Debut After Eight Years

568. The rapid development of Qianqian Anthology and the terrorist influence of the Three Kingdoms.

Chen Yang and Wu Jun, as the helmsmen of the Wenwen Group under Goose Factory, have been living in fear for the past two months.

They are afraid that when they wake up one day, Qianqian Anthology will suddenly explode again, dragging their online literature group down from the leading position in the industry, and hitting Goose Factory's big entertainment industry plan again...

Unlike popular music platforms that take off.

It is difficult to derive pop music, it is nothing more than a song to attract fans.

However, as the source of content, Wangwen Group is extremely important to the entertainment strategy of the entire Goose Factory.

Wangwen Group creates popular works, and then sells its copyright to the production company under Goose Factory, shoots them into web dramas or makes them into comics and animations, etc., and then broadcasts them on the video platform under Goose Factory, or develops them into games in Goose Factory. The game platform under the factory was launched.

Such an industrial chain can gather a lot of users, and can also harvest the wallets of many viewers and game fans.

Several major Internet giants have implemented entertainment strategic plans.

However, so far, only the goose factory has succeeded. The other giants have spent a lot of money.

Only Goose Factory's big entertainment strategy is extremely successful, almost dominating half of the domestic entertainment industry!

One of its cores is the web group that controls the source of the content, as well as its extremely powerful ability to gather fans!

Although the annual output value of Wangwen Group itself is not much, less than 10 billion, which is not worth mentioning compared to the annual output value of the entire Goose Factory, but a series of values ​​derived from its content development are extremely huge.

When Wangwen Group has always been the leader in the industry, attracting most of the high-quality web writers in the industry, and continuously producing high-quality content, Goose Factory doesn’t care much about it, allowing it to develop freely and squeeze its subsidiaries as much as possible Author, reap more profits.

Anyway, in the field of peers, there is really no one who can threaten the status and attractiveness of Wangwen Group.


When Qianqian Anthology suddenly rose to threaten the leading position of the Internet Literature Group in the industry, when many high-quality Internet writers in the industry went to Qianqian Anthology to succeed.

The content source of the Wangwen Group has become extremely important, and many high-quality authors under the Wangwen Group have become extremely important.


Recently, the Wangwen Group has continuously increased the welfare income of the authors, and Goose Factory has also spared no effort to attract traffic to the Wangwen Group, increasing the flow of the Wangwen Group as much as possible, and also increasing the income of authors in disguise, so as to stabilize its authors Resist the temptation from thousands of anthologies.

As soon as I heard that the Three Kingdoms has been updated.

It wasn't just Chen Yang and Wu Jun, the two helmsmen of the Internet Literature Group, who were shocked and watched quickly.

Many people in the literary and online literature industry have entered Qianqian Anthology and began to look at the latest updates of the Three Kingdoms.

In a group of great internet writers, it was extremely lively right now.

Professor Wang's Three Kingdoms has been updated, have you seen it?

I see it, I'm already reading it. It's incredible, it's very coherent with the previous article, and I can't see any difference at all. I can't tell that it was continued after two months...

Yes, not to mention this kind of half-literal and half-white historical romance that is extremely difficult to write, even if we write our little white novel after two months, the feeling will be different.

It can only be said that a genius is a genius, and Professor Wang is awesome.

By the way, Tianfeng, you jumped to Qianqian Anthology, how is the new book on the shelves?

Hey, it was just launched the day before yesterday, and the subscription has already exceeded one million. It is more than twice as high as my previous website in Wangwen Group. Now Qianqian Anthology has more readers and fewer books to read. If you want to develop better , might as well try it.

The group fell silent for an instant, and all the gods who were usually diving jumped out one after another.

This Internet author named Tianfeng, they have known each other for many years. The Internet Literature Group under the Goose Factory was considered a famous author with an annual income of tens of millions.

And a month ago, Tianfeng switched to Qianqian Anthology, which caused quite a stir in the group.

Because, he is one of the few great writers who quit jobs.

Many people are waiting to see the results of Tianfeng's first book on the shelves of Qianqian Anthology.

If the grades are very good, then other great authors may be ready to move.

After all, who doesn't want better development? Who doesn't want to make more money?

It's just that there was no better place to go before. The Wenwen Group under Goose Factory is already the best and most stable webwen platform, with relatively large traffic and relatively high payment rate.

If there is one more place to go, they will have more choices in the future, which will be more beneficial to long-term development.

