Deep Space Beyond

Chapter 342: ?

Wang Xuan was standing in an old street. In this city, only he and the round-faced girl were alive. The other demons, as well as the descendants of the immortals, all fluttered in the wind, hanging from the building, staring and sticking out their tongues. out, and died quite unseemly.

He didn't go out immediately. There were more people in ambush nearby. Some were sitting cross-legged on the top of the mountain, some were standing in the dense forest, and they were all quietly waiting for him to appear.

Apparently, in front of the fire in the square, he was holding the God Slaying Banner, using it to protect himself, revealing his identity.

"Fellow Daoist Wang Xuan, I see you and I hit it off. Please come out and talk." Qi Liandao spoke again gently.

"Who are you?" Wang Xuan looked at him. Could there be any strange artifacts on this person? He had some guesses in his heart, and he had just made the God Slaying Banner move!

"My name is Qi Liandao. You and I are born with a predestined relationship and are destined to leave a piece of ink in the history books of the practice world." Yaozu's second son smiled, his identity was very sensitive, and no one present was more amazing than his origin.

His father stood side by side with Zhang Daoling, the ascetic monk, and the demon ancestor. He was the oldest giant of the demon clan. He was famous behind the scenes and was called the ancestor.

"Oh, it's you, I know, eldest nephew." Wang Xuan nodded, his face was calm, and he felt confident.

Lao Zhang once said that when he came to the old land, he had met this person on a spaceship, and he wanted to swallow Lao Zhang alive at the beginning of this crazy Qilian Road.

But who is Zhang Daoling? He grabbed his neck and asked him to change his name to Uncle Zhang on the spot.

Wang Xuan and Lao Zhang have a good relationship. Although they are not brothers, he feels that every time they talk, they are almost equals.

So, he upgraded himself. Looking at this crazy demon prince, he took it for granted that he was also his eldest nephew.

Nearby, everyone was stunned, and then their eyes were strange, their faces were twitching, and their expressions were so strange that they were holding back.

Qi Liandao almost thought he heard it wrong, he couldn't believe his ears, he was so kind and smiling, who would dare not give face?

In fact, as the parent and son of the demon ancestor, he rarely needs to do anything. No matter where he goes, all parties have to bow to him, and they are in awe of him.

What the heck, now there is an old-fashioned prey who doesn't know what's good or bad, doesn't know how to live or die, and calls him his eldest nephew when he comes up?

"You are courting death!" Qilian said in a cold voice, no longer interested in smiling, his eyes were cold, showing crazy killing intent, showing his true heart.

"Aren't you the son of Yaozu? I just met him not long ago and signed a rough version of the new oath. Your father and I are equals. Calling your eldest nephew, do you have any opinions?" Wang Xuan asked flatly .

Naturally, he will not be used to this Qilian Road. It doesn't matter if you are the parent and son of the demon ancestor, he has long been warned by Lao Zhang that this demon is coming for him and wants to seize the flag of God!

Wang Xuan sneered, this person is going to ruin his life and steal his peerless treasure, he is destined to be unable to be kind, how can he have any good words.

Although his realm is not as high as Qilian's, he should still have integrity. Just because he is a demon prince, he shouldn't call him eldest nephew.

"Wow, what a chicken!" Qi Liandao wanted to grab him and cut off his vertebrae. Even a little cultivator in the world would dare to kill him.

"I've broken all the bones in your body, and I won't give you any leftovers. I'll feed them to the dog!" Qilian said indifferently.

He was not normal at all. He was a mass of crazy consciousness cut out by the real Qilian Dao. He cultivated an immortal body with the blood of various heavenly demons.

"Where is the real white tiger, go get him for me!" Wang Xuan said.

Everyone's faces showed different expressions, this guy... how about putting on a show? Really calm, dispatching troops here, but where did the true immortal come from?

Then people saw a little white tiger about a foot long jumping and stomping, running from behind, and then a flash of light and shadow turned into a girl with a round face.

"It's you, Bai Yuxian?!" Qi Liandao was surprised, is it really that white tiger?

The others were also quite shocked, Bai Yuxian, a well-known, trusted confidant beside the demon master, extremely powerful, the famous White Tiger Heavenly Demon.

Many people's expressions changed, and when they looked at Wang Xuan, they looked surprised. Is he really close to a group of big people? Even Bai Yuxian appeared by his side!

Wang Xuan was surprised, the little white tiger is so powerful? Looking at the appearance of the group of people, the round-faced girl is not as stupid and cute as she looks on the surface, she seems to be a stubborn scumbag?

"Qilian Dao, your primordial spirit is indeed ill." Baihu Zhenxian opened his mouth with a look of disgust on his round face, and when he spoke, he put a hat on the second son of Yaozu.

Wang Xuan is different. Not long ago, she was immersed in the scriptures left by a severely mentally ill patient, but now she actually ridicules others for their mental problems.

Obviously, whether it is Qilian Dao or Bai Yuxian, they all know the bottom line. The demon ancestor and the demon master are not in harmony.

"Bai Yuxian, do you want to be my enemy?" Qilian said coldly.

"If I want to hit you, I'll hit you, don't you agree?" The round-faced girl raised her chin and walked out, motioning Wang Xuan to look at her and send her out.

Wang Xuan found that she underestimated this big cat. It seemed that after leaving the fire in the old city, she could really run amok in this exotic land.

