Debut After Eight Years

629. There will be revival, and no one can stop it. The way forward is unstoppable.

After taking a group photo!

Many world-class music artists who took pictures together were slightly dissatisfied, but they couldn't say any direct objection.

Because, in terms of strength and talent, as well as the currently released works, none of the people present can compare with Wang Qian. Wang Qian's achievements and talents in the field of music and art have crushed everyone present.

The symphony just now was enough to suppress everyone present, not to mention the previously released Nocturne series, and many other excellent works that have been spread around the world and are well-known.

Therefore, even though many world-class music artists from Europe and the United States have some complaints about this, they can only hold it in their hearts, and there is no way to object on the surface.

After the photo shoot, many European and American music artists, as well as several music artists from the island country and the stick country, left quickly, not wanting to stay in the camera to serve as a foil for Wang Qian.


The reporters who interviewed the three major TV stations would not let them go.

Diana is the most famous, so she has no scruples and directly interviews several world-class music artists.

Hey Professor, can I ask you a few questions?

Well, yes, I'm short on time, hurry up!

Okay, professor. I would like to ask, in your opinion, what is the level of Professor Wang's symphony performance just now? Can it be done, as the Chinese pianist clearly said, Professor Wang only relied on this symphony Enough to rank second in history?

Uh... I, I need to think about it. This question is not so easy to answer. In art, there is no way to make such an accurate ranking. Especially, Professor Wang is still at his peak age, and it is right to rank him now. It is unfair to him, and it is also disrespectful to the predecessors.

Diana smiled triumphantly when she heard this answer, knowing that the more vague the other party was, the more she showed her guilt, and the more it proved the excellence of Wang Qian's work, but she couldn't let the other party go so easily and leave today's occasion After that, it would be very difficult to interview so many world-class music artists again, so I continued to ask: Professor, what do you think, Professor Wang's Shenzhou symphony is comparable to several classic works of Gan Feisi? How about it?

The professor looked hesitant: I'm not good at evaluating it for the time being! Because Professor Wang's work still needs me to go back and study and dig out its artistic value. Although I know he must be excellent, I don't know how excellent he is!

Another vague answer!

He couldn't say that Wang Qian's Shenzhou Symphony surpassed several classic works of Gan Feisi, which would be a major blow to the European and American music art circles, but he couldn't belittle Wang Qian's work, because this work is the world's most famous work. The public performance is excellent for all to see. If he belittles this work without thinking, his professionalism and authority will be compromised immediately.

This was being broadcast live in the world, so he naturally didn't dare to talk nonsense, ambiguity is the best way to deal with it, let's deal with today first.

Now Wang Qian is in full swing all over the world, no one dares to confront Wang Qian openly.

Diana saw that the professor was an old man, so she immediately let go of the professor from a famous music school, looked at another old man, and quickly asked, Professor, what do you think of Professor Wang's performance just now?

The professor was obviously more temperamental, and said directly and excitedly: Incomparable! This work is an unparalleled symphony work, and it is the most exciting and exciting symphony work I have ever heard in my life. Huaxia country The orchestra is also a world-class orchestra that has been seriously underestimated, and their performance is also historical. Today’s performance is enough to be included in the history of world music art development and will be remembered by history.”

Obviously, the professor's admiration for Wang Qian is unparalleled.

Diana smiled with satisfaction, and continued to ask: Do you think that Professor Wang is now ranked second in history, surpassing several music masters in Sterry?

The professor nodded affirmatively: Of course! This one piece of his is enough to surpass Sterry and the others. Even, I think, if there are three more such excellent works, he will be enough to surpass Gan Feisi and rank No. 1 in history. 1. Because Gan Feisi’s works are only numerous, but every capital is not as good as this Chinese symphony. This Chinese symphony, which is believed to be the first symphony in history, will definitely be performed by all orchestras and public performances in the future must-have repertoire.

If Professor Wang releases a few more works like this, then it is inevitable to surpass Gan Feisi. He is really an unparalleled genius, and I am completely impressed by him. I even want to stay in Huaxia and communicate with him more. Very good for me.

