Debut After Eight Years

558. Super Personal Documentary! Next stop on the road to enlightenment? (seeking subscription)

Max brought Wang Qian, Qin Xuerong, and Qin Xuehong to the back lounge.

At this time, the live broadcast of the program group has ended, and some follow-up tidbits are being recorded, such as the signing process of Wang Qian, and interviews with some celebrity artists on the spot, etc.!

Evan, the director of the program group, was waiting for Wang Qian in the lounge with his assistant director Diana.

Max said softly: Director Evan said that their TV station wants to have a long-term cooperation with you, you should think about it yourself! Wang Qian nodded, thanked Max, patted Max on the shoulder and walked in .

Max didn't go in, turned around and left to deal with the school's affairs. Now the Juilliard School is still gathering top music artists from all over the world, as well as top celebrities and rich people in many other fields. It is the busiest time, Max. As the head of the piano department, he needs to communicate with everyone on the spot.

Wang Qian walked in together with Qin Xuerong and Qin Xuehong

Evan stood up immediately and respectfully stretched out his hand to Wang Qian: Hi, Professor, I'm very glad to have a few words with you face to face. Diana also stood up and smiled and nodded to Wang Qian, looking at Qin Xuerong and Qin Xuehong sisters Two glances.

Wang Qian and Evan shook hands lightly, and showed Diana an apologetic smile. They sat down first, and said casually, let's sit down and talk. We have already booked the plane ticket back to China, and there is not much time. So, Mr. Evan, Diana, you better get to the bottom of it quickly.

Both Qin Xuerong and Qin Xuehong watched the two of them carefully, acting as Wang Qian's advisers and witnesses.

Evan didn't talk nonsense, and went directly to the topic, saying: Professor, the number of viewers of your live lecture today has reached 3.5 billion people around the world! To be honest, this shocked me very much. This is what I have done in my life Most Viewed Program

Your charm in the whole world is unstoppable.'

Wang Qian smiled slightly: Thank you.

Qin Xuerong and Qin Xuehong also sat upright, listening carefully to Evan's next words.

Evan continued to say seriously: We in Taili have decided to spend huge sums of money on long-term strategic cooperation with you.

Wang Qian also had a serious face, seeing that Evan didn't speak, he signaled to continue talking.

Evan felt a little passive, and continued immediately: We want to make a documentary recording your entire life starting from your participation in the World Championship. We will broadcast all your public activities live! And all our recorded images, we will Can be edited and played at will

Wang Qian immediately shook his head: It's impossible! You recorded all the works I performed, so you can edit my works and play them separately? This is impossible

Evan froze for a moment, and hurriedly remedied: Of course, this is definitely impossible. We will not play any of the works in full in the documentary unless we have your authorization.

Qin Xuerong said in a timely manner: Mr. Evan, I don't know how much authorization you have obtained from the TV station? Can you negotiate on behalf of the TV station?

Evan looked at Qin Xuerong and shook his head: Of course I didn't fully authorize it. I just asked the professor's cooperation intention in advance. This is a long-term and huge cooperation. If the professor has the cooperation intention, there will be a professional team to come to you later. Negotiate all details.

After all, our plan is to record the life of the professor, and our cooperation may last for decades. Therefore, we should try our best to discuss all the details of cooperation in advance to avoid conflicts in the future, which will delay the cooperation. It will be no small loss to you and to us.

Qin Xuerong didn't speak any more, but looked at Wang Qian, now asking Wang Qian to make up his mind

Wang Qian thought about it carefully, and said: Our Huaxia TV station has already started to produce an art life program and started to record some of my performances.'

Evan said to you: This is not contradictory, they can broadcast in China. We broadcast it in other places outside of China. We can discuss this with China TV and draw up a contract.'

Wang Qian nodded: I agree to this cooperation in principle, it depends on your sincerity.

Now that someone is shooting a documentary for him, Wang Qian is a little proud and looking forward to it.

Of course, this is actually the usual treatment of the world's top celebrities!

Those European and American superstars, actors, singers, and even directors all have a professional team shooting their documentaries so that they can sell the rights in the future and show them to fans or interested people.

As for the world's top star athletes, autobiographical documentaries are even more essential.

Many basketball and football stars, when they just joined the professional team under the aura of genius, the team has already started to follow them. When they retire, they will broadcast it, which can not only promote themselves, but also promote the professional league. Improve the image of professional leagues.

However, in the field of art, such things are relatively rare.

The reason is very simple, only one point!

That is, artists have too few fans.

No market, no money.

In the eyes of the capitalists, the reason is so obvious.

If you don't do something, it must be because you don't have enough benefits.

If the interests are enough, they are willing to do anything.

