Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 177: open cover king touch

The silver hair is smooth, like a ray of electric light in the void, flying out with the parietal bone, rippling with a little glow, like the stars are shining.

Liuguang was in severe pain, screaming, and watching her skull fly away, her hair chasing, really made her a beauty who regarded her appearance as her life unbearable.

As a young and beautiful woman, who has never imagined that one day someone will lift the red hijab, but today, she waited for the hood to be lifted.

What frightened her the most was that she couldn't move, she couldn't escape, she couldn't escape, the hand came again, this time she saw her white clothes stained with blood, like the cold plum in the garden facing the wind and snow. Withered, her body was also penetrated and fell into the distance.

On the other side, Yan Que, Qi Miao, and Hong Teng joined forces to bring down the young man who wanted to have a drink with Cai Wei.

Next to them, An Hong and Chengtian encountered a block after throwing out their broadswords and spears.

These people are highly skilled and high-level, and they are all close to the late stage of true immortals. People who can be invited by Yuan Hong to go with them and rob Kunpeng's nest together are extraordinary.

Someone's internal organs roared, sending out a five-color light wheel, fixing Chengtian's broad sword with the power of rules. Another person was metalized and densely packed, all of which were immortal runes, and his hands melted into a bright red divine gold liquid, wrapping An Hong's spear.

Seeing this, the others immediately slaughtered forward, trying to quickly solve the two.

Others turned into a streamer and shot out thousands of divine feathers, comparable to a fairy sword, with a clanging sound, blocking Wang Huang in all directions, and shooting him into a hedgehog.

Now that he started, Wang Yi didn't stop. A halo appeared outside his body. It was the sword light gushing out from the pores, which turned into a sword wheel and enveloped him.

He stood in the dazzling light wheel, like wearing a fairy armor, shrouded in a divine ring, out of the dust and brilliant, like a **** descending here.

With the sound of tickling, thousands of divine feathers flew over, all of which were stopped by him, unable to get close to Wang Xuan's body surface, and then broke apart inch by inch, then exploded and burned to ashes.

Shen Yu came from a creature on the opposite side that was close to the heaven level. In the past, every time it burst out, it could pierce through the opponent of the true immortal level, but now it was completely destroyed.

Wang Yi had nothing to dodge, so he rushed over, fast and strong, the demon cultivator who lost his feathers was shocked and angry, opening his mouth was a real fire of samadhi.

As a result, this didn't work at all. Standing in the splendid divine ring, Wang Xuan slapped it out with a palm, and pressed all the real fire back into his mouth. The flames with runes suddenly appeared from the nose, eyes, and ears of this man. out.

The whole body of this demon cultivator vibrated, manifesting the appearance of a heavenly demon, a bird of prey with endless divine light, slaughtering Wang Xuan, and at the same time his own arms were also moving, like two heavenly knives swept toward him.

It's a pity that such a fierce offensive didn't work in front of Wang Yi. The dazzling eye ring outside his body - the sword wheel, with a slight shock, the demon blood splashed and the man's arm fell.

The bird of prey that swooped over was smashed to pieces by a hand, and then it was the real body of this demon cultivator. He felt his brain buzzing, and he stood frozen in place, and the Tianling cover was shaken.

Wang Xuan didn't stop, and he continued to rush all the way. In the sound of puff, the few people who followed Yuan Hong fell silent. They were shocked and terrified.

They were also touched all the way, all of them "Momada", and their "hijabs" were lifted. It can be said that they have never seen such a perverted duel. 31

An Hong, Cai Wei, and Qi Miao were also in a daze, how could Qin Cheng be so strong? At the same time, he secretly wondered if he had any special hobbies.

Wang Xuan was stunned, mainly because the fight went smoothly.

Back then, when he was competing with the scarecrow in the backyard of the true saint, he was "lifted off the lid" many times. In addition, he also had an accident when he embodied the texture on the skull. It exploded tragically, leaving a shadow. Let the enemy experience it too. You can see how painful this is.

No one kills because the time and place are wrong.

"Everyone, please stop!" Yan Xue heard the news and came again, but it was a little late, and what should have happened happened.

"It's really outrageous!" Yuan Hong came back to his senses and was so angry that he wanted to swallow Wang Xuan alive.

The strong wind whistled, and the white snow foam rose up, all over the sky, blowing into the palace tower from the open doors and windows.

The faces of the wounded people changed, and the ice **** fell on the wound. The feeling was indescribable, so they hurriedly found bone fragments and buckled them on their heads.

They are all true immortals, otherwise how could they still be alive.

"I kindly ask you to wait for a drink, it's fine if you don't appreciate it, and you commit murder in public, this is not over!" Yuan Hong shouted, but instead of questioning Wang Yi, he looked at Yan Xue and asked her to solve the problem.

After all, this is an old-fashioned "storefront" that is very famous in the Pingtian Star Region. Can't even the safety of the guests be guaranteed?

He was very indignant and aggrieved, because he hadn't done it yet, abide by the "rules", and wanted to find a remote place to trap the target in a killing formation after he went out.

At the same time, he is also preparing to contact the masters here in the door, act together, hunt together, and take down those who are suspected to be related to the Nine Serenity Black Crows.

