Debut After Eight Years

533. Only I Have the Truth! You learn only the minutiae! (seeking subscription)

The biggest resentment of many music artists who came from famous music schools towards Wang Qian is Wang Qian's background.

It's too ordinary, and it has nothing to do with music.

Before half a year, few people in the world had heard of Wang Qian's name.

In the field of music and art, no one has ever heard of Wang Qian's name.

The family is ordinary, and neither of the parents studied music. Even after several generations of ancestors, no one has studied music.

The learning experience in my life is also very ordinary. Except for the weekly music class at school, I have never taken any other music majors. The major in college is acting?

Just an unknown actor?

In the past six months, he suddenly appeared out of nowhere, shocked the world with music, and conquered the world?

Many big-name singers and powerful musicians in the field of pop music, as well as masters in the field of classical music, etc., are very dissatisfied with Wang Qian.

However, this is what happened.

No matter who is not convinced, these facts cannot be allowed to disappear, nor can Wang Qian, who has many halos, suddenly disappear.

Therefore, in the music field of various countries in the world, the discussion about Wang Qian has never stopped.

The question that Hans Lawson suddenly stood up to ask was just a few questions that he had discussed with several other pianist and violinist friends of the same level in Europe, which appeared in Wang Qian's concentration, that is, One of their biggest doubts.

Hans Lawson sat down after asking, feeling a layer of sweat all over his body, and the shirt inside was wet. When he stood up and faced Wang Qian just now, he was more exhausted than he was giving a violin recital. Wang Qian has more and clearer understanding!

That aura, calmness, and self-confidence are things that Hans Lawson has never seen in anyone else, including the world's top art masters he has seen, as well as many European nobles who have passed on for hundreds of years The family, and the world's top tycoons all seemed inferior under Wang Qian's aura.

Thinking of his doubts, disdain and resistance to Wang Qian, Hans Lawson felt a little ashamed.

Thinking of this, Hans Lawson looked at Wang Qian on the podium again, expecting Wang Qian to answer his question, and his eyes no longer had the previous disdainful and optimistic attitude, only anticipation and respect.

Wang Qian on the podium was not too surprised by these questions.

Because, he has seen many such problems on several major social platforms at home and abroad.

Wang Qian looked at the thousands of eyes full of curiosity and thirst for knowledge in the audience, his face was still calm, looked at Hans Lawson who was sitting down, and asked, Mr. Hans Lawson, what musical instrument do you learn?

Hans Lawson, who had already sat down, did not speak, but just raised the box containing the violin that he carried with him, so that everyone could see his instrument.

Wang Qian already knew it. After all, one of the questions asked by the other party was about the violin. He asked immediately, How long have you been learning the violin? How long did it take you from the very beginning to the time you really mastered the violin?

Hans Lawson thought for a while, stood up and said: I started learning the violin at the age of three, and I could play a complete piece of music in half a year. I joined a small orchestra as a violinist at the age of ten, and entered the Vienna Academy at the age of thirteen. at forty-three, I think I'm still learning!

Many people around heard Hans Lawson's words and applauded softly, which was a compliment to Hans Lawson. Most of the people at the scene had heard his violin solo.

After all, Hans Lawson was also a violin genius.

He started learning at the age of three, and he was able to play a complete piece of music in just half a year, which is definitely a rare genius.

The violin is not like a musical instrument like the piano. Those who learn the piano will be able to play relatively simple pieces very quickly, and those who are talented may be able to play a piece of music in a day.

Getting started with the violin is much more difficult than the piano, and most people may not be able to find the pitch after a few years, let alone play a piece of music.

And Hans Lawson said that he is still learning and needs to improve, maintaining a humble heart.

Wang Qian also clapped his hands gently to express his encouragement to Hans Lawson, and then waited for the applause to subside, and continued: Very good. Then, let me answer your question.

I learned the violin for a year.

Many people at the scene were taken aback when they heard this, and then a trace of disdain flashed in some people's eyes.

It took a year to get started?

This talent is a little ordinary!


Wang Qian said again: It only took a year, and then I put down the violin. Because! This instrument has no surprises for me.


The scene instantly returned to silence.

Everyone stared at Wang Qian with different expressions, some stared wide-eyed, some frowned in thought, some didn't believe it, and some were shocked.

Hans Lawson froze for a second, then shouted in disbelief: Impossible, it's impossible. The Liang Zhu violin piece you played last time, without years of practice and study, it is impossible to play it. That is impossible……

The more he understands and the more advanced the violinist is, the more he does not believe what Wang Qian said.

a year...

How can it be?

When Wang Qian played Liang Zhu in Curtis last time, almost violinists all over the world admired his performance. In terms of expression, it surpassed the top ten violin players.

How could this be possible in a year?

Many others felt that Wang Qian was bragging.

Many of the top art masters in front even frowned, thinking that Wang Qian was insulting the musical art of violin playing.

Max smiled wryly, knowing that Wang Qian might offend someone, and the leaders of the Juilliard School all looked serious and stared at Wang Qian.

Faced with many questioning eyes from the audience, Wang Qian looked at Hans Lawson who was shouting, and said calmly: I know, you may not believe it. But this is the truth. Mr. Hans Lawson, I and You are different. Maybe, I am different from many of the great artists in your field.”

You have been exposed to music and brilliant performance teachers since childhood.

As for me, I have never been exposed to music since I was a child. I only came into contact with music later. I have never been exposed to the art of playing the violin...

For those of you who like the violin, the violin is the whole of musical art and your life.

However, in my opinion, the violin is not the whole of musical art, but just a small branch. You have exhausted everything in this branch from the beginning.

And I, at the beginning, didn't learn any musical instrument. Whether it's the violin or the piano, it's not all I have. What I learn is just the music itself.

