Deep Space Beyond

Vol 3 Chapter 61: Unofficial Secrets of the True Sacred Realm

The whole body is a mechanical lion with active metallic luster, and very bad memories emerge in its heart. It also met a person back then, and it just passed there without doing anything, so it was slapped twice.

Now, it was slapped again, and this time it was not a chance encounter, it was slapped a few times in the door of its own house, who to turn to, to reason with?

Wang Xuan looked at it, no wonder he felt like a dog. Is this really the big dog that once brought him a sense of boundless oppression?

"You know me? Sure enough, you are a family!" The mechanical lion looked at him, and immediately realized the change in his expression.

It was startled, angry, and uneasy, but soon lost its temper. Whether it was the old Wang back then, or the little Wang in front of him, they were all more dogs than him.

"What's wrong with recognizing you? Isn't it normal? You just had plastic surgery, but the poodle is still a dog." Wang Xuan said, it was indeed a little surprising that it was hiding here.

"I, he..." It swallowed back the word "mother" and restrained itself.

But now it looks like a black gold lion. It has completely changed its shape, with black light flowing all over its body. How can it become a poodle?

In the new world, many aliens are petrified. Wang Qingzhou is too tough. Talking to the creatures in the True Saint Dojo like this, he is probably facing a saint!

"Why didn't you leave?" Wang Xuan asked, thinking back to the year when he saw this dog for the first time, it competed with the Mothership of Absolute Beginning for the "fire", and it swallowed the world with anger. Such a fierce and incomparable posture made him shudder , can only hide and watch from a distance.

At that time, the mechanical tengu stood in a place outside the world, with its big claws piercing through the outer heavens and the fairy world, and submerged into the star sea of ​​the present world, fighting across the four worlds and grabbing the fire. That monstrous power was too terrifying.

Even the foul-mouthed Yudao Banner had to avoid its edge, and in the end it was a trick, snatching food from the dog's mouth and catching two pieces of the origin fire.

Of course, the dog kicked the iron plate behind him, went to check Lao Wang's roots, and pretended to be passing by. He was first slapped twice, and then an incarnation was taken away.

The mechanical tengu explained: "My main body is on the road, but the end of deep space and the place beyond the myth are too dangerous. What if I die? This is my clone. In the future, it may become the main body.

"It's really a dog." Wang Xuan said, and at the same time, he knew why it lacked the power and influence of the past. He estimated that it had just returned to the holy level domain, and it was not very perfect.

The mechanical tengu swears, your family surnamed Wang is the real dog. If there are no good people, they like to do things.

Another person, dare to try it like this? ? It is guaranteed to knock the opponent out of the crowd!

Wang Xuan stared, this dog secretly groped into his mountain gate, what did he want to do? Could it be that after discovering his roots, he originally wanted to take revenge on him? Bang! Bang! Bang!

Wang Xuan slapped him three times again, no matter what, sneaking into his ashram was definitely not a good idea.

Although the mechanical tengu has some holy prestige, its true imperial domain is still incomplete, and the re-refined incarnation needs to be honed.

Therefore, it cracked, even prohibited materials, and the dog's paw that covered the entire sky shattered and exploded into liquid active metal. When it was watched, it became a dark cloud that covered the sky and the sun.

"Stop, brother, misunderstood! Stop, oh, woof!" it screamed wildly, and it really couldn't stop the new world, and the hearts of all the powerhouses in the Daochang were shocked.

Miao Gu felt even more inconceivable, the devil master uncle who deceived his master and exterminated his ancestors, made a true saint bark like a dog? It's too unrestrained, ferocious and terrifying.

Many people have been petrified, and Wang Qingzhou is now able to face a saint. Even if the mechanical Tianshi is a true saint with problems, it is far better than a stranger.

"I made a post to worship, but there was no response from you. Out of curiosity, I went in and took a look. If you don't believe me, go to the mountain gate, there is my gold-plated post.

The mechanical tengu really didn't want to fight desperately, because it had a premonition that it couldn't beat it, and if it really wanted to die, it would really die.

"We have a deep relationship. You see, I should have never known your family members, and we have a very good relationship later." Mechanical Tengu explained, and then added: "We come from the same place, from a big camp, and we can't fight among ourselves. .”

Wang Xuan calmed down, and with a wave of his hand, the greeting card from the quiet room at the mountain gate of his dojo flew over, and indeed there was a black gold card, which was left by the dog.

The Mechanical Tengu acted very sincerely, and said: "This time I was reckless, so I shouldn't be too curious. Actually, I'm mainly afraid that something might happen to you, because it's terribly quiet inside."

In the distance, the strong men of many camps were moved, because they had already found out what this mechanical creature was, and it was the arrogant and arrogant big dog back then.

For thousands of years, the other side, the old center before the 23rd century, and the super mythical world, the three parties were not harmonious at first, but often conflicted. Before each negotiation, they used force to open the way, competing for interests and the right to speak.

Whether or not this mechanical creature belongs to the same category is two theories, but its dog temper and the disposition to hold grudges definitely belong to the only one.

"This is the dog from back then. I've heard of it from far away in our main dojo." The single 6-breaker Yihui even spoke up. He thought it was ridiculous back then, and said: "500 years ago, it used to be in The new world blocks the foothold of our Lupo Patriarch, and we have been cursing for more than half a year!"

"It's all because during the three-party struggle, someone in the Lupo Nirvana Dojo injured the mechanical tengu. It couldn't beat it, so it insisted on scolding it back. The main reason is that someone backed him up. It seems that the person's surname is also Wang!"