Not to mention anything else, just under the pressure of Qianqian Anthology, the new contract they signed is even more generous.

After the group was quiet for a moment, it immediately became more lively.

I'm so stupid, boss Tianfeng, you have proved the Supreme Dao in one fell swoop! Is it normal to have a million subscriptions at the beginning, and how many times will it be multiplied later?

Tianfeng, can you recommend your editor?

Tianfeng, are you strongly recommended by Qianqianjing for your grades?

Master Tianfeng, have you met Professor Wang?


Tianfeng said quickly: I haven't met Professor Wang, but our editor said that Professor Wang may come to the annual meeting of the great gods. Well, let's not talk about it, I will first look at Professor Wang's Three Kingdoms, and then think about tomorrow Updates from...

After speaking, Tianfeng quickly disappeared.

But the group was not peaceful at all, and the excitement continued.

Many powerful authors and masters who usually dive have jumped out one after another.

Qianqian Anthology seems like a good place to go. The editor asked me to sign a new contract yesterday. I was hesitating. Now, I want to try Qianqian Anthology.

I also want to try it. Last week, an editor of Qianqian Anthology asked me if I would go. Now they are short of good books. As long as the work is good, they will strongly recommend it. I will send it tomorrow. Go ahead and try...

Wow, if there is a chance to meet Professor Wang, then I will definitely go and try to attend the annual meeting to meet Professor Wang.

That's right, if you can meet Professor Wang and get Professor Wang's signature, then you will make a lot of money. I will submit the manuscript tomorrow.

By the way, who knows how many subscriptions Professor Wang's Three Kingdoms has? It was said that the average subscription reached tens of millions? This is really a god-like data.

It can only be said that Professor Wang is really awesome, no matter what he does, he can be number one in the world.


As a well-known group of gods in the industry, there are naturally many editors from various websites in the industry, hiding in them to collect information.

Seeing that many great authors wanted to go to Qianqian Anthology, the editors immediately reported the news.

Chen Yang and Wu Jun were reading the latest chapter of the Three Kingdoms, and they were engrossed in it when the phone rang suddenly.

The two didn't want to answer the phone at first, they wanted to finish this paragraph in one go.

However, seeing that the call was from the two editors-in-chief, he paused his thinking about watching the Three Kingdoms, picked up the phone and connected.

And the two chief editors naturally reported the news in the group of gods to the two group bosses.

Mr. Chen, the situation is not optimistic. Recently, there may be many great writers and powerful writers who will switch to Qianqian Anthology. The new contracts we issued to them have already improved their salaries, but at least one-third of them are still waiting and watching. If there is no contract, most of these people may leave.


Mr. Wu, the recent batch of new books in Qianqian Anthology has exploded. Maybe many powerful authors under our banner will pass. Should we continue to take action to retain people?


After the two received the news, they suddenly lost their minds to continue watching The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and called people to the conference room for a meeting to study Ru and deal with the aggressiveness of Qianqian's anthology.

Chen Yang, as the general manager of the group, first said: Professor Wang Qian came back from North America. I thought he would go all out to make a new album after giving lectures in the capital. After all, he has been focusing on music recently. Unexpectedly, He actually updated Romance of the Three Kingdoms first.

This time, Qianqian Anthology will become the focus again. Tell me, how many authors under your command will quit!

Several editor-in-chiefs looked at each other and began to report.

On my side, there may be more than 30 powerful authors who have switched jobs, and they have rejected the new contract.

Only three editors from my side left, and they were poached by Qianqian Anthology. Even with them, they took away many powerful authors, and lost about forty or so authors.

I also left an old editor under my command, and took away about 20 authors, and a dozen swinging ones.


After several people reported, both Chen Yang and Wu Jun looked solemn.

The situation is not optimistic.

Although they claim to have millions of authors under their banner, they are bluffing people. They include many who have only written a few words and never been published again. Many of them just wrote a little for fun. , and some are the vests of authors from all walks of life. They also wrote a little thing and never posted it again.

There are only about 1,000 authors who are truly capable of stably outputting text, and now one-tenth of them have switched jobs, and one-third of them are vacillating.

This almost shakes their foundation.

Wu Jun, the deputy general manager, immediately said: Stabilize people's hearts first, hold a few events, and the winners will be recommended by the whole platform of Goose Factory.

Chen Yang also nodded and said: That's right, we have applied to the headquarters of the Goose Factory. There are a total of five opportunities for full-platform recommendation, each of which is worth tens of millions. We must make good use of it and create five great gods. Increasing the attractiveness of our platform to authors...

