Debut After Eight Years

8. Glorious snow, good voice interview.

Upload complete.

Wang Qian refreshed the background data.

The stats for both songs are exactly the same.

Audition - 0!

Downloads - 0!

It only took less than a minute, and the works of a pure newcomer must have zero data.

Wang Qian himself downloaded both songs for trial listening first. It costs 50 cents to download a song, and he spent a total of 1 yuan, making his two new songs a breakthrough.


Wang Qian smiled, feeling the difficulty of the newcomer.


I once dreamed of walking the world with a sword...

The bell you just set rang.

Seeing that it was He Dongming calling, Wang Qian connected immediately: Dongzi, I've already had dinner!

He Dongming: I've eaten too. I have something to do with you.

Wang Qian felt that his obsessive-compulsive disorder had developed, and he felt uncomfortable without refreshing the background data every few seconds. While clicking Refresh, he said, What's the matter? Tell me!

He Dongming smiled complacently: Hey, don't say I won't help you. Do you have time tomorrow morning? I'll arrange an interview for you!

Wang Qian was taken aback, and stopped clicking the mouse: What interview?

He Dongming: Our program team is auditioning some independent singers and music students in Shanghai. I won a spot for you to audition. Come here tomorrow. If you pass, you can be selected for the blind selection of good voices. Moreover, this year's The Voice program has undergone major changes. Later, an international competition was added, and the last annual champions of The Voice from various countries gathered together to participate in the world competition, and finally won the first place in The Voice in the world!

Just ask you, is it awesome? The exposure rate is much higher than before. Many people in the circle heard the news and wanted to sign up. Unfortunately, those famous singers have no chance. However, many powerful independent singers I want to participate. This is a good opportunity to make a name for the world.

He Dongming spoke very excitedly.

Wang Qian was a little moved.

With such fierce competition, the quota is naturally more precious. It must have taken a lot of effort for He Dongming to secure an interview quota for himself.

Okay, I'll be there on time tomorrow. Thanks, Dongzi.

Wang Qian wasn't too pretentious, he just said it and remembered it in his heart.

He Dongming laughed and said, It's a small matter. I'm busy. I hung up. Come over tomorrow and call me in advance. I'll pick you up.

Okay, go get busy.

Wang Qian put down the phone, and clicked the mouse to refresh naturally.

Audition - 2.

Download - 2!

Both songs have added a data.

Wang Qian was taken aback for a moment, and then a surprise appeared in his heart.

He is ready to stand alone all the time.

After all, the Tengfei music website is the largest music website in China, with tens of thousands of independent singers, and all famous professional singers in other entertainment circles will also release their songs on this website to hit the charts.

Therefore, the competition on this website is fierce. Even if there are as many as one billion users, it is difficult for newcomers to succeed.

Pure new independent singers have to prepare for a long time in the early stage. They need to wait for a while to prove that they are really making music before they can get small recommendations from the website. Most independent singers will not get recommendations. If you want to For exposure, you can only spend your own money to buy traffic, or go to other social networking sites to promote it.

Wang Qian will not spend money to buy traffic, nor will he hype on other websites.

He had been in the entertainment industry for more than ten years in his previous life, and he used all methods.

Now, he just wants to get ahead on sheer strength and talent.

it's not...

This is one more download user.

Wang Qian was happily thinking about getting off to a good start.

However, I immediately saw a comment appearing under the comment area.

Uncle, you are a big liar! I will definitely find you.

Posted by - Glorious Cher!

Qin Xuerong?

Wang Qian immediately thought of the young beauty who fell in love with him at first sight.

Judging by the name and tone of voice, it should be her.

Hehe, little girl!

Wang Qian smiled and didn't take it seriously, he didn't take this little girl's comment to heart.

It's just that I was a little disappointed in my heart.

I thought it was a good start.

Unexpectedly, it turned out that an acquaintance searched for it according to the title of the song.


Qin Xuerong was sitting on the bed, wearing pajamas and long hair, without the shrewd and capable business attire, but with the cuteness and cuteness of the girl next door, she looked much younger, holding a laptop, playing the Ordinary Road this song.

After posting a comment, Qin Xuerong sat on the bed and stared at the computer screen for a while, his mind was full of the picture of Wang Qian sitting in the bar singing the ordinary road, and the scene behind him in the car, and at the gate of the community, Let it go in my mind like a series.

