Deep Space Beyond

Vol 3 Chapter 121: Patriarchs who ride the wind and waves

Final Chapter 121 The Patriarchs Riding the Wind and Waves


"The disciple respectfully wishes the patriarch to expand the territory and set foot on the road of the true king as soon as possible, and be immortal!"

In the world, on the man-made mythical planets and giant continents, a large number of monks can't see the end at a glance, one is to send the ancestors together for an expedition.

Deep in the mist, Wang Xuan stood on the bow of the boat with his hands behind his back, looking at the end of the endless dark space. Behind him, at the stern of the boat, is a chain made of origin bronze, which is very tight, and is connected to a miniature spaceship behind.

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As the source of power, he pulls the flying magic weapon of the ancestors all the way away, and this speed is beyond common sense.

The bronze chain of origin is indeed a bit like a kite string, connected to the hull of the super-forbidden ship, and let it fly, soaring all the way away.

"I don't believe it. We still can't board your small boat. At worst, you can refine our space battleship, and you can't take it with you?" Zhu Zu seriously suspected that this kid had a bad taste, so he deliberately flew a kite.

"Patriarchs, at present, my practice is limited, and the refining items can indeed be brought up. However, if you come, I guess you will be in a half-conscious state. If you want to communicate with you, you have to put you on the side of the boat, or Hang it outside." Wang Xuan told the truth.

The ancestors were surprised, the small boat in the mist seemed to be a mysterious forbidden area.

When Wang Xuan heard this, he immediately didn't want to be a coolie, and wanted to chat directly with Hongxiu.

He left behind the last ray of consciousness to drive the small boat forward, and his real body entered the spaceship behind.

"Sister Xiu'er"

Soon, the atmosphere in the spaceship became warm again. At the thought of being able to improve their morality, all members of the elderly group became enthusiastic and energetic.

Even Wu Liuji and the king expressed their admiration after communicating in private, feeling that the old monsters have more fighting spirit than their young and strong, a group of patriarchs who braved the wind and waves, lived a second life.

In the secret cabin, Wang Zesheng and Jiang Yun recovered, there was no way, a group of old monsters sang battle songs, too passionate, and it is not ruled out that the ancestors of the age of giant beasts were howling and roaring too much.

When the old king left the gate, his eyes were piercing, and his whole body was surging with blood, as if he could instantly cover the entire grand extraordinary center, and there were tangible traces of the avenue under his feet.

On that day, Lao Wang had his hands behind his back, his thick black hair loose, overlooking the vast historical time and space, with an attitude of not knowing what an opponent is.

"Huh?" After he came out, he was really surprised to see the youngest heir.

"Dad!" Wang Xuan rushed over, very excited, and then looked at Jiang Yun who followed closely behind, his eyes were sour.

This is really separated by hundreds of millions of years, although most of the time each other will be in sleep.

"Mom!" He quickly greeted her.

"Child!" Jiang Yun was very happy.

Lao Wang was very reserved, looked at Wang Xuan, and said, "You have become a new saint?"

Wang Xuan nodded.

Then, Zesheng also experienced a little emotional turmoil, put his hands on his shoulders, and shook vigorously, with relief and excitement, and then a dangerous look, he couldn't help but want to educate.

Because, back then, he had sparred with this kid and ended in a fiasco!

Now it is different, the Nine Extinction Rebirth Sutra was practiced by him to the Dzogchen, the age of eternity, he did not sleep for a very long time, so it can be called a great power.

"Come on, have two tricks with me!" He pulled Wang Xuan, wanting to deal with it directly. Back then, this kid actually dared to touch his own father's neck. The old Wang can't hold are you doing, you can't stay idle the first time you meet, right? "Jiang Yun pinched him, and then pulled Wang Xuan with joy on his face.

However, Wang Xuan is now, in a low-key and introverted way, looking forward to it, looking at his father, he nodded happily and agreed, wanting to fight with his father.

"What look in your child's eyes?" Old Wang was taken aback, always feeling that the situation was similar to that year, and the memory of deja vu returned.

"Cough!" The king hurriedly coughed and reminded his father immediately, don't do anything, it's better for the family to be friendly when they first meet.

He also had no other choice, if he really wanted to keep quiet, Lao Wang would be defeated in a while, and he would definitely be held accountable. Seeing Lao Tzu fall into the pit, he didn't remind him?

The ancestors had strange eyes, looking at Wang Yusheng, a little dissatisfied, what's wrong with it?

It's so hard for me! The king thought.

"Huh?" Who is Wang Zesheng, he has a supernatural sense, and he is too keen, the first time he realizes that the atmosphere is not right, he decisively stops.

Moreover, he quickly whispered to his eldest son and learned the whole truth in an instant.

Lao Wang was in a daze for a while, but he couldn't calm down at all. After the Eternal Silence Era, the youngest made rapid progress and surpassed the ancestors?

Fortunately, he didn't really end up. At this moment, he had the urge to wipe off his cold sweat.

"It's sloppy, but it's okay, I didn't rush to pull him to do it." Wang Zesheng's heart was full of turmoil, and then he stared at Wang Xuan with an unfriendly expression. This kid was very active just now, eager to try, what's wrong with it?

-I really want to fight with his father.

He didn't reflect on himself. In fact, he asked for it on his own initiative. Originally, he wanted to educate the youngest.

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