Deep Space Beyond

Vol 3 Chapter 98: Roasted Holy Grade Kidney Supplement 1 Supplement

Wang Xuan turned around and rushed towards the golden sheep. Its owner snatched a big strange flower and fled, but the mount was stopped.

This is obviously a different species with golden fur all over its body. It rushed left and right, and was hunted down by the saints. Although it was bloodstained, it has not been captured yet.

It is very strong and obviously the top beast in the true holy field opened its mouth and wowed, which made some saints feel that their souls felt as if they were being pricked by needles.

Its four hooves are cast like gold, and every time it steps out, there is a golden galaxy under its feet. It can easily wade through the star sea of ​​the universe, and it has extreme speed, otherwise it would not be a mount.

However, there were not a few saints who came during this turmoil. They trapped it and allowed the galaxy wonders to appear several times under its feet to make space transitions, but they were all blocked.

It has been attacked many times by the saints. Although it is stained with blood, being alive is a very strong manifestation. People realize how terrifying the intruder is. It is a bit outrageous to use this kind of **** in the highest realm as a mount.

The ostentation was too great. As Wang Xuan approached, the nearby saints naturally moved out of the way and realized that this was a big shot, and it was he who cut off the golden sheep with one palm earlier.

If this mysterious boss hadn't gone after his master, he would have killed the beast already, otherwise the golden sheep would not have had a chance to recover.

"Who is this senior?" There was a true sage communicating in secret, so there was no need for any doubts. This must be a super strong man in the 6-breaking field, and his roots and origins are unknown when he first appeared.

Wang Xuan's body is covered with 15 divine rings, as if standing in a round of bright sun; passing across the sky, even saints should not look directly at it\".

In addition, the faint mist dissipated, so no one could figure out his depth and details, and some veteran fierce saints were afraid of him.

The golden goat once again uttered that goose-bumping spiritual long cry, and its four hooves smashed through the sky and the river of stars carried it and fled desperately.

It is naturally extremely afraid of this 6-break boss, what can it do to block it? It can be chipped with one palm.

However, it was useless to allow it to break through the universe and shake the boundless and noisy star field. A big hand covered it and wiped out all its saint-level fluctuations.

With a bang, Wang Xuan grabbed it's neck with one hand and grabbed it directly to question it.

Some of the supreme beings gasped, and the stars were dimmed, the sun and the moon were darkened, and the hearts of the saints were shocked.

There is turmoil today. The old monsters from the No. 2 and No. 3 sources stole the supreme authority, causing the No. 1 extraordinary source to appear from all the supreme beings.

It can be said that there are many masters here, and the aura of this mysterious 6-breaker has overwhelmed the audience and made everyone's hearts throbbing.

"It's really scary to suppress the mount in the highest realm by raising your hand."

At this time, Ge turned around and went after the two old monsters at the source of No. 3 to ask for an explanation. Anyway, if there is no compensation, this matter will definitely not end.

"Excuse me, senior?" Finally someone couldn't hold back and asked.

Wang Yi held the prey, the golden sheep, and it flowed out of the pores: the Taoist rhyme is mysterious and unfathomable, as if the holy flame was burning. He seemed to be standing in the immortal sun. It is too dazzling, even the true saint can't see it clearly, and dare not show it blatantly. stare.

From the beginning to the end, he seemed to be covered in a mysterious haze. The past, future, and present are irretrievably cut off by inexplicable forces.

"Wang!" Wang Xuan told calmly, he didn't want to name the specific one because he hadn't caught the malicious opponent yet.

At the same time, he didn't want to be prematurely explored by the strongest of the No. 3 source, or even be targeted by monsters under the extraordinary source.

But he doesn't need to wrong himself. The word "王" can indeed represent his real body and roots.

The saint-level masters present all nodded, feeling that this name fits his identity very well, and many of those ancient and powerful existences have single-character names.

After the golden sheep was caught, the 4 horns glowed and hadn't yielded yet. This is a sharp weapon that can cut up the decaying universe, and it once hurt the true saint.

