Deep Space Beyond

Chapter 325: ?

"Seek benevolence for benevolence, and hammer for hammer." Chen Yongjie threw down two heads.

These two people touched his psychological bottom line, and they wanted to target Guan Lin and Wang Xuan's parents. How could they solve their worries? Only kill it!

Aoki quickly swept the battlefield and cleared away traces, feeling at ease. Not long ago, the two were quite self-reliant and ignored him.

He opened his mouth several times, but all of them were ignored. The eyes of the other party said everything, and not treating mortals as the same kind of creatures made Aoki hold back his anger.

"Master is mighty!"

Then, he asked in a low voice, will the supernatural disaster of the old land be a problem?

Chen Yongjie shook his head and said, "I have used top-level exotic treasures, and it is still insufficient to suppress this level of life purely by myself."

If he raises another level, it will be no problem. However, he also sighed coldly: "These people haven't changed their mentality yet. They have all fallen from Xiaoyaoyou. They thought they could look down on me and wait. In the end, they still look down on the world."

Guan Lin walked over and let out a long sigh of relief. Just now, she really felt a little depressed. Two extremely powerful creatures joined forces to suppress her. She was afraid that Lao Chen would have an accident.

"Still be more cautious, there are not many broken-level creatures in the old soil at present." She urged.

Chen Yongjie nodded, reassuring him a little that there were only a few legendary rare treasures, and at the same time, Hengjun did not bestow the peerless true blood, and those people couldn't fight against Soul Locking Bell and Faluo.

However, at present, it is really not to be careless. There are many creatures coming from the big screen, not necessarily all enemies, but the complex components are more likely to cause trouble.

"Hopefully time goes by faster, and the heavy pressure on our hearts may ease a lot over time."

Old Chen really doubted it now. The decaying mythological system vibrated violently from time to time and accelerated its demise. Maybe it was related to Wang Xuan's search for a new way.

Especially this time, it was so coincidental that he was a little suspicious of life and rushed back from outer space.

"Tell Wang Xuan?" Aoki said. After all, this time the other party was eyeing Wang Xuan and the God-killing Banner in his hand, wanting to get the legendary treasure.

"Don't divide his mind first, let's talk about it when he comes back." Lao Chen said.

He hoped that Wang Xuan really found a mature way to suppress the rotten Lie Xian. Now it is best to hibernate and keep a low profile, not to come to the stage.

At this stage, since he has already started, it will be up to him for the time being to attract Lie Xian's attention and focus their attention on him.

He has a soul lock clock on him, which must be something that those people miss. The two who died were looking for him again and again, and it was estimated that they had already been thinking about this.

Chen Yongjie's pressure doubled. After helping Aoki clean up the scene, he sat in the study and began to meditate. He still needs to get stronger.

Guan Lin looked worried and worried about him, because she knew very well that Chen Yongjie was trying to buy time for Wang Xuan as a cover. Those big demons, Lie Xian, etc., if they really want to completely stare at him, will be extremely dangerous.

She contacted the people in Pingcheng, paid attention to defense, turned on all kinds of detectors, and activated super hot weapons at any time.


Between the barren mountains and under the soil, Wang Xuan was ready to be cut by the sword light.

But in the end, the mini version of Sword Fairy actually... swish, ran first along the underground passage, and disappeared in an instant.

Before leaving, he was still pinching the other person's fleshy little face, and he didn't have time to let go.

"Why did she escape instead?" He was puzzled, but he was satisfied that he was not beaten, after all, he was a top sword immortal who dared to challenge the peerless powerhouse.

Wang Xuan meditated and began to look at himself inwardly. He did not rush to leave. He consolidated his way here and observed life soil, celestial medicine, silver substances, etc.

It was also when he was looking into himself that he suddenly woke up. The reason why Fairy Sword escaped the first time was probably because he had spiritual eyes.

It is estimated that when he wakes up, he is afraid of all kinds of random aim, so he "gives up the treatment" and leaves the scene first.

"The breakthrough is very thorough!" He stood up, raised his hands and gestures, his strength was extremely powerful, what kind of extraordinary formulas, various techniques, he felt that he could directly kill those creatures who crossed the border by hitting it with a fist.

Now, he has directly crossed from the late fifth stage to the late sixth stage, and one promotion is quite violent.

He carefully comprehended those processes and confirmed his own practice. Until the end, he fully analyzed and re-enlightened. One day and one night had passed.

Afterwards, he read the manuscripts he got from Zheng Wu, as well as Zheng Wu's experience, etc., and compared the old and new paths, he had a deeper understanding.

"This time is indeed a bit of an adventure, it's very extreme, like walking a tightrope at the entrance of hell." He was thinking about it, and was almost strangled by Hongxia many times.

However, he has gained a lot, and his realm has broken through. Whether it is spiritual or physical, he has been baptized, and his strength has been greatly improved.