And Wang Qian's popularity all over the world, as well as his mainland celebrity status in the field of art, all represent huge interests.

There are so many famous performances, as well as the world-sensing music and art lectures, which are enough to attract worldwide attention when it is broadcast in the future!

Therefore, Wang Qian's documentary will definitely attract the hearts of all major TV stations and production companies in Europe and America.

The problem now is that!

Who can offer the right price.

Evan is not a person who is good at negotiating, but he just relayed the conditions initially formulated by the station, and said softly: We will set the price according to the number of live broadcasts taught by you, and the specific price will be determined according to the ratings. A world live broadcast is worth 100 yuan per two hours. 100 million to 500 million U.S. dollars. For example, today’s live broadcast is worth 500 million U.S. dollars. The details can be negotiated! The first overall copyright signing fee, we are willing to give a one-time one billion U.S. dollars!'

You are still young, and the time ahead is still very long. Just by broadcasting live broadcasts around the world, you may be able to earn a huge fortune of tens of billions of dollars in your lifetime.

The future live broadcasts may not be as popular as today's lecture live broadcasts. After all, Wang Qian still carries the prestige of the world champion, and has a lot of popularity bonuses, so the live broadcasts are quite popular, and the value is naturally vain. Taller.

According to Evan's calculations, it is no problem for Wang Qian to earn an average of two to three hundred million U.S. dollars per live broadcast in the future.

There are still decades in my life, so two or three live broadcasts a year are not many, right?

Isn't this the income of at least 10 to 20 billion U.S. dollars?

Moreover, it is a long-term and stable income.

As long as Wang Qian is willing to live broadcast in front of the whole world, he will have a guaranteed income of 100 million US dollars.

With the vision of Evan who has been in the TV industry for many years, it is also the first time he has seen such a huge contract, and the object is only a

The live broadcast contracts of several major sports leagues cost tens of billions of dollars each time. That’s not surprising, because the top professional sports leagues have dozens of teams and hundreds of star athletes. The value of so many people is naturally huge!

But now, they just want to sign Wang Qian alone, and they have to pay tens of billions of dollars in wealth!

This is indeed crazy.

If Evan hadn't personally hosted the live broadcast just now and checked with his own eyes that all the data is true and correct, he would not have dared to speak out about such a terrible contract in person.


He looked at Wang Qian, and found that Wang Qian looked extremely calm when he heard the words and numbers he said, and there was even a little disappointment in his eyes? Evan froze for a moment, then looked at Diana, who was also very calm, as if There are no surprises about the contract either. He looked at Qin Xuerong and Qin Xuehong next to Wang Qian, and saw that these two Chinese beauties seemed very calm, as if there was nothing strange about the huge wealth of tens of billions of dollars?

Evan shouted in his heart: Is wealth in the order of tens of billions of dollars already so common?

Wang Qian was indeed slightly disappointed.

During the World Championship, he could earn tens of billions of dollars in just one or two months!

Then, it takes a lifetime to earn tens of billions of dollars, which seems very small.

Seeing that Wang Qian was silent, Qin Xuerong said, Mr. Evan, to be honest, I don't see your sincerity. Take today's live broadcast as an example. The program you watch for 3.5 billion people around the world is priced at 500 million U.S. dollars. , I think this is too cheap. In fact, this live broadcast, you have already made a lot of money.

But this has not been discussed with us in advance, you just obtained the authorization of the college. After the live broadcast, you will not be authorized by us for the video of this lecture, unless you delete all the footage of Wang Qian

Let's talk about the long-term cooperation you proposed!

Let me finalize a basis for cooperation. If you agree, we can discuss the details of the cooperation. How about it?

Evan felt the huge pressure from Qin Xuerong, and thought that the video copyright of this live lecture did not belong to the TV station, and his heart ached for a while.

However, he couldn't refute it.

Because they did not obtain Wang Qian's authorization in advance, and Wang Qian has the right to prevent them from broadcasting any scenes and voices of Wang Qian at any time.

This made him and the TV station very passive.

Evan looked at Diana, hoping that Diana could help to say something, but Diana just sat there, watching Wang Qian and Qin Xuerong quietly, which made him very helpless, and he did not dare to offend the young lady , I could only bite the bullet and look at Qin Xuerong and said: You said, I can pass it on to the TV station and the group headquarters above.'

Qin Xuerong nodded, raised a finger, and said: First of all, first. We will not completely sell the copyright. We must enjoy at least half of the copyright, and all related benefits of this half of the copyright, until the copyright protection expires. .


Just this first condition made Evan gasp, thinking that this is really a big mouth for a lion.

Even Diana, who had been very quiet all this time, looked at Qin Xuerong with a little surprise when she heard this condition.

