Deceive me, Marry me

Vol 2 Chapter 398: Tragedy

When Rong Sleeping Crane was serious about arranging errands for her subordinates, the princess was hysterically attacking in the palace of Gaomi: "Animals! Animals !!! Animals !!! You, an animal !!!!"

There was a mess in the hall of Xiangyu, with gold beads and ivory crystals all over the ground.

The servants other than Aunt Zhao have long been hiding away.

Rong Qingzhao and his wife knelt down side by side, tears persuaded: "Mother and daughter take care!"

"So big things are concealed from me, but should I take care of them?" Princess Gaomi's face was full of tears, grabbed a golden box and smashed the wine plate and smashed, "simply wishing me to die earlier !!!!!! "

Jin Xiangyu's large wine plate flew over the couple's heads and crashed heavily on King Gaomi.

Gaomi Wang stumbled before standing, sighed, his voice was full of exhaustion: "Xue Xue, this time I am really afraid that you have been sick for many years and ca n’t stand the stimulus, so I did n’t dare to tell you that the child was living Fifteen years of real experience! "

"You lie to the ghost!" But the princess didn't believe it, she grabbed a bead to wear a fruit box and fell to her feet, sneer, "You just want to provoke the alienation !!! Repeatedly told me that the Jinyi Yushi, who had been away for 15 years, was a slave, and the picture is not to make me think that he was not suffering at all, so he is not close to me because he is petting and ignorant and filial Not considerate? !!! "

"Teach me how to misunderstand the child, and alienate and ignore him!"

"Then you can kill him, don't you ?!"

"You beast !!!!"

"Tiger poison doesn't eat food yet !!!"

The princess suddenly slumped and cried, "I was blind at first !!! I knew your nature early, and I shouldn't have had a child for you !!! Let me talk to Mo Xiuxin Families who go to love each other and make a wolf-hearted dog's lungs and honey-bellied sword !!! "

"Mother-in-law!" The couple, Rong Qingzhe, were frightened. They walked forward on their knees and pulled her sleeves, saying, "Mother-in-law, please calm down! In any case, the third brother is fine now, Since you hurt him so much, how can you not take care of yourself? Didn't we talk about it before? The third brother ’s child ’s future marriage event needs your help!

Rong Qingshi cried again, "And how can the mother-in-law say that the father does not hurt the third brother? If you do n’t think the father does not hurt the third brother, why go to Ningweihou with you to recognize the third brother publicly? For this reason, the father and the Meng's side fully negotiated for half a month. How much did it cost for the Meng's cessation? It was the seal of the county king who was at the moment of the third brother, which the father had won for him! "

"Meng's original wolf ambitions sent Zheng Guogong's daughter to Wangchun Palace, and today Chongxin's sisters and King Guangling have their heads and tails! What they are thinking about is clear at this moment. You know it! So it is inevitable that there is no place for the third brother, but how can you think that the father will be unfavorable to the third brother? Mother, the third brother has lost memory, which is a good thing for our family, but you blame the father Wang, if you teach the third brother to know, would n’t you be suspicious? By then, our family would be broken apart !!! "

Princess Gaomi looked at him for a while before she smiled and said, "Be careful, it's not surprising that you are facing Rong Jing! After Heer's accident, you have become the child that I and him most like and value most, Rong Jing has been really good at you all these years. But ... even you have forgotten that before Heer's accident, could your eldest son have the carefreeness of today ?! "

Rong Jing is the name of Gaomi King.

Rong Qing heard the words, his face changed drastically, and it took a while before he was timid. He whispered, "Mother and concubine, no matter how you treat your child and your father! No matter how you treat your child, your child ..."

"Fifteen years in exile, with all my grievances, and returning with scars, it is not you who is to be jealous of being guarded, of course you can say so!" Princess Gaomi looked at him with disappointed eyes, tears shed. , Her voice is not high, but full of suffocation, "but you don't forget, you can have the peace of mind for these fifteen years, who gave it to you? !!!"

"Xue Xue !!!" Wang Gaomi finally closed his eyes unbearably, and his tone was filled with deep annoyance and sorrow. "I was confused again at that time, and I would never say that I was careful about him ..."

"If you didn't, Mo Xiuxin would have that kind of thought ?!" Princess Gaomi interrupted him sharply. "Dare you say that you are not the one who reprimands you carefully and the little one that Mo Xiuxin gave birth to? The praise of the beast gave birth to the later trouble ?! "

Gaomi Wang trembled: "But they are all dead !!!"

"So you also hope that Heer will die ?!" The princess clenched her fist. "The reason they will die is because they **** it !!! But what did my Heer do wrong?"

She looked angrily at King Gaomi, cutting her teeth, "I hope that 15 years ago, it wasn't Heer who left me, but you died ?!"

When the Gaomi Royal Mansion was in trouble, the Sheng Mansion was not calm.

Mrs. Sheng just came back, and before stepping into the gate, she ordered left and right to pack the luggage for Sheng Weiqiao, and ordered someone to go to the dock to spread the word and ask Sheng's house boat to prepare for departure.

Because this is something that has been said before, Sheng Weiqiao is not against it.

Although Sheng Weide, Sheng Weizhen, and Sheng Weichi did not know that Sheng Weiqiao shared the sleeping crane, it was not surprising that Feng Wei's pregnancy meant that Sheng Weiqiao had to leave as soon as possible. Sheng Weiyi had always been close to Sheng Weiqiao, and when he heard that he wanted to go back with this cousin, he was rejected by the old lady ... One more person on the road would need an extra baggage, and he would like to send his granddaughter away from Changan tomorrow. Isn't it a delay?