The gray-haired professor seems to have found the truth in his old age, and he can give up everything in pursuit of the truth.

When I heard the Tao in the morning, it was a feeling that I could die in the evening.

Not far away, He Chaohui and other Yangyin leaders' eyes lit up when they heard this. This old man is a world-renowned European music artist whom they all know. He is world-class in the fields of piano and violin. If he can recruit Dao Yangyin's background has definitely improved a lot.

Diana got the answer she wanted and looked for the next target.

And He Chaohui quickly came to the old man and formally extended the invitation on behalf of Yang Yin.

Of course, instead of directly inviting him to stay at Yangyin to teach, he issued an invitation in the name of the National Orchestra, inviting him to stay and play and study this Shenzhou symphony with the National Orchestra.

The other party was in a state of excitement, and immediately agreed on the spot.

While Diana was doing the interview, Zhou Yun and Wang Bing, two reporters from China TV, were not idle and were moving quickly.

Zhou Yun immediately stopped Xinye Taro and the others who were leaving secretly, stepped forward and asked, Mr. Xinye Taro, please stay!

Taro Shinno knew that it was Zhou Yun who was coming when he heard this voice. Instead of stopping, he quickly quickened his pace, wanting to leave here immediately.

But how does he compare with a young reporter as an old man?

Therefore, Zhou Yun caught up with Xinye Taro in three or two steps, and stopped in front. Xinye Taro had no choice but to stop. Seeing the live broadcast again, he forced a smile: Hello...

Zhou Yun: Mr. Shinno Taro, can I ask you a few questions?

Shino Taro nodded: Yes, I still have something to do, I hope it can be done quickly.

Zhou Yun: Okay, Mr. Taro Shinno. Excuse me, how do you evaluate the performance of Professor Wang and the National Orchestra just now?

With a slight shock in his heart, Taro Shinno was silent for a while, recalling the shock that the work just brought him, as well as a trace of fear.

The Shenzhou Symphony is definitely the most shocking symphony performance he has ever heard, but what scares him the most is the absolute belief expressed in this symphony-China will surely revive, and no one can stop it!

As an island music art master who wants to steal China's achievements in the field of music art and culture, Taro Shinno's faction naturally needless to say.

Therefore, when he thinks of China's revival in the future and standing on top of the world, he feels a little terrified, terrified of the fate that the island nation will face at that time.

China has never forgotten what the island nation has done in the past hundred years!

Many music artists in China have never forgotten what he has done over the years.

What will happen then?

Will it be liquidated?

Xinye Taro's old face trembled slightly, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes, and then quickly disappeared to cover up, and returned to normal, his mind quickly flowed, looked at Zhou Yun and replied: My evaluation is that it is perfect. Whether it is a work , or the level of performance, they are all perfect and absolutely shocking.”

Zhou Yun smiled: Then, Mr. Shinno Taro, what position do you think Professor Wang can rank in history with this work?

Xinye Taro replied ambiguously: I don't know for the time being, because I am not qualified for the historical ranking. However, Professor Wang will definitely enter the top few in history, which is inevitable. In my personal opinion, this Shenzhou Symphony He has not lost to Gan Feisi's representative classics. In the future, Professor Wang will have a great opportunity to surpass Gan Feisi... He is not only the pride of the Chinese music art circle, but also the pride of the entire Asian music art. Music artists should learn from him...

Shinno Taro began to put a high hat on Wang Qian, and at the same time lowered his sense of existence, including the whole of Asia...

Zhou Yun was interviewing Shino Taro.

Wang Bing stopped Li Zaizhi, the only world-class music artist in Bangguo: Mr. Li, what do you think of Professor Wang and Huaxia Orchestra's performance just now?

Li Zaizhi grew up in Bang Nation, but he has a lot of learning experience. He also has learning experience in Europe, America and China, so he does not have the attitude of being the first in the universe like many locals in Bang Nation. But because he has witnessed the development process of Bang Nation, he surpassed Huaxia's achievements in becoming a developed country made him a little arrogant. Looking at Wang Bing, he said lightly, Very good!