"Qilian, right, I'll discuss with you." Mo Si suddenly spoke, and beneath the pure smile, there was a steel-like will and an unusually strong self-confidence.

He actually wants to fight with Yaozu's parents and sons. Although he is the fourth-generation core figure in the magic cultivator, he is still only a rising star after all, and the age difference between the two is very large.

Many people were deeply surprised, quite surprised, even Wang Xuan was surprised, how could this demon cultivator act for him?

Mo Si looked this way, smiled slightly, nodded, and when he faced Qilian Dao again, an incomparably powerful aura rose up.

He was like a peerless true demon coming, and the oppressed people were about to suffocate, causing many extraordinary people around him to involuntarily retreat.

Everyone didn't understand and felt that he didn't need to fight against Qiliandao.

Wang Xuan's eyes were deep, and he found every trace of traces. Just now, Mo Si was staring at his eyebrows, observing with special magic eyes, trying to see through the deepest scene of his soul, there was an inexplicable brilliance in his eyes, and his smile was meaningful.

Others can't sense this, but Wang Xuan's spiritual eyes caught it!

His heart moved, and if he felt anything, Mo Si seemed to have used some kind of strange technique just now, trying to test something.

Wang Xuan had an association. This time, he was wearing heavy armor and turned into an ancient general. He once covered himself with the ancient method of Yuanshen on golden bamboo slips, and at the same time borrowed the supreme scripture meaning of magic cultivator - Yuanshen coffin method.

"He shouldn't have misunderstood, thinking that there is an ancient powerhouse in the line of magic cultivators sleeping in my primordial spirit?"

In fact, Wang Xuan guessed right. When Mo Si set foot in a certain city in the present world, he immediately felt the emotion, suspecting that there are former sages in their lineage sleeping in the depths of the consciousness of people who are born with strong spiritual power.

Mo Si thinks that the Demon Sovereign, who disappeared from their lineage back then, may have returned to the human world and has been dormant.

Until he saw the ancient general dressed up by Wang Xuan at the entrance of this space, and sensed the aura of magic cultivation in the depths of his primordial spirit, Mo Si immediately thought more.

Now, from a close distance, he observed again, and after he judged that this person was Wang Xuan through the God Slaying Banner, he felt more and more that his guess came true.

When he thinks about Wang Xuan's various anomalies, has a special interior, can practice in this depleted old land, and the promotion speed is very fast, then everything can be explained.

The Fourth Demon does not recognize the Demon Ancestor, and believes that his lineage is the orthodox.

Now, he will never allow anything to happen to Wang Xuan, and no one can disturb the former sage who is dormant in the depths of Wang Xuan's consciousness.

"I'm still fresh, a hairy boy dares to provoke me for so-called fame?" Qi Liandao's face was gloomy, he was very unhappy.

Mo Si smiled, didn't say a word, walked forward alone, and then shot, with a bang, earth-shattering.

Everyone was terrified. His strength was too powerful, he could fight with Yaozu's parents and sons, and he was not weak. A pure white palm resisted Qiliandao's terrifying fist, and he didn't move.


A war broke out between the two, and everyone was moved. They were torn apart and tore the top of the mountain in front of them. With their movements, the entire mountain was ups and downs.

Wang Xuan is awe-inspiring, the creatures in the Happy Realm are extremely powerful and dangerous.

He sighed inwardly, he was promoted, and this time he didn't shake the group of people down. Sure enough, Old Chen thought about it a lot, not because he broke the level and shook the realm of others.

"Perhaps, I didn't break through in the void, go back there and try again." Wang Xuan pondered in his heart.

Then he stretched out his hand and asked for it from the round-faced girl. He was about to leave soon, and he took a picture of the crystal and said that he would get it as soon as he got it, and he couldn't forget it.

"If you don't give it, just stay here by yourself!"

"Here!" Little Baihu stared, unhappy, and muttered in his heart, "Demon Lord, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it!"

With a swipe, a piece of crystal disappeared in a flash and was collected by Wang Xuan. He took Bai Yuxian out of this ancient city.

"Brother Wang, I don't have any prejudice against On the contrary, I appreciate it. However, Slaying the God Flag is related to my path. I have to end the game. This is not a personal grievance between you and me, it is about the past. Road battle."

Qi Chengdao came, the snow-white battle clothes were spotless, with apologetic, powerful breath.

"I'm going to deal with him, and you will give me the photo crystal!" The little white tiger whispered.

"That scripture... I will pass on the second half." Wang Xuan said.

"Also!" Little Baihu felt that if she brought back a supreme scripture, the demon master would definitely not punish her, and maybe she would be very happy.

Of course, the most important thing is that she will be very happy if she can get the complete scriptures.

The round-faced girl rushed out, like a white light colliding with Qi Chengdao, and with a thud, the cliff there burst into pieces.

If her real body came to this world, she would naturally be much higher than Qi Chengdao's realm. However, limited by the ceiling, she could only pass part of her primordial spirit and immortal life. The stronger the person, the more powerful the old covenant was.

The beautiful and out-of-this-world woman who originally stood with Qi Chengdao, Ming Xi, smiled and walked forward to face Wang Xuan.

She is dressed in a moon-white long dress, extraordinary and refined, and she has the charm of being born in the world. She smiled lightly: "Brother Wang, I'm sorry, I have no opinion on you, it's just about the road ahead, and it is inevitable to fight for the Tao and become enlightened. He needs to cut the flag of God, and offends him."


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