Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 196: starry sky

In the starry sky, the disciples of each sect stood on different meteorites and looked at the demon king of the Five Elements Mountain. Although they all wanted to kill him, they were silent.

The most reddish monster in the Meteorite Sea, although he is hated, his strength is indeed terrifying, and the black monster is too fierce.

Of course, some people are particularly angry with him about this, so why not leave it to the atmosphere? The billowing black cloud has a gross use in the battle, it is purely a background board.

Some people are doubting his identity, is he really a loose cultivator? It is unlikely that without the cultivation of top teachers, it is difficult for a wild monster to reach this level.

The Book of Imperial Dao, the secret of breaking the limit, the legend of the supernatural body of the fairy, the method of the primordial spirit nirvana, which of these fields is possessed by Ye Xiu and can be completely penetrated?

The Transcendent Central Great World is very grand and exciting, but some areas are really difficult for loose cultivators.

For example, many years ago, the Loose Cultivator holding a golden shell had half his foot in the Origin Dojo, and he could be pulled out by someone and bought the golden shell.

However, thinking that this is a three-needle zone, it can be explained again.

Some people speculate that the second king of the Five Elements Mountain was born in a top teacher, but he probably committed a crime, left the teacher's door, and became a black household in the Meteorite Sea.

If you look at it this way, he really is a fugitive!

"Brother Gu, are you going to end?" Mo Han, the curvaceous woman from the Paper Temple, said, her hair flowing.

In particular, he realized that recently, Jinque Palace was always helping others to block swords, and he felt even more uncomfortable. The Paper Temple and the Tattoo Palace clearly wanted to push him off the court.

"Do you want to take action?" he asked Mo Han back.

"There may be holy eggs in the nest!" Hong Dao of the Tattoo Palace said with a serious face. This was the secret message he just got, and the elder personally transmitted the voice.

The complexion of several people has changed, and there are descendants of aliens from outside the sky, which is a bit terrifying. If it is really cultivated, it is difficult to assess how high this kind of creature can grow in the future.

Yuan Hong didn't want to end the game, but let him buy his life with strange objects in public, but he couldn't afford to lose that person, so he began to pretend to be deep.

Many people can see that it is the genius of the late stage of the true immortal who has broken the limit.

Gu Cheng, hundreds of years ago, was a famous true immortal in a star field. After so many years of dormancy, many people believe that he does not print clothes anywhere.

Of course, the Sword Immortal of the Sheep Clan of Qingyang Palace, the noble daughter Xia Qing of the Longevity Dynasty, and others are also the focus of attention from all parties to see if they will make a move.

Suddenly, the starlight went out, the whole universe became dark, and the indescribable repressed breath made everyone's mind blank, and their souls were dull, as if they were dead.

For a moment, it seemed as long as eternity, the world was quiet, everything was silent, and there was no sound.

Wang Xuanhan's hair exploded, his head to toe was icy cold. He couldn't believe it. He broke free from the terrifying state of icy coldness and the annihilation of all things in the universe, and looked into the distance with his spiritual eyes.

In the depths of the starry sky, countless lights were extracted, and in that area, something appeared, and an extremely terrifying thing happened.

The others also woke up one after another, their faces bloodless, and they didn't even have to think about it. An extremely terrifying event definitely happened today.

Such a world-shaking atmosphere made the starry sky go out, and everyone was trembling.

Finally, the starlight reappears, the universe is no longer in absolute darkness, and there is a terrifying light blooming in the distance

"Some big stars are shattered!" Someone's voice trembled.

Then, the supernatural beings in this area felt an indescribable depression, and many people's primordial spirits felt suffocated, and they were about to faint.

Some superhumans felt weak all over, and finally knelt down directly on the meteorite to resist, but their bodies shook uncontrollably.

In the distance, scarlet light scattered, like a meteor shower, and like a cosmic stream of fire, flying in all directions, and this area also fell a little.


A celestial demon was penetrated by the red light, and then burst open.


There are also genius disciples of the Great Sect who were hit by the red light beam and disintegrated in an instant.


In the end, after the dazzling red light passed, it was a red halo of stars, and it was this kind of thing that fell on the real immortal and penetrated directly.

However, this flushing has slowed down and most people can avoid it.

In the starry sky, after the short and urgent screams, there was silence, and everyone was cold from head to toe. The sense of dead silence that all things were wiped out had not completely subsided, and there was still a residual rhyme flowing.

Wolverine's body froze there, and the atmosphere did not dare to come out.

Five Elements Mountain was also hit by one of the beams. After one of the mountains was penetrated, it exploded in an instant. There were three mountains left on the edge of the dojo.

Wang Xuan's body was cold, he stood there unmoved, his heart was heavy, and he reflected on himself. Don't be impetuous, this universe is too dangerous!

He guessed what had just happened.

Soon, the news was passed from afar, and the super taboo only recovered, Mei was in the hands of the two sides, and the surrounding sky

Just now is the release of the imperial power!

