Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 42: The Great War of the Extraordinary Winter and Night

The originator of the Chaojue Palace, Zhen Chao, looked like a young man with long black hair stained with blood, his golden pupils shrank rapidly, and his face was full of surprise. He couldn't believe it.

This was the initial contact, and he was hit hard!

His right hand was tattered, burning, pierced by the sharp spear tip wrapped in the dazzling veins, splashed with blood, and the palm of his hand disappeared between the blend of blood and light.

Why? He actually couldn't avoid it, he was as powerful as him, and he still has the Earth Immortal Dao Fruit.

At that moment just now, the space overlapped, the starry sky reflected, Taodai Li Zong, he successively resorted to three super secret techniques, which theoretically could be avoided, or responded to the calamity for himself.

But it was useless, even his forearm burst open, and then the injury spread to the right shoulder, dripping with blood, and after the broken bones were blown out, it stopped.

"Let's go!" Zhen Chao endured the severe pain and tried his best to move Xiaoyaozhou. Today's omen was a big omen, and he was severely injured after this fight, and it was not good for him to be a teacher.

His chest was also injured, and even a hole appeared in his heart. As for his sternum, he had long since been broken. Fortunately, it was not directly pierced by the tip of the gun, but was broken by a murderous aura. .

In fact, if it weren't for the protection of Xiaoyaozhou, his heart would definitely burst open, and even the whole person would be torn apart, the whole boat glowing, covering the two originators, and resisting the erosion of the supreme rules.

Naturally, Wang Xuan would not stop, and wanted to kill him with one shot!

These two are not good people. Back then at the most critical moment of crossing the sea, they backstabbed Fang Yuzhu, Yan Mingcheng, Bai Jingshu and others, and even attacked him at night in the old land.

"Kill!" Wang Xuan snorted lowly, nourished by the rich super-material overflowing from the crystals of good fortune, his state was greatly improved, and it was unprecedentedly good. The light of the spirit and the blood of the earth immortal were combined in everything.

Looking from a distance, in the void of the universe, he was shrouded in a blood-stained glow, and his aura was very strong. Compared with his low-key mortal appearance in recent years, it was completely different.

"This is the local fairy, the real ceiling of the world!" Zhou Yaosheng shouted, as if he had returned to the age of mythology. He was on a new star, but he himself got excited first, but it was very infectious.

At this time, the Imperial Dao Spear pierced through the barrier opened by Xiaoyaozhou, one shot per person, blood energy and immortal light mixed together, and exploded rapidly, and he stepped on the boat.

The feet of the two originators contacted Xiaoyaozhou, spreading mysterious patterns from the legs upward, borrowing the supreme treasure to protect themselves, and cast a secret method to attack Wang Xuan.

In any case, they can't lose this treasure ship. This is their confidence in this era. Only the treasure can allow them to keep the earth immortal fruit and allow them to survive the extraordinary cold winter night.

And now that the treasure is lost, there is only one end, and it will definitely be killed by the young man in front of him!

Zhen Chao was naturally the first to bear the brunt. Therefore, he had no reservations. His whole body was covered in the texture of the Earth Immortal. From head to toe, he was the embodiment of the rules.

Naturally, he has to work hard, with both feet to attract the power of the treasure, and his own ultimate move emerges with all his strength. From the dimension of space to time, everywhere is killed, it is text after text, turned into tangible characters, towards the Wang Xuan fell.

"Xiaoyaozhou, you have the highest speed under the stars, why can't you escape? Let's go!" Gou Zhuan, the originator of Gouchen Emperor Palace, was also roaring in spirit when he performed the transcendental technique, and the light of the primordial spirit on his forehead went crazy. Shine, move the treasure ship.

In fact, Xiaoyaozhou was indeed on the run. After discovering that it was the Imperial Dao Spear, it flew into the sky for the first time, but it was still too late. It was locked. The Imperial Dao Spear was like a gangrene attached to the bones, sticking to its rule field. , it seems to have been put on the reins in advance.

It slowed down, paid tribute to the super-material, protected itself, and did not go shopping. In the past, it also refused to accept it, fought fiercely, and was almost pierced as a result, and now it does not want to relive the terrible feeling of being on the verge of disintegration.

As a treasure, it has gone through one mythical age after another, and passed through one extraordinary winter after another, and the people who own it have changed batches after batches, but they are all just passers-by. Fight yourself personally.


On the treasure ship, there are silver characters all over the sky. It is a manifestation of the destruction of all directions, and it is the embodiment of the supreme magic. It cuts through time and space, and is everywhere, and the grand chanting sound resounds in this void.

Normally, this does have unparalleled lethality, and it is one of the trump cards of a superpower who has lived for nearly four thousand years. It is difficult for opponents to avoid it without paying a price.

But now it's not the same as usual. Wang Xuan held a gun and burst out an extremely powerful light. With one shot, he pierced the great supernatural power that covered the entire audience!