As a result, he was so disciplined, smiling face to face, invited the target to drink, but in exchange for the target's "cranium opening hand", his brains flew out.

He felt that he was so wronged. It was rare for him to be so restrained, polite, and toasting people. As a result, the other party suddenly overturned the table and overturned him at the same time.

"It's not over!" Yuan Hong roared again, aggravating his tone, he suffered too much today, and was too angry.

Yan Xue was also a little embarrassed. Wasn't the atmosphere just right? The atmosphere was quite harmonious. These people raised their glasses together and smiled, ignoring their enmity and hatred. Why did they suddenly go to the ground, Xianxia and the skull flew up together.

"Several, how could this be?" Yan Xue looked at Wang Pao, it was obvious that this was the "King Kaigai", fiercer than the others.

"It's a bit of a misunderstanding." Yan Que wanted to turn the big thing into nothing, but it didn't hurt anyway.

"They are shameless and molesting people." Cai Wei said angrily.

"It's okay, everyone is having a good time drinking and drinking, and it's a little over the top." Wang Xuan stood up and explained.

Is this something up there? It seems to be the same, but he is definitely not happy. Yuan Hong is so angry that he points at him, his lips are blue, that kid is cheap and good!

Wang Xuan walked over directly, moving like electricity, and put his arms around Yuan Hong's shoulder, as if meeting with old friends for many years.

Yuan Hong originally wanted to make a big fuss, but instead of launching it on his own side, he took advantage of his strength to let the people behind this time-honored brand come forward and teach the troublemakers a lesson.

But now he was confronted by Wang Xuan with a warm face, firmly holding him down with his icy arm, and then his hair stood on end in an instant.

Because, Wang Xuan's other hand stretched out again and put it on his head, making him stiff, his scalp exploded, and he was insane. Are you going to attack him again in public?

"Come to the Jiuzhongtian, there are no white dings here, everyone is a true immortal, what is a broken skin? I want to wait for me to overcome all obstacles and become immortals, what hardships have not been experienced, just drinking and punching, what is a slight bump?"

Wang Xuan opened his mouth to characterize the incident.

Then, he kindly touched Yuanhong's head, as if to comfort and help heal his wounds, and said, "Do you think so?"

Yuan Hong held back his anger, but he couldn't say any words that reached his throat, and he swallowed them again.

He really wanted to spit on Wang Yan's face and scolded him for his actions. You've already touched your head like this. Do I dare to deny it to the craniotomy hand? This is coercion!

"Come on, Brother Yuan, let's go for a walk, man, be gentle." Wang Xuan gave him a glass, no matter who used it, and poured the wine.

With a ding, after the jade cup collided, Wang Xuan said, "I'm done."

Yuan Hong was already full of anger and didn't want to drink a drink with him at all, but he was pressed on his shoulder.

"I remember, this seems to be the cup that Liu Guang used, I'll change it for you." Wang Yan said, and was about to change it. Yuan Hong ignored him and drank the glass of wine silently.

"Okay, I've drank all the wine, and that's all for today." Wang Yi said, letting go of him.

"That's my cup!" There was dissatisfaction written on Hong Teng's dark face.

Yuan Hong heard that this was called a separation, almost dropped the cup, and finally placed it heavily on the table, with the jade cup deeply embedded in the table.

Then, Wang Huang went over to clink glasses one by one. These people are not too small, and they are all rebellious people. Their heads were broken, how could they swallow this breath? All hated.

However, as Wang Deng "touched" all the way, sneered and put his hands on their heads "as an apology" to "appease", although they were frightened, they were still shocked.

Obviously, this is a process of re-fighting and confrontation. It looks calm, but they really fight each other. As a result, no one can resist, and they can't escape.

They were all held down strongly by the smiling young man, and touched their heads again, clinking glasses and drinking with him.

This beam is getting bigger!

But Wang Xuan didn't care He didn't find this person, and he was going to leave, where would he care if they were in a good mood or not, just don't make trouble for the time being.

If this is a wilderness, he guarantees that several people will explode and rest in peace.

Cai Wei, Hong Teng, and An Hong witnessed the whole process, and it was very refreshing to see it, especially Yan Que, who was slapped in the face by Yuan Hong earlier, and felt angry in his heart.

Now, one by one, Wang Xuan touched his head and patted his head one after another, which made him happy.

Of course, apart from Yan Que, Qi Miao and Chengtian are also suspicious, what is Qin Cheng's situation? How could it suddenly be a mess, today is too sturdy.

Wang Xuan raised his glass all the way, and the last one was Liu Guang, but he ignored her and ignored the past. Who knows if Yan Que will become a big tengu in the future.

This time, without being touched, Liu Guang let out a sigh of relief and felt a little strange at the same time. This murderer didn't take her seriously at all. He lifted the lid when he should, and ignored him when he should ignore it. He was cold and strong.

Wang Xuan's thoughts are flying, his heart is no longer here, where will he go next? After a while, he went to the academy, and after obtaining two scriptures, it was time for him to travel far.

As for whether there are thorns on the road, whether there is someone blocking it, for him, this is not a problem, it is really annoying, it is not a touch! "

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