Debut After Eight Years

511. The only super rich genius who does not rely on technology to make money! (seeking subscription

Almost all other singers, many celebrities who released songs, big-name Internet celebrities, and cross-border celebrities released their prepared works immediately after the early hours of the morning!

They are always paying attention to their achievements in the new week, expecting to gain more than last week.

Everyone was pleasantly surprised when they saw that their rankings had improved compared to last week...


Then they discovered that it was because Wang Qian, Sophie, and Nakamori Miyuki, who occupied the top 18 seats last week, had not released their works.

Then, except for a few people such as Christine and Green who were not disturbed by this, all other singers and celebrities who released their works in the European and American music circles were waiting for Wang Qian and Sophie with anxiety. The works of Miyuki Nakamori and others are released.

They all enjoy the ranking at the moment and the sales at the moment.

However, they all know that this is short-lived. Wang Qian, Sophie, and Nakamori Miyuki will definitely release their works tonight, and they will all suffer blows because of this.

that is……

I don't know how long this time is.

Even Yun Na, Robert, Xi Na, O'Connor and other queen-level singers seemed very anxious because of this.

Because, Yunna temporarily climbed to the eighth spot on the sales list!

Robert and others also ranked in the top ten, all of which are their best results since they released their songs recently.

Therefore, they all want to maintain such a ranking and bring them more fame and fortune!


It didn't last long.

Their positions have not been maintained for an hour.

The works of Wang Qian, Sophie, and Nakamori Miyuki were released together.

Wang Qian parachuted into the top two in two seconds, occupied two of the top ten positions, and took advantage of the trend to squeeze Yun Na out of the top ten!

What's even more terrifying!

The increase in sales of Wang Qian's other two works for musical instruments is also extremely terrifying, and they are also moving towards the top ten.

The works of Sophie and Nakamori Miyuki also have a large number of fans, and the sales have also exploded in a very short period of time...

The entire music world was shocked by this.

Many young big-name singers who were popular a few months ago feel as if they are old and abandoned by the times.

They released their works a few months ago and can still compete for the top three, and even win the weekly championship...

Now, even the top ten is a luxury for them.

Today, only Christine is still able to stand tall, and many other popular singers before have been squeezed out to the back.

On the sales list in recent weeks, except for Christine, everyone else is a rookie singer in the World Championship!

This heralds...

The world pop music world is about to face a new round of reshuffle, newcomers are about to rise to the top, and old people are about to become second- and third-rate!


At this time, everyone was still shocked by Wang Qian's unparalleled appeal.

Hundreds of millions of sales were harvested in just a few seconds, and all the people in the industry and the media around the world once again witnessed how incredible the King of Popularity is.

All major social media were shocked like an instant explosion.

Many of the world's largest media outlets came out one after another to grab the attention, and many big-name singers and musicians also expressed shocking remarks, and they were once again shocked by Wang Qian.

Los Angeles Times: Create hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue in one second! In this regard, fruit and Microsoft are far inferior to the singer Wang Qian from China. He explained to the world what a person's musical talent can achieve. To the extent that it can make the whole world surrender, it can make money faster than technology giants, and even Wall Street admires it.”


Times: This is the last madness of The Voice World Championship, and it is also Wang Qian's last swan song in the world. He and the World Championship stage have achieved each other. In the future, such a stage will never appear again, and it will never appear again This is Wang Qian who made the world crazy. However, it is they who opened up a new era of world pop music together, opened an era in which music dominates the world's entertainment industry! From now on, pop music will be the mainstream of the entertainment industry.


Character: Although Christmas has just passed and this year has just begun. However, Professor Wang Qian has been elected as the most influential person of the year without any dispute. Perhaps, he will also become the most profitable person of the year! Perhaps, A hundred years later, we will still think of him when selecting the most influential person in the past century.


Music Weekly: Before, I always had a question, what is pop music? music.