Then, starting from the music itself, I went to learn musical instruments one by one.

Then, Wang Qian picked up the chalk and drew a tree on the blackboard. Branches sprouted from the thick trunk, and said loudly: The whole of music art is this tree. I learned the main trunk first, and then To learn one branch at a time. The violin is a branch, the piano is a branch, the trumpet is a branch, and the saxophone is a branch.

Similarly, several Chinese musical instruments, pipa, suona, and guzheng, are also one of the branches.

Each musical instrument is not the whole of music.

Gu Q

It will be very simple for me to develop from the main trunk to the branches. But if you just learn a branch, it will be more difficult...

Wang Qian's words made the audience silent again.

All the music artists present, as well as many celebrities and rich people, as well as many media, all stared at Wang Qian with wide eyes, and were shocked by Wang Qian's words.

It's not that I was shocked by Wang Qian's ability to explain the music very thoroughly.

But shocked at!

Wang Qian placed his position so high.

It was even more shocking that Wang Qian belittled all other music artists.

Is this firing at all music artists around the world?

Offend all the music artists in the audience?

Only I grasp the truth, and you all learn the minutiae?

No music student at the scene would feel comfortable after listening to Wang Qian's words.

Everyone felt as if they were offended.

Even the professors and music masters of the music art delegation from China, such as He Chaohui, were a little unhappy on their faces.

One of the old gentlemen whispered: Professor Wang's words are really super map guns.

Murong Yue's eyes widened, and she said in a low voice: Professor Wang is really awesome. He didn't target anyone, he just said that everyone present is rubbish!

Jiang Yu and He Chaohui waited for Murong Yue to take a look at the same time, telling her to pay attention to what she said.

Murong Yue chuckled, stopped talking, and looked at Wang Qian with admiration and admiration in her eyes.

To be able to say such words in front of artists all over the world is truly the first person in history.

Even the few master musicians in history with eccentric tempers and vicious attitudes would not dare to offend people like this.

Hans Lawson, who had just admired Wang Qian, looked embarrassed at the moment, and immediately said loudly: So, Mr. Wang Qian, how many branches have you learned? What is the main trunk you are talking about? ? Can you show it? I think we'd all love to learn.

Everyone at the scene quickly came to their senses, and stared at Wang Qian with unsightly faces.

Why can he say such a thing?

Who does he think he is?

He doesn't deserve to stand there at all, let him go, I don't want to hear his nonsense there at all.

Can I leave now?

He is just a musician who has become a monk halfway. How can he talk about the entire art of music? What qualifications does he have?


The backstage people of the live program group saw that Wang Qian's words had offended so many people, and they were shocked and happy.

Because, the ratings data skyrocketed again, and the number of viewers directly surpassed more than 800 million people, and it may be over one billion people in a few minutes... reaching their initial minimum expectations.

It is foreseeable that it is absolutely impossible for them to lose money for the live streaming rights they bought at such a huge price. The next step is to see how much they can earn.

Only Diana looked at the TV screen with a calm expression. Facing the resistance of the audience and many whispered abuses, Wang Qian, who was still calm, had a trace of worry in her eyes.


Facing the angry gazes of thousands of viewers and the abuse and resistance of many people talking in low voices, Wang Qian looked at Hanslaus and said, Mr. Hanslaus, and others. I know you I am definitely not happy, but I am also very helpless, this is the fact. As for how many branches I have learned, to be honest, I can’t remember it myself. Because I learn musical instruments because I am interested in it. When the interest comes, I pick it up. Learn a musical instrument for a while, then put it down when you feel bored, and then learn other things.”

And recently, I haven't learned any musical instrument for a year or two.

Because, music has no secrets in front of me.

The audience fell silent again.

Everyone stared at Wang Qian in disbelief. Many people couldn't understand why Wang Qian could say such words with such confidence.

Throughout the history of the world, for thousands of years, who dares to say that music can be studied thoroughly without any secrets?


Not even such a braggart.

Because dare not.

And Wang Qian, now in front of the whole world, in front of thousands of music artists present, said these words very confidently.

As for what you said, what is the main trunk of music and art? Actually, I don't understand it either. Because if you understand it, you understand it. If you don't understand it, then I can't explain it, and you won't understand it either.

In terms of art, when you reach the realm, you will naturally understand it. If you don't reach the realm, it's useless to say anything.

It seems that many people who study music art have serious sectarianism and narrow instrument barriers. The violin looks down on the piano, and the cello looks down on the violin...

Classical music looks down on pop music, and pop music looks down on street music...

In my opinion, these are all part of the art of music, there is no difference, no difference between high and low, and there is no distinction between elegance and vulgarity.

So, I like rock, I like piano, I like ballads, and I like violin...


The atmosphere on the scene exploded instantly.

Max and the leaders of the Juilliard School felt like they were sitting on pins and needles. They all wanted to go up and gag Wang Qian immediately, telling Wang Qian not to talk about these things, but to tell you about your piano piece.

Curtis's Dawson, Hoffman, and Taylor were all worried, worried that Wang Qian would offend music artists all over the world, and if it didn't end well, Wang Qian might be ruined. As the first top school to introduce Wang Qian into the field of European and American music and art, Tice will also suffer a joint impact, and it may be difficult to hit the top three positions in the world's famous music schools in the future.

Hans Lawson's face turned red with anger. Wang Qian's words were obviously saying that he didn't understand music art!

He is a world-renowned violinist who has practiced the violin for forty years. Some people say that he does not understand the art of music!

How can he bear this?

Hans Lawson stood up again to speak.

However, tens of hundreds of people stood up in an instant.

One of the middle-aged people said loudly even faster: Mr. Wang Qian, how do you prove that you are not bragging?

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