Debut After Eight Years

600. The World Music Art Center will be transferred because of him! (seeking subscription)

Yang Yin's course was delayed by another week from the time Wang Qian originally set!

the reason is simple.

It is the practice of the symphony that takes more time.

It is already crazy to have a brand new symphony performed in front of the whole world in just over a week.

No famous orchestra in history dared to do such a thing.

The growth of every well-known top-level orchestra requires repeated successful performances to build its foundation and eventually become a world-renowned orchestra.

However, no matter how profound the historical background is, I dare not make a single mistake in front of the whole world.

Once a performance fails, most of the reputation built over the years may be destroyed, and it may even be completely destroyed.

There are many such examples in the history of European music.

When every orchestra wants to perform in front of the whole world, it takes a long time to prepare. Even if every piece of music is already familiar, it still needs to go through several months of rehearsal and practice.

If it is a brand new song, it may take half a year or even a year to prepare for a small-scale public performance, and then it will gradually open to the world for a large-scale public performance to ensure that the performance can be successfully concluded and continue to continue their fame and heritage. Take it to the next level.

Like Wang Qian, who only rehearsed for less than ten days and was about to face the world's performance, which is unique in history.

And this matter has long been no secret.

It has been spread all over the world.

It was not a shocking thing for them that Wang Qian created a symphony. After all, Wang Qian had been proving how incredible a musical genius he was. It was only a matter of time before he created a symphony.


Many people in Europe and the United States are disgusted by this. Some people reported that Wang Qian wanted to use this symphony to prove the master of music, and launched a charge against the first master musician in European and American music history, Gan Feisi.

In the eyes of many of their music artists, this is extremely overreaching and outrageous.

Wang Qian wants to surpass Gan Feisi, doesn't it mean that the Chinese music art world will surpass their European and American music art fields?

Then how can they have enough sense of superiority when facing Chinese music artists in the future?

This is the core reason why many European and American music artists dislike Wang Qian!

Early in the morning!

Hundreds of thousands of mainstream media from all over China and all over the world gathered at the entrance of Yangyin.

This place is managed and controlled. Every media that comes here has been reviewed, and those without certain qualifications cannot get in. Therefore, those who can get in are basically mainstream media with some reputation and background.

If you let it go, I am afraid that the media alone will not be able to stand on the road of Yangyin. It is not surprising that there are thousands of media.

All the hotels near Yangyin were already full a week ago, and the hotels with a radius of tens of kilometers were also full one after another.

Even several colleges and universities near Yangyin have been temporarily requisitioned, and some student dormitories and staff apartments have been vacated for those in need to live temporarily.

for a while...

The capital seems to have returned to the time when the World Olympics was held in 2008. It became the focus of world attention, attracting many people from all over the world to travel, and the entire capital was almost full.

And now, it's just because Wang Qian wants to give a music lesson here and play a symphony here!

A car drove into the gate of Yangyin from the outside, and the media from all walks of life just squatted at the gate to take these pictures, not daring to stop the car and force the interview.

Here, it is Huaxia, and it is the capital.

In Europe and the United States, in the face of all kinds of political leaders and big-name celebrities, the media dares to be unrestrained at will, but here it is quiet and very disciplined.


Some people who walk over, they will not let go.

After all, there are many people who are qualified to attend the lectures in the nearby hotel, some are big-name musicians, some are teachers and students from famous European and American music schools, some are world-renowned rich people and so on!

Diana also brought an interview team to record what happened here in person. At the same time, there are two sets of filming teams inside that are simultaneously filming the scenes that happened in the Yangyin campus. They will be included in the material library at that time, and will be used as Wang Qian’s documentary in the future. material.

Of course, it will be released simultaneously in a few days to continue building momentum for this documentary series.

Diana saw a middle-aged man with a serious face and strict clothes, stepped forward to interview and said, Hello, you are an artist at first glance. Can I ask you a few questions?

The middle-aged man didn't stop, and said calmly, Ask.

Diana recognized that the other party was German, and immediately asked, Where are you from? Are you a music artist?

