In about the same period of time, many other places along the coast of Yan Kingdom also entered the end of the battle.

In this situation with an absolute geographical advantage, the defense is relatively simple.

Moreover, modern weapons can still maintain sufficient lethality when facing these Lv1 and Lv2 mutant creatures.

Not all places have similar Lv4 powerful mutant creatures.

But the situation encountered by Donghai City is not an exception.

I also encountered several Lv4 mutant creatures on other battlefields.

After hearing the news from Donghai City, they quickly disassembled the last remaining shells of the mutated creatures, and some of them also opened new equipment modules.

Not only that.

The equipment module is also equipped with a function of equipment manufacturing.

Anyone can make any material into an item called equipment in their own way.

It's just that according to the strength of the material, the way of building, and even some other influences, the effects of these things are also very different.

After the war ended, the Special Affairs Bureau dispatched special personnel to communicate with some mutant creatures in the sea.

Maybe it won't be long before the sea surface returns to Pingjin again.

But other people can't care about this matter at this time.

They all concentrated on studying the latest function.

The Special Affairs Bureau took out some leftover materials and displayed them in many cities across the country.

Queue up to touch, just touch it, you can open a new function.

There are miles of queues everywhere that have this thing!

After all, there are still too few Lv4 mutated creatures.

They are basically either in the dangerous isolation zone like Shennongjia, or in the endless sea of ​​Wangyang.

Moreover, not every one has the output of this material.

The only good thing is that this team is advancing very fast.

There is no need to wait for the meal to be delivered, just walk up, touch it, and then leave.

It's that simple. As for the new functions, you can study them slowly when you get home.

More and more people quickly turned on new system features.

Similarly, this change has also affected many industries.

"What material are your bags made of?"

A rich man wearing a whole body of famous brand is inquiring in a luxury store at this time.

After the shopping guide heard the voice, he hurried over to 440.

Since the emergence of the system, these things have become increasingly difficult to sell.

When you go out, you carry all kinds of battlefield backpacks or weapons. How many people would carry this kind of thing that has no effect other than looking good.

Business can be said to have plummeted.

Therefore, she pays special attention to the arrival of new customers.

"Boss, the bags in our store are all made of crocodile leather. The quality, appearance, and comfort... are absolutely top-notch!"

The young man didn't seem to have listened to what she said, thought for a while, and muttered to himself.

"Alligator skin? It should be about the same..."

In just a few seconds, as if he had made up his mind, he raised his head and said.

"I want it all! Put it on for me!"

"What? You want them all? There are probably millions of these products in our store..."

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up and swipe your card."

The man impatiently followed the shopping guide to the front desk to swipe his card, and then several service staff worked together to move these things to his car.

This kind of luxury store will not have much inventory, and the quantity just placed is not much.

After all, you have to maintain a style to highlight your own uniqueness.

The man left without hesitation after paying the money.

The remaining shopping guide was in an empty store, feeling as if he was still in a dream.

However, not long after, other people came to the door one after another.

The store, which is usually rarely visited by people, suddenly became lively at this time.

Everyone asks a question when they come in.

"Boss, what material is your bag made of?"

"Huh? We're sold out..."

The shopping guide was a little puzzled, why so many people came to inquire today.

The man who heard the reply looked annoyed.

"Damn, I was preempted by others!"

The young man who bought everything in the store took out all the backpacks in the trunk immediately after driving home.

He was sitting directly on the living room floor with a pair of scissors in his hand.

Surrounding him were countless scattered and expensive bags that had been disassembled.

If some women see this, they will go crazy with anger (cacd).

But the youth didn't care.

After cutting these leather materials, he used his own rough techniques to sew a leather-like thing.

Then, the young man took a deep breath.

"Equipment production!"

He called up his system panel, and heavily clicked on a certain skill he had already thought about.

The equipment production function provided by the system, of course, does not mean that you can just create something that looks like equipment and you are done.

It also provides another layer of special functionality.

That's enchantment!

When making it, you can choose to bless a certain skill for it, so that the equipment itself has a certain special effect.

Under the operation of the young man, the leather armor placed on the ground was skewed in shape, and the materials and colors of each piece were different. At this moment, some deformation occurred slightly, and then a layer of white light appeared.

When the white light disappeared, the young man grabbed the leather armor.

In front of his eyes, another line of words appeared.

[Small leather armor: A poorly crafted patchwork, barely wearable. Comes with Light effect bonus. After wearing it, through spiritual power input, it can continuously emit special light effects. 】

The young man ignored the previous reminders, after all, with his skill, it was not easy to make such a thing [.

He directly put the leather armor on his body, and after releasing his spiritual power, a layer of multicolored hazy light shone from the leather armor's exterior.

The pieces of materials that were originally of different colors appear more chaotic against the background.

This is if you wear it and go out the door.

He is the most handsome guy on the street.

It has to be said that Tudai's brain circuit is different from that of many people.

The young man also felt that he had made an enviable masterpiece.

I even recorded a video of the effect of wearing it and posted it on the Internet.

"Damn it! Give me back my titanium alloy dog ​​eyes!"

"I'm so blind! Who can make such a thing?"

"Is this also called equipment?"