"Will that grandson accompany the third sister to go back?" Sheng Weide called in at the sight. "After all, it's not convenient for the third sister to be a girl even if she is walking a thousand miles in Nanfeng County."

Mrs. Sheng shook her head and said, "No, the reason why we don't go back together is to handle the wedding of Ying Jiang. Originally, none of your father and mother was in Chang'an, and they seemed to be weak. You go again, to At that time, we had a young son-in-law, and he hadn't answered Jiang, how could it stand on the scene? "

Mrs. Ming said by the side, "But De'er is right. So far, it's not a problem for a young girl to go back alone, even if she is accompanied by a supervisor? Visit those old people who resigned in Changan to see who has a child or uncle Qiaoer who is free. Ask them to help him walk with him? "

"Those who say they are the old ones, but because they haven't been to Chang'an for many years, they rely on correspondence. Apart from Ruchuan's diligence, other people are not very affectionate, especially among younger generations. Only the face is left, and he hurriedly came to the door, it may seem Meng Lang. "The old man Sheng frowned." I don't know, I thought we wanted to give Qiaoer to them, do you say the price is not the price? As for Chuan, he has serious errands, isn't it difficult to find him? "

So Mrs. Ming committed the crime: "Will it let Joel go back alone? It's really not right. Otherwise, isn't it two months to drink? Anyway, let's write back and call it Lance. Or Lan Zi came here to pick up Joe, what do you think? "

"No." Old Sheng Sheng was worried about the night long dreams, shook his head again and again, and was about to speak. Sheng Weide also said, "Grandfather and grandmother, otherwise, anyway, because the marriage of Jiang was after the birth of the aunt, or the grandchildren will accompany the three sisters first. Go back to Nanfeng County and wait for Da Bomo to give birth, then come to Chang'an! It ’s okay to go back and forth on your own boat, and I ’ll just tell you about the appearance of your little cousin or little cousin. "

"That second brother, you are too hard!" Wen Weiqiao hadn't waited for the old lady and old lady to object, Sheng Weiqiao had already said, "Even if it's a ship of his own, so far down the road, everyone must lose weight. Circle. Let's talk back and forth in a short time? "

Mrs. Ming heard that she quickly watched Grandpa Sheng, for fear that he would find it feasible. Fortunately, despite her preference for big rooms, she did not show affection for the children of the second and third bedrooms. She said, "Qiaoer said, Deer, you still follow Let ’s stay in Chang'an! Mizhen has returned to his palace. You are the elder grandson of our family. For the next many things, we ca n’t afford the old bones. We must rely on you. ”

In fact, the old lady had to deal with Sheng Weiqiao's return to Nanfeng County alone. There was an early manuscript. This way of negating, he stopped at Sheng Weiqiao and said, "Qiaoer, what do you want Yichunhou to go with you?"

Sheng Weiqiao was taken aback: "Yichun Hou? Grandfather, isn't this right? Not to mention that he has been in Chang'an and has never been to other places. On the experience of going out, 80% is not as much as me! Furthermore, he That body bone, although it is said to have been good, but His Royal Highness Princess Wuyang was a male son-in-law, how could he let him go?

"Don't underestimate His Royal Highness Princess Wuyang too much, Your Highness is not the kind of person who has to be tied to the only son!" Said the old lady and his wife, "His Highness had hoped that Yichun Hou could read thousands of miles and travel thousands of miles, just because of Yichun Hou Daxiao's body is not very good, and he can only rest in Long Princess's Palace. This leaves outsiders with the impression that His Royal Highness Wu Yang is extremely spoiled by his only son! "

He also said, "Yichun Hou will be fine at this moment. His Royal Highness Princess Wuyang is very willing to let him walk around while his sturdy bones are still strong, and he does not need the younger generation to stay in front of the bed all day, so as to increase his knowledge and open up. Mindful! "

Sheng Weiqiao turned his mind and wondered: "Grandfather, at the banquet that was just for you, when I wasn't in front of you, Your Royal Highness Princess Wuyang quietly asked for what you said? Or, did you go to your Highness and say what?"

"You can say that there is something wrong with letting Yichunhou accompany you to the south!" The evasive attitude of Sheng Sheng apparently proved that Sheng Weiqiao was right. She could not help but secretly grit her teeth: Although Princess Wuyang did not agree because of Meng's private match, Want her to be a daughter-in-law.

However, because of the events at the flower viewing banquet and the blind date between Sheng Weiqiao and Yichun Hou, it was not in the view of Sheng Weiqiao.

Now why did you take the initiative to ask Yichunhou to accompany him south?

As for the grandmother Sheng who went to find the princess Wuyang, Sheng Weiqiao thought it was impossible, although this grandfather desperately wanted to break up with Rong Sleeping Crane, but he was also a loving granddaughter, and he would never do such self-deprecation. My granddaughter's identity!

Then there is only one answer: Wu Shengxu and Princess Wuyang asked!

"This **** !!!" Sheng Weiqiao swears silently in his heart, "The next time I see him again, I must be stingy, he would not dare to make me an idea in my life !!!"

It's just that Sheng Weiqiao didn't know, this time she really did wrong!

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