"Two prohibited items colliding?" The sky-level master's face was pale, and this kind of thing happened. This kind of collision will easily break a starry sky and cause countless deaths and injuries.

At the same time, they are fortunate that the center of the battlefield is not in the area of ​​Wuxingshan, otherwise no one can survive, and they will be buried with them.

In fact, the battle just now was short and fast, and it ended quickly.

"What is the origin of the two sides?" The space traveler Hell Black Ant appeared, as a peerless world, even he looked solemn and felt depressed.

"Only one side is known to be the elder of Luofu Mountain, holding a prohibited item—the Luofu sword, which came quietly, but was killed by someone forcefully." Hei Niu Dao Xian appeared and stood on the pitch-black bull-horned knife. Also terrified.

This battle was too sudden, no one thought of it.

Luofu Mountain is a great sect with a long history, and the owner of the mountain is a stranger. This time, the second elder of the sect visited Zhongmengfu to create harshness and wisdom.

This news shook the sea of ​​stars!

The second elder of Luofu Mountain fled with Yu Duanjian at the last moment. As a result, he was hit by a prohibited item behind him from a long distance, and his body was shocked and shattered, and the blood-stained armor fragments flew in all directions.

The people who died just now were all pierced by the fragments of the super peerless armor, and their bodies and spirits were destroyed.

In fact, whether it was the armor fragments or the blood light, they all burned up after they rushed over, turning into ashes, and there was nothing left.

It is conceivable how terrifying the intruder from the depths of the starry sky and the super prohibited item in his hand are.

"I should examine my body three times a day." Wang Xuan was alert, the **** example was right in front of him, a super peerless person carrying a treasure, all became the prey, and the death was tragic.

After this happened, in the starry sky, some geniuses on the meteorites all turned pale, and the arrogance in their hearts was instantly released.

Now, they don't have the time to look at the Five Elements Mountains, they are all staring at the deep space, but there is no movement after a long time, and the mysterious powerhouse left with the prohibited items.

"Everyone, let's just leave today." Wang Xuan said, he really didn't have the heart to do it. The reddest monster in the Meteorite Sea was thinking about avoiding the limelight.

People from the Tattoo Palace and the Paper Temple, as well as the Changsheng Dynasty and the Jinque Palace, all looked down and frowned.

Wolverine's body was shocked, and he suddenly said: "I have entered the heaven level, and I have to survive a calamity."

Wang Yi's remaining mysterious light group was swallowed by Wu Xingtian, automatically replenishing its origin, and merging with the Tao of his enlightenment, and now it is completely digested.

In addition, sensing the fluctuation of the Imperial Dao level, the Wolverine has accumulated for many years, and the level has long been loosened, and now it has finally broken through.

Everyone was taken aback, the second king of the Five Elements Mountains was already so tyrannical, and the next king of the black peacock, the place became more and more fierce.

"Lend one of your ancestral feathers to store the power of catastrophe with this exotic treasure, and slowly refine the body and soul." The peerless clear sky elder of the Black Peacock Holy Mountain appeared.

She has a mild complexion, looks like she is in her thirties, standing on the transcendent cloud and mist, although it is not far away, it looks like

Buddha is transcendent.

A bland black feather flew in and landed in front of the wolverine.

"Many thanks to the elders for the treasure protection!" Wu Xingtian immediately grabbed the black feather and paid a great tribute.

Then, there was a bang in this area, lightning poured, and the thick thunder fell down, and the wolverine quickly put away the five elements.

Countless thunder and lightning, thick as mountains and densely packed, drowned this place, but in the end they didn't enter the black feather, and surged out in a relatively gentle way, tempering the flesh and spirit of the wolverine.

Many people are shocked, how can the catastrophe intervene? No matter what strange things you have, if you really want to block the robbery, it is easy to provoke a bigger sea of ​​thunder and destroy it directly.

In the world, there are really not many strange things that can help people overcome the is limited to this. , can only resist. "Super peerless Qingyang Sword Immortal appeared.

Soon, people knew that this ancestral feather was a real feather of the old peacock who went far away on the road of Yudaohua on the Black Peacock Holy Mountain.

"There are holy eggs in the nest? This needs to be discussed." An elder of the Longevity Dynasty appeared.

Silently, the elders of the Tattoo Palace and the Paper Temple also appeared, with their eyes open and closed, there was a real rhythm flowing.

"It's just a wild monster. I don't know the size of the universe and the splendor of various religions. How dare a little monster be unrestrained here?" A blond old man appeared, very domineering, and when he came up, he stretched out a big hand and grabbed it towards the Five Elements Mountain. The starlight and the chaotic fog appeared together, and Wang Yan was about to be wiped out.

Thanks: I am stunning from the north to the west, invincible, thank you for the support of the leader, and: suma, curtain fall, send the leader fast many times.

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