"Is there something wrong?"

"How many purses has he opened in this body......"

"Equipment can also be made with this thing? Does any brother know, how can anyone open a blacksmith shop?"

Although the appearance and effect of this leather armor are somewhat extreme, it still opened up many people's minds.

If this thing is fine, it might be possible to replace it with other materials.

Since the emergence of the system, the blacksmith's business has become better and better.

Now the update of this equipment module has allowed them to receive countless orders early in the morning.

Lin Mu is also working on this new feature at this time.

In his opinion, this equipment production is mainly divided into two steps.

The first one is to make a shaped thing.

Such as swords, armor and the like.

This step is greatly affected by the material, and the shape of the finished product may also have an impact on subsequent use.

As for the second step, it is more complicated.

Enchanting is also the most critical part of making this equipment.

Blessing various skills, the effect may be completely different.

And there are two ways to enchant.

One is that skills are integrated into it, and the other is that skills are attached to it.

For example, Lin Mu has enchanted slow on a long sword.

If you choose to blend in, then this long sword will have a layer of stagnation when swung, and its own speed will be affected by the slowing technique.

But if he chooses to attach skills to it, it will be different.

When the long sword hits the enemy, it will apply a slow effect to the enemy.

The two are completely different.

Lin Mu is now casually playing with a black crystal-like gemstone.

He intends to use this thing as an experiment first.

This is actually the eyeball of the giant crab.

It was because of the way Lin Mu thought of that they killed him smoothly, so everyone gave him this special spoil.

This thing is of no use to Lin Mu, so it is simply used as a practice product.

He thought for a while, and added a layer of group blessing to this gem-like eyeball.

After the light is on, the system's judgment has also taken effect.

The eyeballs are dark all over, emitting a thin layer of golden light in all directions like natural gems.

The golden light diffused from the center of the eyeball and permeated the whole room.

Lin Mu also saw from the system panel that he was now under the effect of the blessing.

"This not bad?"

Perhaps the materials also have different transmission efficiencies for spiritual power and skills.

The several materials tested before also have greatly different effects on different skills.

Simply put, the phase ratio between materials and skills is different.

Attaching some sharp and other skills to the armor will have a poor effect.

However, if it is attached with a defensive ability such as a light shield, the effect will be better reflected.

Now in Lin Mu's test, the effect of this black gemstone-like material on this group's blessing can be said to be without stagnation.

"If you put a stick under it, can it be regarded as some kind of fixed result?"

As long as you enter this range, can you get a bonus?

From this, Lin Mu also developed some other associations.

If you make a bunch of equipment with the Light Barrier skill attached.

By combining them and setting them up in various places, can we get a large enough barrier line of defense out of thin air?

To a certain extent, this can replace the halo skills that Lin Shu had imagined before.

"Hey, it still doesn't work..."

As soon as the gem was released, the light gradually dissipated after losing the continuous output of spiritual power.

It seems that this kind of thing still needs someone to continuously output spiritual power.

Lin Mu thought for a while, and suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

He picked up the other eyeball, because it was enchanted by Xia spell.

Then two hands, one in each hand.

Holding the gemstone of complex magic in his right hand, after outputting the spiritual power, the buff effect of the skill was released instantly, and the buff was applied to Lin Mu.

He could feel that his spiritual power was recovering rapidly.

At the same time, the spiritual power was released from the left hand through the other eyeball, and the effect of the strengthening technique also appeared in the room at the same time.

Lin Mu was recovering his spiritual power while releasing it.

Although the consumption is still greater than the recovery effect, the overall speed of spiritual power consumption has been greatly reduced.

"Is this the perpetual motion machine of the new era?"

Lin Mu has forgotten that his own skills have a high founder bonus.

Without these bonuses, his recovery speed would not have reached this level at all.

After the experiment, Lin Mu felt a little dull.

Mainly because none of the effects seemed to work for him.

If you want to bless or reply, you can release the skills by yourself, and you don't need these equipments at all.

"It seems that the enchantment of equipment is mainly selected from others, or from skills that one does not know. Only in this way can it bring more help.

Sighing, Lin Mu casually put away the two gems, and also let go of this matter first.

Now, after the battle at the seaside, he has risen to Lv3.

Now the attributes of all aspects of the body are very different from before.

Take any point alone, you can easily beat the Olympic champion.

It's time to think about what to do next.

This time the sea beast landed, many people gained a lot of experience points.

There are not a few people who have been promoted to LV3 like Lin Mu.

It can be guessed from the changes in the previous missions that by next month, their missions will probably become more difficult again.

While Lin Mu was thinking about the situation behind, the mobile phone in his pocket rang.

"Team Cheng? What's the matter?"

The call was from Cheng Wei, which made Lin Mu slightly puzzled.

They have just returned from Donghai City for less than a day, so it stands to reason that there should be nothing wrong.

But the next moment, what Cheng Wei said surprised Lin Mu.

"The research institute invites you to go. As a great hero, they want to give you a taste of the first batch of mature rice."

"How about going?"

Do you even need to think about it? That mutated plant, when I looked at it in the research institute, made people very eager.

Now that the first batch has finally matured, I must go and have a look.

"Go, go now!".

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