Wall Street Journal: He is the most talented musician in history! However, he is also the most profitable genius we have ever seen. Speaking of entrepreneurial genius, you may think of the founders of Microsoft, Fruit, Tesla...they They all changed the world. But, I think, none of them can compare to Wang Qian. Wang Qian’s money-making speed has surpassed them. According to our statistics, Wang Qian’s published works, prize money and commercial income during the World Championship alone reached 100 At the same time, the Qianqian Jingting platform he created in Huaxia has also developed rapidly, and its valuation has exceeded 40 billion U.S. dollars.

At the same time, he also participated in the creation of Feiyue, which is now a hot topic in the world, and constantly attracts people for Feiyue, making Feiyue the fastest-growing short video platform and an existence that can be compared with Youtube. The industry capital has given With a valuation of 40 billion U.S. dollars...

Therefore, we can estimate that his net worth has exceeded 50 billion US dollars at least! Such a huge net worth was only created by him within half a year. It is definitely the fastest money-making person in history...

The most incredible thing is that his accumulation of wealth is not supported by epoch-making technology. Entrepreneurs who have accumulated wealth rapidly in history have relied on technological advantages to quickly accumulate wealth. But he is not like this. He is the only one A genius who has amassed wealth rapidly through thought and talent.


The Wall Street Journal is very professional, and its long report on Wang Qian further caused a sensation in the world.


Many people had a clearer understanding of Wang Qian's wealth and were even more shocked.

Such a talented existence is actually a successful entrepreneur who accumulated tens of billions of wealth in just half a year?

Who can stand this?

Many fans were excited again.

My God, this is the difference between me and a genius, right? Sure enough, it's even bigger than the difference between me and a piece of shit.

Tens of billions of dollars? Are you sure? When did dollars get so worthless? Are you sure the things he created are worth so much?

To tell you the truth, the dollar is indeed worthless.

I don't care how much money he has, how much he is worth. I just care, when can I see his live performance next time? When can I release my first album?

Yeah, now that he's so rich, will he still release songs in the future? Will he make money specifically?

After listening to 500 lls, I just cried. This is the ballad I want the most.

If I can't hear Wang Qian's songs in the future, I will be very disappointed.

Finally downloaded all of Wang Qian's works, by the way, how about using this suona for dancing?

I first downloaded Wang Qian's piano works. My father said that this is a switch of a great series, which has a special meaning and must be learned.

I'm still at the performance venue. Now there are tens of thousands of people playing Wang Qian's songs and dancing together. It's so cool...


Many big-name singers have felt Alexander.

To be in the same era as such an unprecedented talent made them feel like they were out of luck.

Robert said on Facebook: Professor Wang Qian's attractiveness is unparalleled. Tonight we are all witnesses to history, witnessing the birth of a generation of pop music kings and a generation of classical music masters!

Robert obviously turned into Wang Qian's fan licking the dog, speaking frantically to praise Wang Qian.

This has kept the sales of his works growing, and it is still ranked seventeenth, with sales of more than 8 million, better than last week, which will bring him more income.

Why wouldn't he do something that could make money?

Green once again said on Facebook with a big mouth: It is your honor that other people can be at the same time as Professor Wang Qian!

Well, this talented woman with a big mouth was directly ignored by many people in the industry.

Because everyone knew that she was Wang Qian's brainless fan, and it didn't make sense to reason with her, and she was fearless, anyone dared to complain.

Not to mention, now that Green's popularity seems to have surpassed that of Adam, she is a rising super rookie singer, and everyone doesn't want to offend her.


Wang Qian lay in the bathtub, enjoying Qin Xuerong bathing him, and fell asleep for a while!

It took half an hour to wake up.

Therefore, he has no idea about what happened outside, nor is he very interested.

Qin Xuerong was quietly accompanying him beside him.

Wang Qian opened his eyes and was taken aback: I fell asleep?

Qin Xuerong: Well, you've been too tired these days. It's too late today, why don't we go to bed and rest? Work tomorrow?

Wang Qian looked at the time, slept for half an hour, regained his energy, and smiled: Forget it, let's get the work done first, it won't take long!

With that said, Wang Qian left the bathroom, put on his home pajamas, sat on the sofa in the living room and turned on the live broadcast of Goose Factory Weishi. The number of people in the live broadcast room was directly 200 million.

