Debut After Eight Years

524. Influence beyond imagination! The signature of a thousand dollars! (seeking subscription)


Many European and American media people, as well as people in the music field and entertainment industry, etc., were extremely shocked at this moment.

Shocked, Wang Qian's influence in North America has grown to such an extent.

The whole world can see the grand occasion when Wang Qian left Los Angeles through the live broadcast of the TV station and the reports of various media, which is the first time in history that someone has done so.

However, after you think about it, you can understand it better.

After all, Wang Qian became famous all over the world in Los Angeles, and conquered the world with original music and live performances on the stage of the World Championship in Los Angeles.

Many local audiences in Los Angeles paid a huge price to see Wang Qian's performance, and hundreds of thousands of people participated in the past and gathered around the performance venue to experience the atmosphere of Wang Qian's performance.

Therefore, it is natural that many Los Angeles residents will become fans of Wang Qian. This is a phenomenon that many people in the industry can think of and understand.

Because, the more people in the industry breed, the more they understand how incredible Wang Qian's performances and works are.

The audience who watched Wang Qian's live performance could not resist Wang Qian's charm.


Why do so many people in New York come to the airport to surround Wang Qian?

Just to see Wang Qian for the first time?

You know, it's not daytime, it's almost late at night in New York!

These people ran to the airport without sleeping, and took a look at Wang Qian?

New York is the largest city in North America. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the largest city in the world in terms of its degree of development. It also has a senior and developed entertainment industry. What have people here not seen?

So many people who have never met Wang Qian were conquered by just relying on the music downloaded from the Internet?

Many of the media at the scene, as well as the melon-eaters who watched the media's reprinted reports on the Internet, were a little surprised and shocked.

As far away as Los Angeles, there are still a group of people who haven't slept.

Oni and other people from the program group are gathered together at this moment, watching the live broadcast of the program group's report from the New York airport. Looking at the crowded scene, it is no worse than when Wang Qian left Los Angeles. You can see a large number of people outside. Security personnel were maintaining order, and there seemed to be more people gathered outside.

The number of media gathered at the scene is no less than that of Los Angeles.

Thousands of Wang Qian's fans at the scene shouted Wang Qian's lyrics, and this picture spread to the world, which was extremely shocking.

There was a flash of shock in Oni's eyes, and he said softly: It seems that we still underestimated Wang Qian's influence in the world. His number of loyal fans around the world far exceeds our imagination... New York is like this, then, It might be the same elsewhere.”

Perhaps, the weekly sales volume of each of his works is as high as one billion, and these one billion people are all his fans?

Say these words.

The major copyright owners in the meeting room, as well as the representatives of the TV station were a little surprised and silent.

If a person has one billion loyal fans all over the world, his influence is absolutely unparalleled, and he is definitely the king of pop music in the world.

There are as many as one billion loyal fans, so the number of other people who have heard his works and know him will multiply several times, possibly including everyone in the world.

In other words!

Among the seven billion people in the world, no one does not know Wang Qian's name.

No one has not heard his work.

Such global influence.

Even the owner of the White House in North America can't do it.

And the program group has just finished cooperating with the king of pop, and will not be able to continue cooperating with Wang Qian next time.

Everyone in the conference room felt extremely uncomfortable, as if they had lost their greatest support.

As a newly joined representative, the representative of the TV station said softly: I think we should agree to his conditions and invite him back. Although we will lose a lot of profits and part of the control of the program. However, he If it can bring us greater success, our final harvest may be even greater.

The North American copyright representative shook his head and said lightly: Impossible, he wants 30% of the copyright and income. This is impossible. And this is what he quoted when he was in Los Angeles. Now that he has gone to New York, he knows We have more influence. We are now looking for cooperation, and they may increase the offer.”

Then we are all working for him, are you willing?

The words of the North American copyright representative silence everyone.

Everyone here now almost represents the top of the world's entertainment industry, so naturally they don't want to become purely working for Wang Qian.

Wang Qian wanted 30% of the copyright and income. They were fancy Wang Qian's huge popularity and interests, and they reluctantly agreed. As long as their top ten copyright owners unite and advance together, they will not be afraid of being controlled by Wang Qian. It doesn't matter if Qian's biggest profit is, as long as they can earn more!