"I also know, it's it, and those of us in the Lupo Tianyuan Dojo have also been blocked and scolded by it!" Yu Yan, the single Lupo, was also speechless.

The most exaggerated thing is that after more than two hundred years in the past, that big dog even cursed after thinking about it, which left a very deep impression on Lupo Tianyuan Dojo.

After they mentioned it in this way, many people knew that this lion was the big vicious dog back then, and it actually changed to the dojo instead of the original site.

Obviously, this big dog knew how unpopular he was back then, so he changed his face.

"It's it, the most vengeful and cursed mechanical Tengu-sama." Miao Gu changed his words and stopped mentioning the word dog, which he couldn't afford to offend.

Suddenly, there was an uproar in the New World. The dog had offended both parties severely, and his reputation was too great.

"You exposed my bottom." Wang Xuan said, but today, he is about to become a saint, so the problem is not too big.

"Too excited for a while, accident, we are in the same camp, I will definitely not have any ill intentions towards you." Mechanical Tengu said.

After that, there will be more harmony, and there will be no more disputes and killings. In the new world, all major camps, whether it is the True Sacred Gate or the direct descendants of the Lupo Dojo, are all surprised. This rumored big tengu has completely changed his temperament.

It suffered such a big loss just now, and it actually wanted to turn its face, and became extremely open-minded, magnanimous, and didn't hold any grudges at all.

Wang Xuan was also in a trance for a short time, but he remembered it clearly. Wu Liuji specifically mentioned in person that he had messed with a dog of a different level in the early years, and then was blocked by a group of dogs and scolded him for three months.

The turmoil subsided like this, and at the end, the atmosphere was quite harmonious. The mechanical tengu was actually not a dog, and he was quite good at being a person. Wang Xuan was invited to go deep into the ashram, and took out the Royal Dao wine that he had treasured for two epochs, and held a solemn banquet.

"Your pot isn't active metal liquid, is it?" Wang Xuan doubted.

"Absolutely great tonic, it is very suitable for you to stabilize the realm after you have just broken through!" The mechanical tengu patted his chest and told him, just feel free to drink.

Next, they chatted happily. Because, the mechanical tengu did what he liked, and told him a lot of secrets about the true saint.

This is definitely a brand-new field. Wang Xuan had no access to it in the past, and he was too far away from this level. Now there is an old-fashioned true saint, who talks about various private topics to the outside world, which really satisfies his strong desire to explore.

"Really or not, the old zombie in Dry Silent Ridge was formerly a true saint. After being beaten to death, he was nailed to the ground with six iron needles. After many centuries, he revived and became a true saint again?" Wang Xuan Very interested in these secrets.

"Many of the super-transformed prohibited items have descendants, even the boss 'Wu' is no exception. Maybe he has a daughter?!" Wang Xuan urged it to continue and talk more.

The Mechanical Tengu drank the special tinder wine, slightly drunk, and said, "During the three-way confrontation in the New World, a female saint looked at Lao Wang with somewhat strange eyes every time."

"Which old king?"

"Your father."

With a bang, the mechanical dog was slapped on the head.

Wang Xuan didn't expect to hear that his family members were coming when he listened to gossip.

"Slip of tongue, let's not talk about this topic." Big Tengu shut up and didn't mention it.

"You tell me clearly first!"

"Ah, nothing happened afterwards. Your father didn't even glance at her. Your mother did glance at her, and someone asked her in private what she thought of Wang Yusheng. Xuan."

"Shut up!" Wang Xuan never expected that the fire of gossip would finally burn on himself.

"Old Wang Huang was also a fierce man back He used to fight against no opponents in his time. The weasel family is actually very invincible, especially capable of fighting. However, since he suffered a serious injury, it changed to another There is a route." The mechanical tengu said Huang Shang, the old weasel of Huangxian Cave.

"How about Ma?" Wang Xuan asked proactively.

"Ma, very strong, very perverted. Don't say that the disciple Hongxiu he cultivated, according to my research, it may really be his descendant." Big Tengu said another piece of gossip.

Wang Xuan was stunned. Is this dog's speech reliable? Back then, he just teased casually, saying that it was brother Ji's own daughter, but he knew it was definitely not.

But how could it possibly come true after it got into this dog's mouth? I'm a little skeptical, this dog is full of nonsense, right? The mechanical dog became more serious, and said: "Don't you believe it, this is the conclusion that I have come to after careful research and careful research in the New World on the other side. Do you know that Ma was severely injured back then, and took advantage of the trend? , using the method of being on the verge of death, and practicing in another way, when his confidante heard the news for the first time, she didn't know the truth, and as if struck by lightning, she rushed into the depths of eternal silence to ask for help."

Wang Xuan was stunned. He really knew about this. When Wu Heyou and other supreme beings solved the must-kill list, they took advantage of the situation to make a nest and caught a handful of the true saints of the decaying universe. There was a man riding a black goat 20 centuries ago. The old woman once appeared, saying that in her family, the lady rushed out of the myth to ask for help because of Ma.

"Ma's confidant is fine. In fact, Ma's body is divided into three parts, and one of his bodies can also come from outside the myth. In the end, he and the woman both fell on the other side. They have descendants here. It is reported that before the third century, they will A favorite descendant and secret sent back to our central Great World."

Wang Xuan listened fascinatedly, and said, "Your news is reliable?"

At the same time, since he mentioned mythology, he also wanted to ask who was burning for the old sage to write sacrificial rites to the land of eternity?

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