Moreover, this time, he had a deep understanding, and gradually looked at the great realm of the human world from a higher angle.

The nine stages of the human world are all about improving the self in the present world, and constantly realizing extraordinary transformation. From the beginning to the present, as well as the later stage of the ninth stage in the future, it is all related to the spirit and the physical body.

"When people are in the world, when they step into the extraordinary, everything has just begun. Accumulate first. Only when they reach the extreme can they change qualitatively, and one day they can reach the sky."

This is his understanding of the new way, which is somewhat different from the old mythological system.

He tried his own way, the world is a primitive accumulation, constantly looking for strength, strengthening himself, the deeper the foundation, the more violent the qualitative change will be in the future.

He found the silver power, which is naturally a super bonus. Currently, he is "killing" Hongxia, and he wants to burn his spirit, hoping that he can finally use it for his own use.

These are all new sources of power, and with continuous accumulation, you can quickly improve yourself.

"I want to find more and stronger power in the world." Wang Xuan believes that although that red light is extremely dangerous, he should find a way to win it.

In the life soil, the silver mist filled the air, the heavenly medicine smell was strong, and the vitality was more vigorous than before. He felt that the life soil was getting thicker and thicker, which was a manifestation of strength improvement.

This time, he brought out a large amount of silver substance.

After Wang Xuan looked inward, his spirit appeared, and he saw the surface of the ground, and also saw a lot of charred skin and ashes of his clothes in front of him.

He sucked in a breath of cold air. He didn't pay attention to some details at first. His body had endured a lot of hardship earlier, and it had peeled off so many scorch marks.

Wang Xuan looked and looked, his body was actually in sync with his spirit, and it was severely eroded by the red light. Fortunately, that kind of red fog rarely appeared in the outside world.

Otherwise, he would not be struck by lightning on wood, but on coal by lightning.

"It seems that there is a mysterious connection between the body and the spirit that goes beyond perception and beyond common sense."

In Wang Xuan's body, silver substances flowed, replacing most of the super substances, spreading throughout the flesh and blood, and possessing more powerful supernatural attributes.

The silver substance was instantly synchronized from the spirit to the physical body, achieving the effect he expected.

After this return, he did not feel weak, because he consumed very little on the way back, and this new extraordinary substance was brought back in large quantities.

Wang Xuan silently realized it here, and it was confirmed with the existing mythological path. For two days and two nights, he gained a lot.

It wasn't until the end that he got up, smashed the charred material he left behind, burned it into dust, and cleaned it up.

"I almost died, but there is also an opportunity between life and death, transplanting the heavenly medicine, bathing in the red glow, just like transcending the calamity."

He was thinking of a name for this realm. It was not so much about transcending the calamity as it was about turning the calamity into a harvest and finding a new transcendent power.

"The sixth realm in the human world is called Hua Jie."

Wang Xuan walked out of the ground, and his clothes were already burnt. With a thud, he jumped into the pool in front of him and washed himself with the waterfall above.

The water splashed and the silver mist filled the air. His body was slender and strong, and it shone with a lustrous lustre in the sunlight. He put on his clothes, and this practice was over.

"I understand the realm of the human world, that is, you have not left the human world, you can't just bury your head in ascetic cultivation, and you must also understand the real world."

The mind and body have been overloaded for a long time, and he needs to adjust. If he is forced to squeeze his potential, it may not be a good thing for the future.

In fact, he also wanted to observe and wait to see if the celestial medicine he planted would be stolen.

"If no one enters that barren and lonely place, then I can continue to pioneer the land and plant natural medicines on other safe roads."

Wang Xuan guessed that when his footprints came, the heavenly medicine came, and the misty land gradually came to life, maybe he could return to his own life soil in an instant.

Perhaps, the process of pioneering the land to find a new way is actually the extension of life and soil, and it is getting bigger and closer to the real place.

What happens when fiction and truth come together?

"The gradually decaying mythological system is over, do I still have time?" Wang Xuan did not relax, and even felt a little heavy, and left here.

But he also has a longing in his heart. After all, he has found the beginning of a new road.

He didn't bother Fairy Jian, so let the little thing continue to sleep, grow up quickly, and then he will bring back the girl behind the scenes.

"I don't know what you will see when you cross the dead end - the crater. It would be great if there were a few more herbs. I planted herbs along the way, and it seems that the benefits are not small."

On the way back, he was still thinking about cultivation. The mysterious heavenly medicine disappeared from his body and was planted in the misty land. The really not too much.

He didn't walk fast, and he paid attention to the situation in various places. In a mountain range five hundred miles away, he saw an old man reclaiming wasteland and planting herbs.

This is an extraordinary seven-segment humanoid creature, obviously coming from behind the scenes!