But at the moment, the four golden horns like big swords all fell off and broke between Wang Xuan's fingers. All the saints became quiet after seeing this scene.

With a puff, Wang Xuan chopped off the head of the golden goat with a knife, and flew out with a large amount of true blood.

Obviously, there is a soul in the sheep's head, which was sealed and left for Shou Ge and others

When people went to interrogate, the three big bosses forced the old monster at the No. 2 source to apologize and negotiate.

Wang Xuan, carrying the body of the sheep and 14 extraordinary golden horns, disappeared out of thin air and its trajectory cannot be traced.

The people were silent, and some of the strong were wondering how the 6-broken senior Wang Li looked at the golden goat as if he was hunting.

Some people even suspect that the reason why he took the 14 holy horns was not to refine prohibited items, but maybe to use them as barbecue grills.

Of course, there are only a very small number of people who have this idea. After all, in people's impression, the picture of senior masters eating roasted holy sheep is too weird and should be out of this world.

No. 1 Transcendence source chaos lost a kind of supreme authority, from the top to the true sage, down to the true immortal health master, etc., all have anger and resentment. This kind of thing belongs to the most profound thing of a source and must not be touched by outsiders.

Wang Xuan was also very angry, so he roasted a golden holy sheep to replenish his energy and blood. The grilled lamb chops are golden in color and dripping with oil, and they are ready to eat after brushing with seasoning sauce.

"Although the old monsters at the No. 2 source are not things, they came to steal them first, but if we target them immediately now, it is estimated that it will cause blood and chaos in the new mythical world."

Wang Xuan thought that if the group of people from the No. 3 source were given the authority of the No. 2 source first, they would laugh crazy, thinking that their internal chaos was first.

But it's not his style to hold back this breath, let it go for a while, I'll first intercept the wonders of the No. 3 source, and do it more safely. I guess the No. 2 source will also become the object of suspicion.

Then, looking back, if the No. 2 source is stolen again, it will be enough to mess up and let all parties suspect at will.

The order has to be correct, otherwise, there will be big problems. After Wang Xuan set the tone, he started to concentrate on eating the roast lamb. It tastes really good.

It is indeed a great tonic, he is already steaming all over, and he feels that the qi that went out earlier should be replenished.

Such a big sheep, if you deal with it later, refine the harmful substances of the holy level and send some of them to all the old people to improve their morality, which should have a great effect.

Obviously this level of mutton is equivalent to a big medicine. Others can only take a small bite and need to meditate to refine it.

Then Wang Xuan roasted the lamb kidneys, this food is really only suitable for him to eat, and it is estimated that others will not be able to make up for it.

The outside world was in chaos for a long time and could not be calmed down for a long time. The only thing that comforted the extraordinary person at the No. 1 source was that he had an extra 6-breaker on his side.

Some people naturally guessed that the mysterious boss Jiucheng was Wang Xuan.

"It's so fierce!" Li Xu sighed.

In the last century, how casual he and Wang Xuan were when they got along at the Dragon Bar in Yuanyuanhai. Now he is more cautious. Every time he makes contact, he hesitates for a long time. In the end, he still made a phone call and said: "My aunt's Yudao Yuanchi Mutation, she went to meditate to suppress it, she thought maybe she could use this to break through."

Wang Xuan responded that it was not hidden that it was just a superficial change. Waiting for Yu Daoyuan's deepest internal transformation may build the most solid foundation for her.

"Are you grilling that golden holy sheep?" Li Xu was shocked when he saw the pill fire on the opposite side through the extraordinary communicator.

"Well, let's make up for the roasted lamb kidneys. I'll go to Moon Sacred Lake to have a look later. Mutations are a good thing, but you have to be careful."

"Do you still need to make up? Okay." Obviously, the rhythm of this conversation is a bit messed up.

At night, outside the secret palace, Li Xu seemed to be dreaming. He was actually eating the flesh of a holy creature to nourish his body. He was so nourished that golden flames burst out on the spot, almost setting the palace gate on fire.