The middle-aged man said softly, Professor at the Birmingham Conservatory of Music.

German, went to the English Academy of Music as a professor?

All right!

This is also more European.

Diana continued to ask: Are you here on behalf of the Birmingham Conservatory of Music?

The middle-aged man nodded: Yes, to be honest, I may not be qualified to be invited personally!

Diana: So what do you expect from this class? Do you like Professor Wang's work?

The middle-aged man stopped and said seriously: He is a true musical genius. I have studied every piece of his music in detail. The Nocturne series is my favorite work. If he continues to focus on For the Nocturne series, I think he will have great achievements in the future.

However, it is obvious that he may have been blinded by some of the hype recently. It is very stupid to turn to the symphony and want to challenge Gan Feisi's position!

He is still young, and he still has a few decades to surpass Gan Feisi. There is no need to be so anxious. He should develop steadily. If he wants to create a symphony, he can try it out, not all at once on such an important occasion. Put on a public performance!

Historically, no one has been so successful.

The middle-aged man obviously learned a lot of information recently, and also had a lot of dissatisfaction with Wang Qian, so he talked a lot at once, expressing his thoughts.

Diana smiled and said, Professor, what's your name? This interview of yours may be seen by Professor Wang. He may respond to you.

The middle-aged man frowned slightly, looked at the camera, and said frankly: Dax, Professor Dax, I teach violin. I really like the violin he played in Curtis, and I look forward to it. He played this violin piece today. But, the symphony, I'm not really looking forward to it, just hope it doesn't turn into a disaster.

Diana looked at Professor Dax and said, Okay, thank you for the interview.

Professor Dax nodded, didn't say any more, turned around and left. Immediately, the media entangled him again. After he told Diana everything he wanted to say, he lost interest in continuing the interview. Silently walked all the way into the door of Yangyin.

Diana saw a middle-aged Chinese man walking in front of him. He had an extraordinary temperament at first glance, and asked again, Hi, can I interview you?

Diana spoke in a relatively broken Chinese that she had only recently learned.

She just learned a few common expressions.

Fortunately, the crew invited an accompanying interpreter.

The middle-aged man thought for a while, stopped and said to the camera: Of course.

Diana handed over the microphone to another Chinese hostess to act as an interpreter, and she asked in English next to her, Which school are you from? Your temperament is not ordinary.

The middle-aged man kept smiling and replied in English: Actually, you can interview in English. I am now a piano professor at Central Music and graduated from the Paris Conservatoire. You can call me Professor Liu.

Graduated from the Paris Conservatory of Music, and served as a professor of the piano department at Central Music?

This is the right person.

Diana breathed a sigh of relief, and asked, Professor Liu, I interviewed several European and American music artists, and they were not optimistic about Professor Wang's public performance of the symphony. What do you think?

Professor Liu thought about it for a while and said: That's because they are still using their inherent common sense to look at Professor Wang. It cannot be said that they are wrong, but their thinking is still relatively old! Professor Wang surpassed any other in European history. A super genius of a music master who cannot use any common sense to understand Professor Wang's actions.

Even if Professor Wang has only prepared for less than ten days, he will perform in public. It is still at the time when he releases the final chapter of the Nocturne series, he is taking a huge risk.

However, as long as it is what Professor Wang is going to do, I think there is a great possibility of success.

Also, I had the honor to go to the scene to watch Professor Wang's rehearsal of the symphony two days ago.

Diana's eyes lit up all of a sudden.

Naturally, she is also qualified to go to the rehearsal site of the symphony to record materials, but she only has about half an hour a day, and it is almost all rest time. Only occasionally, she can see the end of the rehearsal, but she can't hear the complete song at all, and she can't listen to it. I don't know how it works.

It's just that the performers of those national orchestras are very excited.

However, they are not yet qualified to interview the performers of the National Orchestra, so as not to disturb their performance status, they can only conduct large-scale interviews after the performance is over.


Professor Liu was able to watch the performance live. Diana suddenly became interested and asked, How does Professor Liu evaluate Professor Wang's symphony?

