Debut After Eight Years

527. How can you not faint when you see Wang Qian? The person with the most cash in the world? (seek

Since Wang Qian participated in the World Championships, he has told all the media people and audiences all over the world with performances that are enough to be recorded in the history of the development of the world's entertainment industry!

A singer can drive people crazy.

How many people can be crazy about a musician!

How many big scenes can a musician create!


Many media at the scene at the entrance of the hotel just calmly recorded the scene and spread it out, that's all, they are too lazy to report and describe it in words.

For Wang Qian, this is not a scene worth writing about.

Wang Qian was really tired today, so he didn't interact with everyone at the door, but just waved to all the fans gathered outside in front of all the media.

Such a simple action once again sparked wild screams from the fans gathered at the scene!

The singing voice grew louder.


Among the fans in the first few rows, there were more than a dozen female fans screaming, their faces flushed with excitement, and then they collapsed straight on the ground under the watchful eyes of many people.

The surrounding media did not quickly switch the camera to record this scene.

A reporter said: Only Wang Qian in the world has done such a thing, which made his fans faint with excitement. This scene has happened many times in Los Angeles. According to the authoritative data released by the program group, Wang Qian During Qian’s performance in Los Angeles, more than 1,100 fans fainted at the scene. Fortunately, all the fans who passed out were not in danger, and they recovered soon after treatment.”

And this scene is now happening in New York. This shows that Wang Qian's charm is not limited to Los Angeles. His charm is himself. As long as he appears anywhere, he can attract fans who are crazy about it. .”

Even if it's New York, the world city.

All the fans who followed Wang Qian's movements on the Internet, as well as the people who eat melons, are more used to seeing this scene.

Many fans are still quite envious, and some rational passers-by say they don't understand.

If I saw Professor Wang Qian at such a close distance at the scene, I would faint with excitement like them. I can't even imagine that Professor Wang Qian standing in front of me in real life must be like seeing God. Feel.

I don't really understand the thoughts and concepts of these groupies. It's just seeing a person. Wang Qian is also a person. He also has two eyes, a nose, a mouth and two ears. What's there to be excited about?

I admit that I also like his works very much. I have downloaded every one of his works, and I like them very much. However, I will not be so obsessed with him, and I will not be crazy about him. He is just a piece of music that I appreciate more It's just people.

You say this because you haven't experienced Professor Wang Qian's live performance. If you have experienced it, you will become his craziest fans. That kind of charm is irresistible to anyone. Many performances Big-name celebrities have become his fans.

New Yorkers, like Los Angeles people, were conquered by Wang Qian...


Seeing this scene, Wang Qian also yelled, Call an ambulance!

Max whispered next to him: You go to rest first, we will deal with it here, there will be no problem.

Obviously, Max has also taken precautions against this situation.

After all, every time Wang Qian appeared in a performance in Los Angeles, many fans at the scene would faint.

Naturally, they also expected that this might happen when Wang Qian appeared in New York.

Therefore, the hotel and the college have made preparations in advance.

Several ambulances drove over immediately, and the medical staff and everyone carried the fainted fans into the car for treatment, and a few minor ones woke up on the spot.

And at this time.

Wang Qian had already brought Qin Xuerong and the others into the hotel.

Max stayed outside to deal with matters, and it was Sophia who asked Wang Qian for his autograph in the car to lead the way.

Sophia was wearing a black slim dress and a black scarf on her head, like a princess who came out of a stage play. With her delicate face and temperament cultivated since childhood, she seemed to have stepped out of a fairy tale.

It has a completely different style of painting from the little fan girl who asked Wang Qian for his autograph in the car just now.

Sophia led Wang Qian and the others into the elevator, and introduced: Professor Wang Qian, everyone. Your rooms are all on the top floor...

After introducing the configuration of the hotel, Sophia looked at Wang Qian and said with a smile: Professor, I, Sophia, will be your personal assistant during your lecture. Do you have any needs in life or academics? You can contact me anytime you need it.”

As she spoke, Sophia handed her phone to Wang Qian. It was a business card without any title, and there was only a phone number on it, without a name.

Wang Qian casually took it and put it in his pocket: Thank you, I will contact you if necessary.

The elevator has come to the top floor.