Those characters scattered in every inch of space, like splendid crystals and brilliant gold, are extremely dazzling and terrifying, but they were quickly "melted". Under the power of this gun, they were pierced through the light curtain. It fell apart, disintegrated, and exploded in an instant.

Zhen Chao, the originator of the Chaojue Palace, snorted, and his heart sank. He suffered severe injuries again, and his body was in unbearable pain. His left palm was bloody, and then disappeared, his arm burst open, and the left half of his body was bloody, and he was almost killed. torn apart.

Xiaoyaozhou is not heartless. Although he did not fight Yudao Spear, he allowed the two originators to mobilize the light of its rules to protect the flesh of the two.

Otherwise, Zhen Chao's situation would be even more miserable!

At the same time, the technique of Gou Zhuan, the originator of Gouchen Emperor Palace, was pierced by a shot, and it collapsed in an instant, and all kinds of lights between heaven and earth went out one after another.

The two originators are convinced that the power of this gun is indeed unmatched. It is a conscious attack after the recovery of the treasure. One person and one shot are combined together, and the real one shot can defeat all methods.

The pores of Wang Xuan's whole body were shining brightly, and the spear in his hand was even more dazzling than the sun.

The Yudao Spear seems to have the erosive power of time, cracking spells, tearing the energy barrier, making the opponent seem to fall into the vicious circle of time, unable to escape.

"'s really terrifying. One person and one shot broke through the barrier formed by the opposite treasure and killed the treasure boat. Wang Dixian was fighting against the two originators alone!" Xin Xing, Li Tianxian cried.

He was immersed in the atmosphere of the war and sighed: "At this moment, I seem to have returned to the most splendid age of mythology! The ceiling-level powerhouse battles, the treasure appears, and the extraordinary blood is splashing!"

Although Xiaoyaozhou almost stopped, but with its extreme speed, it almost reached the vicinity of Mars in a flash, and was already far away from the battlefield outside the moon.

Such an extreme speed made ordinary people and extraordinary people stunned and speechless.

Fortunately, there are also a large number of space probes in this area, capturing pictures from a distance, otherwise, people will regretfully miss this battle.

At this moment, unexpectedly, the Yudao spear in Wang Xuan's hand did not stab at the two powerhouses, but pressed down on its own. The tip of the spear touched the cabin of Xiaoyaozhou and did not move, accelerating to absorb the rich super substance!

Wang Xuan retreated hard, wanting to use it to kill the enemy first, but he didn't move, he realized that he couldn't do it reluctantly, and thought of what Yu Dao Spear had said, he was just a special person it had encountered in its long years. , but since many mythological eras, it has encountered many strange people, and it will not "stop" for anyone.

If he wants to really subdue, or even completely refine the Imperial Dao Spear, he can't do it right now, unless his performance is too outstanding, he is fully recognized by the other party, or he rapidly improves his strength and refines it directly at that time.


The originator of the Chaojue Palace, Zhen Chao, is very experienced, and seems to have seen some inside information. Even if he has lost both arms, he is still using his full power to attack Wang Xuan.

A splendid glow flew out of his mouth and turned into thousands of energy flying swords, covering Wang Xuan's place.

At the same time, Zhen Chao was retreating, he needed time, and with the help of the light of the treasure, he used the golden cicada shell cutting art, and he wanted to recover his body.

Wang Xuan's Earth Immortal's blood and immortal light condensed together, opened up a body-protecting light curtain, and performed various powerful physical techniques, such as the scriptures recorded in the Taoist ancestral family secret scriptures, and the feathering fist on the golden bamboo slips, etc. .

In front of him, all the energy flying swords were smashed by his punches. Sometimes when a punch was thrown, a piece of sword light would explode, illuminating the void of the universe.

During this period, Zhen Chao's flesh and blood, the originator of the Chaoju Palace, squirmed, blood gleamed, new arms regenerated, and the wound on his chest healed.

In his situation, how could there be no means of life-saving? Just like Wang Xuan's opponent in the last battle of the last year of the myth, the lingering spirit possessed in Qi Tian's body once used the **** black phoenix nirvana technique to resurrect.

At this moment, Zhen Chao's companion, Gou Zhuan, the originator of the Gouchen Emperor Palace, did not take advantage of this opportunity to attack Wang Xuan, but stood behind the ship and was on guard.

"Xiaoyaozhou can't stop the first treasure, but if we can kill this person, then the flagpole of Yudao Banner will be an unowned thing." Zhen Chao said.

As soon as he recovered, he had already taken action. Seeing that Yudao Spear and Xiaoyaozhou were glued together, one absorbed super-substance and the other paid tribute, he realized that the treasure seemed to have withdrawn temporarily, and people could win!

He went all out to slaughter Wang Xuan, the two instantly clashed, all kinds of divine light bloomed, and when the fists and feet collided, the space actually distorted and collapsed.

Outside, people look solemn, what kind of power is this?