Professor Liu’s eyes were also full of excitement, excitement and anticipation, and he said with a smile: “My evaluation is that it is unparalleled and surpasses everything. The era of European and American domination of music art is coming to an end.”

This evaluation is too high.

The interviewers of the program group were a little shocked when they heard it, and the other media reporters around who joined in the fun were also shocked, and hurriedly recorded it. This is the media's favorite hype material, and it will get traffic if it is released.

Diana quickly asked: Such a high evaluation? Just this symphony, can it end the era of music art dominated by Europe and the United States?

Professor Liu shook his head: This piece of music is of course not enough. However, this piece of music can represent that Professor Wang has such an ability, and has the ability to do it in his lifetime. I have heard two complete performances, which brought me Great shock. This is the most powerful symphony performance I've ever heard.

I have listened to the historically famous symphony classics performed by all the top orchestras in Europe and America, including the masterpieces of Gamphis and other masters. However, in my opinion, compared with Professor Wang's work, it is one lower Or several grades!

From this, I can be sure that as long as Professor Wang is willing, he will dominate the center of world music art.

Where he is, the art of world music is there!


Dozens of media have already gathered around, surrounded Professor Liu tightly, and completely recorded what he said. Many media reporters gasped in shock.

A European reporter couldn't help raising objections: That's just your own feelings, right? You are from Huaxia, or a professor of Yang Yin, your subjective feelings can't explain anything!

Another European reporter also said: Yes, that is just your subjective feeling, just like bragging. Gan Feisi's works are the greatest works in the history of music, creating the core of music art. It is possible to surpass...Professor Wang Qian is a genius, but he cannot surpass Gan Feisi.

A music artist from Europe said angrily: Nonsense! Even if he succeeded in this symphony, how could he lead the transfer of world music art by himself? That is impossible, no one can do it...


Many other journalists from Europe and the United States have spoken to refute.

Professor Liu shrugged. He has paid attention to the situation of foreign public opinion in the past few days, so it is not surprising.

He knew that foreign countries were not very optimistic about Wang Qian's symphony.

Rational analysis of some things is not optimistic, most of them are pure resistance. I don’t want Wang Qian to be too successful all of a sudden, and I don’t want Wang Qian to become a true music master in the Nocturne series and symphony double lines, let alone Wang Qian Beyond Gamphis!

Facing the opposition and accusations from many people around him, Professor Liu was relaxed and indifferent. He even smiled and said to Diana: Then we will wait and see!

After speaking, he pushed through the crowd and left.

Some media reporters around and several European and American music artists are still refuting and criticizing Professor Liu's words.

I am a professor at the Vienna Conservatory of Music. He is not worthy of graduating from the Paris Conservatory of Music. He does not understand the greatness of Gan Feisi at all, otherwise he would not be able to say such nonsense.


Of course Sophie also came to Yangyin.

However, she did not come in the name of an individual, but Yang Yin who came with the delegation of Moyin!

Then, early in the morning.

She came to visit Wang Qian's residence.

Wang Qian also got up early. Recently, his work and rest schedule is very regular. He goes to bed early and gets up early, and focuses on music. It seems very busy, but it is very simple and easy for him.

Of course, the main reason is that no matter who the performance team of Butterfly Lovers or the symphony is second to none in China, their strength and experience are top-notch in the world.

Therefore, he only needs to control the general direction, and basically there will be no problems.

Everyone who participated put out 12 points of energy and concentration to practice playing.

Nobody wants to make a mistake in front of the whole world!

He just got up and sat down in the living room, looked at Qin Xuerong who was making breakfast in the kitchen, when there was a knock on the door.

Who is here so early?

Is it Jiang Yu?

Or Juliet, Murong Yue?

Wang Qian stood up and opened the door.

The figure standing at the door surprised him.

Sophie was wearing simple casual clothes, with a hat on her head, and her hair covered half of her face. Seeing Wang Qian's surprised eyes, she smiled triumphantly, stretched out her hand and said, Hi, Professor Wang, I'm a devil. Professor of Music and Piano, Sophie!

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