Deduction For The Whole People: I Created A Support Job!

Chapter 84: One Hundred And Twenty-Four Moves! Wild Bite!

The bloody long sword glistened in the setting sun.

Even those vines seemed to feel the scorching temperature and retreated one after another.

But as Xu Ling and the team continued to go deeper, the retreating cane finally seemed to be unbearable, and volleyed over again.

It's just that in front of the rebuilt and re-enchanted weapon in Xu Ling's hands, these vines were cut into several sections in the blink of an eye.

The fiery red sword light danced into a sea of ​​flames, and all the wounds where the vines were broken had traces of scorched black.

The team consisted of four people and one cat, moving forward with ease. Forget those messy veggies.

It's like going on an outing in the wild.

Lin Mu propped up a semicircular shield to protect the positions beside several people.

The front is left for the rest of the team to attack.

The thorns and vines all over the ground in and out of the woods also violently waved and hit the barrier at this time.

There was a dull knocking sound.

However, the footsteps of the few people were not slowed down in the slightest.

Yan Meng stretched out her white wrist, and a burst of cold air radiated from the palm, covering a field of thorns in just a few seconds.


The sound of freezing condensation kept coming out.

The criss-crossing vines were frozen into a huge lump of ice in the blink of an eye!

After that, Cheng Wei took out the newly acquired hand cannon, and without aiming at all, he raised the gun and shot at the piece of ice in front of him at will.

The sound of the bullet firing was like a dull mine, shot out from the muzzle in an instant.

Dragging a long flame tail, it hit the frozen ice in the blink of an eye.


The frozen ice cubes disintegrated in an instant, breaking into pieces of ice balls of different sizes.

The vines that were frozen in the ice block were also completely shattered.

"Is this the strength of the boss?"

"How can they be so strong?"

"We found it difficult to deal with one or two vines by ourselves. How did these few people walk in so easily?"

Seeing how powerful these people were, the other people standing on the edge also stopped their movements.

They stared blankly at this team that seemed to be in no man's land, and felt that their worldview had been refreshed again.

It has been more than half a year since the system appeared.

The whole world is changing rapidly.

There are more and more mutated animals and plants, and they are becoming more and more powerful.

Many people who have a system in hand feel a little overwhelmed.

However, in this case, there are still teams like Lin Mu who are constantly improving their abilities and levels in successive battles.

This strength has opened up a huge gap with the vast majority of people.

"Did they just go in like that?"

"Could it be too hasty?"

Under the dull eyes of others, people walked in through the opening of the forest without stopping.

The path they walked on was already covered with vine residues broken into small pieces.

Some were scorched black, as if they had been scorched by flames.

Some were cold and stiff, as if they had been robbed of their vitality in the cold winter.

Some of them are directly broken into tiny fibers.

These vines are really not worth mentioning to Lin Mu and others.

If they didn't want to rescue the people inside first, they could even find the source of this thorn more directly.

Plants always have roots.

As long as you start from the root and cut off its nutrient transport channel, the vines extending from the back will not be able to struggle for long.

After entering the woods, the situation became even more complicated.

These bloody thorns have already climbed up the big trees in the forest.

It is even nailed to the trunk to absorb the last nutrients.

The wriggling ball-like protrusions seem to be transporting a large amount of nutrition.

"It seems that the surrounding situation has been eaten up by it||."

"Yeah, this mutated plant is really terrifying. Given time, once it grows up, it will be even more difficult to deal with."

This scene also confirmed the previous statement.

Not only are these trees being sucked more and more withering, even some small animals that originally existed in the woods are now only left with bones.

It turned out to be an omnivorous plant.

Maybe it just noticed the strong vitality of a few people, so it regarded them as prey.

But as the team deepened, it was hard to say who was the prey.

"Soldier No. 3306, Geng Kun, where are you?"

After entering the woods, on the one hand, you have to face the rattans attacking from all directions, on the other hand, your vision is severely restricted, and you can't find the target.

So several people shouted unabashedly, not caring whether it would cause more attacks or not.

Sure enough, it was only the vines around that were attacking Lin Mu and the others. As the shouts continued, some vines from farther away gradually moved over.

There are so many vines on this plant that it is impossible to keep an eye on the whole situation at all times.

But after the undisguised actions of Lin Mu and others, and the huge amount of damage they caused to the thorns, the body of the plant still noticed it.

For a time, the sound of the collision of branches in the entire forest was endless.

Standing on the periphery, it seemed as if the entire forest had come to life.

At this time, the countless vines didn't even care about the few people outside, and they all rushed towards the place where the four members of the team were.

It almost formed a completely surrounded situation, starting from the outer circle, densely packed vines crossed and stacked, forming an airtight sphere.

Subsequently, this huge ball began to slowly compress towards the center.

Geng Kun, who was hiding in a corner of the woods at this moment, also froze for a moment.

In his arms is a cabbage that is almost half the height of a person. The leaves are emerald green, which makes people feel very fresh when they look at it.

Geng Kunyuan himself was in this place, and he could barely resist some nearby thorns by relying on the barrier of light.

He didn't even dare to move at all, for fear of attracting the attention of more vines.

However, even so, his spiritual power is gradually exhausted in the constant consumption.

