Debut After Eight Years

38. In the bustling Haidilao, who is calling Dad?

The familiar magic capital.

Familiar excitement.

Familiar busy.

Wang Qian carried his backpack and followed the hurried crowd out of the station.

From a distance, Qin Xuerong could be seen standing there, wearing ordinary casual clothes, it seemed that he went back and changed his clothes, holding a sign that said boss.

I don't know, I thought she was here to pick up my boss.

Seeing Wang Qian, Qin Xuerong immediately put away the sign, smiled happily, and waved to Wang Qian: This way.

Wang Qian's heart was warm, and he had a feeling of going home. He nodded to Qin Xuerong, and walked outside together: You really don't need to be in such a hurry to pick me up. Your own work is the most important.

Qin Xuerong: I'm not busy at work, it's not like Jiang Jiang is back in the capital, Xiaoyue went to Shanghai Music Academy for exchange and study, and I haven't had a good meal these days, so I just went to have a hot pot meal with you, hehe Hee, it’s agreed that I will treat you, I have loaded a lot of money on the membership card in your store, and I am not afraid of you eating it.”

Wang Qian smiled, knowing that Qin Xuerong had fully recharged a hundred thousand, even if Haidilao's consumption was not low, a meal of thousands of dollars would cost hundreds of meals.

Of course, Wang Qian didn't say anything, but when the time comes to pay the bill, Qin Xuerong won't really be treated.

In his own shop, Wang Qian is not so thick-skinned for letting others treat guests.

Qin Xuerong specially drove a high-end business car to pick up Wang Qian, so that Wang Qian would be comfortable sitting in the back row, allowing Wang Qian to rest for a while.

While driving, Qin Xuerong chatted over and over again: Jiang Jiang and Aunt He have already set off, and they will probably arrive in the evening and stay at my place. When do you have time to meet them?

Wang Qian thought for a while: Then tomorrow.

Qin Xuerong: Then Auntie He must be very happy. I heard from Jiang Jiang that Auntie He likes this piece very much, and even said that it is a masterpiece. Hehe, Jiang Jiang is very upset.

Wang Qian: Why is she unhappy?

Qin Xuerong said seriously: Because, in this way, you will surpass her! She has been very strong since she was a child, and she must be the first in the professional field. If anyone is better than her, she will always try to surpass her. Therefore, she has always been a professional She won the first place in the assessment and graduated with a doctorate in advance! This is the first in Yangyin, and the school originally hired her to stay and teach, but she refused.

I heard from my sister that Jiang Jiang is ranked among the top in the country in the professional field. This refers to young students, not including the older generation.

Wang Qian: Hehe, I didn't surpass her.

Qin Xuerong: If you tell her this to her face, she will be happier.

Wang Qian said again: I am better than her, how can I surpass her?

Qin Xuerong was speechless for a while, and then said: You are very similar to her in this way. You think you are the best all day long.

Wang Qian looked out the window and said firmly: This is the truth!


Qin Xuerong laughed: Okay, this is the truth.

She glanced at Wang Qian in the rearview mirror, only feeling amused.

The car soon came to the entrance of Haidilao store, which Tang Feifei was in charge of.

At this time, it was not time for dinner, but the entrance was already full, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that it was crowded.

Tang Feifei and a few waiters are maintaining order, asking everyone to line up, explaining that the business has not yet started.

However, these tens of hundreds of people just refused to leave, and insisted on waiting here for business to eat.

Tang Feifei had no choice but to send them a number and wait for the next number to eat.

As the boss, Wang Qian would definitely not queue up.

Because, he won't go to the hall to eat.

Bringing Qin Xuerong into the store from the back door, the inside is busy, everyone is preparing dinner, and every employee is very serious.

I saw Wang Qian coming in.

Several employees hurriedly said hello.

Boss, here we come.

Boss! You're still alive.

Boss, you haven't lost contact...

Boss, let's hang out again.

None of these employees are serious.

Wang Qian glared at the little girls, and then asked, Are you busy recently?

Each character is tall and beautiful, and the girl in charge replied: Of course I'm very busy. It used to be full every day. Now, not only is it full every day, but it's hard to stand outside. The bosses of several shops next to me have come to Feifei and said We have affected their business. Sister Feifei discussed with us and extended the business hours at noon and evening by one hour, so that we can receive more customers.

Wang Qian froze for a moment: Why didn't you discuss it with me?

The girl gave Wang Qian a blank look: Sister Feifei said, she called you but didn't get through, so I will tell you when you come. I won't tell you this.

After the girl finished speaking, she looked curiously at Qin Xuerong who was standing next to Wang Qian, and saw that Qin Xuerong was standing almost close to Wang Qian, with both hands helping Wang Qian carry the backpack. She was very beautiful, tall and well-proportioned, and looked young , is also very well-behaved, and her temperament is a few blocks away from her. It seems to be the one who ate with the boss last time?


The girl nodded to Qin Xuerong to say hello.

Qin Xuerong hurriedly responded with a smile: Hello, my name is Qin Xuerong.

Girl: My name is Li Yan. Just call me Yanzi. Are you the boss' girlfriend?

Qin Xuerong narrowed his eyes when he smiled, and wanted to nod and say yes, but he was afraid of making Wang Qian unhappy, so he chose to smile and remain silent.

Wang Qian glared at Li Yan: Hurry up and do your work, are you concerned about my affairs? This is my friend, don't gossip.