When the magic technique blooms, it is even more terrifying. Immortal Dao fire spreads, and the entire dark universe seems to be ignited. The two strong men fought and fell from the Xiaoyao boat!

This is the result that Zhen Chao, the originator of the Chaojue Palace, wants most. He wants to cut off the connection between Wang Xuan and Yu Daojian. Facing the first treasure, he really has no confidence, and he has an unspeakable coolness in his heart.

The originator of Gouchen Emperor Palace was still standing on the Xiaoyao boat and did not follow him. He showed a strange look, activated his supernatural powers, and attacked Wang Xuan from a long distance.

In an instant, in the universe, the flying light of order fell violently, first becoming one thick golden pillar after another, as if to open the universe.

The golden light flows, and the huge buildings rise from the ground to form the Gou Chen Emperor Palace, trapping Wang Xuan in it, and cooperate with Zhen Chao to kill the enemy.

This method of constructing the Emperor Chen's Palace in the void is truly amazing. The divine light of order trapping the enemy is extremely terrifying, and if the Earth Immortal is blocked, it will be extremely troublesome and it will be difficult to break free from this area.

"Okay!" The originator of Chaojue Palace showed a happy expression, but he did not notice that although the originator of Gouchen Emperor Palace was helping him, he never left Xiaoyaozhou, standing on the boat and refused to leave.

Xinxing, Li Tianxian sighed: "Have you seen it, these are the two most powerful people in the Land of Immortality and the Land of Gods. The shot is the light of order, and the world roars when they move, and they build an imperial palace cage in outer space. In the fall of the immortal, it is very dangerous."

Zhou Yaosheng added: "Both of the two treasures have some problems now, and they have not participated in the war. Now the battle situation is unpredictable, and Wang Dixian, who was in a good situation, is in trouble."

"You two, there were quite a few viewers outside the venue just now saying that every time you speak, you are 'poisonous milk', which will put the praised person in danger, right?" In order to liven up the atmosphere, the host chose a like The highest comment, said to two people.

"It was just a coincidence, it was just an accident!"


In outer space, Wang Xuan raised his hands and gestures, full of supreme physical techniques, such as feathering fists, punching the void in the direction of the fist marks. And the Thunder Art of the Five Internal Organs made his body burst into lightning, breaking all kinds of spells.

There is also the fusion of the golden body magic womb method, which makes him like wearing a layer of golden clothes, making his earth immortal body more and more solid and immortal, and directly attacking the earth immortal-level magic.

Obviously, Wang Xuan seems to be brave and incomparable in physical body, but all this is helpless. If the primordial spirit is not there, he naturally has to fight with powerful physical skills.

"Kill him with the mysterious method of Yuan!" The originator of Gouchen Emperor Palace stood on Xiaoyaozhou, sneered, and shot with all his strength, constantly urging Yuanshen to cut out one after another from his forehead. A divine spear turned into a spiritual energy.

In an instant, pieces of golden divine spears seemed to be thrown out on a large scale by the ancient army, spanning time and space, densely packed, covering the battlefield and covering Wang Xuan.

At the same time, Zhen Chao, the originator of Chaojue Palace, also confirmed that Wang Xuan's Yuanshen really had a big problem, and he never used his spiritual skills.

Now, together with his companions, he is activating the secret technique of the Primordial Spirit Domain, and a piece of sword light cuts out from between his eyebrows, attacking and killing Wang Xuan.

"Wang Dixian is in danger. It seems that the outside world's inference was accurate. At this time, it was confirmed that his Yuanshen had an accident, and he has never been exposed, leaving him in a desperate situation." Xin Xing, Zhou Yaosheng commented .

At this time, the new star, the old land, the depths of the universe, countless people are watching this battle, the ultimate battle of myth has indeed caused a heated discussion among the whole people, whether it is ordinary people or extraordinary people, a large number of people have been attracted. The ratings on the big platforms have hit new highs.

In the Wang Xuan was very passive, using the blood of the earth immortal to fuse the supernatural substance to fight against the light of the primordial spirit of the powerful enemy.

Although he was crushing spiritual spears, sword lights, etc. into pieces with Yuhua Fist, Golden Body Demon Embryo Dafa, etc., but he was still adorned with blood, and the most serious thing was that the spiritual realm was about to be invaded.

However, he was not flustered. The "butterfly" who was far away was himself. He didn't believe that he would fall into the jeopardy of life and death.


A terrifying wound appeared on Wang Xuan's chest, blood splattered everywhere, and at the same time, a golden spiritual spear was almost pierced between his eyebrows, and the situation was extremely bad.

"Come back!" He shouted loudly and sensed that in the world behind Mingtu, over the sea of ​​hazy clouds, there was a stream of light passing by, and an incomparably splendid light of the primordial spirit fell, instantly penetrating through Mingtu!

At this moment, Wang Xuan's mental energy surged, his primordial spirit was as bright as a scorching sun, a faint red substance overflowed from his forehead, and the energy in his body violently churned!

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