Several editors immediately began to discuss how to plan this event.

After discussing with Wu Jun, Chen Yang and Wu Jun left Wu Jun to continue to chair the meeting. Chen Yang left the group headquarters and booked a plane ticket to Pengcheng. resources to cope with the pressure of thousands of anthologies.

After all, Goose Factory does not want Wangwen Group to become the next take-off platform.

Therefore, it is foreseeable that in the future, the Wangwen Group will receive greater support from resources...


the capital.

In a courtyard.

Xue Zhenguo was chatting with several elders.

One of the old men said: Zhen Guo, Wang Qian has already accepted your invitation?

Xue Zhenguo nodded and said, Yes, Wang Qian has promised to give a lecture at our school next time he comes to the capital. However, we cannot interfere with the content of the lecture.

Another old man nodded: With his strength and talent, he does have the qualifications. He has already left a lot of traces in Zhejiang University and Double Star, and our schools in the capital can't lag behind for too long.

Xue Zhenguo said softly: I heard that the Calligraphy Association has included Professor Wang's calligraphy fonts into the recognized calligraphy of Chinese culture.

An old man nodded: Yes, Li Xiyan and Tao Zhishan strongly recommended it. I heard that Li Xiyan has entered the realm of masters in Wang Qian's calligraphy.

Several people were amazed when they heard it.

At present, there are not many calligraphy masters in China, there are several in the north and the south, and the sum of them does not exceed the number of hands.

But these calligraphers of the older generation all became masters of calligraphy decades ago, and the youngest one also became a master of calligraphy more than ten or twenty years ago.

In the past twenty years, there has not been a new calligrapher.

Because there are many, many fewer people learning calligraphy than before, and fewer people are interested, the probability of birthing a master of calligraphy is of course reduced.

As for Li Xiyan, the only new calligrapher born recently is still practicing new calligraphic fonts.

Of course, this did not count Wang Qian.

Because the official recognition of Wang Qian's status as a calligrapher is tantamount to recognizing Wang Qian's achievements in the field of calligraphy.

Therefore, Wang Qian's status is already higher than that of calligraphy masters. He is the calligraphy master who founded the school, and the existence of the founder of the calligraphy school. on a par.

However, if it continues to develop, hundreds of years later, Wang Qian's status in the field of calligraphy must be among the few calligraphy masters in history.


There was a light knock on the door.

Several people looked over.

I saw Xueman gently pushed the door and walked in, met a few pairs of eyes, and said softly: Dad, grandpas, Professor Wang's Romance of the Three Kingdoms has been updated, haven't you been urging Professor Wang to update it soon? ? Just now he updated three cards at a time, let me let you know.

When Xue Zhenguo and the elders heard this, they were all excited for a moment.

Xue Zhenguo: The Romance of the Three Kingdoms has been updated? Professor Wang updated it just now?

Some people still don't believe it.

After all, they all knew how busy Wang Qian was before and how busy Wang Qian would be in the future.

Under such a busy situation, how can I have the mind and time to conceive and write such a magnificent and complicated historical romance as the Romance of the Three Kingdoms?

Xueman nodded affirmatively: Well, it's really updated. I've already read a chapter, and it's as wonderful as before. Professor Wang is really an invincible genius.

An old man couldn't wait to say: Oh, girl Xue Man, then you can read it to us now. I don't wear glasses, so I can't see clearly on my phone.

Another old man also said: Girl, please read it to us. This book is the most unforgettable book I have ever read in my life. It is very well written. Every character has its own characteristics. I won’t forget it after reading it. I thought I might never see the ending in this life, but I didn’t expect Wang Qian to update it, so please read it to us.”

Xueman felt helpless when she heard this, she knew she would not come to notify, but now she seems to have trapped herself.

Regardless of his daughter's reluctance, Xue Zhenguo said directly, Xue Man, then come over and read the latest chapter of the Three Kingdoms to the grandpas...

Xueman forced a smile: Okay, then I'll read it to you. I'm not that professional, grandpas, don't be offended...

Several old men couldn't wait any longer, and expressed that they didn't mind.

Read it quickly, it's okay.

Don't mind, as long as you can understand.

hurry up……

Xueman immediately began to recite from the latest chapter.


And after Wang Qian updated the latest three chapters, he looked at the accumulated data of the background for two months, looked sideways in surprise, and refreshed the subscription data of the latest chapter, and was even more shocked...

After two months, it's still terrifying?

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