Wang Bing: Mr. Li, do you think Professor Wang can enter the historical ranking?

Li Zaizhi shook his head: I don't know, I'm not qualified for the historical ranking, I'll leave that to future generations...

Li Zaizhi is obviously very experienced in oil painting, and he doesn't want to leave a story, let alone praise Wang Qian too much from his own mouth.

He came to China this time with a mission, that is to expose Wang Qian's fake genius face. Now it seems impossible for him to do it, but he doesn't want to further push up Wang Qian's status because of his words.

So, he remained cautious and as silent as possible.

Wang Bing saw that Li Zaizhi didn't talk much, so he let Li Zaizhi go, and continued to interview several other world-class music artists. He wanted to leave as many interviews as possible today, so that Wang Qian's status and historical achievements can be truly established in the future.

Oh? Evaluation? God, I thought this symphony was created by God. It's great. There is no doubt that he has really gone on the road of catching up with Gan Feisi, and several other music masters can't match He compares.

He's already the greatest musical artist in the world, he's become great.

Shenzhou Symphony, it's great, I think it's enough for many of us to study carefully for some time in the future.

I think the Philharmonic Orchestra needs to practice hard. If the Philharmonic Orchestra does not have this Shenzhou Symphony in its next performance, then I will not go to see it.

My suggestion is that the Huaxia Orchestra needs a professional team to package and operate them. They have the world's top performance level, but they are unknown. The symphony is brought to the world, and I will definitely go to listen to it.


Although the performance has ended, the interview after the performance still attracted many people.

Many audiences in Europe, America and China are also extremely excited at the moment. Just now, many people were immersed in the shocking performance and had no time to speak. At this moment, they burst out in an instant. The screens on the social platforms of various countries in the world are full of appreciation for this work and Review of the show.

The popularity was unprecedented, surpassing Wang Qian's world-shaking rock performance at the World Championships.

I never thought that the symphony could be so beautiful and shocking. I had heard the live performance of the symphony orchestra before, and I almost fell asleep. However, this Shenzhou symphony kept me in the middle of the excitement. I really want to Listen to it again right away, when is the replay? Hurry up.

Obviously not talking big, this symphony is enough to make Professor Wang rank second in history, directly catching up with Gan Feisi, who is number one in history. I think that even the most classic works of Gan Fei Si do not have this one. Great work.

For the first time to create a symphony, it can be so wonderful. Is Professor Wang the incarnation of God? I can't imagine what a genius this is.

Come on and play in Los Angeles, I must see a live performance.

Whether Wang Qian is the second music giant in history, I don't know. However, he must be the number one music genius in history. His talent is beyond anyone else, unparalleled.

This symphony is so good that I forget everything when I listen to it.

On the same day, he proved his status as a music giant in two ways. For this alone, Professor Wang is enough to rank second in history. Because this is something no one can do, only he has done it. Later It's impossible for anyone to do it...

Why did I cry? Because, I am from China!

I almost cried when I heard it. I really want to see the historical picture of the entire Chinese state. The Chinese nation has suffered many disasters for thousands of years, but it has always been tenacious. This is something no other nation has been able to do. ...According to historical experience, we will surely recover, unstoppable.

Professor Wang is my idol in this life.

Whoever dares to slander Professor Wang a little bit in the future, I will slander him for the rest of his life...

Professor Wang will be exempt from crime for life, who is in favor and who is against?

Seeing the appearance of the little days in the island country, I want to laugh, as if I am running away...

Professor Wang, when will the orchestra tour in China? It's the first time I want to see a symphony orchestra. I'm crazy.

Yes, I am a person who has never been interested in classical music, and now I want to go to a symphony orchestra's performance...


And Wang Qian, at the moment, is busy taking photos with some people in the background.

The performance is over, and today's day of great historical significance is coming to an end.

Wang Qian has also achieved success and fame completely. There is no one to stop the future road. Where he can go depends entirely on his own ideas. Others will no longer be able to stop and influence him.

Therefore, many people want to take a group photo with Wang Qian today.

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