Goose Factory has been promoting it for more than half an hour in advance, and the huge domestic fans have been looking forward to it for a long time. When Wang Qian started the broadcast, they all poured into the live broadcast room!

This has brought huge traffic to Goose Factory's short video platform.

And 200 million viewers is just the starting point.

Wang Qian casually broadcasted the live broadcast for seven or eight minutes, and chatted with everyone. The number of people online in the live broadcast room directly soared to more than 700 million people, and almost all the Internet users in the country were wiped out. This increased the short video business potential of Goose Factory Weishi several grades.

The inside of the goose factory cheered endlessly, and they all felt that this large sum of money was worth it!

Although, they have spent billions on Wang Qian recently.

However, if you can revive the short video business and be able to stand up to the court, it will be worthwhile, and even make a lot of money.

Once the short video business of Goose Factory is revived, Goose Factory will have a huge traffic entrance, further improve the industrial ecology, and at the same time weaken the competitor Byte.

Reflected in the stock market, the market value of the goose factory has risen by hundreds of billions, and it is still rising slowly.

Many shareholders and experts have praised on various platforms recently that Goose Factory spared no expense to cooperate with Wang Qian, which is a wonderful move!

At the same time!

The market value of Byte is also rising, and it is skyrocketing.

Because the explosion of Feiyue platform in the world has let everyone know that behind this is the cooperation between Byte and Wang Qian.

In entering the international market, Byte has come to the forefront again, and it has been more successful than last time!

Even if the domestic short video business is eaten away by Goose Factory, it will not affect the progress of the overall development of Byte, so the increase in market value is more terrifying than Goose Factory, with a surge of more than 20%...

The development of these two giants was brought about by Wang Qian alone.

The other giants stared at Wang Qian with jealousy.


They all know that it is already too late for them to enter now.


The World Championship is over.

The biggest stage is gone, and Wang Qian is about to leave Los Angeles, so Wang Qian's aura and attention will drop significantly.

Many domestic fans and viewers also know this, so they flocked to the live broadcast room to watch Wang Qian's last live broadcast in Los Angeles.

When the number of people in the live broadcast room slowly increased to 800 million.

Wang Qian said goodbye and ended this live broadcast!

As for the live broadcast of Douyue, Wang Qian decided to start the broadcast tomorrow, anyway, it was within the normal contract at that time.

Another message was posted on Weibo, which sparked heated discussions on Weibo, and Wang Qian ended his short-term work.


With a relaxed breath, Wang Qian relaxed a lot.

Qin Xuerong had already made the bed, and shouted to Wang Qian: Go to bed when you're tired, we'll negotiate a contract with the program team as soon as possible tomorrow, and we can go home the day after tomorrow.

Wang Qian nodded: Okay, let me check the sales.

After speaking, Wang Qian turned on the phone, only to notice that there were several unread messages.



Have you sent yourself a message?

Wang Qian frowned slightly, the meaning of the message they sent was similar, and they both wanted to meet him alone.

Based on Wang Qian's recent experience, he can almost imagine what these two people think.

Although, whether it is Christine's unisex neutral ceiling appearance, as well as his casual and confident temperament, or Green's explosive figure and top-notch appearance of the Nordic people, he recognizes it very much, and he does not agree at all. Lost to Jennifer and Sophie.


Wang Qian was really powerless.

Now in the hotel, there are several people waiting for him.

If it was before, Wang Qian really didn't want to go, he just wanted to ignore them, sleep with his head covered and get through tonight, and fight them again tomorrow after recharging his energy.


Sleep for a while now.

Wang Qian felt more energetic physically and mentally!


Can you try it?

Wang Qian's heart was about to move, and he looked at Qin Xuerong who was already lying down and ready to sleep. He didn't need to pay the public rations, and he had a little more reserves.

Thoughts were chaotic in his heart, Wang Qian's eyes lit up slightly as he looked at the latest sales list.

no doubt!

The first and second are both Wang Qian, and their sales have exploded.

Wang Qian was not surprised by this, nor was there much surprise.

To his surprise.

The other two works unexpectedly entered the top ten at this moment.

Wang Qian murmured in a low voice in surprise: Our Huaxia suona is really unstoppable? Do foreigners like to listen?

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