If Wang Qian raised his offer again relying on his current super popularity, then they really couldn't tolerate it.

More than 40% of the copyright is sold out!

Then it is really too easy for Wang Qian to control the program group. It is enough to win over two or three copyright parties.

Moreover, after giving up 40% of the benefits, how much do they have left?

can't stand...

Only Zhou Qinghua supported cooperation in his heart, and he was willing to give up more benefits.

However, when everyone was reluctant, he still didn't dare to speak out. He himself was excluded and isolated by these European and American copyright owners. If he went against everyone again, he might be kicked out of the new program. , it will lose a lot.

Although Wang Qian was gone, Zhou Qinghua still believed that the new program would definitely be successful and profitable.

After all, the whole world is under the impact of the music wave. Now they are holding on to the tail of the World Championship and quickly launching a program of the same type. There is basically no possibility of failure, it just depends on the size of the harvest...

Someone immediately said: We just ignore him. I don't believe it, without him, we can't do it.

Someone else asked worriedly: Did Christine, Sophie, Miyuki Nakamori, and Green agree? They were with Wang Qian before...

Oni replied: We contacted Sophie and Christine, Miyuki Nakamori's agents, and their agents agreed in principle and said they would help persuade them. However, there has been no reply yet. I believe their agents will definitely Those who can convince them, after all, our offer is very sincere.

For others, Green doesn't have an agent. I contacted her personally, but she refused.

Adam, Elizabeth, Jonathan and the rest of the players have all agreed and initially signed a cooperation agreement. The rest is the specific details.

We are also discussing big-name singers outside, and we have already negotiated a few. No one can refuse our cooperation invitation...

There was a hint of arrogance in Oni's words.

Now, star singers in the entertainment circle all over the world hope to cooperate with them. They all know that their next show will definitely attract worldwide attention and will definitely be a big success. People standing on the stage will naturally get a lot of money. His attention and popularity, maybe he can match Wang Qian in one fell swoop, and then he will stand on top of the world.

Therefore, the invitation sent by Oni was almost never rejected.



And, Sophie, Christine, Miyuki Nakamori and others.

The North American representative immediately said: Sophie, Christine, Green, Nakamori Miyuki and the others disagree. Our previous ten players in the world championship are all unknown newcomers, and they can also achieve record success. The new program , we have invited so many powerful and big-name singers, we will definitely be more successful...

We can't give up too much profit like the last World Championship!

Everyone heard this, and when they thought of the contract signed by the World Championship, they gave up the copyright of the works performed by the players on the stage and all the income, and at the same time gave up the commercial income of the players during the performance, they felt distressed. Twitch straight.


Through their statistics.

The income generated by all the works performed by the ten contestants on stage, as well as the commercial cooperation income from off-site, also exceeded their combined advertising income and ticket income!

In this way, it seems that they were working for several players before.

And such a huge income is mainly concentrated on Wang Qian and Sophie, followed by Nakamori Miyuki, followed by Adam and Elizabeth and others.

The total income of these players combined is higher than the income of all ten of their copyright holders and the TV station.

Such a huge loss of profit made everyone in the program group wake up so distressed that they couldn't sleep.

Each copyright party loses at least one billion dollars!

With such a large amount of money, even the giants of Wall Street would be too distressed to eat, let alone those who have just made a fortune.


The contract for the new show is much more stringent than the player contract for the World Championships.

Half of the copyrights of the performances of all performers and guests belong to the program group, and naturally half of the proceeds belong to the program group.

Moreover, half of the commercial income of several newcomers during the performance period also belongs to the program group.

Those big names invited would naturally not give up their commercial income, and the program group did not say so.

However, even such a harsh contract, except for Wang Qian and the others, no one refused...

Everyone present thought of this and had more expectations for the future.

Looking at the TV screen with a pair of eyes, there is no such desire for Wang Qian appearing in the screen.


Wang Qian and everyone did not stay in the airport for too long, for fear of affecting the order of the airport.

After seeing Professor Max and others from the Juilliard School who came to pick up the plane, they immediately went out together, got into the car and left.

The luxury bus of the Juilliard School left the airport slowly.

Everyone in the car can see it. It is estimated that there are tens of thousands of people gathered at the airport, and the number of densely packed media is even hundreds. The teacher carried the camera and moved slowly with the bus, trying to capture the whole process of Wang Qian's departure.