Facing the world's largest commercial TV station under the world's largest media group, he opened his mouth so loudly, which shows that Qin Xuerong is full of confidence.

Qin Xuerong didn't care about the expressions of Evan and Diana, and continued: Second, everything is dominated by Wang Qian, and your program team and contract must not have any restrictions or interference on any of Wang Qian's life affairs. All details are based on Wang Qian's idea.'

Evan nodded hurriedly and agreed: Of course there is no problem with this one. We are just recording, not leading! We will not force Professor Wang to do anything he does not want to do.

Qin Xuerong hummed and said: Third, although you are broadcasting in Europe and the United States, after the recording is completed, there must be Chinese and English subtitles on the screen!'

Chinese and English subtitles?

Evan never thought about this, but as a young director, he didn't dare to agree to any request, he just said: I will pass it on, is there any more?

Qin Xuerong continued: In terms of price, your pricing just now was too low. On the basis of the first item, the most suitable price for each live broadcast is between 300 million and 800 million U.S. dollars. The specific price details can be discussed later. Maybe , we don’t need money, but we want half of the total income of each live broadcast. Note that I said total income, not income.'

Evan smiled wryly.

No matter how you look at these conditions, Qin Xuerong is looking for someone to take advantage of to help Wang Qian earn money!

If everyone agrees, most of the profits will be taken away, and the TV station can only get a small part of the profits, and half of this small part of the profits will belong to Wang Qian, because Wang Qian still enjoys half of the copyright


Evan fell silent for a while, not knowing what to say.

From the director's point of view, he would definitely not agree.

However, he knew that from the perspective of the TV station, he could still agree, even if he could only take away a small part of the benefits.

However, if Wang Qian's follow-up live broadcasts can continue to bring super high viewership to the TV station, then these overall additions to the TV station will be incalculable wealth.

Even, even if the program doesn't make money, as long as the ratings are still super high, the TV station can earn more benefits from other programs.

Evan understands how TV works.

At the very least, as long as it can maintain its position as the world's number one commercial TV station, its value is immeasurable. The world's No. 1 viewership and fame have a huge overall contribution to its advertising revenue.

Coincidentally, Qin Xuerong also understood it very well, that's why he dared to charge such an outrageous price.

She believes that as long as Wang Qian's attraction is still there, the TV station will have to agree!

There was a moment of silence in the living room!

Wang Qian didn't speak, and let Qin Xuerong talk.

Qin Xuehong didn't say a word, and let his younger sister do what she could. She was very surprised at Qin Xuerong's growth during this period of time. She was able to speak eloquently in front of the international media giants, and she was a little envious in her heart.

However, she knew that she was not suitable for such a role.

It was quiet for a full minute or so.

Evan stood up and said: I understand your conditions, and I will pass them on to the group. If they agree, I will send a team to discuss the details with you.'

Qin Xuerong nodded: Then you should hurry up, you should know that after Wang Qian returns to China, within a week at most, he will start to give a music art class to the world again, continuing his journey as a music master, I think everyone Many people around the world will be interested.'

If you don't want to miss this class, make a decision fast.

Evan nodded. He didn't want to miss this class either. He knew exactly how much the whole world was looking forward to this class.

After the popularity of this class at Juilliard School all over the world, all those who don't know or are interested in music art have strong expectations for Wang Qian's road to proving the way of a music master, and will continue Pay attention to Wang Qian's follow-up road to enlightenment.

Therefore, the popularity of Wang Qian's follow-up live lectures will still skyrocket all over the world, and the audience will not be low.

Wang Qian stood up and shook hands with Evan and Diana respectively: Then let's go first and wait for your good news.

Diana looked at Wang Qian and whispered: I will convince them!

Wang Qian smiled slightly, nodded to Diana, turned and walked out.

Qin Xuerong and Qin Xuehong also followed.

Evan watched the three of Wang Qian leave, and then said in admiration: Their conditions are too outrageous, but it is such an outrageous condition, I think the probability of the group agreeing is very high.'

Diana nodded in agreement.

As long as it is profitable, capital will not let it go.

Not to mention such a huge benefit.

Wang Qian went out and took everyone back to the hotel to rest.

However, whoever disclosed the news that he was about to leave New York and return to China, immediately set off an upsurge all over the world.

It seems that any news about Wang Qian will attract the attention of the whole world.

Every piece of information and events on him seems to have a special meaning.

And this time he left New York and returned to China, for many people, it does have a special meaning.

This means that Wang Qian has completely ended his trip to North America and returned to his hometown of China with glory and aura.

This also means that the next stop on the road of music master Wang Qian's enlightenment is Huaxia!

Therefore, not only many Chinese people are extremely concerned and looking forward to it.

People in other European and American regions are also very concerned about this.

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