But at this time, he suddenly discovered that all the thorns and vines around him had been withdrawn.

Countless vines are like giant snakes, gathering in the same direction from all directions.

Geng Kun couldn't help standing up.

He stared wide-eyed in the direction of the intersection.

"What the hell happened over there?"

Not only him, other people are also paying attention to this situation at this time.

Such a change in the thorn bush is beyond everyone's expectations.

The chief of the base who was waiting anxiously on the periphery turned even paler at this time.

"Don't! Don't have an accident!"

This is the seeded team that has received the most attention in the Special Affairs Bureau. I heard that the higher authorities have high hopes for them.

Just by looking at the long sword that Xu Ling pulled out just now, he might know.

Where can ordinary people get such obviously extraordinary things.

If something happened to these people in his own place, he couldn't even imagine how he could explain the past.

"Everyone, get ready for battle!"

He gritted his teeth, and after hesitating for a moment, he decided to break through forcefully and try to rescue those people.

For this reason, even if the woods are completely burned, it is not worth mentioning.

The round ball gathered by the vines in front of him is still shrinking.

Unlike what others imagined, Lin Mu and the others were not panicked at all in this dark vine wrap.

They even stood still in place, waiting for the vines to gather.

It was too far away just now, and it was more troublesome to clean up.

When the time was almost right, Lin Mu added buffs to several people casually.

He also put on the newly acquired gloves.

The inside of the glove is soft tiger skin, which happens to be the mutant tiger they hunted last time.

The outer layer is made of that special ore, and there are even some sharp spikes on some main attack parts.

After putting on the gloves, a warm feeling came from the palm.

The feeling of tiger skin is similar to that of Xiaobai's hair.

After clenching his fists, that ferocious appearance has a violent and murderous aura.

Originally, Lin Mu planned to use fire spells directly.

In the face of this mutant plant, no matter how you say it, using fire is the best choice.

But now this scene doesn't work.

Oxygen is required for the combustion of flames.

In this close to airtight environment, if the fire once caught.

Before the oxygen is consumed, there is a huge oven inside.

Not to mention after consumption.

So after thinking about it, he still chose close combat.

Move your wrist a little.

Lin Mu added a layer of light shield and thorn protection to the surface of the glove again.

The teammates have long been immune to Lin Mu's endless tricks.

It seems that he can play any skill in his hands.

When the vine continued to shrink for a while.

Several people were finally ready to fight.

Lin Mu took half a step back with his right leg, bent slightly, and then exerted force instantly, and the whole person rushed forward.

The right fist was originally retracted in front of the chest, but at this time it was thrown out suddenly, with a trembling breath that smashed the air, and instantly hit the thick vine wall.

One hundred and twenty four moves! Wild bite!"

The vine wall trembled instantly.

There was even a trace of flames emitting from the directly hit position.

Large cracks and cracks sounded at the same time.

The shrinking process of the whole vine is one belt.

And Lin Mu's attack is not over yet.

After the right fist was hit, his body twisted slightly, and then his left arm swung forward, his elbow was covered with a layer of golden light wolf and smashed against the vine wall.

Then the right fist followed with a heavy blow.


It was like the sound of cloth being torn.

Lin Mu's attack had a strong penetrating power, and at this moment, it directly tore apart the thorny bush like an iron wall.

Sunlight poured in through the gap.

The broken vines at the edge are still struggling and wriggling.

At this time, other people's attacks have also begun.

The long sword obtained by Xu Lingxin is like a hot knife cutting butter, and it can cause a lot of damage at will on the thorns.

Yan Meng, on the other hand, relied on the freezing skill to make the vine part lose its flexibility, and under Lin Mu's iron fist, it shattered completely.

The changes that have taken place in such a short period of time have made the outside world overwhelmed.

They were all prepared to break through forcefully to rescue a few people (by Zhao Lie).

However, the shrunken vine prison suddenly vibrated continuously.

A kind of ripple starts from the place where Lin Mu hit, and spreads rapidly to the surroundings.


Among the big ripples, the vines also continued to break.

In the vagueness, even a tragic wail can be heard.

Then, under everyone's shocked eyes.

The vine was torn open a big hole from the inside.

The few people I saw just now were chasing other vines around them with relaxed expressions.


"This is the power of the Special Affairs Bureau?"

"How can they be so strong?"

The weapons that these people had just picked up were hanging down weakly at this moment.

Now in this scene, where do they need their rescue.

It would be nice not to go in and cause trouble for others.

Even in their eyes, the cute little white cat stretched out its fangs at this time.

The sharp claw blade is accompanied by the flexible body, and between the constant flickering and shuttling, every swing can bring up a bunch of broken vines.

Where is this cat? Judgment.

It's clearly a tiger!

Not long after, the encirclement net made up of vines was completely eliminated by several people.

After the battle, there were broken branches of vines everywhere on the ground, and a lot of juice flowed out from the cuts.

A few people didn't care about the open-mouthed audience outside the woods.

Anyway, he continued to walk briskly into the woods.

Shouting while walking.

"Soldier No. 3306 Geng Kun [Where are you?"

After a long time, there was finally a response from another direction in the woods. .

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