This afternoon, she lingered at the gate of the community until ten o'clock in the evening, waiting for Wang Qian to appear, but was very disappointed.

When she showed Wang Qian's photo to the community security, they said that there was no such person in the community...

Only then did Qin Xuerong realize that she had been cheated by Wang Qian, and she was angry for more than ten minutes when she came back, and then went to the Tengfei Music website to try to search for Wang Qian's two songs, unexpectedly found it, and it was a new song just uploaded!

The author's name is Qianqian Junzi.

she knows.

This must have just been uploaded by Wang Qian.

This guy, why didn't he reply to me?

Qin Xuerong was waiting for Wang Qian to reply to his comment.

As a result, after waiting for more than ten minutes, there was no response.

Didn't see it, or didn't reply on purpose?

Avoid me?

Is this how you treat listeners who pay for your songs?

Qin Xuerong pouted, and after being angry for a minute, she entered several student groups and work groups, and posted the same message and link.

I found two super nice new songs, please download and try them out, they're guaranteed to be good!

Qin Xuerong, who usually doesn't talk too much, suddenly released an advertisement message, which surprised the people in several groups, and they all became excited.

Is Xue'er's account hacked?

The squad leader actually posted an advertisement? The perfect image of the squad leader has been destroyed, and my youth is gone...

Okay, since it's the advertisement sent by the monitor, I'll give it a try.


President Qin posted an advertisement? Listen!

Hahaha, Mr. Qin said a good song, so it must be good.

I have already downloaded it. Mr. Qin's aesthetic is indeed the same as mine. It's so nice to hear. The feeling of freshness with a bit of vicissitudes is my taste. I think these two songs express...


Qin Xuerong sent another message in the comment area: Uncle, you don't need to thank me.


Wang Qian didn't stay in front of the computer and kept refreshing the background data. He was also tired today. After taking a shower, he went to bed early and was going to attend the interview of Good Voice tomorrow.

Early the next morning.

When Wang Qian woke up, the computer was still on, so he refreshed the background data.

Audition - 155.

Downloads - 170.

Wang Qian, who was yawning, regained his energy immediately.

This is the smell of wine is not afraid of deep alleys?

Found your own good music?

Wang Qian turned his eyes to the comment area.

The song recommended by the squad leader turned out to be a really good song, and it was very pleasant to listen to. really sounds good!

Ordinary Road, the old you, such a beautiful song has been buried? I will help promote it.

Good song!


And the glorious Xueer sent a message: Uncle, you don't need to thank me.

Wang Qian understood immediately.

It was the data that Qin Xuerong pulled for himself.

After thinking about it, Wang Qian still didn't reply to the little girl's comment.

Since I don't want to get married recently, then don't provoke others.

In the previous life, I was in the circle for more than ten years, and I have experienced and played with everything, so let's be more simple in this life.

The development of the two songs, let nature take its course.

After carefully tidying up, getting a haircut, cleaning up his face, and putting on a decent trendy outfit to make himself look younger, Wang Qian went out.

Packed breakfast, took a taxi to finish breakfast, and came to a small theater.

Wang Qian called He Dongming.

He Dongming quickly ran out from the side door: We just got to work, and you arrived, really on time! However, you are not the first to arrive...

He Dongming dragged Wang Qian into the small theater.

There was already a long queue inside.

More than a dozen people were waiting at the entrance of the theater.

From time to time, the sound of singing can be heard from inside, the voice is very high-pitched, obviously showing off its own voice.

He Dongming asked Wang Qian to stand at the last, and said in a low voice: Come in order, go in when you arrive, and just show off your strongest strength. Especially show off your voice advantage. There are a total of 30 people today. Personally, most of them are independent singers, and the rest are top students from the Shanghai Music Academy...

He Dongming glanced at Wang Qian with doubts in his eyes - it seems that you are not professional enough!

Wang Qian patted He Dongming on the shoulder: Don't worry, I'll be eliminated at worst. Leave me alone and go get busy!

He Dongming nodded, relieved to see that Wang Qian could think so.

He was afraid that Wang Qian had high expectations and would be hit if he was eliminated, so he immediately turned around and entered the theater through the side door.

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