The loud shouts still did not stop, and they could still be clearly transmitted into the luxury bus with good sound insulation.

We will, we will rock lure...

We will, we will rock lure...

We will, we will rock lure...

We will, we will rock lure...


There was even a humming sound from inside the car, and the driver and co-pilot hummed softly along with them, obviously very excited.

Wang Qian sat on the far side of the bus, the window was already open, he waved his hand to the outside, and shouted loudly: Thank you...

What responded to him on the spot was a louder singing voice: We will, we will rock lure...

Max sat opposite Wang Qian, his face was slightly red, and he said excitedly: Professor Wang Qian, I didn't expect that you are so popular in New York! When our college announced that you were going to give a lecture, It's like the whole city is getting excited.

You are the first to achieve such an achievement in the field of pop music.

Wang Qian smiled softly: Thank you, I didn't expect everyone to welcome me so much.

A young woman with extraordinary temperament walked over carefully from behind, opened a notebook, looked at Wang Qian and said with a little pleading: Professor Wang Qian, I am your most loyal fan. Whether it is your pop songs, or I like classical music very much, can you sign it for me?

Max said with a little helplessness: This is a student of our college's opera house, Sophia, her father is my student. She came to me today and asked me to bring her to pick you up.

Wang Qian nodded, took it, and looked at Sophia with a flash of appreciation in his eyes.

Sophia doesn't look very old, probably around twenty, this age is the peak period of youth and invincible beauty.

However, Sophia is a very typical European and American classical beauty. She was born in an art family and has an extraordinary temperament. In addition, she studied opera, so she has a strong artistic and aristocratic atmosphere, and her big eyes are full of agility.

Wang Qian was about to write.

Sophia said hurriedly: Wait, professor, can you write in Chinese characters? I heard that your Chinese characters are art in themselves, very beautiful.

Qin Xuerong beside Wang Qian, as well as Qin Xuehong, Jiang Yu, Juliet, Murong Yue and others all looked at Sophia curiously. Didn't expect this Juilliard student to know that Wang Qian's calligraphy is rare?

Wang Qian smiled and asked curiously, How do you know?

Sophia looked directly at Wang Qian, with undisguised admiration in her eyes, and replied with a smile: It's not a secret. Your signature at Curtis Institute last time is already a very rare work of art in New York. I see I’ve had two of them, and they’re very pretty. Besides, I heard from my father that someone bought your autograph at a high price.”

A thousand dollars a word! I've never seen such a high price for words. Of course, those artists who have been dead for hundreds of years don't count.

Wang Qian raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect his calligraphy to be so popular in New York?

In fact, this is not calligraphy, just a signature.

Wang Qian immediately wrote a line of Chinese characters on the paper with a pen—for Sophia, Wang Qian!

Sophia happily took the notebook, and said excitedly, Thank you Professor, I will treasure it well.

Wang Qian smiled: You're welcome, it's just a signature.

Sophia still wanted to talk to Wang Qian, but seeing Max's serious eyes, she quickly turned around and left, returned to the back seat and sat down.

Watching Sophia go back to sit down, Max looked at Wang Qian and said apologetically, Sorry, Professor, for causing you trouble.

Wang Qian shook his head: It's okay, Professor Max, it's just a signature.

Max laughed and said, Actually, your autographs do have a big market in New York. After you wrote some autographs in Curtis's lecture last time, several collectors spent money to acquire these autographs, and then Word got around in New York, and other collectors and rich people were curious to join in the acquisition, which inflated the value of the autograph.”

Now, in the collection market in New York, it is not easy to buy your signature. Those who have signatures will not sell them easily. They think that having a collection of your signature is something worth showing off.

Wang Qian laughed and said, Oh? Then, Professor Max, do you want my autograph?

Max also smiled and said, Of course, if possible.

The two had a little joke.

However, Max took out a piece of paper and asked for Wang Qian's signature.

And Wang Qian also wrote a line of words to Max seriously, and presented it to Max, who also packed it in his bag very seriously.

left the airport.

The singing became smaller and smaller.

Wang Qian also closed the car window and began to rest, took out his mobile phone and looked at it.

It's past zero.

Wang Qian remembered it curiously, clicked on the music platform, and looked at some of his works, how are the sales volume today?

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