Wang Xuan stepped forward and said hello. The other party was very peaceful, and he also saw that he was an extraordinary person, so he talked with him very peacefully.

"The curtain will go out. I have no ambitions. Although my realm has fallen, I am very satisfied to be able to come back. In this life, I just want to be an ordinary person."

He is tired of fighting and doesn't like calculating, he just wants to find a piece of pure land in the world, read scriptures, play with flowers and plants, and spend his life peacefully.

Wang Xuan was surprised, and then he understood, what has this kind of person never experienced? It should be an ancient immortal. After the splendor, I just want to realize the quiet beauty of the world.

Perhaps, this is the true immortal full of immortal energy.

But, who can really tell. Some people think that immortals should be ethereal and have no disputes, but when you look at those ancient books, which one is like this?

"Extraordinary, ecstasies who forget themselves are just the beautiful imagination of people in reality." Wang Xuan shook his head.

Even the gods in the Taoist scriptures are graded. The Buddha said that all living beings are equal, but there are Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Arhats, who accept incense and worship.

Along the way, Wang Xuan saw some immortals and demons again, some of them really lived in seclusion in the wild, with the mentality of escaping from the world.

But there are also some immortals and demons active in the city, integrating into this era and enjoying the colorfulness in the rolling red dust.

For example, some demons have become stars, and they return before the new stars. They are sought after by the masses and are so popular that they almost forget their identities.

There are also some immortals who are hidden in the city, with extremely high strength, do not cause trouble, do not show extraordinary power, just live quietly, no one knows what will happen in the future.

Wang Xuan already knew that it was shaken again two days ago, and the broken-board-level creatures fell from the Xiaoyaoyou realm, almost to the eighth rank.

However, in some prosperous big cities, he was surprised to see beings of the 9th dan extreme peak, living the lives of ordinary people.

He felt that this might be an ancient immortal with some background!

"Behind the scenes, it's mysterious and unpredictable. There are always means, some ways, to maximize their strength and set foot on the way home."

Of course, the most likely scenario is that the Old Testament is also constantly loosening.

Wang Xuan is alert, the real powerful people seem to have just begun to appear, the immortals who were famous in ancient times are absolutely extremely powerful.

However, what he saw on the way made him breathe a sigh of relief. Generally speaking, the old land is not the same as being full of gods and monsters, but most of them are very low-key.

If all the immortals were like this, and all the demons were like this, there would be less chaos in the world.

Of course, these people may also be holding back, not wanting to be the rafters, waiting for future opportunities and changes.

"In the present world, whether it's human or immortals, they're all crossing the road. The way of life is different, and the goals are different. It's hard to say who is more aloof in comparison."

When Wang Xuan approached Ancheng, he sensed the undercurrent of calm. Not all the returning creatures were content with the status quo. Some immortals and demons had great plans.

He returned to Aoki's manor, which belonged to the branch of the Secret Road Organization. As soon as he met Aoki, he grabbed him and told him the situation of the past two days.

"There is a giant palace in the center of the earth, there are celestial medicines, and there are ancient powerhouses who can become immortals but have not left the world?" Wang Xuan was surprised.

Then he showed his anger, those people Hengjun sent actually wanted to touch his parents?

"Well done, it's time to set rules for them!" Wang Xuan nodded and said, "Where's your master?"

"I've been in Pingcheng for the past two days, I'll be back soon." Aoki informed.

In the afternoon, Chen Yongjie unexpectedly returned with blood in secret, with an extremely serious expression, and told Wang Xuan that he had killed eight creatures that fell from the broken board level in Pingcheng!

"In the past few the various immortals and demons in the old land have become more and more low-key, and it seems that they have really integrated into this era, which is beyond our expectations. Obey the law.”

Chen Yongjie introduced the situation. Only Hengjun's camp is very strong. It seems that there are peerless powerhouses in charge, and feathering flags suppress everything, so that they can look down on the world.

"Some people are stirring up the storm in Pingcheng, and some people are trying to move your parents." Chen Yongjie told him, so he secretly killed the eight masters one after another!

Wang Xuan's eyebrows instantly rose, and his murderous aura surged.

"Unexpectedly, there's nothing wrong with your parents!" Chen Yongjie told him not to worry.

How could Wang Xuan not be angry, but he quickly calmed down and said: "I think I should take the initiative, 'Old Zhang' and the female alchemist have been waiting for me, it seems that I need to see a see them."

"Don't you want to have a big one?" Even Aoki had a hunch.

"Actually, I don't want to go to extremes, but killing these creatures that have fallen to the breaking point may not solve the problem. If Hengjun comes, and we really can't do anything about it, I don't mind working with some people behind the scenes to kill the Hengjun faction. Everyone!"

Wang Xuan said, now that his strength has improved, he should go to Daxing'anling to meet the female alchemist, and he can also call New Moon's "Old Zhang" to have a chat and set rules for the world.


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