This time, the Juilliard School also reserved the best rooms on this floor to entertain Wang Qian and his entourage.

Sophia thoughtfully sent Wang Qian and the others to their respective rooms one by one before turning around and leaving.

Walking into the elevator, Sophia breathed a sigh of relief, a flush of excitement immediately appeared on her calm face just now, she clenched her fist and waved it around, her slightly baby-fat cheeks were full of excitement and joy, and she whispered: I hope you can Wait for the professor's call.

She pinched the phone in her handbag, her eyes full of anticipation and a hint of something different.


Wang Qian called her.

She is willing to give everything for Wang Qian.


Finally checked into the hotel.

It's getting late.

When Wang Qian and Qin Xuerong walked into the room, they immediately began to wash and prepare to rest.

I hurriedly took a shower and finished washing.

The young couple is lying on the bed ready to sleep and rest.

Qin Xuerong reported today's work to Wang Qian.

Old Xu said that the increase in domestic users has slowed down a lot. Today you released a new work, and you haven't added many new users. There are only millions of new users, which is almost saturated.

Qin Xuerong whispered in Wang Qian's ear: There is also the Feiyue platform, and Byte contacted us again. He said that now a North American institution offered the most terrifying valuation of 80 billion US dollars! He asked us if we would accept it. This valuation price... If they accept it, they want 15% of the shares, and they may not be able to pay that much money, and ask us if we are willing to accept a part of the contract-shattering share exchange...

Exchange with a contractual share?

Well, Wang Qian could think that Byte is going to completely tie itself to their chariot.

Next step……

Are you about to start plotting your own Qianqianjingting and expand the big entertainment ecosystem of Byte again?

At that time, the goose factory is estimated to jump up...

Now in the field of online entertainment ecology, Goose Factory is almost the only one, and it is also the only one that controls the entire industrial chain by itself.

And this is what Byte wants to try. Just like Goose Factory has always been obsessed with the short video field, Byte has always been obsessed with the entertainment industry, and has been trying continuously in recent years.

If Wang Qian allows Byte to invest in Qianqianjingting, then Goose Factory will probably jump up in a hurry?

Because, once Byte has its own cultural and entertainment ecological chain and develops it, it can truly threaten the industrial layout of the entire Goose Factory from top to bottom, and Goose Factory will truly lose its throne as the king of the domestic Internet.

And once this kind of super Internet giant starts to go downhill, it is a terrible thing. It may be out of control, and it will face a situation where the wall is overthrown by everyone.

When Wang Qian thought of that scene, he couldn't help but find it funny.

As the saying goes.

The goose factory is in trouble, and everyone praises it.

Wang Qian also had the same idea.


He said softly: I refuse to exchange shares. I have no interest in entering Byte's other industries. Unless it can be lower than half the market price! North American institutions can offer Feiyue a terrifying valuation of 80 billion US dollars, It is optimistic about its potential, and there is still a lot of room for improvement in the future, and it may grow into a giant with a market value of hundreds of billions of dollars.

I exchange potential stocks with unlimited potential for improvement to the shares that have come to an end? This is impossible! Unless, they greatly reduce the price of the shares.

Wang Qian does not reject in-depth cooperation with Byte, but he just doesn't want to suffer for himself.

Douyue is of course the king of short video social platforms in China, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the number one traffic player in China. Byte also plans to spin off Douyue separately and go public.

However, the valuation of Douyue is already very high. It is said that the industry has already offered an ultra-high valuation of up to 120 billion US dollars.

However, now Feiyue has more users in the world than Douyue...

The current valuation of Feiyue has just reached 80 billion US dollars.

This is where the problem lies!

The development of Douyue has reached its limit, and the valuation has almost reached its limit.

However, Feiyue has just started, and its valuation will continue to rise in the future.

Now to exchange shares, Wang Qian is at a big loss.

Of course, taking cash is of course a loss, but Wang Qian can use cash to develop his own business, and this part of cash can also appreciate significantly, and the appreciation rate may exceed the appreciation rate of the future listing.


Wang Qian simply analyzed from the perspective of interests and refused.