Li Yan was not afraid at all, and suggested to Qin Xuerong: Our boss is a straight man of titanium steel, you have to take the initiative.

Wang Qian pushed Li Yan away: Nonsense, hurry up!

After speaking, Wang Qian immediately walked inside.

Qin Xuerong covered her mouth and laughed, nodded to Li Yan and gave a thumbs up, Li Yan also nodded with a smirk.

Don't listen to their nonsense.

Wang Qian exhorted Qin Xuerong.

Qin Xuerong looked at Wang Qian with eyes like water, and suppressed a smile: Oh! I see.

Tang Feifei passed by with her things, and saw Wang Qian put them down in a hurry: Oh, my big boss, you finally showed up...

Wang Qian said with a straight face: What's the matter? Can't you call if you have something to do?

Tang Feifei glanced at Qin Xuerong: I made a call, but you didn't answer it.

Wang Qian was taken aback for a moment, knowing that it might be when the program was being recorded today, and the phone was muted: Tell me, what's the matter. Extend the business hours?

Tang Feifei nodded, looked at Qin Xuerong again, and said: Yes, we have extended the business hours for noon and evening by one hour, so that we can receive hundreds more customers a day, and the implementation will start tonight.

Wang Qian nodded, no objection to this.

In fact, he planned to do the same when he came this time, but he didn't expect these employees to be so assertive that they would decide to act on their own.

With such employees, his boss is indeed a lot easier.

Tang Feifei glanced at Qin Xuerong again.

Qin Xuerong understood now, and immediately took the initiative to say: I'll go to the bathroom!

Tang Feifei pointed: Over there!

Qin Xuerong put down Wang Qian's backpack, turned and walked to the bathroom.

Wang Qian wanted to say that it was unnecessary, but he didn't open his mouth. He looked at Tang Feifei: What's the matter?

Tang Feifei whispered: Boss, how is the branch?

Wang Qian thought for a while: At the end of the year! The funds are almost ready, and the location is promising. When the funds are collected at the end of the year, we will open a branch. The store manager chooses one of the several managers...

Tang Feifei stretched out her thumb: The boss is amazing, he insisted on buying a storefront! In the past few days, many people have come to me, saying that they want to see you, and want to invest in our Haidilao. There are also those who directly want to buy out a wholly-owned subsidiary, I have been perfunctory Take a moment. What do you think, boss? Do you want to accept some funds so that we can expand faster?

Wang Qian nodded, waved his hand and said, You did a good job. All these people refused to drive away. When you come back next time, just say that we don't accept any funds for equity participation. Low-interest or interest-free loans can be considered.

Tang Feifei nodded seriously with a pretty face: Okay, I know what to do.

After reporting the work, Tang Feifei changed her tone, with a gossip smile on her face: Boss, have you taken this beauty?

Wang Qian pushed Tang Feifei away: Get lost, it's none of your business.

Tang Feifei chuckled, picked up a plate of food and left.

Wang Qian shouted again: Give me a pot in the office, I'll eat something here.

Tang Feifei shouted without looking back: Got it, I'll fix it for you right away.

Qin Xuerong washed her hands in the bathroom, walked back, and followed Wang Qian into the office: It's agreed, I'll treat you.

Wang Qian: It's okay, just come to my place to eat.

Qin Xuerong was secretly delighted, she felt that Wang Qian treated her as his own, and that he had made a further step.

All right.

Qin Xuerong reservedly agreed, and then went to help Tang Feifei and the others serve food together, bringing a hot pot over, just like the employees in the store.

The two ate early in the office.

Outside, more people gathered at the door of the store, and the queue took up half the street. When the store opened half an hour earlier, there were already hundreds of people waiting.

As soon as the door opened, those who came early rushed in immediately, and the tables were full.

Sophie is one of them.

She often brings people over for dinner recently, but only one day the one who came early got it, and the other few times she didn't get a seat because she didn't come early enough.

She followed Wang Qian's Weibo, so today she saw Wang Qian's message saying that she would come to the store. Although she didn't say which one of the two stores it was, she believed it was here.

Because, it was here that she met Wang Qian by chance last time.

This time, she believed that she could still meet Wang Qian here.

So, she came over after lunch, and by the way opened the outdoor live broadcast to interact with everyone.

Enter the store and sit down.

Sophie breathed a sigh of relief, put the mobile phone that was still on the live broadcast on the table facing herself, and said with a smile: Eating is as intense as fighting. This is the only place in the whole magic city, maybe the whole country.

Everyone on the bullet screen agreed.

I agree. I went several times, but I didn't get a seat, so I stopped going. I was afraid of waiting for hours for nothing, and starved to death there.

May'er, hurry up and find the boss, and ring the boss' clock.

Where's the boss? Where's the boss?

Let's serve.

Fair, ask the boss a sensitive question.


Sophie also looked left and right, looking for Wang Qian's figure.

However, I couldn't find it after looking for a while, so I had to order first.

Eating hot pot by myself...

Sophie ordered a lot in one go, and wanted to eat back what she hadn't eaten a few times before.

At this time.

Sophie saw a familiar figure appearing inside.

He is tall and well-proportioned, with a handsome face and vicissitudes of life, and he is dressed in ordinary clothes.


Sophie couldn't help shouting.

She wants to call the boss.

However, because I am too excited!

All of a sudden, he called the boss his father.

Everyone else in the store heard it.

All eyes focused on Sophie.

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