In the next few days, the addicted Lao Chen, the red-lipped and white-toothed Lao Zhong and others appeared with Wang Xuan, and the level of food and drink had skyrocketed, and they had to stop and meditate after drinking half of the wine.

As for the Huaguo Mountain dojo, a group of people have already retreated, Black Peacock Mountain, Wujie Mountain Ruanyao Qingkong Wu Mingxiu and others also appeared in front of them without a sound. The golden meat that was processed almost jumped up. The faint holy rhyme that remained after falling said everything.

If you want to do a good job, you must first sharpen your weapon. Wang Xuan was angry and wanted to enter the No. 3 extraordinary source to steal the supreme authority there, but now his eyes are dark and he doesn't know it.

Do not know what kind of creation is produced there and where it grows.

So he has been collecting information these days, traveling all over the place, and even went to the outside of the No. 3 source to find out that it is like a big enemy, and the security is very strict.

He discovered the traces left by the 6 Breakers during his patrol, and the Primordial Spirit who guarded Gexi angrily interrogated the golden holy sheep took out a lot of valuable information, and finally had a deep understanding of the source of No. 3.

Wang Xuan was also sent an important briefing here, and those who forcibly break through into the new mythical world to **** the supreme authority will be four-sided.

"An incomparably powerful strongman probably broke 6 in both realms. And, he wants to break 6 in the third realm?" Wang Xuan frowned.

Zheng, very powerful and mysterious, has been sitting in Guan all the year round, and even his mount is rarely seen. He only knows that Zheng came to **** Dao Qihua mainly because he wanted to understand it by himself, go to the angle and analyze it, and then consider throwing it to Mendou for use.

In order to break through and get closer to the real king, he did not hesitate to steal the authority of other extraordinary sources, which shows that he has a certain degree of confidence, and there is a way to go.

Wang Xuan thought that the No. 3 supernatural source was indeed very strong, and since Zheng appeared, he might not be the only one in this series.

The briefing clearly stated that the zone paper of No. 3 Transcendent Source Academy’s first avenue authority is in their core area, adjacent to the Guizhi wonderland zone, and the distance between the two is very close. There may be ghosts in the wonderland of Guizhen, there may be ghosts and ghosts who escaped from the secret road, and there may be no one close to Zhiwang.

Wang Xuan even suspected that Zheng might also have come out of Guizhi Wonderland\", so when he was going to show off the miracle of good fortune at the source of No. Besieged by unknown monsters.

It would be great if you get close to a kind of power at the source of No. 3 before you act, and touch that special kind of strange thing. In this case\"I use the causal line to cooperate with Da Xiaoyou, and I have 90% certainty that I will succeed in breeding the strange thing of power The brood is bald.

Wang Xuan had to make sure that he could not accidentally miss it with a sword to seal his throat. He contacted Shou and said, "Brother, didn't the alien quasi-sage at the source of No. 3 and the wizard who broke the field a few years ago say that he wanted to discuss the Tao with us? Take a look~ Can you add fuel to the flames and ask them to take out strange objects of authority as prizes? It’s not enough, it’s okay to take out old objects that are tainted with authority.”

"You want to end?" Shou immediately knew what he was thinking\"

"Yeah, they've been begging me to buy the stock before, but I ignored it. This time it angered me. I don't want to let them vomit blood and give them a second surprise until they catch anemia."

Shou nodded his head in confidence, and said, "This time we were looking for the No. 3 source theory, and it happened to be a very formal way to promote the discussion of the three extraordinary sources."

Wang Xuandao, "Putting the hatred fiercely, after all, they have the psychological advantage. You can tell them, I'm going out of the mountain, and I'm going to take their quasi-sage who is the most domineering 6-break field in the alien field as a maid, that is, the No. 3 source of fame." The very loud No. 1 beauty is quiet, to see if they are stimulated."

Of course, don't poke the wasp bluntly, be more tactful and more natural. In the end, they had to want to teach me with their own hands.

"It's a bit of a beating!" Shou said, but he added, "Don't worry, these are leftovers from our youth, and you understand better than you. "

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