Qin Xuerong: Okay, I will reply to them. They definitely don't want to procrastinate. The more they procrastinate, the higher the valuation will be. Maybe in a few days, someone will give a valuation of 100 billion U.S. dollars. After all, the development of the Feiyue platform has already It has completely established a user base that exceeds that of Facebook. As long as it operates well, it will be the king of short video social networking in the world. It may be difficult to threaten Facebook's status, but it is possible to become the second largest social platform after Facebook. Very big.

At that time, the value of the flying contract will still be higher than that of the shaking contract. We will lose a lot by exchanging shares now! My suggestion is that it is not just half the price, but two-thirds the price. That is to say, we use 100% Fifteen percent of the shares in exchange for more than 20 percent of the shares with voting rights. From this point of view, we will not lose money in a short time...

Qin Xuerong smiled wryly, then shook his head and said: But, this is impossible. It is impossible for Byte to give up more than 20% of the shares, and it also needs to have voting rights. At that time, it may threaten Byte to shake Covenant's control.

So, the exchange of shares is unlikely to proceed! However, if the valuation of the follow-up contract is higher, Byte may really not be able to pay that much money at that time.

Once the valuation reaches hundreds of billions of dollars, 15% of the shares will cost $15 billion, nearly hundreds of billions of Huaxia coins in cash!

Where can Byte take out such a large amount of cash without selling its properties and shares?

Wang Qian said indifferently: That's their business. If you can't pay for it, then don't buy it! When we have the controlling stake, we will form our own board of directors...

Qin Xuerong also laughed: Hahaha, Byte is afraid that such a scene will appear, and that we will lose control over making our wedding dress. So, they will try to find a way to sell everything!

Qin Xuerong changed his tone, looked at Wang Qian and said excitedly: If Byte spends a large amount of cash to buy equity at that time. In addition to the so much cash you earned in Los Angeles this time, then you will at least be able to Holding more than 20 billion U.S. dollars in cash, worth more than 100 billion Huaxia coins.

Then you'd be the individual with the most cash in the world. No one else has that much cash except those banks and other financial institutions.

Holding cash is the most loss-making way. It is depreciating every moment. Such a large amount of money will lose hundreds of millions every day...

Wang Qian: So, let's start throwing coins when we return home!

After the two chatted for a few words, Qin Xuerong dozed off and fell asleep in a daze.

Wang Qian thought about the next development direction of returning to China, fell asleep for a while, took out his mobile phone and looked at Qianqian Jingting!

Now, Qianqian Jingting has one billion users, which can be described as a giant in the domestic Internet field.


Qianqian Jingting is the first entertainment platform to become a giant-level existence, so everyone has not yet regarded Qianqian Jingting as a giant-level existence.

Entertainment is not necessary for people's life!

For the other major giants, Goose Factory is based on social platforms, and social networking is a must for people’s lives; Ali uses Taobao shopping as its traffic basis, and shopping is also a must for people’s lives; Baidu uses search engines as its traffic basis, which is why everyone goes online. A must-have; Byte is based on news and information, and news and information are also necessary for people's lives!

Several major Internet giants all control their own traffic portals, which are also the standard basis for giants, and have their own traffic sources.

If you still need to divert traffic to other platforms, you are handing over your own survival foundation to others. If you cannot control your own life and death, how can you be a giant?

As for Qianqianjingting, so far, it has not attracted any giants, relying entirely on Wang Qian's works to attract traffic, and has achieved such a terrifying user base.

Many people in the industry are waiting and watching and wondering, is it possible for Qianqian Jingting to become the basis of traffic?

If Qianqianjingting really becomes an Internet giant and can become a source of traffic by itself, then it shows that music entertainment is also a must in people's lives.

This also shows that the spring of the entertainment industry has really come, and the entertainment industry may soon become the next outlet.

Next, maybe several giants will vigorously develop their own entertainment industry.

Even, several other giants in the world will vigorously enter the entertainment industry and take a share in the next era of entertainment industry.

If this is the case, then Qianqianjingting will face greater competitive pressure if it wants to enter the international market.

Wang Qian's eyes flickered, thinking about many possibilities, and gently clicked on Qianqian Jingting's new song sales list for the new week.

He wanted to see how many sales these four works had won in China in one day?


How many people paid to download those two classical music works?

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