He handed over the scriptures of the imperial way and the strange bones that he possessed. "

"You are delusional!" Zhuhai turned back indifferently, how could such a thing be answered

Yes, he refused.

Wang Xuan's face was indifferent, his voice raised, and said, "Then continue to go to the Bronze Arena.

In the decision of life and death, if you and I had a fair confrontation, would you survive? I'll just press you to death

On the field! "

Intimidated by a true immortal, it could even be said to be contemptuous, Zhuhai felt that his lungs were clogged.

It was bleeding, and the chest cavity was about to explode. It was unbearable. But it's gonna be a fight

What the other party said might be the truth. After all, the ancestors of Zhulong made that kind of prediction.


"Would you like to accept mediation?" Chen Gu asked.

Zhuhai was silent, feeling resentful and aggrieved. At the same time he regretted it, it really shouldn't

At the end of the game, Dangtangchao had bound his hands and feet, acted on his spirits, and took such a stink


At this moment, the sky of this mysterious dojo seemed to connect Hao.

In the vast universe, there are stars shining, and then the whole sky is pitch black.

Even, including this hazy space and that glowing giant tree,

When it got dark, the whole world fell into darkness.

Then, two huge eyes appeared in the outer universe, filling the vast sky.

During this time, it was especially scary, and it was because the eyes opened, the sky and the earth became brilliant again, the light was bright


"Old Ancestor!" Zhuhai paid his respects at the first time.

Wang Xuan's heart throbbed, he was actually the number one expert of the candle dragon clan, and he had an extremely ancient origin.

The old alien, is this a manifestation of the primordial spirit, or is the real body looking at the sea of ​​​​stars in the universe in the distance

see? It was so terrifying, the vision shook the world.

The ancestor of the candle dragon, his eyes closed is Hei Tian, ​​his eyes are open

Opening is the day, standing in the vast and deep space, the shape is huge and boundless.

At the same time, in the depths of the universe, another piece of deep space emits a radiant glow, and then

A huge black peacock appeared, dispelling the darkness, as if opening up the world.

Standing in the sea of ​​​​stars, he is equally majestic and intimidating, and he is definitely not weaker than that old man.

Candle Dragon, casting his gaze here, is also showing a vision.

Zhuhai immediately understood that the ancestor of Zhulong intervened.

Ren was also alarmed, paid attention to this matter and put pressure on him, so he wanted to backhand directly.

Killing Kong Xuan is simply impossible.

Wang Xuan surrendered his hands to the deep space, he understood that if the old peacock didn't end today, everything would be lost.

It's hard to say.

Don't look at Chen Gu, a stranger in the bronze giant palace, with a calm and easy-going appearance, but,

Just because he intervened in this fight, it can be shown that the duel here can be unexpected.


"Bring it here!" Wang Xuan stretched out his hand and asked Zhuhai for scriptures and strange bones unceremoniously.


"I!" Zhuhai was shocked, angry, and powerless, and the three great aliens watched, even if

Through the void, everything here can be finalized.

The key is that he himself is not tough enough. If he continues to fight, there is a high probability that he will really lose.


Otherwise, he can lift the table, continue the duel, and kill the real fairy Kong Xuan.

"What am I, what are you, what are you, don't talk nonsense, you are buying your life!" Wang

Xuan said coldly.

He saw the other side of the Candle Sea, the super peerless is also a human being, where can he truly super

Of course, just now, I wanted to take the opportunity to kill him by using unspoken rules to make him despise and hate him.

Don't meet again from now on, otherwise, if they meet in the starry sky, one of them will die.

"What I have learned is all on this bone, and there is no special experience in me.

arts. After all, Zhuhai endured his anger and the humiliation in his heart, and took it out from his body.

A bone.

Judging from its shape, it should be a part of the frontal bone, including the orbital part, with snow-white crystals.

Ying, the textures are numerous and dense.

"Let go immediately, this is mine, bring it to you!" Wang Xuan snatched it away


Then, he spoke uneasy and said, "Who knows what you said is true.

False, are there other scriptures and strange bones, are they hidden? "

"Anything else?" Chen Gu asked, and told Zhuhai that there were strange objects in this space.

Can detect whether he is lying.

"No more!" Zhuhai said solemnly, the meaning of the candle dragon family involves the cultivation of aliens

Okay, that ancient book must not be leaked. I believe that the ancestor has already talked to Chen Gu.

Chen Gu glanced at the strange object in the distance and said, "Well, that's true, nothing else.

. As for the Candle Dragon Root Sutra of this family, it is not included here. "

"I have a request, and I want to have another fight with him, keep going!" Zhu

Hai suddenly spoke.

"You want to die?" Wang Xuan was surprised and looked surprised. But listen to the sea of ​​candles

In his heart, it was so harsh, he looked at the ancestor of the candle dragon in the deep space of the universe,

Said: "Since the ancestor intervened in this fight, please give me another chance, I

He wanted to have a fight that didn't involve life and In the end, he was still unwilling, even more dissatisfied, thinking that he still had the means.

Ancestor Zhulong looked at Chen Gu and secretly talked about something. "What do you think

Sample? "Chen Gu asked Wang Xuan, and he also looked at the huge old man in the sea of ​​​​stars in the universe.


Wang Xuan said: "Okay, he's not willing to give away his bones, so am I.

I'm not willing to let him go like this. I'll make him happy.

The small intestines must be punched out! "Actually, he really wanted to say that the corpse rice was beaten by Zhuhai.

When he came out, but there were strangers present, he tried his best to be softer and more refined,

too direct.

"Little friend, I'm very curious, what is your origin?" Chen Gu asked, at the same time.

In the meantime, he has sealed Zhuhai aside, isolated from here.

Wang Xuan looked at him and then at the old candle dragon in the depths of the universe. They did this today.

In the pre-competition, everything is due to the incomparability of others, and it is difficult to check and balance.

If there is no old peacock, Wang Xuan is really not sure, Chen Gu of the Bronze Giant Palace will

Whether to attack him.

He took a deep breath and said forcefully: "My parents are aliens, and

Moreover, they are not weak. Although they are in a special state, they want to come and kill a few aliens.

Man, there should be no problem! "

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